I Girl Said No, The Rushes and Thee Comrades (‘alcdoniaii Backpackm‘x. .3 ()iiccrixlt‘rr} Sli‘ccl. 470 733-1. 8.30pm. [-1. Local handx iiiglil “ill! a \ci l'i'oin up and coming :\lk‘i'donian\.

I STML, Double Jack, Armoured Cats and 25 Cats Named Sam lianiicrinan'x. \iddi‘} Sli‘ccl. 550 335-1. 8.45pm. £4. llard rock \\llll \ioncr lcaniiigx l'roin S'l‘.\ll. licadiiig a iiighi ol \L‘l'lUll\ hem} rock.


I Alec Empire Bai'l'l). Inn (‘l_\dc Slrccl, 0870 907 (NW). 7pm. LN. ()u‘i'" l-lx \lii)“. 'l'lic hlack clad .v\l;u'i 'l'ccnagc Riol IllilL‘\li'U hringx lbulonic Icclnio rock lcri'oi' lo lliC Bai'll}.

I Tetuzi Akiyama, Birchville Cat Motel, Directing Hand, Rauhan Orkesteri, Sun City Girls and Hijokaida 'i‘iic Archcx 25.: my) Iv Slrccl. 0370 3-H) 7538. 4pm. Scc l'ri l4 lor pricing. More lilll\iL‘ from [he oulcr liiiiiix. Soc pi'm icu. pagc M.

I The Sights .v\l3('3. 33(l Saucliicliall Sirccl. 332 3332. 7pm. U). 'l‘lic Sigliix lilL‘l‘gL‘ (illx [i\}\‘liL‘ilL‘lit' llillllL‘iiL‘LN \\lll1 dri\ ing garage rock.

I The Hedrons, Invisibles and Captain Mirage ()i‘an .\l(il'. 73| 735 (ircal \VLNICI‘H Road. 357 (i300. 7.30pm, [-1. Hit llcdronx ix finger/Kong“i'iir‘i' 'l‘ippi'x ncu all girl hand. (icddilfi’

I Raising Kain, Sound Development Agency, The Ronelles, Sleepmode, Slot Cars and Palomino ()uccii Margarcl l‘nion. 23 l‘nixcrxil} (iill'klt‘lh. 33‘) 0784. .\'pin. [7. local indic honan/a.

I Supergroup Night Sicrco. H Kchinliaugh Slrcci. 57o 5()|.\’. 8pm. £3. Scc l-ri H. The llL‘\\l_\ i'orincd \upcrgroupx \liU\\Cil\C their \iai'cx,

I The Brakes, Chris T-T and The Seal Cub Clubbing Club King 'I’ui'x “ah \\'ah llul. 272a Si Vinu‘nl Slrccl. 33] 537‘). 3.30pm. to. llic Hrakm Comm ol' iiiciiihi‘i‘x ol' lilL‘t‘li‘ic Soil l’ai'adc. Bi‘ilixh Suzi l’im L‘i' and llic ilk‘llle‘l'liHll.

I Viva Stereo, Language of Flowers and Odeon Beat Club \it‘c'ii’Slca/y. lll Saucliicliall Sli‘ccl. 333 (Will). 8.30pm. \'i\a Slcrco launch llicir \ccond alhuin l’lllll’l'lh u/ lil'lllll‘ll’lll'. out on Honda} on \lucli lit‘llt‘lil't‘llt‘t‘ RL‘Coi'ih.


I Jon Anderson ()uccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk Slrccl. («is lel‘). 7pm. [35. Sec l‘i'i H. I ballboy and Decoration 'l‘lic \‘ciiuv. I7 II ('allon Road. 557 3073. 7pm.

£0 E. \Vliiiiixical lidinhiirgli indic collu‘iixc “ill! a \lrong uorficlling \li‘cak. Support l'i'oiii Sl. Rccoi‘dx' lalul \igniiigx.

I Dopamine, Ruben’s Accomplice and The Silent Revolution Siudio 3—1. 3-1 30 ('allon Road. 558 3753. 7.3(lpiii. £6.51). \iglil oi iiiclal and limo} rock.

