
JULIAN GOTHE - BEAMS ARE GONNA FIND ME Sorcha Dallas, Glasgow. until Sat 18 Mar .0

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Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow. until 30 April 0...

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GROUP snow - FACE A FACES City Art Centre. Edinburgh, Sun 23 Apr .0

Photography’s confused identity between art w0rk and fashion tool stirred up a strange affair a few years ago at the Barbican exhibition Rapture, where fashion and art bumped uglies and made vacuous hipster offspring, The latest group show of International photography at the CAC, Face 3 Faces. appears to unintentionally explore a similar dischord between style and substance, but with less success. The intention to focus on the similarities between Scottish and French photography is strangely antagonised by the minor incIuSion of other international artists, while the central theme of the portrait is too large to go beyond a meandering survey and too small to prick the surface of its subject. Featuring some of the disappointing late snapshots of Nan Goldin alongside Euan Myles‘ glossy photos for the Traverse Theatre programme, the show isn't so much a series of striking contrasts as an ill-advised hash of styles. And although the architecture and lighting of the CAC's top floor does little to flatter the works. there is a strange vacancy about the lumping together of the

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Wsual Art

The Ornithologist b Euan Miles 31 '

works, where the whole is brought down by the infighting of its mismatched parts.

Sadly conspicuous in the show is the number of commerc1ally-styled works. commissioned adveits that endeavour to rebrand style into high art. There are certainly Similarities: FrancOis Rousseau's pliotogiaphs have all the homoerotiCism of a Mapplethorpe, but 1.11.11 any of the political splendour that made the latter's work so scandalous. Instead, Rousseau‘s beautifully slick prints nestle comfortably amongst his portfolio for advertismg clients, giv1ng off little else beyond stagey grandeur. Adverts in a public art gallery seem a rather unimaginative use of wall space, though it does perhaps bear a death knell trend.

Lucky, then, that Suzanne l_a Font's work is one of the few to engage With the exhibition's title Forgoing her colleagues' razzmatan in favour of a series of Simple shadow plays, the monochrome woiks are beautifully rendered and irreverently play upon the surrealist word and image. But still, a click trip onto facebookcom IS a more accidentally interesting study of self-portraiture and advertising than this collection (lsla Leaver-Yap)

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