lxK lx


tRoiICAt C E (litany Agni 0min

Mi I. p j:’ '9". in In H

The VK Vodka Kick team are heading for the bars and clubs of Glasgow at the end of this month celebrating the launch of their latest edition VK Tropical into plastic bottles. The full VK Vodka Kick range, including VK Blue, V-lce. VK Orange. VK Apple. VK Cherry and new VK Tropical. is now available in plastic bottles.

To help brighten up this dreary January The List has teamed up With VK Vodka Kick to offer two lucky readers the chance to Wln a case of 24 bottles of VK Tropical. For your chance to Win simply answer this easy question:

What does VK stand for?


Terms 8. Conditons: All entrants must be 18 years of age or over. Usual List rules apply.

44 THE LIST 23-19 Jan 2000

Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Bewitched tl’( ii I. t.\'ora liphron. l‘S. 3005i .\'icolc lx'idman. \\'ill l‘crrcll. Shirlc} .\lacl.ainc. .\lic|tacl ('ainc. .laxon Schxxart/man. llllmin. l)irc. onc~ dimcnxional. hiin conccpt rcxxoi'king ol' Ilic crxtxxhilc 'l‘V xlioxx that Iackx magic. Jack ll‘crrcll l. an actor xx hoxc carccr ix on thc xxanc. takcx tlic rolc ol' xtluarc huxhand Darrin in a rcmakc ol a claxxic xitcom in tlic hopc that it xx ill t'cx ix c liix carcci'. 'l'o protcct hix xtar xlatux hc inxixtx that an unknoxxn hc caxt ax Samantha. lintcr lxohcl tKidIiianl.

xx ho. h) a quirk ol' talc. ix a xx itch dcxpcratc to Iixc lil'c ax a mcrc mortal. (‘i'iii'iiiir/i/ I’ur/x/Ii'ml. (i/uxumi. (i/tlxgmi.

Blazing Saddles i ISi 00.. i.\lt-I Brookx. [8. [07-1) ('Icaxon I.itt|c. (icnc \Vildcr. Slim l’ickcnx. llarxc} Koriiiati. 93min. .\lorc hanal xchoolhox humour trom Brookx and a clutch ol' otlicr xx ritci'x. .-\ railxxax companx ix tlixxartcd in itx planx h) a moth crcxx ol' xx cxtcrn l'olk. A xxot'k ol' gcniux. Sin/mum Xi Irv/1m: Ix’umn, [Jilin/Hugh.

Brazilian Shorts i ISi ix'ai-ioiix. “I'll/ll. xariouxi 31min. .\ xclcction ol‘ rcccnl Bra/ilian xliorlx \xhicli mcludcx lzduardo l'hL'll\lU(|llL‘-\ Hut and Ricardo \lL‘llcxlllwx cxccllcnt urlian l'antax_x (‘ii/iilii/ ('i'ri‘u/imli'. (imam. I'ji/I/i/iuru/i.

Breakfast on Pluto l ISi 0.0 i.\‘cil Jordan. li'cland/l "K. 2005) l.iaiii \ccxon. ('illian .\ltii‘pli}. Ruth \cgga l35mm. Scc rcx icxx. pagc 4 I. (it'lh’l'tl/ It'lt'tlu'. Bringing Up Baby I Ho 0000. tlloxxard llaxxkx. [8. 1038! (’ai'x (irant. Katharmc llcphurii. ('harlcx Rugglcx. llllmin. /.an_x gal llcphurn cauxcx timid loologx pt‘olcxxor ( irant to loxc a \aluahlc dinoxaur honc and mixlax a pct lcopard

xx ithin thc courxc ol onc xci‘cxx hall cxciiitig. .r\rchcl_xpal .illx cra/x coiiicdx xxith onc outlandixlilx liilaiioux xccnc lolloxxing anothcr xx itliiii thc progrcxxion ol‘ an uncrringlx logical narratixc. Both xtarx at thcir charixmatic hcxt. (i/uxuiiii I‘llm III/lt'tlll't'. (i/tlxurm.

