I DISCOntent \\ 't'i' Ri'il lldl. l dinl‘ulgh (’ollt'z't' ol \ll. l,.lllll\lllll
N 3am L3 lllL' l\:'\l lll ("lt'xllll and pml punl. \iilh lin- mum lioin ()lll.. l).iinn \lldlllL'N \l.ili \\il|i \lill.. \odiuui \iglillilt' and I‘l‘llh l’Hll \ ( .llk' llt' lap
l'lllu'. 3") lll: Ill 3llpm
I NU2 ( 'ululu'luauld llicallt'. Klldiuln. lll.‘ 3“ “ 33KB" 7 »15pm Ll‘l tl3 'llihult- lo llll' iiuglil} \ladiuui lllklx ol l3
(3 asgow
3 Death Cab for Cutie llanmx lalld. 311 (l.lllll\\_L'.llk'. 553 Mill] "pin M )l.l) (ll l ()wi l-l\ \llH\\ ('ollt'gt' iot‘k llolu llt'lliughaiu. \\a\luuglon. Ill lllL‘ \aiut' \t'lll .l\ l‘.lllHl \uulli. ()uaxl and Supt-ltliuuk. klloull loi lllt'll t'lit'i'gclit' lin- \houx and loi lht'u hon} iolalion Hll l/ll ()(3 SH" [llL'\ IL'\\. Pdf_‘t‘ “I.
I Stellastarr \ll( '3. 33H Sauclucliall Slit‘t'l. 333 3333 “pm L’H Solioux. lloppx liingcd qual'lcl “ho. lila' llicu' lt‘llll\‘. \cu \oikt‘lx lnlt-ipol. ollcl an lllllll\]lllt'tl it‘lit'al ol old lo) l)l\l\lllll \oundx.
Lli Wolfmother and The Presets King lul\ \Vah \\ah llul. 3‘3a SI \iut't'nl Slit‘t'l. 33l 533‘) H.3llplll. Ui. 8w 5 Rt‘avllh. pagt‘ “ll. loi" lllk‘\t‘ curl}- liau‘cd llllllllt‘l\ lioiu ()/ who am (lk'\\lll‘t'(l ;l\ ;l llllt't‘ l‘lL't'k' l'llt‘l’xillil'llll \\ L'l dimiu.
I Skinflick ('ai'iuxal :\ll\ (‘t-iili'c. 3nd l‘liml. 3-1 \lhion Slit‘t'l. 553 3037.
‘lpiu 3am. L5. \u t-xt'ning ol k‘\[lt‘lllllt‘lll;ll t‘lct'li‘onit'a lt'alui'ing \t'l\ lioiu .~\uollit'l \li' I i/ai'd. lllL‘ lll’l.. Slil'l Rit'liaid and l\'oii\ ()ni-l’a\. \\llo could all hc made up at‘lx loi' all \\L' kllou.
I Big Man \ilt‘k'dl'SlL‘d/‘M ~l3l Sautliit-hall Slit't'l. 333 (Mill). Hpni. llig .\lan l\o\\ oul \\llll lht‘ii' |;i\l cwr
I The Dykeenies and Thee Comrades Hal-ll}. 3m (‘lxdc Sum. (lH—‘(l ‘lilf (NW). Xpln. 'liiulcil piiigicxxixc punk/ail rock oullil,
I Elephant Gun Slt‘l'cll. l-l
Kch inliaugh ~S'li'ccl. 57o 5lll.\'. 3pm. {3, I Popup and Skeleton Bob llaxullc 'lliu'i'iit'. (i3 ,\i'g_\ lk' .'\l'Cilth. 33| XVI-7. Xlllll. L5 (Lil. ‘:\ \pcd up .\l'ah Sll'ap lllt‘L‘l\ :l \lilu L‘tl'klll“ ll (illll‘. \\ L‘ \llltl Ul l’op l'p lll lllL'\t‘ \cl‘} pagm. \uppol‘lcd h} (Hllllll) li'icd pout'i~ pllp\lt‘l'\ Skclclon lloh al llux lil Rant‘ho Rcla\o nighl.
