
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgow©hotmai|.com. Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I *.* at the Bull ('luh. lllfillpm 3am. £3 (tree). Weekly. Stcy ie and Day id rummage through their recordx to hring yotl all the good xtttl-l'. 'l-ltel‘e'x lltc odd liye hand. xo expect it l‘eitxl til~ eclectronica. dixcotechnocarcy and other \xordx that they ’\ e juxt made tip.

I Atomic at ('luh .Apollo. l lpm 3am. £4 (£5). Weekly. They in\ itc you to throw xhapex on the dancel'loor ax their rexident inuxical iigxayy huilder piecex together an eclectic mix ol‘ paxt maxterx and enduring claxxicx. xpanning l‘our (leeatlex.

I Cigarettes and Fuck All at Pig and Butterfly. 0pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. Motoyyn. northern xottl. hluex. electro and indie.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoyy School ol‘ Art. llpnt 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l'ltra-- line hip hop night tor the xtudentx. yy ith DJx Dema and Nice.

I Homebrew at the Suh ('luh.

l lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. An eclectic xoundtrack l'rom 'l'il‘l‘ l’eachcx. Boom Monk Bert (Mi\ed Bi/nexx). l’ro \‘inylixt Karim (Mixed Bi/nexx). lll 'l‘ecltnique (Suh (‘ity ) and the (iroundxkeeper (ilcnn (’.

I Lemon . . . The Kings of Indie at ('luh V Duh. ltlpm 3am. £(i(£~l). Weekly. The xharpext indie cutx and the Lt‘L‘\ltexl indie ililx.

35": Nasa at Soundhaux. l lpm 3am. £-—l. Weekly. New night ol' hreakx. electro. tech heatx plux drum .& haxx.

I Panic Room at MAS. llpm 3am. £4. Weekly. DJx Dayc Young and Jim (iellatly‘ (Beat tum hoxtx a night ol' indie and rock pltix. ax an extra honux. liye hand nightx xyyitch placex \x ith liool‘x (iold DJx cyery fortnight.

I Record Player: at (iltixgoyy School of Art. ll).3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£3). Weekly. lli-li Sean & lluxhpuppy play to an increaxingly' lien/ied croyyd.

I Riff Raff at Bamhoo. l lpm 3am. l'it'ee £4. Weekly. lllyux Broyyn playx the hext in Rth and hip hop. lottxl playx electro. pop and rock in the Red Roont \yhile Maxh deliyerx a ‘Back to Mine‘ xet ill the Lounge.

I Rubbermensch at AB(‘2.

l lpm 3am. liree £3. Weekly. A ncyy night l‘or indie kidx and indie loycrx. Andy Wilxon ix in charge yyith monthly y'ixitx from none other than Alan Mc(iee ((‘rcation Recordx). See prey icyy. page 31.

3%: Skint at the (‘athouxe. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. limo. l'unk. punk and croxxoy er. rock. goth and hardcore tunex

from D] Billy .\loal.

Glasgow Fridays


I Babaza at Be-lo. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree £(i. Weekly. Paul 'l‘ray nor. Roxx McMillan & Billy Jonex play raucoux Rth and heayy hip hop.

I Ballbreaker Fridays at (‘athouxe 10.30pm 3am. £3 £5. Weekly. l).lx Barry and liric play elaxxic rock. glam metal. l‘unk metal and indtixtrial yx ith DJ Billy proyiding the nu tnetal. emo. hip hop. cl‘oxxoyct' alternatiy'e rock and dance.

I Boogiedown at Bltiti haxement. l()pm 3am. liree £5. Weekly. A night ol l‘unked tip jan. dixco. rare grooye and houxe xoundx lrom rexident grooy e mercltant Stcyyart Reid.

I Canvas Club at Aria. ‘lpm 3am. lircc £5. Weekly. Liye handx plux DJ .loc

Dceltan playing funk and party claxxicx. I Chinawhite at (’hinayx hite.

9pm 3am. £lll. Weekly. Waitrexxex. proper doortnen and dixccrning DJx make up the 'Wllilex experience. liclectic xottndx.

I Club Living at (‘luh Liy ing.

9pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Alan Macken/ie playx retro claxxicx attd Scott Mochar putx a tyyixt into it yy itlt xome line liouxe alxo.

I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Stet en Mct'reery ix the main man and the likex of Billy Woodx. Billy Kilkie attd .Amanda l’rice join in from time to time.

I Cotton Cake at Art School.

llpm 3am. £thc. l3 Jan. Monthly. A night ol‘ electro xoundx l'rom DJ Meltdi and guextx.

