I DISCOntent \\ 't'i' Ri'il lldl. l dinl‘ulgh (’ollt'z't' ol \ll. l,.lllll\lllll

N 3am L3 lllL' l\:'\l lll ("lt'xllll and pml punl. \iilh lin- mum lioin ()lll.. l).iinn \lldlllL'N \l.ili \\il|i \lill.. \odiuui \iglillilt' and I‘l‘llh l’Hll \ ( .llk' llt' lap

l'lllu'. 3") lll: Ill 3llpm


I NU2 ( 'ululu'luauld llicallt'. Klldiuln. lll.‘ 3“ 33KB" 7 »15pm Ll‘l tl3 'llihult- lo llll' iiuglil} \ladiuui lllklx ol l3

(3 asgow

3 Death Cab for Cutie llanmx lalld. 311 (l.lllll\\_L'.llk'. 553 Mill] "pin M )l.l) (ll l ()wi l-l\ \llH\\ ('ollt'gt' iot‘k llolu llt'lliughaiu. \\a\luuglon. Ill lllL‘ \aiut' \t'lll .l\ l‘.lllHl \uulli. ()uaxl and Supt-ltliuuk. klloull loi lllt'll t'lit'i'gclit' lin- \houx and loi lht'u hon} iolalion Hll l/ll ()(3 SH" [llL'\ IL'\\. Pdf_‘t‘ “I.

I Stellastarr \ll( '3. 33H Sauclucliall Slit‘t'l. 333 3333 “pm L’H Solioux. lloppx liingcd qual'lcl “ho. lila' llicu' lt‘llll\‘. \cu \oikt‘lx lnlt-ipol. ollcl an lllllll\]lllt'tl it‘lit'al ol old lo) l)l\l\lllll \oundx.

Lli Wolfmother and The Presets King lul\ \Vah \\ah llul. 3‘3a SI \iut't'nl Slit‘t'l. 33l 533‘) H.3llplll. Ui. 8w 5 Rt‘avllh. pagt‘ “ll. loi" lllk‘\t‘ curl}- liau‘cd llllllllt‘l\ lioiu ()/ who am (lk'\\lll‘t'(l ;l\ ;l llllt't‘ l‘lL't'k' l'llt‘l’xillil'llll \\ L'l dimiu.

I Skinflick ('ai'iuxal :\ll\ (‘t-iili'c. 3nd l‘liml. 3-1 \lhion Slit‘t'l. 553 3037.

‘lpiu 3am. L5. \u t-xt'ning ol k‘\[lt‘lllllt‘lll;ll t‘lct'li‘onit'a lt'alui'ing \t'l\ lioiu .~\uollit'l \li' I i/ai'd. lllL‘ lll’l.. Slil'l Rit'liaid and l\'oii\ ()ni-l’a\. \\llo could all hc made up at‘lx loi' all \\L' kllou.

I Big Man \ilt‘k'dl'SlL‘d/‘M ~l3l Sautliit-hall Slit't'l. 333 (Mill). Hpni. llig .\lan l\o\\ oul \\llll lht‘ii' |;i\l cwr

I The Dykeenies and Thee Comrades Hal-ll}. 3m (‘lxdc Sum. (lH—‘(l ‘lilf (NW). Xpln. 'liiulcil piiigicxxixc punk/ail rock oullil,

I Elephant Gun Slt‘l'cll. l-l

Kch inliaugh ~S'li'ccl. 57o 5lll.\'. 3pm. {3, I Popup and Skeleton Bob llaxullc 'lliu'i'iit'. (i3 ,\i'g_\ lk' .'\l'Cilth. 33| XVI-7. Xlllll. L5 (Lil. ‘:\ \pcd up .\l'ah Sll'ap lllt‘L‘l\ :l \lilu L‘tl'klll“ ll (illll‘. \\ L‘ \llltl Ul l’op l'p lll lllL'\t‘ \cl‘} pagm. \uppol‘lcd h} (Hllllll) li'icd pout'i~ pllp\lt‘l'\ Skclclon lloh al llux lil Rant‘ho Rcla\o nighl.

