Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 30


Jongleurs Comedy Club JHllg'lL'lllx. l‘(l(' Btiildiiig. chlrcu Strch. 05707 S70707, Spin. £7 t£3i. l‘ttl'llll'lg'lll ttinn} lad} .lanc} (iodlc) \harm thc Iiiiiclight u illi pop alicioiiado Sand} .\'cl\oii. dcadpaii niaii .-\iithoti_\ King and lndcr .\laiioch.i.

The Thursday Show ‘I ltL' Stand. Hi \Voodlandx Road. 0370 000 0055. .S_3llplll. £o t£3 £5 i. ('anadiaii \lll‘l'L'dllSl ’l‘on} l.a\\ lcaiiix tip \xilh Kc\ iii Bridgcx. ll'lSlt lad Kcilli l‘arnan. Rick} Sparklc\ atid \harp tongticd hoxt Bi‘ticc l)c\ llll.


Big Word Performance Poetry lhc 'li'oii. ‘) lltintci' Stitiarc. lligh Slrccl. 33o (N3 I. 0pm. £3 t£2i. .\ \i\-acl \pccial lcaltii'ing :\lltll‘L"\ \Vithcrxpoon. \laiii chattip Jo} Brain (iichcn. \iiigct'—\oiig\\ritcr \Villiani l)otig|a\. .’\\ll l)ickin\on and lilxpclh Murray llmtcd h} .lctii Roll\ and .lcnii} l.|lltl\;l}. Capital Comedy lllL' .-\icadc Bar. 4.\ ('ockhtirn Strch 220 I207. ‘)piii. £3. Bill} Kirkixood llt)\t\ llll\ hcncliccnt coiiicd} night. \ihcrc part ol lhc lickct pricc gocx to charit}.

The Thursday Show lltL‘ Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. Upin. £(i (£3 £5i. Staiidtip giatil Bi‘ciidan Btii‘kc joinx coiticth lorccx u itli John (iordillo. loriiici‘ prixon gtiard .‘\\a Vidal and And) Mcl’artland. Scc picttii'c caption lor Vidal.

The Snatch Social 'l‘lic Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria .Sll'L'Cl. 33.5 3.504.

I lpiii 3ani. £5. llarr} .-\in\\iorlh and 'l'oti} ('artcr do thcir titanic coiiicd_\ thing. accoiiipaiiicd StilllL'tlll} h} Bahcs and ll't‘lttl} \Vctid}.


Watson’s Wind-up (ilaxgim l-‘ilui 'l‘llL'illl'L'. l3 RUSL‘ Stt‘cct. .333 <\'l3i\'. lpiii. l’t‘cc htit tickctcd. 'l‘opical coiiicd} t'tin at lhc i'ccording ol' BB(‘ Scotlaiid'x popular \kctch \hou \tari‘iiig .loiiatliaii \Vatxon.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltiltglt‘ltt’S. l'(i(' Building. chlrc“ Strcct. 08707 870707. Spin. £l0. Scc Thu 30.

You Owe Me Glue Blackl'riai-x. 3h Bcll Sticct. 0S70 (H3 3404. 8pm. £3. .\loi‘c \ttrrcalixt \kctcli \hoix magic l'roiii 'l‘otii Brogan and l-iawr ('ainphcll. pltix Bcrtic ihc llapp} Btinn} and l)ari'an liglillttttl}.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Vtiodlttttdx Road_ 0370 (till) 0055. 8.30pm. £.\’ t£7l. Bi/arrc raitihling\ l'roitt ('anadian \pacc cach 'l‘on} l.a\\. pllh )iitiitgxtcr ch in Bridgcx. Kcith l'arnan. Rick} .Sptll'le‘S :ttttl littSI lil‘llu‘ l)C\ lllt.