I Fluid at MAS. llpm 3am. £0 (£4). Weekly. l).lx Lixtt LillleWootl and Scott MacKay (Beat tom. DJ ('tit/ and DJ Statux play the l'tmkiext ol' ltottxc tunex and cutting edge turntahlixni to a great party croyyd.

I Freakmenoovers at Blanket.

llpm 3am. £3 £6. Weekly. DJx Dema and .\'icc on rotation. playing the hext in hip hop. l'unk. xtreet will and Rth.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy are in cltarge ol the inuxical dtttiex at thix delicioux gay/mi\ed Merchant (‘ity cltih.

I Fridays at Wigyxam. llpnt 3am. £(i (£5). Weekly. (iraltam l-‘crgtixon attd Jl’ playing the lull hoona ol' party tuncx to the city ’x l'ren/ied good time galx and hoyx,

I Funhouse at Barl'ly. l lpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. A night ol clued-up punk and cathartic indie pop nonxenxe. lt'x pogo-a- gogo \yith Radio l'x Vic (ialloyyay attd Mr Paul \eedlcx.

I Grind at (‘luh Duh. lllpm 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. Scottie ii [titly\ tlte hext urhan. Rtin and hip hop xoundx to an uplor-it-crotyd.

I GTV Fridays at the (iarage.

l lptn 3am. l‘rce £5. Weekly. Brian McMaxtcr playx eyci'ything lrom Brit pop to chart muxic lt‘ottt eyery era.

I Festival at AB(‘l. llpm 3am. £0 (£4). Weekly. liuan .\'eilxon doex the honourx yx ith hix hag ol l'unky electro xotmdx and croxx genre lreelorm mi\ing plux guextx. See prey text. page 3 l.

I Offset at (‘uhe llptn 3am. £8 (£5 ). Weekly. Dance elaxxiex and (till houxe l'rom rexident D.lx. A yery popular \enue and eluh night.

I Old School Funk at the Butt.

lllpm .‘yam. £(i. Weekly. (iordic. Jack. (‘raig and Dec play old xchool _ia// and lunk elaxxicx.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

llptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Krix Kcegan. lain 'Santox' 'l'homxon and A] play a llcd Kandi-xlyle xet.

Riddim :tl \Voodxide Social ('lttlt. l)pm 2am. £5 (£3). l3 .lan. Monthly. Mungo'x llil‘i c\plorc xome ol' the enduring ‘riddimx' that hay e tnade reggae muxic great. (he tunex that ha\e xtood the text ol time ax the haxxlincx that are guaranteed to get people moy ing.

I Rocket at Bamhoo. l()..i()pni 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. llottxe intixic l'rom (icol'l' M and Riki; attd hip hop lt'ont .lunior ('ampox. Lounge in the lounge \yith Ma\.

I Siren at Bar Bloc. lllpm 3am.

l’ree £2. Weekly. llouxe and lilectro yyith (ierry Blythe and KT Red.

I Tusk Fridays at 'I‘uxk. llpm 2am. Lice £5. Weekly. (‘lttxxic hottxe anthemx l'rom the early ‘)l)x \y ith (’ltrix Biguni. $5 Vandal at the Liquid Lounge.

llpm 3am. £l() ( £0) Weekly. Rexident D.l Maxh (Beat tom playing the hext in electronic houxe muxic. ()n D Jan .Ali llcrron (Radio Magnetic. ('arhon Recordx) gllcxh.

Glasgow Saturdays

Club I Beat Down The Up Set at l3 .\'ote. 9pm 5am. l‘rce. Weekly. Kid 'liyyixl

(AKA the Slumheriack on (‘ Side 'l'rax recordx) playx rock'n'roll and .xy ntltetic rohotic xottl.

I Club NME at tile All School.

l()pm 3am. £o (£5). Weekly. The latext addition to the arty roxter yy ith liye handx and DJx playing electro and indie.

I Divine at (ilaxgoyy School of Art. ltlpm 3am. £3.50 £(i. Weekly. Deep l'unk. (tllx and 70x gt‘ooy ex and a loyal ct'oyy d go into the ini\ at thix yery long running (ilaxgoyy rcxidentx‘ night.

I Garage Saturdays at the (iarage. ll).3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Brian McMaxter play x all your layourite elaxxicx in the main hall yyhile Kenny xoarx through alternatiye indie and retro cltixxicx in the Attic.

I Groovejet at MAS. llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. .llfl'x Key in Mcl"arlane teamx tip \\ ith ltix huddiex Stephen Lee and Woody in the main room tor a yyeekly maxlt-up ol' the linext liotixe muxic around \yliile Rayy -B xpittx the xyy ectcxt RNB cutx iii the lounge.

I Haptic at Liquid Lounge. llpm 3am. £8 (£5). l4 Jan. Monthly. Rexidcntx ('olin and (iianni pill you through your pacex \\ ith houxe and techno anthemx.