I Random Number, Luxury Car and The Impossible Flower l3lll \olt' (Hut: 5” (ill King Sli'ccl. 553 lo3.\‘. Xlllu. L31 ([5 non-inclnlwrxl. l'.llllllllllll\’.l oi nol‘lht'i‘n \xi'onghcal. .ippal't‘nll}. li‘oni Yoi'kxhirc'x .\lall Rohxon. \Villi addcd licadhanging al llll\ \ll\o nighl.
I The Hedrons lllL‘ llall liar. l(i(l \Voiulllllllh Road. .353 9000, ‘lplll. l'l't‘L‘. Singt‘ilxongu i‘ilt‘i‘ 'l'ippi'x nc“ all—gill hand.
I Vanlustbader (ilaxgou School ol :\l'l. In? lx’t‘nl'i‘t‘u Slit‘cl. 353 -l53l.
l lpiu. Ui (£5i. lli'i\hai1c lour-pit‘cc luxing dixt‘o. punk. indic and rock pla_\ ('luh \'.\ll'.,
I Nazareth, Lights Out By Nine and William Douglas 8. the Wheel 'l'lic li\t'hangc. 55 (how Su'ccl. 4-13 (Mil-l. "pill. U5. ()ld \cliool St‘olli\h ht‘a\_\ lock .it‘l.
I Whole Lotta Led 'l’hc liquid Room. ‘lc \"it'loi'ia Sli‘t‘cl. 335 3504. 3pm. U l. Soc l'il'l 3.
I Armoured Cats, Krank Solo and Cezare l‘ht' Bongo (‘luh. .\loi'a_\ llollw. 37 llol_\i‘ood Road. 558 Tim. 7.3llpin. [3 £4. \th rock \hoxxcaw. (‘rmuoun .\lu\ic. pi‘cwnl lhc gi'uugc iut‘lal ol' .-\i‘nioui‘cd (‘alx Krank Solo and i'aggcd punk ol~ (blank
I The Belgranos, Dakota and The Hustlers \Vhixllchinkim. 4 (i South lll'ldgc. 5.5-. .5l l-l. (iplll. l'il‘L‘L' l‘Ci-Ul‘t‘ iuidnighl; £4 al'lcr. Rock Mill a L‘Ullllll‘} \ ihc l'i‘oin Dakota. \xliilc lhc llmllcrx add \oinc lunk lo lhc mi\.
68 THE LIST .‘ '6 l.',i'
R E - « W M. What do the smart metal kids do when they grow up? They turn their attentions to H i. U huge--9 . . . . . . .
making mu5ic that, while Similarly textured, complicated and entrancmg, turns down the volume to trade in plaintive, lonesome melodies instead of crushing antagonistic riffage. San Franciscan quintet Red Sparrowes — featuring members of lsis and Neurosis - are on the cusp of releasing their as yet untitled, second long player, a collection of circular, ebbing and flowing instrumentals, that will appeal much further than the mosh pit. ABC. ($l;l:.‘_(;(‘i‘.g luv X 7m
I Bobby King and The Kingfishers 'l'llt‘ .llllll llUth. S ()llt't'll Sll't‘t‘l. 33h -l.§,\'ll. 7 ‘lpiu. £5 hcloi‘c lain; [7 anti. Soul. (01111”) and goxpcl \iilllltl\.
I Gemma Hayes, The Duke Special and The Mars Patrol ('ahai‘t‘l Vollaii‘i‘. 3h 38 Blair Sll‘t‘t'l. 33H (il7(i. 7pm. £3. SL‘L‘ l‘l'l .3.
I The Des Moines Riot and Jackie Treehorn llt‘lll'} \ ('t-llai' Bar. 8 HM \loi‘i‘ixon Sli‘t't'l. 33X 9393. 7.30pm. £3. Sli'aighl doun lhc linc lock at‘lioll.
I The Ultimate Eagles Story (‘lllL‘L‘ll'\ ll;lll. (.lL‘l'h Sll’t‘L‘l. (i(i.\' 3lll‘). Spin. l; l 7. 'l’ht‘ liaglt'x Sloi‘) pt‘l‘loi'incd h} St‘iilliiiitl'x \Cl'} «mu llolcl (Hililoi‘liia.
I Viva Stereo and Odeon Beat Club ('alcdonian llackp;icl\ci\. 3 ()uccuxlt'i‘i'} Sli‘ccl. No 733-1. 8.30pm. U. :\n cpit' nighl ol indic gi‘calm‘xx.