Edinburgh Flipped to the Funny Side North lidinhttrgh .-\l'l\ (‘cntrc. l5a l’cnn} \xcll (‘oiirt. 3l5 2151. 3pm. £5 t£3 £3.50). Blttchoat‘x popular laiiiil} Slit)“ lcattii'ing plcnt} ol' puppctx. \lll‘pl‘lSL‘S. \xood and carpcntr}. Ago 4 +. Jongleurs Comedy Club JottglL‘llt‘S. ()iiini ('ciiti'c. (irccnxidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. Spin. £10. l.o\cahlc Scouxcr Brcndan Rilc} \harcx thc \tagc \\ ith big man (‘oliti ('olc and Paul B liduardx. The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. .5 York l’ldCL‘. 55X 7373. 0pm. £8 (£7). ll'lSll hantcr- ntcixtci‘ Bi'cndan Btirkc SltllltlS tip in thc coinpan} of John (iordillo. coiticd} otttxidcr .-\\;t Vidal (\L‘C picttit'c Cdplltitt l. And) Mcl’artland atid hoxt Jaiic Macka). The Bedlam lmproverts Bcdlani 'l‘lthll‘L‘. l lb Bt’lSIU l’lacc. 33.5 939.3. 10.30pm. £3.50 t£2.50 £3i. Long lixc thc conicd} rL‘lL‘l‘Clltllllll ax a changing

rota ot iinprm pla}ch ctcatc tiiorc \[Hilllaltcitlh \kclc'ltc’S htlSCtl .tltilltttl .itidicncc xtiggmlionx

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club .liiliglcllh. l (i(‘ Building. chticxx Slicct. (LS-'07 S7070". Spin £l 3 Scc lhti 30 Cosy Comedy Cafe 1 lic Stan- Bat. HS Holland Strcct. ‘)3o “3S” Upiii, Ur t£5 i. 'l hc liiipro Btihhlc ('oiitcd} l’la}cr\ i.‘\l\'.-\ Bill} Bonkcrx. l'raitccx llcal}. .-\ll\llll l.o\ic. ('hrix Bi'ooiiilicld and li‘iciidxi \hou oil thcir trccuhccling llllpt‘in l.tlt'ltl\.

The Stand lllL‘ .Sltilttl. 5 3.3 \Vootllaiitl\ Road. 0x70 000 (i055 Upiii { Ill lfhl SL‘L‘ l'l'l .3 l.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcuix. ()inni ('cntt'c. (irccnxidc l’lacc. 0870" S70707. .S’piii. £13. Scc lit 31,

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7273. 0pm. £l0 t£Si. Scc l-ri 3|.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service lltL' Stand. 333 \Voodlaiidx Road, 0370 (till) ()055. 3.30pm. Ll

t£| £3i. l’t‘cdrlaccd ltlllll) lad chiii lll‘ltlgcx |0lti\ L‘Ulltctl} lorccx with Kcilh l'ill‘llilll. Bill} Kirkuood and dcadpaii liUSl \lichacl Rcdtlltind.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lltL' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7273. lpiii. l-‘rcc. Baniin tlial nioriiing-altcr lccling \\ itli a doxc ol lrcc tl‘orinl laiighlcr l'roiii inipro\ \larx l’atil (irahain and Stuart .\ltii‘ph_\.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In lliL‘ Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7273. S._30piii. £4 t£l £3 l. John (iordillo and loi‘tiicr pl‘lSttlt guard .-\\ a Vidal ioiii cutting L‘dlllPSlL‘l‘ lll'llL'L‘ l)c\ llll. SL‘C plL'llll‘L‘ caption tor .'\\a.


Bob Doolally’s Fitba Crazy! 'l‘lic Stand. 33.3 \Voodlandx Road_ 0370 not) (i055. S30pni. £5 (£3). Rclhc lhc cpic 1%7 Scotland \ lingland gantc in tlic coiiipan} ol \odka-l'ticllcd ptiiidit Boh l)oolall_\‘.


