l'irinicxton ()ua}. llH7ll H41) 4000.
lllarn 5pm. £8 l£5 £7i (ict into tlic countr} lilcxt)lc with local and national ct'allx. gardcn and liotlic acccxxoricx. icucllcr). clothing and inorc.
Emigrate 2006 Sat 35 Sun 30 Mar. Sl:('('. l'llllllL‘xltln Qua}, llS7ll 04!) 400“. Illani 5pm. £7.5tl i£l Hi. It _\ou'rc altcr xoinc xunn} ucatlici all )car round ot iiixt .i cliaiigc ol xccnc. tliix xlltm lcaturcx cicr}tliing )ou iiccd to know about riiming abroad to xtan a tic“ lilc.
Pollok House Wedding Fair Sat
35 Sun 3(i Mar. l’ollok llouxc. l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark. 3ll(ill l’ollokxliaii x Road. (ilh (All). Illani 5pm. £5. ll _\ou‘i'c planning _\our \xcdding and arc lluninioxcd h) all tlic clioiccx to niakc. tlicn licad to l’ollok llouxc \xlicrc tlic cxpcnx gatlicr to tcll all, 3D/2D Craft and Design Fair Ro};il ('onccit Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. (itil (itillll. lll..i(l;tlll 4.3llpni. £l i7llpi; undcr l3x li‘cc. ('rall workcrx and artixtx cxliihit and xcll thcir work.
Food & Drink
Queen's Park Farmers’ Market Sat ltx’ .\lar. ()iiccn'x Park. 530 langxidc Park. 387 7373. Illani 3pm. Who nccdx xupcrniarkct loxll'.’ 'l'axtc thc tllllcl‘ctlc‘c.
Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 35 Mar. .‘xlanxiicld l’ark. oll l)iiniharton Road. .i4l 0844. Illani 3pm.
Scottish Badminton Masters Sat
35 Sun 3(i Mar. ('ockliurn ('cntrc. 4(l Bill-inioor l’lacc. 445 3033. l-‘rcc. Annual Scottixli .\laxtcrx (\clcraiixi c\cnt. including nicn‘x and ladicx' xiiiglcx and doulilcx niatclicx. Scc hadniintiinxciitland.org.uk lot‘ tinicx.
Big Knit Out! \Vcd 33 Mar. North Star ('alc. lllS Quccn Margarct l)i‘i\ c. 57h
(ll l3. 7pm. Knitting. tca and cakcx. Knitting ix tlic ncix rock'ii'i'oll. Meditation Classes liici'} 'l‘iic. (ilaxgim Acadcttl}. ('olcltt'ook Strcct. “1387 Still 40h. 7pm. £5. Rcducc xtrcxx and cxpcricncc a pcacclid mind through thc dciclopnicnt ol conccntiation. liacli claxx includcx a talk and tinic l'or nicditation. Stitch and Bitch 'l'hu lti & 'l‘hu .ill .\lai'. (ilaxgou \Voiiicn'x l.ihrar_\. lll‘) 'l'rongatc. 553 8345. (Lil) 8.30pm. l'i‘cc. (‘all to xa} _\ou‘rc going along ax placcx arc liniitcd. Tchai Ovna Craft Class liicr} 'l‘uc. 'l‘chai ()\ na. loll l)canxton l)ri\ c. M” 7358. 7pm. (ilaxx painting claxx \\ itli lull tuition.
Tchai Ovna Knitting Circle lixci‘} 'l‘liu. 'l‘chai (him. lol) l)canxton l)i'i\ c. M‘) 7358. 8pm. l-i‘cc. ’l'ca and knitting. \\ c xa} )caltl
Russians in Paris liixiiiiii liraiicaix dilicoxxc. l5 Randolph ('rcxccnt. 335 5.‘(»(». (rpm. £4 l£3l. l.cxlc} ('hanihcrlain tcllx thc xlol‘)’ of thc Riixxian lnlclligcnlxia cxilcd to l’rancc h} l.cnin iii l‘)33. and
\\ ho madc a contribution to l’rcncli lil'c. llaxcd on licr ncxx hook. ’I‘lu' l’lu'loxu/i/ii .S'lc'umvr [.(‘lllll um! I/lt' It’ll/v “fl/IF Inlclligi'liliiu.
