He comes from a long line of comic talent Werl. whrle he shares a surname with Groucho. Chrco. Gurnmo. Zeppo. Harpo and Karl, he's probath yet to write anything gurte as funny as the Viaduct why a duck sketch, the stateroom scene. the 'shooting an elephant rn my pyjamas Joke Or the supendOusly amusth yet SOCIally aware Sitcom. Das Kaprtal

A joke in a million Strll, he rs responsible for writing a very fine skit aneut a chap whose drunken sexual urges result in a compromrsmg moment With a Snowman. Unfortunately. he discovers that he's actually humping an albino.

He suffers for his art There aren't many people who'd go on the hunt for a brrde Simply to get a comedy show (and a book) Out of rt. But Carey did so last year wrth his show Marry Me.

It’s magic, you know Marx started off his showbusiness career as a magician but. thankfully, he’s left all that behind to concentrate on iust being funny.

Anagrammatically speaking Rumour has rt that he has invented an Ointment that salves the body from that particular chafing some people get when they go for a hosprtal scan. It's called 'X-ray cream‘.

I The Stand. Glasgow. Thu 13 Apr.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurx. ()mni Centre. (ireenxide l’lace. HS7H7 870707. Spin. L‘lll. Strapping ('anadian loin Stade teams up \\ ith .o\u\\ie 'l’remr (took and Mike Milligan ta relati\e of Spike. perhaps'.’i.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 55S 7373. 9pm. L‘S (£7i. Mrs Barbara Nice \xelcoinex all into her stand-up bosom. \upported h} Adrian l’o) nton. e\plo\i\ e entertainer .lanice l’ha} re and Bruce I)e\ hit.

The Bedlam lmproverts Bedlam 'l‘heatre. I lh Brixto Place. 335 0803. Ill.3()pin. £3.50 (£3.50 £3). See l-ri 3|.

Saturday 8 '


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(‘ Building. Rent-re“ Street. 08707 870707. Spin. £l3. See Fri 7.

Cosy Comedy Cafe The State Bar.

42 THE LIST 30 Mar—l3 Apr .3006

It’s a right old alphabet soup at the Liquid Room as the Cubans give us some hot bits from the all-new A to 2 album. Get a hook on their ‘passionate’ attitude towards

partying and performing.

The Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Thu M A; )1.

HS Holland Strch. 930 038‘). 9pm. to lf5). See Sal l.

The Stand The Sldliil. 5.35 \YiiiitllrllltlS Road. 0870 MN) (3055. 9pm. UH l£S ). Sec l'il'l 7.

Edinburgh Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttliglelll'\. ()mni ('enire. (ireenxidc l’lace. (N707 S7ll7ll7. Spin. L'l3. See Hi 7.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. till (LS). See Hi 7.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road, (LS-H) (il)() (M55. S3llpm. [J

IL‘l [5 l. Michael Redmond entertains in his uxual luguhrioux xi} le. \\ ith coined} \upport l'roin l’hil Hillier.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. Ipin. liree. See Sun 3.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7373. SNWIH. £4 it‘l £3i, Bruce l)e\lin “Clet‘lllCS ()ldhani lad Dominic \Yooduai‘d to \lidl‘e lii\ coined} stage.

Monday 10

Glasgow Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The

Stand. 555 Woodlands Road. 0370 (will) (M55. S.3llpin. £4. See Wed 5.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558

x373. S.3l)pin. L'l. It's a true L'Ulilt‘tl} loiter} as more neucoinerx \hoxx oll their best lines. supported h} an

e\perienccd compete and headliner.

Tuesday 1 1


Red Raw 'l‘llL' Sldlitl. 5.55 \Ytiiitllilliils Road. tix7ti (till) (M55. S.3(lpni. £3 til i. Sec \ltili lll,


Melting Pot The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. H.3llpin. £5 it'3.5li Llli. .\'oi quite the cultural nielange pi'opoxed h} l‘)7()\ popsteIN Blue .\link. but a chance tor Scotland's rixing stars to show otl their short theatre plt'cex. u ith the

\\ inner decided h} the audience.

Wednesday 1 2


Bruce’s Quarterly The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. S.3(lpin. £4 1L3 Ur. Stand regular Bruce l)e\ lin lrontx ilm li\e inaga/inc \hoxi. packed \\ ith romance and DH illlL‘llllligh. plus an ori- the—xpot audience inakeo\ er and

harrou ing real-lite drama.


The Thursday Show lhe Stand. 3.35 \\'iitiill;lllil\ Rudd. HS7H (illll (ill55 S3llpin, to (L3 L5i. ('ai‘e} 'unltick} in lo\e' .\lar\ llllL'\ tip alongside cock} coinic .\latt Blai/c. l’hil Hitler and l'rance\ Heal}. Baud} law .lanc Macka) take\ on competing dutiex. See 5 Reasons tor .\lai'\.

Edinburgh Don Quixote Comedy Nite 'l he Arcade Bar. 43 ('ockhuin Street. 33” I307. ‘lpin. L3 tL'3i. 'l'he l)on ()inwie creu. lcattiring Bill} Kirkuood. Aidan .\lc(‘)uade. Mark Nelson and la}. return to the capital lor another night ol ll'ee \xhceling laugh» The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. 9pm. Ur 153 UL The original Northern ll'l\ll Big l’ig. Marlin .\lor. lcanix tip \iith l)crck Johnston and hoinhaxiic hod Raynond .\learnx.

Big Word Fifth Birthday 'l'he 'l ron. 0 Hunter Square. High Street. 33h U93 I. ‘) l Ipni. L3 it3i. 'l‘he perlorinance poetr} e\lra\agan/a cclehratex reaching the grand old age oi the. marking the occaxion \\ ith more rh}ine del}ing inadnesx lr'oin Leicester's Roh (ice. Brendan .\lc(‘loud. Brixiohan l.uc_\ linglixh. \hellxuit nearer (iat') Robertson and Tickle. Hosted as e\cr h} \cl'w inaxierx Jeni Rtillx and Jenn) LilltlSil}.

The Snatch Social The Liquid Room. ‘k Victoria Street. 32.5 350-1. I [put 3am. £5. Tonight. the awesome ('uhan Brothers giie it loads. See picture caption.