I Combat Rock and Black Star llanncr1uan\. \iddi') Sli‘ccl. 556 335-3. 8.45pm. £5. ll‘ll‘lllt‘ lo llit' (‘laxli
I The Flavours ’l'hc .laiu llouw. 5 ()llt‘t‘ll Sll‘t‘L‘l. 330 4.380.
lllpin l3,_‘~()ani. £5 hcl'ol'c lain: t'," ill‘lt'l'. SCL‘ l‘ll‘l .5. I 96 Tears \t-laai'. 353 (‘oxxgalu 557 3".\'(l. lllpiu. l-i'cc. Nllx-llhpll't'tl claim
it wk.
I Standalone ('uiulwi'nauld 'l‘licali‘c. Kildruiu. (ll33o 733887. 7.45pm. L" Local lollllplL‘t‘C Sland.\lonc \\ lll lk‘ pla} ing lhcn' lil'\l llUlllL‘lU\\ll ol' 3(lllh lici'c al ('uiuhcrnauld 'lhcali’t‘ lo pi'oniolc lhcu‘ indcpcndcnl (‘l) i‘clt‘aw (hill/1r llu/li'l,
I Dirty Pretty Things .4\ll(‘3. 33H Sauchichall Slim-l. 333 3333. 7pm.
8( ll.” ()l "l'. IlillL' unl'caxihl} good- Iooking t‘\-l.ihcrlinc (‘arl Bai‘al \llU\\\ ux hix llUlllL‘\\Hl'l\ allcr a \pcll l‘ccording in (ilmgmx.
3%: My Latest Novel .\lono. l3 King~ ('ourl. King Sll'ccl. 553 0458. Spin. .\l_\
l.alt‘\l .\'o\c| launch lllL'll' dchul alhuni liil/HW al llll\ gig. l’lu\ a DJ \t'l ll'olll l'UUllMlllL'l' l’al \LW ill. SL‘L‘ [H'LW lL‘“. [lllgt‘ (i3 and alhuiu m it“. pagc ()4.
I Bloc Party King 'l'ul'x \Vah \Vall llul. 373a Sl Vint‘cul Sli‘ccl. 33! 537‘). H.3(lpin. S()l.l) ()l'l. l'ui'i'out-d hum llltllL' lamurilcx li‘oiu London pla} an unuxuall} inlunalc \Vlio l\llli\\\. \ingt'i' Kt'lc ma} cwn hi'cak a \nulc.
I Absentee, Semi-finalists and Andy Gallagher llarl‘l}. 204i ('l_\dc Sll't‘t‘l. 0370 Oil—,7 ()‘N‘l. .\'plll. £5. lulxlt‘d lillL‘\ ol low and lo“ li‘oiu llll\ quinlcl. lt‘tl ll} l);lll \llt‘llilt‘lxilll. :\l\':\ lllL' lllll‘p (ll (iod appai‘t-nll}.
I Dean Owens and Larry Guild 1 ion ‘l‘licali‘c. (i3 'l‘i‘ongalc. 553 4307. 3pm. LN .-\inci‘ican-inllucnt't‘d \ouudx li'oni llux Scollixh \ingcr-xongui‘ilcr.
I Deco Sepali and Zero is One \it‘t"ii'8|t‘;i/). 43l Saut'lut‘hall Slit'cl. $130900, Hill”.
I Eoghan Colgan and Aly MacRae 'l‘hc llullcrll} and lllL‘ l’ig. I53 llalh Sll'ccl. 331 "I l. Npiu. l’i‘cc. ll'l\ll \ingcilxongui'ilci' \iilh a lull} cdgc p|a_\\ al llux .-\t‘ou\lit‘ .-\l'lan‘ \L'\\lllll.
I The Hype, The Motion, The Last Project and Codeine Sit-mo. H Kchinhaugh Sli‘ccl. 5'70 5lllK. Spin. L11 .\ palt‘lmoi'k ol rock inllucnct‘x lllL'llllllllf.‘ ()a\i\. ll'on .\l.udcn and I3
I Eye, Everette, Bossk and Azriel
l 11h Noic (‘alt‘z So (ll) King Sll'ccl. 553 |(»3.\’. Upiu. L3 l’oxlhai'dt‘ol'c pml- l'lk‘lxlllgj li'oin In} L‘.