I The Sound Divide, Girl Said No and U-Know-Hoo \Vliixllchiiikicx. -1 0 South Bridge. 557 5ll-1.(ipiii. l’i’cc hclorc niidniglil: H aim: l-iiiik rock l’roiii llKnowlloo on at inidniglil.

I Mummy Short Arms, The Trend and Never Again Siihua} ('oxxgalc. 0‘) ('(m gallL‘. 33.5 (i7(i(i. 7. 30pm. [3. (iloi'ioii\l} cpic liliHlL‘l'll pop rock li'oiii Kingxion hawd lllL‘ ‘l'rvnd. plux local rock \uppori.

I Mydas, Flowers for Algernon and The Vandelays 'i‘lic \‘cniic. 17 3| (‘allon Road. 557 3073. 3. 30pm. H. lzdinhurgli and (ilaxgou indic pup.

I The Common Redstarts, The Last Great Wilderness and Thee Comrades Banncriiian‘x. \iddi'} Sli't‘t‘l. .550 335-1. Hglslilll. L71. indie rock lriplc hill.

I Dieselbone, Five Day Hemingway and Alfonzo (iig illii'lllL‘I‘l} RL'Hilllllnlll. 3| l.olliian Road. 23‘) 7670. 9.30pm 3am. U). (illilul‘ driwli pmwr pop and hlucx} rock‘n'roll.

Having survived a couple of weeks as support on the rag tag farce that is the Babyshambles

tour, the Paddingtons strike out on their own. keen to remind us they‘re more than just Doherty’s opening hoods. They aren’t the most original of outfits but make up for it with feral punk energy.

'\./i?/711r?.['fy".'xi."/". Li ’-/


I lngar Zach & Rhodri Davies, Tom Bruno, Loren MazzaCane Connors & Alan Licht and Chie Mukai lllt‘ .v\i‘t‘lic\. 253 .\i'g}|t' Sliccl. UV“ .7 iii "'5.‘.\ ~lpin. Scc in H lor pi'it‘ing l'lll.ll da} oi llic lll\lill lL'\ll\ill oi mpciiiiicnlal \Ullilil\ Su- pm iv“, page M

I The Fall chli'cn l'cri}, \ndiaxion Qua). 'l‘lic lli‘oonnclau. illo"\ Ih5 5ll "pin. U5. (iriill indic dicliai'd Mark I. Siiiilli ix hack \\illi llic lillk'5l lllt'dllldlliill o! llic l'all. \xliocwr iliai iniglii lli‘-Ul\i‘

I Disturbed ()uccii \lai'gaii‘l l iiion. 3.3 l'niwrxil} (i;ll'ilL‘ll\. 33‘) ‘Vxl (‘liicago iiiclal hand \\l]i\ \old 35 million L'UPIL‘\ oi lllL‘ll' dchui alhiiiii //n \i. 41;, \\. I Press Reset, Hate Becomes the Hero, 50% Incomplete, Long Story Short and The Trinkets Soniidliaux. l" ll_\dcpark Sli'i‘cl. III ~1h5‘l. “pin. !_5 ()wi' l-l\ hand iiiglil. \\llll ;i\'l\ ol .1 punk and metal [lL‘I\llil\lilll.

I Soylint Green ‘l'Iit- (‘aihonxiz I 3 limit!) SII'L‘L‘l. 3'13 (i(ill(i_ H. ()\\'l l~l\ \liou. l'S garagc hand .Illllii\l [Lillli‘il allci‘ llic (ll\l(ipl;lll \ri li Iliyk \l.l|'|lllj_' (‘liai‘lloii lli‘xloii and l'.d\\.ird (i l\)iil‘l|l\ii!l I Cold Night Song ’l‘lic (ioal I.‘.\" .'\l':J}lL' Sliu'l. 3.55 3" 3. .\piii. l'icc \n' Sun 9.