Red Raw lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £l. 'l'hc pictoriall} caplioncd .-\\a Vidal and John (iordillo l.-\K.-\ ch l) lltintcr\ dircctori hpr llittt‘L' nL‘\\ L‘ttltict'x onto lltL‘ rock) road til- coiiicd}.

Tuesday 4


Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Voodlantk Road. 0870 (i0() (10.5.5. 3.30pm, £3 (L'I ). John (iordillo \l]0\\\ itiorc llL‘\\L'UlliL‘l‘\ lhc c‘tttttcd) ropcx.


SiStars lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7372. .S‘.30ptii. £o t£3 £4i. Skctch llldtlllL‘SS li‘otii .ltilic ('ooiiihc and thc l"- lcain. pllIS inorc talcx ot' lilc on thc L‘tlgc lion] .-\\;1 Vttléll lL'llL‘L'lK Ulll llttil picttirc caption i.

Wednesday 5


SiStars lhc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 000 o055. S30pnt. £o t£3 £4i. Scc lllL‘ 4. lidinhtirgh.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. S30pni. £4. 'l‘cain Monkc} thcttcr kntmn ax Sand} .\’c|\on. .-\|lcn (‘halmcrx Paul Piric. l)cs McLean and Ra) iiiond

Ava Vidal is quite possibly one of the tallest women in

comedy. Lucy Porter, Susan Calman and Janey Godley on top of each other in a motorcycle pyramid kind of way would just about match her for height. Not only is she a large lady, but her towering talent and vaulting ambition are there for all to see. The former prison guard has come a long way since her blushing violet performance on E4’s Kings (sic sic sic) of Comedy and soon she’ll be head and shoulders

above the rest. Literally. The Sid/Ml. Elinor/ugly Tm Apr.

.\lcarn\i \picc tip a dtill ucck itiglit \\ llll niorc \pontancotix \kclchcx. tlltISIL‘ and

Thursday 6 '


The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \Voodlttndx Road. 0870 (300 (i055 S30piii. £o i£3 £5i. Scotx )ttt'll-Splltlict' Brucc Morton ioiih hig tiiaii (iai') l.ittlc and Dominic \Voodiiard.


April Fool Magic and Madness 'l'hc Jan Bar. l ('haiiihcrx Strcct. 23H H55. "pin. £3 i£2i. l.itcr.'ir_\ trickcr} t'roiii pcrt'orinancc poct :\llll;l (imaii and lt‘icndx. I’tirr u/ ('c'i/iil/i ('u/lim 300/),

Check out the

on page 13

The Thursday Show lhc Stand. 3 York l’lacc. 55X 7373. ‘Ipiii. £(i t£3 £5i Stihttrhan litillSL'\\llL' \lrx Barhara \ic c \prcadx iiiorc coiiicd} lti\ c. aidcd and ahcltcd h} .-\driaii l’lt}lllttll and ra/oi' \harp hth Briicc l)c\ llll.

The Snatch Social lllL‘|llltl Rooin. 9c Victoria Strch 225 2501. llpiii 3am. £5, Scc llltl 30,


Watson’s Wind-up (ilaxgou l‘lllll 'l‘llL'Qlll'L'. l3 l<t)\L' Sti'ccl. 333 H l 33. lpiii. l‘rcc htit ttckctcd. Scc ll! 3]. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jiillleclll'S. l'(i(' Btiilding. chlrcii Strcct. 03707 S7070“. Spin. £10. ('hccr} talcx lioiii .\lartin Bcatiinotit. plUS dcadpaii l.tllf_‘ll\ courtcx} ol (iar) I)clanc} and lint lining (icordic l)a\c John»

The Stand 'l‘llL' Slitlltl. 3.55 \Vtiiitllitlltlx Rtititl. 0370 ()00 00.55. H.3llplll. US 11.7 i. Long standing \tand-tip Brticc Morton le'kS ol thc ucckcnd. accoiiipanicd h} hoiiicho} (iar_\ l.ilt|c and Dominic

\Vi H id“ ard.

t.‘.I:' : 41/ THE LIST 41