I Breakestra The Liquid Room. ‘lt‘ Vicloi'ia Sll'ccl. 335 35h~1. ~pin. U). lioi'uai'd-lhinking lunk. hip hop and \Hlll collccliw proinoung lhcir new album Ill! I/Ii' I‘liml‘.
I Kim Edgar 'l‘hc l.i\ing Ronni.
l l.3 l l5 (it'lll'gc Sll‘L‘L'l. 55‘) HSl l,
l 3pm. l’rcc. .'\U)U\ll( pop. Jan and original t'oinpmilionx on piano. guilar and \olt‘c l'roln local niuxit‘ian Kiln l'.dgar.
I Ordinaryson, Five Day Hemingway, Little Amber, Mr Tubaubo and DTB (‘aharct Voltairc.
.30 38 Blair Slrccl. 330 MW». 7pm. 9.5.
MM ol Hip hop and .lullhllt‘ inllut-ntcx lioui (lidinai_\\on on llux lulu-d hill l‘aixing inont'} loi (‘ll.\.\’
I Frey Gang, Magdalene and The Coviets llaunt‘liuan‘x. \iddi} Slim-l. 55h 335-1. 8 ~15piu L31 Rock and llllllk' ll'lplt‘,
I Oatbeanie \\ lll\llt‘l\llll\lt'\. .l (i \oth lllidgt'. 55" 5| H ‘lpiu l'lt'k'. (laxxn and t‘olilt'iupol.ii_\ t'owix l\\llll auolht-i .lkl lllt'l
I Down the Tiny Steps, Mystery Juice and Phantom Riffage Huh” «- lht' llougo ('luh. \loia} llouw. 3" lllll}llilltl Road. 558 “(All lllpin 3am lit-c ht'lol‘t' Ll lpni. L 3 .illci ‘l.i\c lllll\l\ and allcinallw llht'll loi iihlllicd \inncix‘ \\llll llnct~ git'al hand\ doing gelling all liol and hollicicd
I Mystery Jets and Fields 'I lu- (iaiagc. -1‘)ll Saiit'lut'liall Slit-cl. 333 ll3ll 7pm. LN 5H, ()\t'l l-lx \llll\'.. lloll} lippt-d indlc l_\kc\ who haw l‘L'L'll ilt‘xt'lihcd h} \l/l. m lllL' lluxxing link lit-lut't'n ('au. |)c\_\ \ and lllL‘ /.ulon\ and lt'alui‘in: lalht'i/xon t'illllllil llcnl} and lllainc llill‘l'lxilll .il lllL' llL'llll
I Trivium ('alling .\L.ltlL'lll} (ilaijmk. l3l lllellllllll \ll‘ccl. 05"” fl 3‘“) 7pm, LI3 ()\Cl’- l-«l\ \llliv. \iilc (llallfJL’ Hl \cnuc loi nun iut‘lal ll\L‘lllllll\ lll\llllll I Jason Mraz lillltlL‘IN limb. ‘lx Buchanan Slim-l. 333 "llll. (ipin l'lL‘L' llthIL‘ pt‘l'loi'luaut'c ll‘olu lhc indlt' \ingt'l'wongurilcl .ilicad ol louighl‘x ().\l
I Dismember, Achren, Argonath and Dionysus Soundhaux. J", ll}dcpal'la SlrL'L'l. 33l 4659 7pm. l'lllllltlL'll lll Stockholm in IONS. l)l\lllL‘llll‘L‘l' int-rt- al lhc lorcllonl ol llic dt'alh iuclal \L'L'llk’ helping hicak lhc \ound agrim lzuropc I Jason Mraz ()uccn \lai'garcl l'luon. 33 l‘nncixil} (lilrtlt'll\. 33‘) UTHJ Xplll. S()l.l) ()l "l. .\ ncu llldllhll'L‘illll \ingcr/kongurllci‘ lor _\our L‘thltlcrilllllll. .\lra/ l\ hawd Ill \oulhcrn (‘alilornia uhcic llc Cincrgcd llu'ough lllt.’ San Dicgo t'llllL‘C \llllp \t‘L‘llc.