Artist’s Talk: Paul Harrison I'l'l 34 I‘cb. 3pm. I'i‘cc ()nc haII oi \Vood tK- Harrison talks about his work.

What Makes you and l Different In 34 I'clt Siin 3(i.\Iai1 I:\hibilion oi \Hii‘k It} l’clcl' I.and. \Vood (K Ilal'i‘lsoit. licaglcs (k Ramsay and Monica ('astillo. amongst othci‘s. .iII oi w hoin c\p|orc how lhc artist portrays his or hciscli in lhcii own work. Scc IIitIisl. NI W


Artist’s Talk: Mark Neville \\'cd I Mar. (l, iilpin. I‘i'cc 'I'hc artist tIl\L'll\\L'\ his part in ihc cui'rcnt c\hibition

Private Galleries


355 Argylc Slrcci. 087i) 340 7538. Want Iilpnt; Sun noon Iilpin.

Lining Out l'ntiI Sat 35 I‘cb Work by sc\cn conlcinpoi'at'y Scottish illustrators including (‘Iaiic :\lltlt‘l’\ttll. I)\I.a_\ nc Ilcll. Inc} \Iaclcnd and Ilcrnic Rcid, IASI (III/\NCI It ) SI I

Kirsty Whiten: Votive Icons Inc 38 I‘cb Sun 3 Apt: Inc In this Iatcst sci'ics oi dctailcd drawings. ‘Volh c IL‘UIlSi. Whilcn l'L‘\\t)l'ks goddcsscs. It‘l'lllll}

sy inboIs and talisnians. NI W SI IUW.

I LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 200 Bath Sli'ccl. 33! 0723. INC Sal ‘lain opin

Kathryn Pender: Figure Form l'ntil \\cd 33 I-cb. \Vorks mploring thc huinan iigui'c in a landscapc conlc\i IASI (ZHANCI I() SI I

John Hughes-Devlin Sal 25

I'cb \Vcd 3‘) Mar landscapc photography. NI‘W SI IOW,


75 Rnlk‘l'lsolt Sti'cct. Suilc (l. I'iltittl' I. 348 37l I. .\Ion I5ri IIIain 5pm; Sat noon 5pm.

Luke Fowler Sat I8 I-‘cb Sal IX .\iar, Rcccnt work by this young artist. \\ ho c\hibilcd in last ycar's link '\ l‘lllllli'\ NI W SI iUVV.


I()() chircw Sum. ‘33 5057. Mon I‘l‘l ‘lain (ipm; Sat ‘lain ~<l.iilplll.

Mel Gillies: Himalay and Home ch I I-‘ri 3| Mar. Photography by (iillics. w ho has tra\ cIch io lhc Himalayas many [mics and is a iriistcc oi (‘oininunily .-\ction .\‘cpal NI \'.’


Tom Gautd and Simone Lia

Yorker and Penguin, and Lia has recently completed her first graphic novel.

Comic book artists/illustrators Tom Gauld and Simone Lia (founders of Cabanon Press) exhibit new drawings, paintings and prints in this, the fifth show in Analogue‘s exhibition space. Gauld has created comic strips for Time Out, The Guardian, The New

I Ana/ogi/o. [dinning/i, fit I," l 0/) until Sat I I Mar Son Boo/«5;, page 28


5 St Margai'ct's I’Iacc. ()7HI3 (305745. 'I'hti Sat I 5pm.

1‘» Julian Gothe: Beams are Gonna Find Me l'niil Sat Ix Mai. l'oldcd papct‘. iiictal and glass works by Julian (iolltc. mploring lhc world oi ‘posl Illncllonal' illlcl‘ioi‘ tlc‘slglt. Scc prcy icw. pagc ‘)3 and Ilitlisi.

Artist Spaces


In!) Hum; (34 ()shol'ltc Strcct. .553 I473, 'I‘uc Sat noon 5pm.

This is Not a Painting Sun 20 I’cb. 7pm. I'il'cc. .-\ sci'ccning oi. \ idL‘o works by artists bout a painting Inickgroiind. including ('i'aig .‘yiiiIhoIIand aitd .\laui'icc I)ohcrty. I-‘or dclails contact Kai‘cn (’iinninghani or Icoiiot‘a IIcnncssy by cinailing

thcopcncy chubU' gmatlcotn


534 I)ukc Sli‘ccl. 5.56 7376. Inc .Sal noon 6pm.

The Maid of Corinth 0... Sat IS I‘cb. Ncw \\ot‘k ironi Maric .lcannc IIoii'ncr. .\larlinc Myrup. 'I‘obias Slci'nbci'g and Michacl \V'iirstbauci‘. Scc i‘cyicw. pagc 93 and IIitIist. l ASI CHANCE IO SH.

2%: Yvonne Mullock WM 22 (“ch Sal IS Mar. Work by (iS.-\ gradtiatc Yyonnc Mullock. NI W St IOWI



3 .\larkcl Slrccl. 53‘) 3993. Mon \Vcd. I'll & Sal |()ani 5pm; 'I‘hu lilani 7pm; Sun noon 5pm

Face a Faces l'ntiI Sun 33 Apr. ('ontcinporary portrait photography i'i'oin I‘rcnch. Scottish and intcrnational artists. including ()i'Ian. Kiinoko Yosltida altd \Vcndy McMui‘do.



