Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.
25% Argue Street. «Mo 24m 5st mt ‘. \ml
Inferno l'ntil Hi 34 Mar tnol Sum. 7pm. L") tL'm. The Arches present their largest. lIIH\l tlllIlIIlIch shoe to date. as audiences are lead through the litr\\c‘l\ ot the \enue aeeotnpatmng |)ante on lll\ journe) through the ntne ('rteles oI Hell. Falling l'ntil Sat IS .'\])I tnol Sun/Mont. 7M)an L'IZ tL'ltIi '\ \tIe- speeilie perI'ortnanee Ii} I’oot'ho}. uhteh takes plaee in the heart ol the ell} and Iolloxtx ‘an innocent haxtartl (ilasetm liar chasing: beam} and redemption. Atttlienee to meet at Queen Street Station at 7.55pm. tieketx ean he eolleeted Irotn the Arches Ho\ ()Ittee until 7.30pm.
I I‘) (iorhatlx Street. 42‘) H032. lI’. II. 'I'I'. WC. WAI
Spending Frank l'ntiI Sat l.\‘ Mar. 7.30pm. {I} {I4 4U Ur. Borderline 'I‘heutre. the L‘Ulnpttlt} that brought )ou Women on the \i'ree o/ ///\"l'. return u ith this eotned} about the desire to hear the putter ot' tin} I'eet.
The Snow Dragon Sat I8 Mar. See Kitlx ll\llllg\.
A Limited Run The 23 Sat 25 Mar. 7.30pm. £10. Iilaine (' Smith directs llII\ Ben Steiner pla} \lttl‘t‘iltg .‘\lItl_\ (Era) ;t\ a perplewd god who is dernoletl Ironi his celestial palace to a humble hetlxit.
‘The best ' la Boheme
where he lIlL‘\ lll\ \et} hext to hide IIHIII the eotnpleut} ot hutnan .tlialh
The Waiting Room \at 3* \laI ~:pm U \a/lt lahatahat'x [‘ItttllchIHII ot IlII\ pla} about \larah and her daughter III la‘J. \aotnt \tho ate htthn; in an abandoned \ehooltootn to L'NJI‘C an unnamed \ 1‘. t]
The Ape Men, the Warriors, the Others and Me 'Itte 3\ War hat I \pt " ‘Hptn ‘5 4U: I’etet \tnott tlllk'\l\ the (‘ttt/enx' (‘otnrntttntt (iotnpatt) III IlII\ piece e\plottn;_' the relationxhtp hetneen 'u5 and ‘lhettr
Free-Fall 'ltte :8 t\ “ed 3” Mat
" ittprn. LIZ «ti UH " N1 lheatte ('otnpan} pertottn ("Itttxtophet Deans" tale ot a grroun up tatnt|_\ reunited III their tatntl} hotne tot one Ia\I tune hetote the [titlt‘llh IIIH\L' tltI
You Canny Shove Yer In I" \Iar 3pm. I'tee ;\ \lleIl\L'L‘lIlf_' tour “Hit a thltetenee as students Itotn the RS.-\\Il) guide the authenee through \.tIIHII\ perIottnanee III\l;tll.lIlttlI\. all \teuetl hour a regular tottt hux I-ot Ilc’lu‘h call (I‘M: RX “()8 or email lhutxonw I'Mlllltl ac uk.
‘) I'tmet'xit} \H‘IIIIC. NH 5532 [\\('. \\'.-\|
The Essential Chic Murray In 2-1 & Sat 35 Mar. Xptn. UH. .-\ lIlthlc'ttl tribute to the great Seotltsh eotnte \xrttten and presented It} III\ daughter.
Big Bang Sun 2(t\1.rt.~1pttt. LN UH. High energy thnatnte tnoxentenl and thundering I'lI}llIIII\ Irotn the .\Iu;_'en lallxo I)o_|o. the [K centre Ior Japanese th'urntnine.
The Good, the Cats and the Ugly Thu 3t) & I'ri .il Mar. ".Rttptn. LNSIIIUH. .\ \Vext lintl \peetaettlar leaturtne e\eerpt\ and south Iront \otne ol the tnmt popular IIIII\Ic';Il\ e\er. Itotn ("an and .Ilm't
’u/r/unt to Hit A('(/.
l haVe ever seen’
,I V! \‘r’ 2%“! ‘i
Featuring colourful street
Gypsy dancers and the most romantic
music Puccini ever wrote
Including the famous aria 'Your Tiny Hand is Frozen’
Sum; tn Italian with I nqltsh suttttles
2"" Bath Street. 2‘1“ I l I I III. \\(‘. \\ \I Anything Goes I'nttt Sat l.\ .\Iar
” zHptn t\\etI A Sat ma! 3 Wme
to L3!» l‘he e'l.l\\IL (‘ole l’orter tnuxteal \.tll\ tnto [out] with \neela Rtppon on board
The Vagina Monologues \lon
3H Sat 35 Mar \Ion 'I’hu " Wan l'tLSat opnt .\ ‘Iptn LI” 5” t2: (‘atol Snnllte \l.tI\ III I'.\e l‘II\lc‘I"\ laltlt‘th celebration ol Ietnale wuralrty Calamity Jane Iue 2.\ Mar Sat 1 .\pt a ittptn t\\etI .\ Sat that 2 10pm»
{h t' I S I’antheon [‘t‘I'IHIIIl\ llII\ c'l.l\\te Western IIIlI\lc'.ll about a Ittltlho} III a man's world
" il " i5 (it'eat \\e\tern Road. i. (CHI).
