I My Latest Novel and Strike the Colours \ice‘n'Sleax}. 421 Sauchiehall Street, 333 0000. 0pm. £5. M) 1.atest .\'o\e1 are a touted neu band. broadl} in the indie pop tradition. \\ ho ha\ e just opened proceedings for the 1’i\ies.
I The Arctic Monkeys The lischange. 55 (it'm e Street. 44.3 0404. 7pm. S()l.1)()l"1'. See Hi 14.
I Saxon The Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £15. Old school metal's most l'ondl_\' regarded combos. I Mongrel, Elephantine and Break Faith Bannerman's. \iddr) Street. 556 5254. 8.45pm. £4. Metal night.
I Tracksuit Ambassador and Dirty Kicks \Vlltsllcbinkics. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 5114. 0pm. Free. Indie tmidnight band tbc 1.
Thursday 20
I Ladytron (ilasgtm l'ni\ersit_\ l'nion. 52 l'nisersit} Aienue. 530 8607. 7pm. £1 1. Retro L‘1L‘L‘Il‘0 t'ttc‘k de1i\et'ed impassi\ e1) b} l‘our supercool beings in matching c}ber-cotttmuttist garb.
I New Model Army and Mark Burgess 8. the Sons of God The (iarage. 400 Sauchiehall Street. 552 1120. 7pm. {15. ()\L‘l'-14s slitt\\.()1d school political liolk-punks supported b} e\-('hame1eons li'ontman and his neu band.
I The Trains, Vendetta and Suburban Funk Commando ()ran Mot'. 751 755 (ireat Western Road. 557 6200. 7.50pm. 9.4.
I The Kipper Family 'I‘ehai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 557 4524. Split. £2. 1"resh sounds li'om the Kingdom of 1-"il'e.
I The Needles The (ioal. 1237 Arg}1e Street. .557 7.57.5. h)Plll. l'il‘L‘L‘. :\17L‘l‘dtttttttll garage indie cotnbo.
I Nils Lotgren Roin (‘oncet‘t 11:111. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 555 S000. Spin. [20. Another o1 Springsteen's li-Streel buddies l'amed l'or his appearance on Neil Young's Alter the (;(Ii,(/I'll\/I.
I Wishbone Ash Renlre“ 1-‘err_\. Anderston (‘)ua}f1‘he Broomielan. 01603 265 511. Spin. £13.50. 1'K l‘oIk rock \eterans \sho ha\ e been arotmd in one form or another since the late 60s.
I The Fratellis and Shrinking Violet King Tut's \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5270. .S’.30pm. [5.
I Symbolics and The Proverbial Creek Soundhaus. 47 11}depark Street. 221 4650. S50pm. £4.50. \VeekI} Sotlttdscl slum case ()1 tie“ bands,
I DM Bob, Country Jem and Gerry Lyons Nice'n'Slea/_\. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 555 0000. 0pm. Sleal} ‘s ()(lUl'c'Hh’H' series continues.
I Suspire, Transaudio and Soulstarr MAS. 20 Ro}al lischange Square. 221 7080. I lpnt. [4 (£31. '1'echno rockers 'l‘ransaudio pla) the Panic Rootn.
I Turin Brakes Queen’s llall. (‘lerk Street. (368 201‘). 7.5(1pttl. £15. SL‘C \VL‘tl 10.
I Souldrive ('abat'et Voltaire. 50 58 Blair Street. 220 (t17(i. 7pm. L'tbc. lllll'L‘L“ piece lt'om (ilasgou. their ne\s single. ‘(ioneh is mailable lot' dmsnload lift)!” \us \s.sou|dri\e.ttet.
I Baby Tiger Open Mic Night Northern Bar. I 11o\\ard Place. 556 1553. Spin, liree. Alternati\e open mic night.
I Kiddo, Kempes and Jakata Bannerman‘s. \iddr} Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. [4. Indie bill.
I The Bloozers, William Douglas 8- the Wheel, The Blob and Alistair McErlain The Bongo (’lub. Moras House. 57 11o1)rood Road. 558 7604. 0pm. £5. Another mi\cd night o1 indie and rock to acoustic} stull doun the 1)c1ta1)u\el('1ubt\sith1)1sto2aml.
I Mars Patrol and Without Malice \\'111s11L'131ttk1L's.4 08011111 llt'ldgt‘. 5.57 51 14. 0pm. 1‘t'ee. Mellon )c't hard-edged rock lrom Mars 1’atro1.
