a kooky airline xtewardexx tl)uiixt l. Drew ix able to forget ahotit loot“ ear and get on

w ith grieying. .-\ conxixtently amuxiiig. charming lilm that iiieaiiderx along the road lcxx tray cllcd. melt tl' (‘i'owe docx ladle on the xeiitiiiientality too thickly at timex. ()(/(’()I1."J ‘I‘lu’ Qllill‘. (i/tlsumi‘, (i/ihumi: The Exorcism of Emily Rose t Lin C. tScott Derrickxoti. l'S. 3005) Laura l.imicy. 'l'om \Vilkitixon. ('amphell Scott. Jeniiil'er ('ai'penter. I l‘lmin. llaxed on the true xtory ol~ Anneliexe Michel. a (iermaii woman from a nice low er middle claxx ('atholic lamily. \\ ho wax heliey ed to Jim e heen poxxexxed and died during an e\orcixtii. ('learly ruxlied otit to heat iic\t year'x tlpcoiiiiiig (ierman-language lilm R('(/lli(’lll. which is L'\pcclcd to xlay truer to the real e\ ciitx. thix w ill appeal to thoxe with an intcrext in theological horror. .Sr’li'cu'd I't'lr'uu'.

The Family Stone ll’(il O

('l'liomax lie/iiclia. l'S. 3005i Sarah Jexxica l’arkcr. ('laire l)anex. Diane Keaton. Dermot Mulroney. l03min. The liberal Stone lainin (Nelxon and Keatoiii try to embrace proxpectiye daugliter iii-law. the tiptiglit Meredith ll’at‘kct‘l. met the ('hrixtmax period but thiiigx iiiyariahly go wrong. ()ne .xocial gathering well worth ayoiding. (ir’m'l‘u/ I’t’lt'llM'.

Flesh and the Devil ll’(il «(‘Iai-ence Brown. l'S. l‘l27l O... (ireta (iai'ho. John (iilhert. l.arx llaiixon. lll‘linm. ('laxxic xilent romantic melodrama. hyped at the time due to the oll-xcreen paxxioiix hetweeii (iarho alid (iilhei't. .v\n adulteroux countexx hccomex inyolyed with a xoldier and liix hexl ll‘lctttl. xtirring tlie paxxioiix ol' eyeryoiic in her path. l’erhapx a little ox erdone by

today 'x xtandardx. but the action clima\ remainx e\citing. Part of ( iarho Seaxoii. l'lllll/ll’ll.\('. Ifdinburgh.

Flightplan l l3:\l O. (Rohct‘l

Schw L‘ttlkL‘. [-5. 3005) Jtttllc l'lNJL'IJ. l’t‘lt‘l' Sarxgaard. Sean Bean. lirika ('hrixteiixeii. ()xlttlll. PlilllL‘ tlt‘\lgttct' Kyle ll'bthlt'l'l tx flying the body ol‘ her dead liuxhand hack home. .'\t 37.000 lcet xlic xuddenly i'ealixex that her daughter ix mixxiiig htit nohody rememherx xeeing the girl. .'\llttlltL‘l' hyxterical ‘woman and child iii danger‘

thriller lrom l‘oxtcr'x underwhelming middle

career. (io xee ()tto l’remingepx hrilliaut 1905 lilm Bunny [.(lkt' l\ .llinine iiixtead; it hax the xaine plot and ix loadx hetter. Xt'lt't‘lt'i/ I‘t'lt'tlu’.


3" Frankenstein (l’( i l 0.0.. lJatitcx \Vliale. l'S. I‘HI l Borix Karloll. 7lmin. \Vltale‘x wonderlully caiin \erxioii ol‘ the myth takex liherticx with itx xource material hut ix prohahly better known than Mary Shelley ‘x no\ cl. Karlol'l'K naiiielcxx monxtcr wax xo iiietiiorahle that audiencex came to think til it. rather than itx creator. ax 'l't'ankcnxtein‘. l’ait ol .\lonxter .\lo\iex \caxott. I'i/In/iuuu'. ladinbiu'g/i.

Garfield tl’( it 0. (Peter llew itt. l'S. 3004i llreckiii .\ley cr. Jt‘llllllt‘l' l.o\ e llcwitt. Stephen 'l'oholokay. llill \lurray (\oicel. leiti. Dopey duiiih axx \erxion ol the popular xtrip and 'l‘\' cartoon. .\'ot hall ax had ax you may xuxpect. though Murray ix waxted. (iron-(um; (i/iixeuii.