33 3S (‘ock’burn Strch 330 l3(»(). 'I'uc Sat noon 5pm.

New Work Scotland Programme .0 l'ntil Sat 4 Mar. Rcccni work by tip and coming (ilasgow shascd artists Will I)ukc and Alcxandcr Stalinann. Scc rcyicw. page ()3


7} Byli'oi'd Road. ()34 (i3()(). I)ain I()ain 5pm.

Echoes of Antiquity: Eduardo Paolozzi and Traditional Sources l”ntil Stiii I3 Mar. I‘rcc. Studics, skclchcs and archiy c inatcrial highlighting I’aoIo/Ii's intcrcst in mythology and history.

Artists and Camouflage Until Sat I Apr. Archiy c display looking at lhc cinploy incnl oi Iinc artists during WWI.

Paolozzi of the Month I-'.\ cry 'I‘hii. I345 l._i()piii. l'ircc. Iiach wcck I)anicI IIcri'inann. thc I’aoIo/li curator. will giyc a laIk on a diiici'cnt work in thc mhibition.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 Union Strch 557 347‘). 'I‘uc Sal Illain ()plll.

Sarah Sanford & Robert Crozier Until Sat 35 Mar. .S'Ii/l liq/ii. Sarah Saniord's cxhibition oi abstract sci‘ccn prints and drawings is paircd w ith l-imii lat/iiilnu'uli Io llUlllf‘ l'u'mu' by Robct'l (‘ro/icr. a display oi' pocins and Iinocuis.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Markcl Slrcct. 335 3383. Mon Sat I Iain ()plll'. Sun noon 5pm.

At the Same Time Somewhere Else . . . Until Inc 38 I'cb. lircc. Photography. \‘idco. installation and drawing work by Mclik ()hanian. l’ia Ronickc and Scan Snydci‘. IAST CHANCI IO SIEF.


75 Bcli‘ord Road. ()34 (i300. I)aily 10am 5pm.

Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat Until Sun 5 Mar. A display oi work cclcbrating thc Aincrican Abstract Iixprcssionist paintcr who sci tip a stitdio in Mallaig. on thc Sound oi Slcat.

Selective Memory: Scotland and Venice .... Until Sun 5 Mar. I~'rcc. Sclcctcd highlights irom Scottiin anisis cxhibiiing ai ihc 5|si Vcnicc Bicnnalc. including ('athy Wilkcs. Alcx I’ollard. Joannc 'Iailiaiii and Tom ()‘Sulliy’an. Thc work shown cxainincs scIi'-rci‘crcntial inotii's.

Selective Memory: Guided Tours livery Sat & Sun. 3 2.30pm. Frcc. (iuidcd tour giycn by a changing rota

oi artists. gallci'y stall and olltcl‘ c\pcl'ls.

Selective Memory: Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan Mon 30 I‘ch. I345 l.l5pin. I'rcc. ('athci'inc Wood. a curator at ’I'alc Modcrn. talks in lltc al'lisls about lltclt \xol'k. Selective Memory: Scotland and Venice for the Visually Impaired ch 33 I‘cb. lilain 3.10pm. I’rcc. I)L‘\L‘l'lpll\‘k‘ tour i’oIIowcd by a practical workshop. ('aII (i34 (i438 to book a pIacc.


I ()ucclt Sli‘ccl. ()34 63”“. Mon \Vcd & I'i‘i Sun lilain 5pm; 'I'hu

lilain 7pm.

Cut and Dried l'ntil Siiii 3b Mar. I’rcc. 'I‘wo ctiinplcincntai'y displays icaturing thc silhouctlcs oi Augustin Iidouart and walci'colouis Iroin Harry Moi‘c (iol‘don.

William Wallace: Scottish Patriot 1305-2005 Until Sun 36 I‘cb. Ii\hibttion oi portraits lo cclcbralc thc 700th anniycrsary oi \N'allacc's c\ccution.

Celebrating the Scotsman l’ntil Sun I3 Mar. Iixhibition to mark 150 ycars sincc thc lidinbui‘gh~bascd papcr wcnt daily.

8" Portrait Award l'ntil Sun I3 Mar. I'ht'cc. ()nly‘ Scollisli showing oi this annual cshibition which cncouragcs young artists to locus on thc thcinc oi poitraitui'c.

Signed Tour: BP Portrait Award Sun 36 I‘cb. I Iain noon. l‘rcc. lixhibition tour i'oi' pcoplc who arc dcai. To book a placc lax (>34 (>440 or icxt ()7XI4 75I()X7.

BP Portrait Award for the Visually Impaired ch I Mar. lilain 3.30pm. I5rcc. I)cscripti\c tour and practical workshop. ('all ()34 (>438 in book a placc.

Flora Drummond, 1879-1949 ch I Mar. I345 I.I5pnt. I’rcc. Talk on Hora I.ion's portrait oi thc suiiragctlc by Dr lilspcth King.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alacc oi II()I)’T()(KII)()USC. 556 5100. Daily 9.30am 4.30pm.

Unfolding Pictures Until Fri 3!

Mar. £5 (£4). Iixhibition oi'ovcr 80

Ians iron] the Royal (’ollcction dating from thc I6()()s up until the I93ils. including sonic picccs by l‘abcrgé.

16 Feb 2 Mar 2006 THE LIST 95