Activities & Events
Tall Tales Oscar 2006 Sandcinan llouxc. 'l‘mnkx (‘loxc. 55 High Strcct. .557 5734. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). .-\ lioxt ol' .\lUt'_\lCllcr.\ lt‘Ultt tlL‘t'Uxx Scotland conipctc to tcll thc hcxt whoppcr. l'antax). drcani or liable. lloxtcd h) John Fcc. laxt )c‘;ii"x \x'inncr.
SterTrial: Beginners’ Breakdancing Classes 'l‘hc Bongo ('luh. Mora} llouxc. 37 llol) rood Road. 558 7604. 3 3.30pm. £3. l7p.xidc down. ho} _\ou turn incl l.carn all thc trickx of tlic B-ho) tradc. ITUIII a l'ricndl} bunch of \\ illing tcachcrx.
Monday 20
Edinburgh as a Bejuvenated Capital City ()uccn'x ll.ill. (‘lcik Sticct. No 3lil" "pin £3 ’l‘hc Scottixli l’.iili.iniciit'x prcxiding ollicci (icoigc Rcid grit-x tliix ('ockliurn ‘\\\H\'l.lllllll l’aliick (icdilcx lccturc
Mapping the Sky Roial (ll‘\t‘l\.lli‘l_\ \'ixitoi'(‘cntrc. lllacktoid lllll. ooh \4H4 "_ ill S. illlllll. £3 i£|i 'l‘lic xl.iix in tlic night xk} li.i\ c hccii .i xoiiicc ol inxpiiatioii and a practical nicaiix ol ii.i\ igatroii .ind tinic kccping xincc pic liixtor} (‘li\ c l)a\anliall tlcxctilicx llic xoplilxlicalcd nictliodx iixcd to map tlic xk} lioni prcliixtoric linicx to thc l‘ltli ccntur}
Tuesday 21 .
Exploring the Neotropics for Hoverflies Ro_\;il .\lnxcuni lcctiiic 'l'licatrc. 3 ('liaiiilicix Sticcl. 34‘ 43 l” 3pm, £3 i.\'.\lS lllL‘llllK‘lS lrcci Scc picxicu p3 l.
Watercolours in the Museum |\’o_\.il .\liixcuni Main Hall. 3 ('hanihcix Sliccl. 347 43!”. (ipin. l‘rcc. Kart-n (‘liilow lcadx .i \Hll‘kxlltlp to dc\clop _\Hlll xkillx iii \ialci'coloiii' uxing thc iiiuxcuni’x collcclioiix and ai‘cliitcctui'c to iiixpiic xiiii. Booking adx ixahlc.
Wednesday 22
The Changing Role of Museums ()pcii Door. 431) Morningxidc Road. 44.“ 0757. lil..illillll. £l donation. Stcplicn ;\llcn. licad ol lcarning and progianiincx .il tlic National .\liixcuni ol Scotland. lcadx tliix Morningxidc Jnxlicc and l’cacc (iioup dixcuxxion.
Catch the Latin Fever S'I'.\ ‘l'i'ai cl. 3" l5oi't‘cxt Road. 330 "'7'47. 7pm. l-rcc l caiii all about ti'a\clling in South :\lllt‘l'lc;l troni tlic cxpcitx. Hooking ad\ ixalilc. Alexander Moffat: China - An Exploration of Poems, Drawing and Painting Royrl Scoiiixli .'\\';ltlt'lll}. 'I'lic Mound. 335 (iti7l. 7.l5 Sfillpiii. £3. Alcxandcr Mollal dixcuxxcx llic rclationxliip lictuccii \iriling pocnix. painting and
draw iiig. lit)“ docx tlic cxploration ol idcax throuin languagc or liiic rclatc to tlic \ ixiial or intcllcclual coniprcliciixiiin ot landxcaiw'.’ lx it thc xanic proccxx lll (‘linia ax it ix in Scotland and what can \\ c lcai‘ii l‘l'tlltl lllC (lll‘lcl'cllL‘Cxi linoklllg‘ k‘\\L‘llll;tl. Of Mice and Mentors lidinhnrgli /.oo: liducation (critic. (‘oi'xtoi‘pliinc Road. ‘34 ‘)I7 I. 7.30 ‘lpni. £3, .-\ cliaiicc to tiiid out how tlic Ro}al /.oological Socict} ol Scotland ix liclping to conxci'\ c xcaliirdx on ('anna h} looking at xonic \ci'} xpccial llllu‘. .'\tl\;tllt‘L‘ lititlklllgjx \\ Clciilllt'.