Get Rid of Yourself llhcl (Bernadette (’orporation. l'S. 2002l (i-limn. li\plorex the e\trcme end ol' protcxt culture hy i'ccoiixtructing the L‘\L‘tll\ xurrotmdiiig the (i8 xiiiiitiiit in (ieiioa in July 200l. and the death ol'('ar|o (iiiiliaiii. Screened ttltttlfJSltlc Ilmt' / [carnal In ()i't'ri unu' Ill\ Ivar and Int (' .lrik .S/ulmn and I/i\ I)ii‘inr (irtu‘t’ ax part ol the In the l’rlt’lll .l/mul lui'i' liiu

Dun '1 thin the lliu‘d lmr lilm programme. ('( .l. (i/tlwmi.

Godzilla (Gojira) it’t il .00. llxllli'ti llonda. Japan/l 'S. l‘JS-ll lkira 'l’akarad. .\loiiioko Kolii. .v\kihiko llirata. 08mm. With the rextoi'ation ol Vi miiiutex ol' lilm

prey iouxly cut by [S cenxorx. the once laughath diiiiih crcattii'c leature now play x ax the dark anti nuclear warlarc parahlc that director llonda originally intended it to he. \thlt llx xccncx til the dcxlt'ttclltttt til 'lttkyo by a giant i'adioacti\e. lire hreathiiig. prc ltlxlttt'tc creature and. “Milan L‘l'. I'L‘lL‘l‘L'llL‘L'\ to the tlieti xtill all too recent hoiiihiiig ol' Nagaxaki. hlack rain. hoiiih xhelterx and all. the anti w capoiix ol maxx dextructioii mexxage tcoiiipletely cut out in the [8) ix painlully clear. Ania/iiieg tor a man-in—a» inonxter-xuit mm ie. the climactic conlrontatioii hetw cell the creature and a xcictitixt with yet another apocalyptic

my ention generatex iimiicnxc pathox. llighly t'ccttttllllL‘tltlctl. l’at't til .\J(lll\lk‘l' .\lo\ tt‘\ xcaxoii. l‘l/lll/ll'llu’. lidin/mrg/i.

3" Le Grand Voyage tl’(il O... llxtttttt‘l J'JL‘J'J'UUhhl. l'Il‘illlL‘L‘leUl'tK‘Ctl . lell-ll .\'icolax (‘a/ale. .\lo|iaiiicd .\la|d. Jacky Nc‘i‘c'c'xxi;iit. (ilima ()gnianoya. l0.\'miii. lieautiliil and mm ing road ttto\ ie ahout a lather and xon'x pilgrimage l'rom the South ol' l‘rancc to \lccca. 'l‘hc pi‘ohlcttl ix that

What happens if you get a bunch of self-obsessed strangers at a spiritual retreat in the Highlands of

Scotland and tell them that they can only tell each other the truth? Why, a bit of jealousy, sex and murder, of course. Writer/director George Milton’s interesting it ultimately unsuccessful hybrid of an manor house murder mystery and The Wicker Man boasts a superb cast and some great acting from, among others, Amelia Bullmore, Elaine Cassidy, Elizabeth McGovern and William Beck. See Rough Cuts, page 41.

I Clnoworld Haul/ow Shoal. Glasgow and C/nowor/(l. [,"(illllN/lgll from I r/ 13 Jan.

Reda l(’a/ale. excellent) ix a iion-helieyer and hix old lather w antx to giye him one last chance to dixco\ er hix Mttxlim rootx. llaunting and \ery memorahle. lliix ix a delightlul mm ie. ('umm. Iz'dinbu/ik'h.

The Great Dictator t t’( it 00.0 t('liarlex ('liaplin. ('8. 1040) ('harlex ('liapliii. Jack ()akic. Reginald (iardinet‘. lleiiry l)amcll. Billy (iilhen. (iracc llaylc. (‘arter l)ella\en. l’aulctte (ioddard. 125mm. \\'onderl'ul cleaned-up re-ixxue of late (‘Iiapliii claxxic. (‘haplin playx two roles at meek Jew ixli harher with amnexia and a llitler-xty le mad dictator. Very funny indeed; thix ix hirtliplace ol xiglit and xound gags that l.ex l)awxoii got away with uxing for years. l'iiuxually l'or (’liaplin. thix ix alxo xtrangely moy ing and prophetic. l’art ol‘ Made in World “m H xeaxoii. I'i/In/unm'. Edinburgh. Hands Over the City (PG) 0000 tlirancexco Roxi. Italy/Fiance. 1963) Rod Steiger. Salxo Randone. (iuido Alherti. l05miii. Corruption and the hunger for power lorm tlie tlieiiiex ol' Roxi‘x .xtory ahout corrupt .\'otto|a tSteigerl and liix quext l'or inlluencc hy channelling the public building programme into hix priyate land. Ifdinbinjeh I‘ll/II (int/d. lidinbureh.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire l 12A) .0 (Mike Newell. l'K/l‘S. 2005) Daniel Radclil‘le. limma \Vatxoii. Rupert (it'ltll. l)a\ id 'l‘ennaiit. Ralph l'iciiiiex. l57iiiin. Harry and hix dull mates get huxy at the inter-xcliool ol magic 'l‘riWi/ard 'l‘ournaiiient. only to he laced with the return of e\ il maxtermind l.ord \‘oldeiiiort tl-‘ieiiiiexl. llideouxly oyerlong. clunky adaptation ol‘ fourth l’ottei' hook directed with no llare wliatxoey er hy Britiin hack New ell. (ii'neml release.