I Home Cookin’ at Be—lo. 0pm 3am. l-‘ree £7. Weekly. Steyy art Mc('alluin and .loe lligginx yyitli urhan and Xllx will

I Homegrown at Bamhoo.

l()..i()pm 3am. £8 (£(i). Weekly. Steyie Sole playx a l'unky. \ottlltll hotixe xet \yith Miguel playing Rtin and Dominic Martin xttpply ing the tank and jau.

I Lovebug at l'niyei'xal. l lpm 3am. £3 (lree). 7 Jan only. Loy ehug returnx to l'niyerxal for another ol‘ their xeaxonal pat'ticx. Rexidcntx Jack aitd l’addy yyill he playing the linext deep houxe. dixco. duh arid techno.

I Lush at the Polo Lounge.

lll.3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l-caturing Andy in the Trophy Room \\ ith hitx (tom the (illx to the 305. while 'I'om pt‘oy itlex an tip-tront dance xelection in the main room at the city 'x prettiext gay cluh.

I Lust For Life at AB('|. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. DJ (icrry Lyonx ix your man on Saturdayx \\ ith cyery thing li'ottt dixco to indie and thtmdcring rock. \oyy upxtairx due to popular demand. See

prey ieyy. page .‘y l.

I Red and Gold Room at Aria.

l()pm 3am. £7. Weekly. Billy .Milligan manx the deekx at thix line night ol Latin home. If your life needx xpicing tip. look no l'urther.

I Rockstar at the ('orinthian.

lllpm .iam. £l(). Weekly. Rock and dance muxic collide. liypect lotx ol' hig name DJx l'rom hoth yyorldx. Rexidentx include Martin Bate. Lixa Littleyyood and .'\|e\ l’.

I Saturdays at the (‘athottxe.

ll)._‘~llpm 3am. £4 £(i. Weekly. DJx Barry and Andy \y ith elaxxic and current rock. glam. metal. lunk metal. goth and hreak heatx. DJ Billy with hip hop. nu metal. alternatiye rock and induxtrial.

I Subculture at the Sith ('luh.

l lpm 4am. £ l 2. Weekly. The hardext \yot'kittg rexidentx in the land. llarri and Domenic. do W hat they haye heen doing hext lot I l ycat'x.

I Traxx at Liquid Lounge. llpm .iam. £8 (£5). 7 Jan. Monthly. With rexident DJx Laurence Hughcx. Jamie 'l'homxon and Tom ('hurchill playing the hext in home and techno.

I Tusk Saturdays at 'l'uxk. 0pm lam. liree £5. Weekly. A mi\ttn'e ol' l'unk. xoul and claxxic anthemx \y ith Jay Blair.

I Nisted at AB('3. l lpm .iam. £7 (£5). l-‘ull clcclro night yyith .\‘().l ((‘ritical Maxx) Martin Bttlloch (Mogyyai/Rock Action). Ryan (Neon) and the delectahle DJ Shamhlex (Ballronic). See preyieyy. page 3 l.

Glasgow Sundays


I Disco Badger at Banihoo.

l lpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. Dominic Martin and Kaxli keep the Sunday throng xatixlied \y ith a marriage ol' Rth and hottxc.

The latest club news

1" First up a bit of catch up on a few big events we didn’t have space to cover at the end of 2005. Big congrats go out to the Arches who nabbed the top three spots in Mixmag’s Scottish Club of the Year 2005 poll. Inside Out came number one, closely followed by Pressure and Colours, with the Arches being described as ‘possibly the UK’s best clubbing venue’. Good work.

The awards and plaudits for Scottish Clubbing don't end there. Edinburgh's Trouble came in third in Gilles Peterson‘s annual Worldwide Music Awards in the club category (the Unabornbers' EleCtric Chair night took the top spot). Pretty unpressive stuff, especially as this one was open across the whole of the UK.

Finally, time for a quick comp as once again we team up with Fabric. And it’s a very tasty prize for one winner to start off 2006. They are offering Fabric First Membership for one year, so what exactly does that entail, you ask? Well, here’s what: a new Fabric CD sent direct to your door, weeks before the retail release date, every month; a personalised, leather membership card; discount at the door at the legendary London venue including a separate queue for entry, a free Fabric back catalogue CD on joining; loads of exclusive, online content, including DJ sets from Fabric, studio mixes and streamed video; a monthly newsletter and a free back catalogue CD whenever a friend joins. With upcoming mixes from Herbaliser (pictured), Global Communications and Rolando, that’s a pretty tasty set of 005. For your chance to win send your name and address marked ‘Fabric First’ to by no later than 18 January. And if you don’t win head to for more info on how you can join yourself.

it THE LIST 33