Writers’ Group North lidiiihiirgli .\itx (critic. l5a l’L‘llll}\\L‘ll (’oiiit. .‘l5 3l5l. 6.45 S.3llpiii. £5.5ll i£3 £3.5lli. (ict togcllicr \\ itli lclloxi xcrilihlcr .ind lidinhurgli-haxcd \iritcr l.in .-\iidcrxoii to xharc idcax and iiixpiration.
Theatre Class: Goethe and Faust Ro}al l.) ccuni ’l'licalrc. ('iriiidla} Strcct. 348 4848. £5. .-\n lllltll'lllttl look .it tlic pla} and \xritcrx lll\Ul\L‘Ll in tlic xcaxon‘x production ol I‘ilml.‘ I’ul'lx (Mr «I In“.
Activities & Events
A Botanical Tardis Royil Botanic (iardcnx (\cht (iatci. .-\rhorctuni l’lacc. 553 “I'll. 3pm. £4. Join tlic gardcn guidcx ax tlic} takc )Ull on a iournc} acroxx inillionx ot wan to 111ch xoiiic ol tlic laxcinating plantx that lcll tlic xtor} ol cxolution. Stnlahlc tor adultx and thc o\cl‘ l3x. Booking adx ixalilc.
Douglas Maxwell Playwriting Lab 'l‘raicrxc 'l‘hcatrc. ('anihridgc Strcct. 335 I404. l lam .5pni. £lll i£lii. .-\d\ icc and
\ll\ll\\li‘ll\\'\\li‘!l‘.\lllllllt'\\lllt‘1i‘l'llt‘ li.i\cixc llic.itic( oiiiiun} \ pm; lliix \k'ilM‘ll. looking .it working x‘.llll piodiiccix. i‘iililixlicix .lllil othci is: l‘illlt.tl
Sunday 26
Actinties 8. t. xents
Shore Poets llic ( Iiiionx‘ ( I.lll. 3 i ‘ (Linoiigatc. 55!» HSI llic \lJIcll ian iliiiciil ol l tliiiiiiiivli'x l.i\oiiritc platloini tor ll\\' poctix .inil lllll\l\ li.ix lt'.tillll_‘.'\ troiii llclioiali \lollat. loliii | .ixtoii .lllil \iigclu. \lcStwciit-x
‘ 35pm 1.‘ i1}
Workshops . Printmaking Workshop l \lllll‘lllf,'ll l’iiiitiii.ikcix. 3‘1 nioiiStit-ct. 55li31‘i' ll.tltl 5 illpiii L1H \ \xoikxlioii llxlllL' photo xciccii [\llllllll‘.‘ iiiotcxxcx to \ roilc iiiiilli l.l_\k'lk'\l [‘lllll\ ll\ li iii \i‘lillll .lllil ilcptli. tcxcinhlinc .in oil [‘.tlllllllL‘
* Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Biggest Bang Since the Big Bang l\)i"\.tl ()lixcnatorx \ ixitoi ('ciitic. lilac kloid lllll. («ix .xinl " in .x :iipiii £3 rill xt-t- lliilixi.
