Around Town
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport© for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.
Three men this issue are proving that being high is lots of fun. Winner of the 2005 Boardman Tasker Prize for Mountain Literature Andy Cave tells the story of his journey from the deepest. darkest Yorkshire coal mines to the triumphs and tragedies of Himalayan climbing. Leo Houlding presents photos and videos, showing stupidly hard climbs in South America and Europe. illustrating tales of adrenalin and adventure on and off the rock. When mountaineer Dr Norman Croucher reached the top of Cho Oyu. he achieved his ambition to summit one of the world's highest peaks. despite being a double below-knee amputee. He comes to talk about the
Stop rushing about — try something slow and gentle for a change.
I Scottish Birdwatchers’ Conference For all current and would-be fans of the feathered ones. the theme of this year's conference is “Bird Conservation Counts: The Challenge of Change'. Speakers will ask how birds are doing in Scotland and how individuals can help their plight. See the- soc.zenwebhosting. com for a full programme. Sat 18 Mar, Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre. University of Glasgow, off University Place, 01786 466 559. 9am-5pm. £27.
I Scottish National Woodworking Show Just because you made a spice rack in primary six that does not mean you are a master cabinet maker. Annual fair for everyone from novices to experts to learn the art of woodcraft. Fri 17—Sun 19 Mar, SECC, Finnieston Quay,
Glasgow, 0870 040 4000. 10am—5pm. £5.50 (£4.50).
I Antique and Collectors Fair A chance to escape interior decor homogenisation. Put a little historical sparkle into your home. Just don‘t mention anything about bobby dazzlers. Sat 18—Sun 19 Mar, Royal Highland Centre, lngliston, Edinburgh, 0121 360 3649. 9am—5pm.
I Tea Dance Forget all those new tangled raves; this is perfect entertainment for a woozy Sunday afternoon. Trip the light fantastic as you waltz around antique forms of transport. hopefully not standing on your partner's toes. Sun 19 Mar, Museum of Transport, Kelvin Hall, 1 Bunhouse Road. Glasgow, 287 2651. 2—4pm. Free.
I Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society’s Spring Flower Show Forget the cable knit and ruddy cheeks of the Beechgrove Garden. it's official: gardening is cool. All the best and most obsessed growers show off over 400 entries in categories such as best daffodils and hyacinths. bonsais to alpines and cacti. Go to royalcaledonian for more info. Sat 25—Sun 26 Mar, Royal Botanic Garden: Caledonian Hall. Inverleith Flow, Edinburgh, 552 7171. 11am-5.30pm. £1.50.
32 THE LIST \ ‘.‘_-.'
HRS humour and bouyancy which kept him motivated after the loss of his legs.
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Activities 8‘ Events
Cafés Philosophiques \lliante l-taneatse de ( ilasgoxs. zl’atk (inns. “0 -l_‘\l -l.1ll(tptnt<1tii \ l teneh disettsston group on philowphteal t|llt‘\lltlll\. Higher l-ieneh teeotnniended
* Big Bang: The History of the Universe in 60 Minutes ( il;l\_'..'ii\\ Selenee('enlte Seottislil’mset I’Ianetartuni. Sill’aeilieljuay. ~1305000 (i. illptn. L31 05. \t't' llllllsl.
Saturday 18
An Illusion of Life \liteltell library Jill \'oith Street. 5“ 30‘“). l -lpin. l-tee. l’uppeteet John .\I lilttndall. et'eatot ol Ilium/t I‘ltiit/V l’arket'. gl\es a talk and shim \ oll soine his puppet eolleetton.
Activities <3 Events
Sex, Drugs and Possibly Rock’n’roll: The Habsburgs at Pollok House l’ollok House. l’ollok ('ountry Park. 3000 l)llllllh\lltl\\\ Rlltltl. (tilt (i-l ill. lltlilll Spill. L" it'll. l.llt‘l\ll_\ enough this is not an appearanee h} disheloth Hoehert); it's a da} ol talks and tours on the Spanish llahshtitg nionarehs and their imagery in lllL' l)lllllll\ lltitlst‘ eilllt‘elltill.
Religion and Humour St \lungo \lttsetitn ol Religious lite and Mt.) ('astle Street. 553 3‘5".) -1pni. ('an we laugh .it religion ’ (‘onie and e\plore the relationship helm-en eoined}. religion and eensorshtp. Running to eotneide \\llll
'( ienet‘atton KKK: Passing the Toieh'.