72 THE LIST '7 L" 01.9“, ['7
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 6
I Baby Isaac Studio One. (it'tts\t‘ll(tl‘ llAL‘l'liélL‘C. 541 (3510. 0.50pm. l'll'L'L'. (ioodtime band \s ith a recognisable sound pla} ing 1050s ('hicago-sule suing. tau and blues.
I Alice Russell, Joe Acherson, TM Juke and Mal Foggarty ('abaret Voltaire. 50 58 Blair SII'L‘L‘I. 22110176. 7pm. £4 £6. A night ol' l‘unked up 1el‘tlie1d
jal/ l'rom (ilenliddich and 'I’rouble. Sottl
\ocalist Rttssell is perhaps best know for her \sork \\ itlt Quantic. and is joined b} her producer and 'I‘ru '1'houghts signing 'l'M Juke. See pre\ ieu. page 6|.
I Beat Root Juice The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4200.
Midnight 5am. liree. A head} mi\ of ska. Latin and .-\l'ro-('uban beats. l'eaturing Salsa (’eltica star lob} Shippe} on trumpet.
I Molly Duncan Quintet Jan (‘entre. the l.ot. 4/6 (irassmarket. 225 0024. 8.30pm. £S.511<£7.51)i. Jan promoters Assembl} Direct ha\ e mm ed on lrom 11enr}‘s (‘e11ar Bar to a new home l'or iax/ in this pleasant name. Their aim is to continue to pt'm ide a base for both Scottish tnusicians and international collaborations. and the} kick 011 tlte lit‘sl season \\ 111] hop and ltmk lrom the 60s to the present da_\ courtes} ol' the Axerage White Band's original horn ntan. pla}itig alongside long- titne side-kick. trumpeter S}d (iauld. Regular gigs get underua} ne\t \seek tsee \Vc‘tl 121.
I Guest Bands Night The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4200. 0pm. liree. Start the ueekend iii s1}1C at this ueekl} night l‘eaturing top guest groups l'rom lidinburgh and (ilasgou each week. Tonight “ith the Alex Yellosslees' Hot (‘1th Quartet.
I Alice Russell, Joe Acherson, TM Juke and Mal Foggarty (‘arniial Arts ('entre. Spin. 9;" tL'5lSee Thu 6.
I Liz MacEwan .\'B‘s liar. 'l'he Balmoral 1101C1. l l’l'lllL‘L‘s Sll'L‘L‘l. 0pm. l'il'L'C. 'l-llc‘ respected singer stamps her authot'it) on a selection ol'ja/I standards \\ ith a little help l'rom the House Band.
I Graeme Wilson Trio Brel. 30 43 Ashton 1.ane. 342 4066. 3 6pm. Pleasing l‘oursome. l'ronted b} )iittitg sa\ p1a}er \Vilson. pla_\ing bopislt material With a 1.1tlllll\\l\l.
I The Michael Deans Quintet Bar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 5 6pm. 1‘ree. Quintet led b} tenor saxophonist Deans p1a_\ ing a modern blend o1 bebop. lit/l and funk.
I Primetime and Jan Douglas .'\l'C1llL“\. 27 \Vztlt‘l‘lttt) Sll'L'Cl. 221 .52 1(1. 6 0pm. Free. News York-soled 1i\e _ia// entertaintnent lrom \eteran (ilasgou perl'ormer Jan Douglas and a rotating quartet ol' great pla}et's
I House Trio The Jan Bar. 1 ('liambers Street. 2211 420(1. 2 5pm. 1‘ree. RL‘1;t\Cd alternoon slot \\ ith the House Trio on piano. bass and drums.
I The Mellotones S0 Queen Street liar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 5007. 2 5pm. liree. .1imm} 1a)1ot' and band pla_\ songs b} .Mel 'l‘orme and other great ja/l \Ucalisls.
x , .- A better and better, drawing on music from pretty much everywhere you could imagine, and a few places you can’t. For
starters we have Brazillian vocalist Joyce, Polish singer/songwriter Jarmila Xymena Gorna, Italian early jazz duo Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni Coscia with more to come in the coming.
? Var/()1 :; vo/iuos. Glasgow. Mon 17— Sun 30 Oct.
I Louise Dodds Quartet 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5007. 0pm. Free. 1'nal'raid of a challenge. the 1idinburgh—based \ocalist takes on some gttls} jazz numbers with st}1e and panache.