I Kevin Blechdom and Planning to Rock Sici‘co. l~l Ki‘lHllllillllel Mimi. 5 "\ 5(HN. Spin. L31. \ rarv l'l\' ill‘pi‘dldllx’i‘ li'olii llil\ liillaliaxw haxi‘d li‘inali' \olo ill'li\l \xilli lii‘i' hlciid oi ‘llo\\ci_\ \‘Hllll‘llli'l PUP

I Reuben, The Mascara Story and Fighting with Fire King 'l'uik \\.ili \\.ili lliil. 353a SI \ lllL‘k‘lll \lii'ci. 3.3.l 5.7”" Xpiii. £7, ()wi' llx \lion. 'l'lii‘ lli‘.lillllli‘l\ art' an k‘llliihll i'oi'k liio. loiging .ilii-inauw L‘ai‘i'cix ax ‘i‘liip iiiciiliaiil. llllll \pi-i'ialixl and llillllk‘ goodx \‘thlilldl‘ik iiiilil llivn l‘lf.‘ l‘l’n'ak lk‘t'kiilh.

I Sleepmode li'on llii-aiic. o3 'l'i'oiigalv.553~12(i". hi‘lll. to. Singi'i \ongui'iliiig hi'ollii'i‘x lx’ohin and \lcn } n :\(l;illi\ pla} llll\ \(thlh' \llall f.'I_'.'

I G Plan and Union Station Massacre \ii-c'n'SIt-a/i. ill Saiirliicliall Sliccl. 333il‘Hlil ‘lpni i. 3. l’oxl i'ockiii' \oundx ;i\ ()1 It’ll ii/mi

3 3|lpni

H. 3Hpiii. L

Edinburgh I East Meets West ( 'ahai‘ci Vollall'i‘.

3h 3.\ lllaii \trqci.

\ck: lii'l: o! \oiiip o? ilic hexi hanilx

3i! ii]. (i “in”. [5

(il.i\f.'li‘.‘. and l il!lll‘lil:'ll li..\t‘ io l'll’x'l.

I Proud Mary, Underbelly and The Last Band llii‘ \ciiin‘. l” 3| (Lilioii lx’oad. 55" 3"”3 ‘piii !_5\ \‘i‘ l'i‘. II

I Howards Alias, Misled Youth, Fragile .iiiil Reluctant to Speak llaiiiiciiiiatik \iililii \iici'i. 55h 3‘53 \ 15pm i i \iiiiiliaziipioii\ llouai'il \ll.l\ il1\lii‘ll‘. tiicii iiziai Eoui oi ;‘l~“_f \l\.ll‘\‘li'lk‘ \pliliiiijx.

I Dead Beat Club, Tennasee Kate and Nathanial Slade \\ lll\ll\'l‘llll\'\‘\.

i ii \iililll l-‘iiidgc. 55" 5| I1 ‘lpiii lii'i' lical \i‘llil‘il_ llcad lica'i (‘liih

I Hobo llic l'loii.'o ('iiih. \loi.i_\ lliillx'. 3illol\:ooal Road. 55\ W12 I'lpiii 3.iii1 liuc hcioii- 1 l lpiii. '. Knit“: My Sun "’ I Jesleppi, the Atom Bomb, Seneka, OBE and The Winkle Experience (‘ahaii-i \olianc. in W l'il.lil \iii-cl. 3.3“ “I 3h l lpiii 3.:iii. L'l holoic iiiidniglil, f 5 .iilci \t‘u \aiialion ilic gluh tong-pi ..\ l\)l\\‘l p lauiiphi‘x. no l)_l\ ill\i ini- il!ll\l\ illli'lljfl! \‘llll‘l‘lll‘: lli'ill\

Monday 17

(ii; m l( I Hawthorne Heights I h; ( i.iI.lL'\‘. 1‘)Ii\'.ni\liicli.ill Slici'l. 9'.\ (l\\‘| llx \liov. \i‘ii'aiiio lioiii ( iliio. I Chris Mills lion 'l litany. o3 lioiigali‘. 55.3 13h. \piii LN \lllt’t‘l \oii2'\\.iiii‘i l‘l.l_\\ iiinvx lioiii l‘il\ Ioui‘Ili IL‘l\'.l\\'. Hid... fr! \i \\!'I‘i‘\ I Dogs D’Amour l-Liiily .‘oo ( ‘liilc \HU-r ll.\ "ii ‘lll H‘l‘l‘l .\piii 9. Iii ()M‘l

l l\ \liov. (il.i|llillj~ olil xi'liool :oi’k hand. I Fozzy \l‘ii f‘. 33“ \iui'liicliall \Iici'l.