I Random Number, Luxury Car and The Impossible Flower l3lll \olt' (Hut: 5” (ill King Sli'ccl. 553 lo3.\‘. Xlllu. L31 ([5 non-inclnlwrxl. l'.llllllllllll\’.l oi nol‘lht'i‘n \xi'onghcal. .ippal't‘nll}. li‘oni Yoi'kxhirc'x .\lall Rohxon. \Villi addcd licadhanging al llll\ \ll\o nighl.

I The Hedrons lllL‘ llall liar. l(i(l \Voiulllllllh Road. .353 9000, ‘lplll. l'l't‘L‘. Singt‘ilxongu i‘ilt‘i‘ 'l'ippi'x nc“ all—gill hand.

I Vanlustbader (ilaxgou School ol :\l'l. In? lx’t‘nl'i‘t‘u Slit‘cl. 353 -l53l.

l lpiu. Ui (£5i. lli'i\hai1c lour-pit‘cc luxing dixt‘o. punk. indic and rock pla_\ ('luh \'.\ll'.,


I Nazareth, Lights Out By Nine and William Douglas 8. the Wheel 'l'lic li\t'hangc. 55 (how Su'ccl. 4-13 (Mil-l. "pill. U5. ()ld \cliool St‘olli\h ht‘a\_\ lock .it‘l.

I Whole Lotta Led 'l’hc liquid Room. ‘lc \"it'loi'ia Sli‘t‘cl. 335 3504. 3pm. U l. Soc l'il'l 3.

I Armoured Cats, Krank Solo and Cezare l‘ht' Bongo (‘luh. .\loi'a_\ llollw. 37 llol_\i‘ood Road. 558 Tim. 7.3llpin. [3 £4. \th rock \hoxxcaw. (‘rmuoun .\lu\ic. pi‘cwnl lhc gi'uugc iut‘lal ol' .-\i‘nioui‘cd (‘alx Krank Solo and i'aggcd punk ol~ (blank

I The Belgranos, Dakota and The Hustlers \Vhixllchinkim. 4 (i South lll'ldgc. 5.5-. .5l l-l. (iplll. l'il‘L‘L' l‘Ci-Ul‘t‘ iuidnighl; £4 al'lcr. Rock Mill a L‘Ullllll‘} \ ihc l'i‘oin Dakota. \xliilc lhc llmllcrx add \oinc lunk lo lhc mi\.

68 THE LIST .‘ '6 l.',i'

R E - « W M. What do the smart metal kids do when they grow up? They turn their attentions to H i. U huge--9 . . . . . . .

making mu5ic that, while Similarly textured, complicated and entrancmg, turns down the volume to trade in plaintive, lonesome melodies instead of crushing antagonistic riffage. San Franciscan quintet Red Sparrowes featuring members of lsis and Neurosis - are on the cusp of releasing their as yet untitled, second long player, a collection of circular, ebbing and flowing instrumentals, that will appeal much further than the mosh pit. ABC. ($l;l:.‘_(;(‘i‘.g luv X 7m

I Bobby King and The Kingfishers 'l'llt‘ .llllll llUth. S ()llt't'll Sll't‘t‘l. 33h -l.§,\'ll. 7 ‘lpiu. £5 hcloi‘c lain; [7 anti. Soul. (01111”) and goxpcl \iilllltl\.

I Gemma Hayes, The Duke Special and The Mars Patrol ('ahai‘t‘l Vollaii‘i‘. 3h 38 Blair Sll‘t‘t'l. 33H (il7(i. 7pm. £3. SL‘L‘ l‘l'l .3.

I The Des Moines Riot and Jackie Treehorn llt‘lll'} \ ('t-llai' Bar. 8 HM \loi‘i‘ixon Sli‘t't'l. 33X 9393. 7.30pm. £3. Sli'aighl doun lhc linc lock at‘lioll.

I The Ultimate Eagles Story (‘lllL‘L‘ll'\ ll;lll. (.lL‘l'h Sll’t‘L‘l. (i(i.\' 3lll‘). Spin. l; l 7. 'l’ht‘ liaglt'x Sloi‘) pt‘l‘loi'incd h} St‘iilliiiitl'x \Cl'} «mu llolcl (Hililoi‘liia.

I Viva Stereo and Odeon Beat Club ('alcdonian llackp;icl\ci\. 3 ()uccuxlt'i‘i'} Sli‘ccl. No 733-1. 8.30pm. U. :\n cpit' nighl ol indic gi‘calm‘xx.