Tuesday 28
Edinburgh Lecture: New Membranes lx’o_\a| \liixciini l cttiiic
'l licali‘c. 3 (lianilicix Sticcl. 335 ll55 (i. illpin. £5 How do citicx oiganixc tlicii iiiciiioiicx ’ l)i (it'tlll \liilgan cxploicx \i;i}x ol coiixti'iictiiig 'iiicniliiancx' to caplinc tlic collcctixc \'\[‘t'll\'ll\‘t‘ ol .i placc. lll.tl\lll_L‘ it .l\\‘\‘\\ll\lk' .iiid .ili\c
Wednesday 29
Ta ks
Tomorrow’s Energy . . . from Where? ( )pcn Horn. 13” \liiiiiiii;.'xiilt' Road. 44" “"5" ll). ill ll Wain Ll donation 'l lic \loiiiiiigxiilc .liixlicc .iiid l’cacc ( iroin nicct lo dixcnxx topicx ol local. national. intcinational or L'lolial
Thursday 30
Writing Workshop with Alan Bissett l.citli liliiar}. 3.\ All l'cii} Road. 53‘) 55l". (i. ill Spin lipx on \xiiliiig llxllilll lroin tlic author ot Ii’oiiiii ( ix .iiid llic i‘cccnll} pulilixlicd lli. Illi iii/i/i/i \i/imi Spit/A. licginncix \xclconic Hooking L'\\L'tlll.ll
Ongoing Edinburgh
* No End to the Banana Roxal Botanic ( iaidciii lciiipciatc l’aliii llonxc i. lll\L'llL'llll Ron. 553 “lgl ltic 3l .\l.ii Sal l§\l;i}. lll.tlll (ipni L; 5” I’ii/l ol .l/lt [thrilling/i III/r iliiiliuriir/ Si Ir [Ill ,4 \'llrl/ 3TH”) Scc llillixl
3D/2D Craft and Design Fair Sal 35 Mat .'\\\t'llllll} Rooiiix. .54 (icoigc Slicct. (i(i| (ihllll Illilldiii .l illpni Lil taill‘l. unch l3x licc Scc (ilaxgoxi ()ngoiiij.‘
Food & Drink
Edinburgh Farmers’ Market lam} Sal. ('.ixtlc 'lctiacc. (i53 5‘l4ll ‘Liiii 3pm local. qualil}. ctliical product
African Dance Workshop l.\L'l_\ liic lnxtitut l'iancaix d‘l‘coxxc. l‘Randoll‘li ('rcxccnl. HTS-ill ‘44 31,\ 3 S illpni £5 i£4 l. lnxlriictoi liclic (liiali introduccx xtcpx lioni tlic |\oi‘} ("oaxL \lali. (iiiiiica and Burkiiia law No cxpcricncc llL'c'L‘xxal}
Meditation Classes l'.\L'l'} Inc St ('oluniliax-li} thc (\ixtlc. .loliiixtonc ‘I‘L-i'mgcfi lll iha Hill 41"» " lllpm £5 Su- ()itgi illtg‘ (ilaxgim
Around Town
Come on. get involved.
I Stop the War Public Meeting Speakers include tormer Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg and representatives from the Stop the War Coalition and the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Thu 16 Mar, Appleton Tower. University of Edinburgh, Crichton Street. edinburghslw @tisca/i. co. uk. 7pm.
I Scotland’s for Peace: Stop Trident Replacement Join this coalition of civic groups to promote Scotland as a force for peace, with speakers including Kate Hudson (CND Chair). Patrick Harvie MSP. Tommy Sheridan MSP and Sandra White MSP. There's music from Back of the Moon and Sharon Colman will present her Oscar-nominated short film Badgered. which was inspired by nuclear weapons at Faslane. See scotlandApeaceorg for campaign info. Wed 22 Mar, Oran Mor. 737—735 Great Western Road, Glasgow, 433 2821. 7.30pm. Free.
I Citizen’s Europe: Turkey’s Entry to the EU Does Turkey belong to Europe or Asia? Can the EU embrace Turkey as a member or is this a step too far’? Linda Fabiani MSF’. convenor of the European and External Relations Committee of the Scottish Parliament. gets behind the ‘talks about talks' surrounding this issue. with speakers from both sides of the debate. Booking recommended. Call or email ian@eurotactics.com. Mon 27 Mar, Citizens' Theatre, 179 Gorba/s Street, Glasgow, 639 6404. 7pm. Free.
I Human Rights in China Today Bernard O'Hear has been a member of Amnesty International since 1989 and has been its UK China specialist since 2001. Previously he was its specialist on Israel/Occupied Territories and then Iran. He comes to discuss the current state of human rights in China. Tue 28 Mar, Garnethi/I Community Centre. 21 Rose Street, Glasgow, 332 9765. 7.75pm. £1.50(£1).