I Paul Mills Trio NB's Bar. the Balmoral Hotel. 1 Princes Street. 0pm. Free. hunk) trio led b_\ l'S-born. 1"i1'e- based drummer Mills. \\ ho has worked
\\ ith the Aserage White Band. ('haka Khan and (ieorge Benson.
I The Saturday Night Fish Fry The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4200.
1 lptn 5am. £5; tree belore l 1.30pm.'1"liis \seek Soundbone and the 1‘unk ()utlit. complete \\ ith ps_\chede1ic el‘l'ects. ntake a full scale assault on the ja/l-l'unk genre.
I Sunday Jazz House The Artllouse Hotel. 12‘) Bath Street. 572 011112. 7 lllpltt. 1‘ree. Iinio} some smooth jaH sounds on a Sunda) e\ening lrom a dil'l’erent band each \\ Lick.
I Molly Duncan Quintet 'l'ron Theatre. 63'1’rongate. 552 4267. Split. £0.50 (£3,511). SL‘L‘ 1"1‘1 7.
I Martin Kershaw and Friends l-‘orth 1"1oor Restaurant Bar & Brasserie. 11ar\e} \ichols. 511 54 SI .-\ltdt‘L‘\\s Square. 524 S550. 12.50 5.30pm. Keisha“ prmides the perl'ect musical accotttpanintent to a line Sunda} lunch with his soaring sa\ sntllltls.
I Focus on Youth The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4200. 2 5pm. 1’ree. (mm and spot the potential ja/l stars of the l'uture as the} strut their stul'l~ alongside the House lt'io.
I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire The Jan Bar. | (‘liambers Street. 2204200. 0pm. 1-‘ree. Funk} backbeat ia/l lrom this cool quartet led b) ace drummer Bill K}1e and leaturing Ant 1.a\\ on guitar.
Monday 10
I Open Mic and Jazz Jam Session 80 Queen Street liar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. Free. The trust} open session night lull} re\amped.
I Jazz Open Mic Session The Jan Bar. 1 (‘hambers Street. 2204200. 0pm.
1-‘ree. lispeet a rich mixture ol‘ s[)1L‘S with [he llousc‘ ‘l‘l‘itt each \\ L‘Ck‘.
I Pierre Bensusan Queen’s llall. (‘lerk Street. 668 201‘). Spm. £12.51)l£1()l. ('urrentl} touring to promote his new album .llti/t/unm. Bensusan weaves jzl/l. American l'olk. Latin. Middle liastern and ('eltic elements. itito a lull. vital and all round stunning displ;t_\‘ of guitar master}. I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 220 4200. 0pm. liree. l'pbeat group l'eaturing Bill K}1e tdrumsl. Doug 'I‘iplad) lsa.\esl. I’aul Kirb) tpianol and Kevin (ilitsgtm lltilssl.
Wednesday 12
Barbara Morrison with Tom Finlay Sextet and Christina Bjordal ligo. 14 1’icard) Place. 470 2200. 7.50pm. £20 including \selcome drink. Dropping in lrom the good old l'S iii A. captisating Michigan—born \ocalist Morrison perl‘orms alongside Nomegian songstress Bjordal and Tom 1-‘inla}'s talented troupe at this charit} bash aid of .Marie (‘urie ('ancer ('are.
I Brian Kellock Solo and the Julian Arguelles Trio Jan (’entre. the l.ot. 4/6 (irassmarket. 225 0024. 3.50pm. £8.50 t£7.501. Brimming \sith ideas and spontaneit). the internationall} respected pianist plays a solo set. sharing the bill
is ith e.\-1.oose 'I‘ubes saxophone hero Arguelles and trio.
I Fred Duligal Quartet The Jan Bar. 1 ('hambers Street. 2204200. 0pm. 1-‘ree. Return of the no“ 'I'oronto-based lidinburgh es-pat sa.\ pla}er.
I The Arabian Moustache lglu. 2b Jamaica Street. 476 5355. 10pm. 1-‘ree. l'nique international tour-piece. pla}ing tango. via/I. folk and suing.
I Glasgow Singers Night The 1'nisersal. 57 50 Sauchiehall Lane. 552 8300. Split. ()pen mic night tor (ilasgtm singers hosted b} Mike Rogers and Sue Mcllugh. 11' _\ou are interested itt performing ca1| Derek on 07077 507 1 I2. I Madaleine Pritchard Still ('lub. 2