I Combat Rock and Black Star llanncr1uan\. \iddi') Sli‘ccl. 556 335-3. 8.45pm. £5. ll‘ll‘lllt‘ lo llit' (‘laxli

I The Flavours ’l'hc .laiu llouw. 5 ()llt‘t‘ll Sll‘t‘L‘l. 330 4.380.

lllpin l3,_‘~()ani. £5 hcl'ol'c lain: t'," ill‘lt'l'. SCL‘ l‘ll‘l .5. I 96 Tears \t-laai'. 353 (‘oxxgalu 557 3".\'(l. lllpiu. l-i'cc. Nllx-llhpll't'tl claim

it wk.


I Standalone ('uiulwi'nauld 'l‘licali‘c. Kildruiu. (ll33o 733887. 7.45pm. L" Local lollllplL‘t‘C Sland.\lonc \\ lll lk‘ pla} ing lhcn' lil'\l llUlllL‘lU\\ll ol' 3(lllh lici'c al ('uiuhcrnauld 'lhcali’t‘ lo pi'oniolc lhcu‘ indcpcndcnl (‘l) i‘clt‘aw (hill/1r llu/li'l,


I Dirty Pretty Things .4\ll(‘3. 33H Sauchichall Slim-l. 333 3333. 7pm.

8( ll.” ()l "l'. IlillL' unl'caxihl} good- Iooking t‘\-l.ihcrlinc (‘arl Bai‘al \llU\\\ ux hix llUlllL‘\\Hl'l\ allcr a \pcll l‘ccording in (ilmgmx.

3%: My Latest Novel .\lono. l3 King~ ('ourl. King Sll'ccl. 553 0458. Spin. .\l_\

l.alt‘\l .\'o\c| launch lllL'll' dchul alhuni liil/HW al llll\ gig. l’lu\ a DJ \t'l ll'olll l'UUllMlllL'l' l’al \LW ill. SL‘L‘ [H'LW lL‘“. [lllgt‘ (i3 and alhuiu m it“. pagc ()4.

I Bloc Party King 'l'ul'x \Vah \Vall llul. 373a Sl Vint‘cul Sli‘ccl. 33! 537‘). H.3(lpin. S()l.l) ()l'l. l'ui'i'out-d hum llltllL' lamurilcx li‘oiu London pla} an unuxuall} inlunalc \Vlio l\llli\\\. \ingt'i' Kt'lc ma} cwn hi'cak a \nulc.

I Absentee, Semi-finalists and Andy Gallagher llarl‘l}. 204i ('l_\dc Sll't‘t‘l. 0370 Oil—,7 ()‘N‘l. .\'plll. £5. lulxlt‘d lillL‘\ ol low and lo“ li‘oiu llll\ quinlcl. lt‘tl ll} l);lll \llt‘llilt‘lxilll. :\l\':\ lllL' lllll‘p (ll (iod appai‘t-nll}.

I Dean Owens and Larry Guild 1 ion ‘l‘licali‘c. (i3 'l‘i‘ongalc. 553 4307. 3pm. LN .-\inci‘ican-inllucnt't‘d \ouudx li'oni llux Scollixh \ingcr-xongui‘ilcr.

I Deco Sepali and Zero is One \it‘t"ii'8|t‘;i/). 43l Saut'lut‘hall Slit'cl. $130900, Hill”.

I Eoghan Colgan and Aly MacRae 'l‘hc llullcrll} and lllL‘ l’ig. I53 llalh Sll'ccl. 331 "I l. Npiu. l’i‘cc. ll'l\ll \ingcilxongui'ilci' \iilh a lull} cdgc p|a_\\ al llux .-\t‘ou\lit‘ .-\l'lan‘ \L'\\lllll.

I The Hype, The Motion, The Last Project and Codeine Sit-mo. H Kchinhaugh Sli‘ccl. 5'70 5lllK. Spin. L11 .\ palt‘lmoi'k ol rock inllucnct‘x lllL'llllllllf.‘ ()a\i\. ll'on .\l.udcn and I3

I Eye, Everette, Bossk and Azriel

l 11h Noic (‘alt‘z So (ll) King Sll'ccl. 553 |(»3.\’. Upiu. L3 l’oxlhai'dt‘ol'c pml- l'lk‘lxlllgj li'oin In} L‘.