Tha Annans of Glasgow _\litehell l.ll‘l';tl'_\. 301 North Street. IS" I‘M”, (il‘lll. l ree. The lirst iii an annual series ol leeltires by Hill Huehanan. former head ol line art .it the (ilasgtm Sehool ol .v\rt. on the .ieelaitned \nnan tantin \xho reeoided the (ilasgmx Slums
Activities & Events
Sixth Sense Charity Fashion Show (ilasgoxx ('ity (‘hatnheis (ieorge Square. Jib “l3”. (Miran. L35. lltll ne\\ THURS illltl the ehanee to \\lll pri/es ineltiding a [X‘l'stillttl \lltlplk‘l' l'tll‘ .t dd). ;l helieoptet' tour ol l.oeh lotnond attd a giant eookie. \lone} raised “I” go to Sense Seotland. (all or email ltindraisingw sense seotlandorguk l‘ot‘ liekels.
Cad MacDougall: Scots the Language of the People Borders Books. 98 Buehanan Street. 32- 7'00.
0.30pm. l‘i'ee. To aeeoinpany his BBL: series. Mael)otigal| will he reading limit the \sorks ol some ol Seotland's greatest \\ riters arid diseussing the deyelopnient ol~ our nation's language.
Ongoing Glasgow
Activities & Events
Apassionata Sat IS tk Sun I‘) .\lar. Sli( ‘( '. l-‘innieston Qua}, 0870 040 4000. 3pm is 7.30pm. {IS £30. .-\ six'etaeular shou of royal horse ht'eeds displaying poise and stunning equestrian lllti\e\. 6" Film Quiz Tile IS \lat'. (ilasgtm l'lllll Theatre. I: RUse Street. 3.“: 3'23. H.45pni. Ll .50. Test your know ledge against a \side-reaehing range ol~ lilin questions. \\ ith pi'i/es ltll' first. seeond and third plaee.
Tchai Ovna Games Society l'.\L‘l'_\ \Ved. lehai ()ma. lot) l)eanston l)ri\e. Ml) TESS. _\'oon Spin. l'i'ee. Renieniher. thnm ing the hoard tip in a had temper it you lose is Childish.
Tours of the Mitchell Library |i\et‘_\ Thu. \litehell Library. 30l North Street. 387 2870. ppm. liree. Behind the seenes at (ilasgou 's laiiious Mitehell Library Meet at reeeption on Kent Road.
Bungalow Blitz l'ntil Sun 2h Mar. The Lighthouse. l 1 Mitchell Lane. ZII (i362. .\lon tk \Ved Sat lll._“ll;llil 5pm; Tue llain Spin: Sun noon Spin. Hour—to- eeiling photographs ol sell-build hungalou s in Ireland dating from the 1070s. based on a hook ol~ house plans. Glasgow 1955: Through the Lens l'ntil Sat 2‘) Jul. People's l’alaee A: Winter (iardens. (ilasgtm (ireen. 27! ZUSI. ltlatn Spin; l-‘ri ck Sun I lain 5pm. Free. .-\n e\hihition of images of (ilasgoys iii WSS. pre\ious|} slitmii in Kelxingroye and the People's Palaee 50 years ago.
Glasgow Schools: Then and How l'ntil Mon 30 ()et. Seoiland Street Sehool .\1tiseutn. Museum of lidueation. 235 Smiland Street. 237 0500. l0ain Spin; l-‘ri it Stin llani Spin. An exhibition spttlllllllg 50” years (ll ( illlsgtm 's sL‘lltinS. lroin the |51h eetiltiry to the present day Health and Welfare in the 19th and 20th Centuries l'ntil Tue 3| ()el. 'Ienetnent House. HS Bueeleueh Street. (iarnetliill. it} HIS}. l 5pm. £5 lL-ll. A laseinating display ol‘ personal items from the eolleetion iii an ordinary (iltisgtm lady dating ll'tllll the late 19th atid early 20”] L'L'lllllrlL'S.
Icy Images l'ntil Thu 2‘) Jun. The Tall Ship at (ilasgovi llarhour. l00 Stoheross Road. 323 25H. l0ain 4pm. £4.95 (for may paying adtilt a ehild goes tree). The Royal Seottish (ieographieal Society eelehrates the my age of Seotia and the I902 Will Scottish National Antarctic I‘.\[X‘tllll(ill.
Planet Football: Wettsprache Fussball l'ntil Sun 30 Mar. Scottish lioothall Mtiseuin. llainpden Park. Letherhy Drive, ()lo (03‘). main Spin: Stiti 1 Iain Spin. l’ree. ('ollahoratiye exhibition hetxwen the (ioethe-Institut and Magnum Photography. ineluding limthall-related prints from photographers sueh as Henri ('anier-Bresson. Martin Parr and Herbert List.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition l'ntil Sun 30 Apr. Scotland Street School Mtiseuni. MUseutn ol' lidueation. 225 Seoiland Street. 287 0500. Mon Thu 8; Sat |0ain -5pliil liri & Sun
1 Iain Spin. The best natural history photographs lrtlltl all over the world. Run by B!“ ' ll’i/rllili' Magazine and London's Natural History MUseutn.
The Country Living Magazine Spring Fair Thu 23—Sun 26 Mar. Sti(‘(‘.