* Brokeback Mountain I ISi 000. (.'\lt:_‘ l.cc. [-5. Illllfil llcalh l.L‘tlgL‘l'. Jakc (ix llcnliaal. .\lichcllc \Villiamx. .'\llllL‘ llathaxxax. IR-lmin. Scc lcaturc. pagc l-l. inlcrx icxx. pagc 3‘). and rcx icxx. pagc ~lll. (it'lli'l'tl/ I't’lt'tlxt‘.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ll’(il O... t'l'im Burton. l'S/l'K. 2005i Johnn} Dcpp. l‘t‘cddic llighiiioi'c. l)ax id Kcllx. llclcna Bonham (‘artcr. .\'oali 'l‘a_x|or. l ISmin. lixccllcnt and laitlil'til adaptation ot' Roald l)ali|'x claxxic l‘NxJ hook. Bi/arrc and hcautil‘ul to look at. lhix ix Burton at tlic top ol- liix gamc. I'( ‘I l'ji/I'Ii/un'u/i. l-[i/i'n/mr'c'li. Cheaper by the Dozen tl’(il 00 (Shaxxn l.cx_x. 18. Jill)?» 8ch c Martin. Bonnic Hunt. l’ipci' l’craho. 'l‘om \Vclling. llilar} l)ull'. ‘Vimn. loin Bakcr l .\lartinl ix a l'oothall coach xx ho lindx limixcll' mox ing to a hig-namc ioh m ('liicago xx liilc tr_x mg to kccp liix litigc latiiilx undcr control xx hcn liix author xx il'c Katc lBonnic llllllll hax to go on an uncxpcctcd hook tour. .r\nothcr dull. haraxxcd dad coincd) l'rom .\lartin. rcmadc from a l‘)51l(‘lil'ton \Vchh \chiclc. ('i/ii'iim'lt/ I‘filui/iiirg/i. lat/iii/iuru/I. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 t H il

.0 t.-\dam Shankman. l’S. 3005i 8ch c Martin. Bonnic llunt. l’ipci' l’craho. ’l‘om \\'cllmg. 03mm. lhc Bakcr laiiiilx arc hack and thcx arc going on liolidax hut thc_x hax cn't countcrcd on .limm_x .\lurtaugli tl.cx_x l and liix hig hrood. l’atlictic xcqucl to a hcxxildcrmglx xucccxxl'ul lamilx coiiicdx. (ii'm'm/ I'i'li'i/xi'.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ll’(il O (Andrcxx .-\d.inixon. IS. 3005) (iL‘Ul'g‘tc llclllt‘}. \Villtam .\IU\L'lL'_\. Skandar lx'cxncx. Janicx .\lc.'\xo_x. Ra) \Viiixtonc. l)axxn l‘icncli. 'l'ilda Sxx inton. 125mm. 'l'hix. thc lii'xt ol' xcxcn propoxcd childrcn lantaxx hlockhuxtcrx haxcd on (‘S l.cxxix‘ much lox cd allcgoiical noxclx. ix an ahxolutc xlinkct'. and onc madc all tlic morc unpalatahlc h_x thc lact that “W xcrx

unchrixtiaii grccd ol' itx produccrx ix .xo uttcrlx palpahlc ox cr itx xccminglx' CllLilL'\\ running timc. Proof that gt‘cat hookx can makc trul_x appalling lilmx. (ii'iii'ml n'li'uxi'. Cinderella Man 1 IBM 0.. (Ron Hoxxard. [15. leUSl Rttxxcll (’roxx c. RCHCL‘ Zc'llxxcgcr. l’aul (iiamatti. l-Hmin. Biographical account ol' l)cpi'cxxion-cra liglitcr and l‘olk hcro Jim Braddock and liix x ictorx ox cr llt‘tl\}\\ cight champion .\la\ Bacr in an cpic lS-round xlugl'cxt in “’35 trom tlic tcam hchind .Il “(Hull/Ill .lli'ml, ('roxx c ix uttcrl_x conx incing. (lL‘xpllC tlic occaxional ox cr-xciitiincntalit}: It 'I ('lxi/i'liulik. ('Ixili'lnui/t: ()(Il'UIl. lat/inlnuyli; ( '( ‘I Iii/ni/mrg/i. Iz'i/I'Ii/mrqli.

The Constant Gardener l Hi 0.. tl‘ci'nando Mcircllcx. l'S/l'lx'. 3005) Ralph l-‘icnncx, Rachcl \Vcixl. lluhcrt Koundc. Dunn} lluxton. IZRmin. \Vlicn Nairohi- haxcd diplomat Jttxtin Qua) lc'x tl‘icnncxi outxpokcn actix ixt xx il‘c 'l'cxx (\Vcix/l ix l'ound murdcrcd in a rcmotc rcgion of Nordic-iii Kcnyt. hc licginx to uncox or a

xx liolc load ol'dirtx xccrctx. Bcautilullx xti'ucturcd and xliot. Mcrcillcx' lilm xuccccdx ax hoth a polcmical tlirillcr and a rctroxpcctix c lox c xlot‘). xx itli l‘icnncx outxtanding in thc rolc ol a man graduall) opcning up to thc dcpth ol‘ liix l’cclingx l’or liix xx it'c onl} al’tcr licr dcath. (i/tixgun' l-‘i’lm 'I'lti'ulrt'. (i/uxumi .' (tuna). lit/Ull’lll'L’ll.

* Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul l 13m 0... ll'aitlt Akin. (icrmanxfl‘urkcx. 3005i Ullmin. l)ocuiiicntarx cox cring thc muxic xccnc in modcrn lxtanhul. lcd h} Alcxandct‘ llack‘c. xx ho cxpliii'cx tlic cit_x 'x t'uxioii ol liaxt and \cht. mdic rock and Arabquuc. to crcatc a hcautil'ullx lilmcd portrait of thc cultural lilc ol. thc cit). ln (ilaxgoxx thix lilm ix xltoxxing ax part ot' tlic Making .\luxic xcaxon. (i/uxgiiii I'i'lm 'I‘lit’itlrt'. (i/iixgoix .‘ [Hm/mun: lat/ui/mru/i.

Dosti il’( il tSunccl l)ai'xlian. India. 2005) Akxlla} Kumar. Bohhx l)col. Karccna Kapoor. llllmin. lx'aran ll)coll ix a xx calth) xiitiiig man xx hilc Raj tlx'umarl ix alxxaxx on liix uppcrx. 'l‘hc mcn liaxc nothing in common apart from tlicir l'ricndxhip. xx hicli Icadx tlicm through man} cra/x loxc xxorn xituationx. llcartxxarming ‘rich man. poor man' talc ol‘ lo_xaltx and kindncxx_ (Ii/um .-lI 'I'Iii' thx. (i/itxgoii. (i/itxgmi .' l‘(./ I'.iliIi/tiiijg/I. I'filui/mrgili.

Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story thl.‘ (John (iatinx. ('8. 200.“ Kurt Rtixxcll. Dakota l‘annmg. Krix Krixtol’lcrxon. lilixahcth Shuc. lllZmin. l)rcaril_x nicc tilm ahoiil a traincr t Ruxxclll and liix daughtcr tl’anningi xx ho nurxc an initircd horxc hack to licaltli. hoping to onc dax racc hcr in tlic Brccdcrx' ('up. Natixca-inducing I ‘( ‘/ (‘lxi/i'lumk. ('lxt/i'lmii/x.‘ (t '/ lat/inlmruli. lit/inluu'gli.

Dropstitch it'i (JU\lL‘ (‘lxtltx t‘lx'. 3004) 55mm. l)ocuiiicntarx cclchratmg tlic l'unkx mox cx ol' xolllc ol' lhc xxorld'x grcatcxt l'cmalc xnoxxhoardcrx. 'l‘lic lilm xx ax xliot

ox cr a _xcar m lccland. .\'cxx lcaland. tlic ['8 and thc liuropcan .v\lpx. llang tcn. xixtcr. l’art ol' \Vichutl xcaxon. l‘i/Hl/IUHH’. Iii/inhiirg/i. Elftl’Ul .0. tJon l‘axrcau. IS. 3003) Will li‘i'i'c‘ll. .lamcx (’aan. lidxxard Axncr. Utimm. Budd} tl‘crrclll ix a hig lill' xx ho. thouin .icccptcd in liix lilx ixli communitx in lltc Xtil’llt l’olc. lltilllttch to xx l‘L‘uk haxoc on a dail) haxix. l’cd tip and conl'uxcd h_x liix cliargc. l’apa Ht 1 Bob \cxxliartl xcndx him to thc [’8 in xcarch ol' liix truc idcntit}. llilariotIx and puci'ilc Yulctidc comcdx l‘rom lllc \lal' ol- .S'u'l'llg't'l'x. (i/(lxunti I'ili/In I'llt’ull't'. (i/thg’r’H.

Elizabethtown l 12A) 000

i('atiicron ('roxx c. l'S. 2005i ()rlando Bloom. Kti'xtcn Dtiiixt. Sttxan Sarandoii. :\lcc Baldxx m. llimm. (‘i'oxx c'x companion piccc lxtil‘l Hi.) to liix laxt-hul-onc lillll. .-l/niiix/ l‘tlHlUll\. Btit xx hilc that xcmi- .iuliihiogi'aphical tiliii xxax .ihout ('roxxc'x mothcr. I-.'/i’.-iilii-I/i1iiiiii ix a lox c lcttcr to liix latc latlici' l)rcxx Bax lor 1 Bloom) liaxjuxt xcrcxx cd up a xpoi‘tx traincr dcxign tcoxting liix xoon to hc l'oriiicr cmplox cr a cool liillion dollai'xi. xx hcn hc lindx out liix lathcr liax dtcd. llc ix xcnt h_x liix cmotionallx mallunctionmg mothcr (Sarandonl into .v\mcrtca‘x licartland to mcct thc otlict'. cxtrangcd xidc ol' liix l'atlicr'x ltllllll). Bctxxccn tliix motlcx ct‘cxx ol' humpkmx and