I Breakestra The Liquid Room. ‘lt‘ Vicloi'ia Sll'ccl. 335 35h~1. ~pin. U). lioi'uai'd-lhinking lunk. hip hop and \Hlll collccliw proinoung lhcir new album Ill! I/Ii' I‘liml‘.

I Kim Edgar 'l‘hc l.i\ing Ronni.

l l.3 l l5 (it'lll'gc Sll‘L‘L'l. 55‘) HSl l,

l 3pm. l’rcc. .'\U)U\ll( pop. Jan and original t'oinpmilionx on piano. guilar and \olt‘c l'roln local niuxit‘ian Kiln l'.dgar.

I Ordinaryson, Five Day Hemingway, Little Amber, Mr Tubaubo and DTB (‘aharct Voltairc.

.30 38 Blair Slrccl. 330 MW». 7pm. 9.5.

MM ol Hip hop and .lullhllt‘ inllut-ntcx lioui (lidinai_\\on on llux lulu-d hill l‘aixing inont'} loi (‘ll.\.\’

I Frey Gang, Magdalene and The Coviets llaunt‘liuan‘x. \iddi} Slim-l. 55h 335-1. 8 ~15piu L31 Rock and llllllk' ll'lplt‘,

I Oatbeanie \\ lll\llt‘l\llll\lt'\. .l (i \oth lllidgt'. 55" 5| H ‘lpiu l'lt'k'. (laxxn and t‘olilt'iupol.ii_\ t'owix l\\llll auolht-i .lkl lllt'l

I Down the Tiny Steps, Mystery Juice and Phantom Riffage Huh” «- lht' llougo ('luh. \loia} llouw. 3" lllll}llilltl Road. 558 “(All lllpin 3am lit-c ht'lol‘t' Ll lpni. L 3 .illci ‘l.i\c lllll\l\ and allcinallw llht'll loi iihlllicd \inncix‘ \\llll llnct~ git'al hand\ doing gelling all liol and hollicicd


I Mystery Jets and Fields 'I lu- (iaiagc. -1‘)ll Saiit'lut'liall Slit-cl. 333 ll3ll 7pm. LN 5H, ()\t'l l-lx \llll\'.. lloll} lippt-d indlc l_\kc\ who haw l‘L'L'll ilt‘xt'lihcd h} \l/l. m lllL' lluxxing link lit-lut't'n ('au. |)c\_\ \ and lllL‘ /.ulon\ and lt'alui‘in: lalht'i/xon t'illllllil llcnl} and lllainc llill‘l'lxilll .il lllL' llL'llll

I Trivium ('alling .\L.ltlL'lll} (ilaijmk. l3l lllellllllll \ll‘ccl. 05"” fl 3‘“) 7pm, LI3 ()\Cl’- l-«l\ \llliv. \iilc (llallfJL’ Hl \cnuc loi nun iut‘lal ll\L‘lllllll\ lll\llllll I Jason Mraz lillltlL‘IN limb. ‘lx Buchanan Slim-l. 333 "llll. (ipin l'lL‘L' llthIL‘ pt‘l'loi'luaut'c ll‘olu lhc indlt' \ingt'l'wongurilcl .ilicad ol louighl‘x ().\l

I Dismember, Achren, Argonath and Dionysus Soundhaux. J", ll}dcpal'la SlrL'L'l. 33l 4659 7pm. l'lllllltlL'll lll Stockholm in IONS. l)l\lllL‘llll‘L‘l' int-rt- al lhc lorcllonl ol llic dt'alh iuclal \L'L'llk’ helping hicak lhc \ound agrim lzuropc I Jason Mraz ()uccn \lai'garcl l'luon. 33 l‘nncixil} (lilrtlt'll\. 33‘) UTHJ Xplll. S()l.l) ()l "l. .\ ncu llldllhll'L‘illll \ingcr/kongurllci‘ lor _\our L‘thltlcrilllllll. .\lra/ l\ hawd Ill \oulhcrn (‘alilornia uhcic llc Cincrgcd llu'ough lllt.’ San Dicgo t'llllL‘C \llllp \t‘L‘llc.