The Hidden Blade l 15) O... th‘iii Yamada. Japan. 2004) .\laxatoxhi Nagase. ‘l‘akako .\latxu. llidctaka Yoxhioka. Yukiyoxlii ()lawa. Ken ()gata. l ilmiii. l‘)th century Japan and the dil'l'erent claiix are lacing oppoxition and modernixation from without atld within. When lla/ama t()/awal L‘tllL‘t‘gc'x at\ ;t rchel lt‘;ttlL‘t'. ltlx old friend


Katagiri (Nagasel. the hext .xyy'tirtlsiiiziii in the area. i.x .xent alter him. against hix will. Another elegant thoughtful and genuinely moying delight from the maker of 'Iii'i/igln Samurai. (iluyemi‘ Film Theatre. (iluignw; Film/muse. Edinburgh.

His Divine Grace tthc) (Phillip Lat. Tibet. 2000) 25min. l.ai explorex the medium of exoteric tlL‘Vttlltttlttl yideox to examine hix relationxliip with lii.x lather and our own methodx ol~ interpretation. Screened alongside How I Learned to ()i'erimne .lly bear and Lure ."I'hk‘ Sharon and (it‘l Rid of linu'sr'll'as part of the In the [hem :lbuu! Lore You Don 'I Write the Word Lure lilm programme. ('( 'sl. (Hus-gnu:

How I Learned to Overcome my Fear and Love Arik Sharon tthcl t.-\\'i Mograhi. lxrael. l‘)‘)7l (ilmiii. Doculictioii that plays with the nature of fiction and reality in narrating the tale of a liliiimaker .xeduced hy the lxraeli prime minister. Screened alongxide llis Divine (inu‘t' and (iv! Rid ul'lhiuiwll ax pan ol‘ the In the I’ru'm About Lure You Dan 'I Write the Word Lure lilm programme. ('(I-l. (i/usgmi:

In Search of Mozarttt'i tl’hil (irahsky. l'K. 2005) ll‘lmin. Produced iii axxociation with the world'x leading orchestras. opera houxes and iiiuxiciaiix. thix is a journey through liurope. exploring the myths that xurrouiid .\lo/art. with interviews and [X‘rl‘oriiiancex from some ol~ the worlth moxt significant artistx. including Renee l‘leming. Imogen (‘ooper and many others. [it (ilasgow thix lilm ix .xhowing ax part of the Making Muxic .xeason. (iluxgmi' [Vi/m 'I'heum'. (ill/wow: film/muse. Edinburgh.

Inauguration Day tthc) ll't‘attcoix Bucher. the. 2005i 20min. lirnexto Saiiiper. ex-prexident of (‘olomhia. deliyerx a live broadcast to Waxliiiigton on the day of (ieorge Bush‘s inauguration. Screened alongside .\'n!e.x for an African ()rmleiu ax part of the In the [hem :lbuu! Lure lint Don 'I Write the Word Lure lilm programme. (‘( 'xl. (i/(tsgmi:


Saturday 14 January Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart & the Ottoman Empire

Thursday 19 January Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart's Paris

Saturday 21 January Renaud Garcia Fons Double bass phenomenon

Thursday 26 January Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart Piano Concertos

qh: the hq of live

thequeenshall. clerk street. edinburgh eh8 9jg booking hotline: 0|3l 668 20l9 online booking: www.thequeenshall.net

Monday 30 January New Town Concerts Society Alban Gerhardt & Steven Osborne

Thursday 2 February Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart-Master & Pupil

Friday 3 February Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Kansas City Suite

Sunday 5 February Scottish Chamber Orchestra Chamber Concert

music in edinburgh

:3-- 19 Jitti was THE LIST 45