True gri


At the heart of Celtic Connections is a tribute to one of Scotland’s great forward thinking musicians. Kenny Mathieson explains all about MARTYN BENNETT DAY

hc dcath ol .\lart_\n Bcnnctt l’rom canccr last

.lanuar) hrought a tragicth prcmaturc cnd to

onc ol‘ thc most original and pro\ocati\'c carccrs in Scottish music. Bcnnctt's musical talcnts c\tcndcd lrom traditional music through to classical composition. htit hc was hcst known l'or his radical iill\itilt\ ol l'olk music and cluh culturc in cxplorator}. studio-ccntcrcd alhums likc lint/ii (ii/rim: (i/cii Lion and (int.

Bcnnctt‘s contribution w ill hc cclchratcd in a pair ol'

linkcd hut contrasting conccrts at (‘cltic ('onncctions. a l‘ollow-up up to an carlicr mcniorial conccrt in Iidinhurgh in April.

'l‘hc conccrts ha\ c hccn coordinatcd h} .\lart_\'n‘s widow. \iolinist Kirstcn Bcnnctt. and Martin Swan. who rccruitcd Bcnnctt as a tccnagcr l‘or his own cross—gcnrc l‘usion hand .\louth .\ltisic. and workcd with him on lilm and tclc\ision music on man) occasions. llc csplaincd that thc original idca had comc l'rom ('olin ll} nd at ('cltic ('onncctions.

‘(iolin pl'oposcd doing sotttclltittg lo cclchratc Maron at thc l'cstix'al. Kirstcn and I had somc \cr) spccilic idcas about what shapc it might takc. and w c got togcthcr with him to hammer it otit.’

'l‘hc} camc tip with thc option ol two conccrts. 'l'hc

al'tcrnoon onc at thc (’onccrt Ilall w ill l‘caturc somc ol

his composcd music. including thc orchcstral work .llur/s'riik .lli'muirs. writtcn l'or thc opcning ol thc Scottish parliamcnt. and a couplc ol' ncw arrangcmcnts ol .\lart_\n's music commissioncd h\ thc l‘cstixal l'rom \ iolinist (ircg son. '

It will hc lollowcd h) a latc-night hash at thc ()ld I‘ruitmarkct which w ill locus on thc cluh culturc sidc ol' his music. with his hand ('uillin .\Itisic and a rangc


ol’ gucst liddlcrs and pipcrs lilling Martyn's own rolc. including Ror} ('amphcll. I’rascr l’il‘icld. Ross .'\inslic. .'\dam Suthcrland and (ircg Lawson. pltis l).l scts and a \cr} unorthodox masscd pipc hand linalc.

"l‘hc rcason l‘or doing it that wa} was that it is guitc dillicult to know how to pcrl‘orm MartynK music. hccausc it is so much hitscd on production hc was morc proud ol thc idca that he was a produccr than a playcr. although hc was a hrilliant pla} cr.

'llc had sct up (‘uillin Music quitc spccilically so that it could hc donc without him. but that didn’t hpr to promotc othcr aspccts ol his music that pcoplc might want takc up. including somc classical picccs. and it just sccmcd that thc answcr would hc to do two dil'l‘crcnt kinds ol cvcnts at dil‘l‘crcnt times of thc day. It sccmcd a hit much to try to gct c\ci'_\thing into onc and makc it work. so wc ha\c conic up with onc conccrt ol' morc l‘ormal inusic with thc classical matcrial. and one with thc cluh \‘ihcf

'l’hc latc—night conccrt will l‘caturc music drawn l‘rom Bcnnctt's alhums. but will also includc thc lirst attcmpt at lixc pcrl'ormanccs of tour songs l‘rom his final rccording projcct. (iril. which will hc sung h_\ Karcn (‘asc) and Michacl .\Iarra.

“That will hc qtlitc a challcngc l‘or tts. Martyn was \cr_\ uncompromising ahout his music. and I think onc ol' thc hig things with thcsc conccrts is that wc l'clt it was yet} important to do thcni his way. li\cr_\‘onc in\ol\cd is \cr_\' committcd to trying to makc it as closc to thc wa} that .\Iart_\n might haxc donc it as possihlc.‘

Royal Concert Hall and Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, Sat 14 Jan.

Celtic Connections Musical polymaths like Carlos Nunez (pictured) and Maggie Maclnnes (see preview. page :39) are a fine example of the breadth of talent on otter under the rather stretched banner of celtic music here. There's loads of goodies to seek out and the quality is such that you can pretty much take a chance on most things and be rewarded with a fine night out. See Folk listings tor full details of what's on otter. Various venues. G/asgow, Wed I t--Sun 29 Jan. (Folk & World)

Test lcicles That's what we like to see: young men in tight l-shirts endlessly battling with their instruments and making an incorrigible racket in the process. All sounds vaguely homoerotic or is that just me? That's just part of the appt—ial. I suppose. See preview. page 60. Venue. Edinburgh, Sat M Jan; Barf/y. Glasgow, Sun l5 Jan. (Rock 8‘ Pop)

OK Go ‘Cet Over It was the bouncealong tune that propelled them into the public eye a year or so ago but this Chicagoan quartet are way more enterprising that one radio hit might suggest. Their new album 0/) No doesn't make it here until March but will be worth the wait. coming on as it does like the Dandy Warhols tiring on Sunny D and Pro Plus instead of bong hits and rose wine. King Tut's, Glasgow. Sun 15 Jan. (Rock & Pop)

Belle and Sebastian These opening dates on the gloriously titled ‘Civic Pride' tour are the first jaunt out in support of the imminent long player The Life Pursuit. They are still the coolest kids in school. despite what the Arctic Monkeys might think. and these three dates -~ replete with stellar support line— up -- should be nothing short of damn tine. ABC. Glasgow. Sun iS-Tue 77 Jan. (Rock 8 Pop)