A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Rain I'nul Sat l.\' \Iat. IIISptn. LII). Hruee .\Iorton\ tnotlern tIa} take on Noah's .v\rk toeuxex on 'l'err} '\ ermx ot Iarth tn Iltc‘ lttc‘c' HI lltlpc'lttllllg liltHItl\.
A Play, a Pie and a Pint: Full Blown Rose .\lon 30 Sat :5 \lat, Ittfiptn. L I”. Ro/ HannnontI p|a_\\ all
\I\ characters III het tale ot the .\le( itnte
I\\llt\. Sixxte and Ruthie. and the neighbours \xho \xateh them.
A Play, a Pie and a Pint: Nighthawks Mon 37 Mar Sat I :\pt. IIISprn. L'Itt John Bell\ short pla_\. based on lztluartl llopper\ painttng: ot an .-\nteriean bar in the I‘)4(I\. is set to IIIthIc' h} Robert l’ettigre“.
Next Street. 887 loIt), III. \\'(‘. \\;\| A Limited Run I-ri I7 .\Iar. 3pm. £8 IN I. See (ilaxgtm. (‘iti/ens' 'Iheatre. Parking Lot in Pittsburgh Wed
33 Hi 24 Mar. 7.30pm. £7 IUD. RATS presents the slot} ot the \l\lt'l'\. one ot \\lIttIII emigrated to the ['8 5t) _\ear\
ago. \VIIL‘II IllL' \l\lc‘l'\ tll\L‘tt\ L'I' llttll IlIL‘ll'
\IIIc‘lchII sibling I\ III. the) brine het hotne III the hope that \ottte ot her tnone} \\ tl! \t‘IIIL‘ to them \tce Macbeth “ed 3" Val \at I \pt
" itlptn L“ rt.“ \hakextwateK hlooth Seotttxh tragedy ttIIetI \\I[lI hitter II\.IlIIc'\ and po\\et \tttteglex l\ pertottnetl I\} the \nappth tttletI l'.tIIItl.tlL‘ \\t‘lIllt‘ llt‘lhlIIj.’ l \I.tlt‘
lou nutotnen'x ( llllltl lhatttatn \ot tet\ and |ttntt_\ lheatte (itottp
\N‘e} (‘lmtg xx‘ IoIH |\\t'. \\ \i We’ll Meet Again \Ion .‘fl \Iat .‘ptn t IHtL'M \ lteht heattetl look at \\.1IIIIIIC liIIIJIII. lt‘.tlIIlIlI;' totneth. intrxte .Illtl htt \onex I\_\ \eta I }IIII .llltl little (‘ttul‘te
III RentieItI \tteel. ii.‘ IVIM III, \\ ( '. \\;\|
Bender in Benidorm \M-tI .7"
Mat Sat I5 \pr " ittprn I\at III.II .Tptn' LII (Ii ttl II \nothet tun tot l\’lI\\t'l lane'x hand} totnetlt aI‘ottl txxo (i|a\g_'o\\ Iaelot} ettlx \xlto head to Spain tn \eateh ot \tlll. \ea. and plenty ot \attet‘ta
‘IN Ingram Street. “I 115‘) |I’. \\('. \\.-\. \\V\.\]
A Midsummer Night’s Dream I “Hi Sat IX .\Iat tltttl \un» “ VIIIIII U» L” «Li Ur Slldlllt'htlk' lheatte ( itoup pertottnx ptohahl} the IIlH\l \er known ot Sltakexpe.tte\ totnanttt eotnethex. III \xhreh the Ian} king: .Illtl queen \ athe aII lxlIItl\ oI haxoe \\IllI then IlI.lj.'lc‘ potion Cooking with Elvis Iue II \at 35 Mar: 7. ittptn. U» L‘) It;{ HI \n Hllll'det‘ttlh pla) l‘.l\k'tl on \e\. ttnpotenee anti hattte L'lll\tltt' Itotn the pen oI Bill} Izlltot \\IIlL'I lee Hall .Illtl pertortnetI It} Stt‘athelyle lheatte (iroup.
um (“3.4 I
‘ 7 3:23,: 3’; r
‘ Brilliantly
) TllE mics
WITH A seven-Four... " The decadence of Renaissance Italy
recaptured with lavish
sets and costumes
Following the critically-acclaimed visit to the
ROYAL ALBERT HALL 1/, in 2003 I. .
PLEASE NOTE SOME SCENES I CONTAIN NUDITY ' ' . - lnltalian with English surtitles
Mm '/ THE LIST 89