3‘, \piii ‘.\ ()\ci llx \lioxx

33‘ 113“. "pin

|o//\ i‘laiiii io hi- \iiii‘ii\'.i\ nimi i’lll.‘ll.illlill‘.‘ l‘.lll\l llit‘}. .ippcai lo iii\o|\c \\ \\l \.\|\'\lli‘l ('liiiu li-in lio, ll llial'x an} liclp

I Jawbone and The Grease Monkeys \lsim». l l l\'i'l\in|i.iugli \iiu‘l. 5 '(i 5|l|.\ 5pm ()in‘ man punk hlucx \uppoili'd h) loyal ;'.ii.i§.'c iot‘ki'i‘x

I Mark Mulcahy King Inik \\.ili \\.i|i llul. .‘ "a Si \ lllxi‘lll \iim'l. 33l 5.3 "l.

.\ 3Hpiii. [Ill ('uli \llli‘llx'dlld liouhadoiii \\lli| lionch lx’l \l \’i\llli‘llli‘iil.lllt'\ \lziat'li‘ l cgioii iii llii' Mix I Geoff Martyn Hal Illot'. Sli'ci‘l. 5"1 (iiloh. ‘lpni, l i'ci' \iiigm \Hllj.‘\\|lli‘l ol noli'.

ll ' Halli l\l\‘.ll


I The Fall l'lic liquid Rooiii. ‘lt‘ Vicloria Sum. 335 25M, ~pin. L'l5. Scc Sun In. I Noxagt, Muscle Tusk, Usurper

and Ix Suhna} ('oxxgalc. h‘l ('ou galc.

3.35 (firm, ".3Hpin. £5. \orncgian

lion lii\ll_\ unil .\'o\agl [our \\illi llicir ncu linc up.

I Raw Deal, Deadloss Superstar .iiid To Kill a Day Banncrinan‘x. Niddi‘} Sliccl. 55h 335-1. .\‘_»l5piii. Ll. liidic.

(.3: (issgow

I Towers of London \icc’ii'Slca/i. ~13! Santliichall Slim-l. 3.3 3 nnnn. (Him. to. ()ld \i'liool punk rock. \\illi llic hand incinth lolloii ing llk‘ Raniono' liiic k'\.llll[llt‘ and go ing ilicinxclxcx llic \aiiic \lllllailk‘ 'louiciic, l’aii ol Slca/x‘x

(L {in (Ti/rm. I

I Cosmos, Your Vegas and The Prayers li.llll_\. loll (‘l_\dc Sliu'l. “Kill UH" H‘N‘) .\pin L5 local indic hand\.

I Engine and Eddison Sim-o. I-i lx'chiiiliaugli Slim-i. 57w 5llli\. .\pin. Lil. .\ iiiiik} iiii\ o1 oiigiiial lllll\l\' and cowi‘x Iioiii lllk'Vt' icgular pcrloriiicrx.

I Small Creatures ()l';lll \ioi'. "3| " (il‘t'di \ViNli‘Ill Riklxl. 35"(13llll. Spill. \i‘t‘ ‘lllt‘ ll

I Engineers and Magnet King ’l‘iii'x \\.ili \\ali lliil. 353a SI \ iiii‘cnl Sliu‘l. Ill 53."). .\ 3Hpni. L55“ Synplionic \oundx lioiii l.iigiiicci\. \uppoi'lcd h_\ lllL‘ paxloral \oundx ol \lagncl.

I The Red Well I 3ili \oic (uric. Si) (ill King \iii-cl. 553 |h3\ ‘lpin. L3. l‘cncc (iiilli‘i‘lln' .illilldlCd \Ullllth,


l din'iiiurgh

I Afri Rampo ('aharci \i‘llilll't‘. 3h 38 lilaii Sll'ct‘l. 33H (ilqh. "pm. Lh. \Vcll‘d— \lllk‘ Ironi llil\ Iciiiali' .lapani'xc duo Iiillt’li lowd h} ilic likt‘x oi Soniv Yoiilli.

I Nine Black Alps and Giant Drag llii‘ \k‘llllk'. I" ll ('allon Road. 557 3073. “pm M )l .l) ()l “l. Young \lancunian hand \\ lio haw ignorcd lhc iiiiixical lrcndx ol’ ilicii ouii ill) in lamni‘ ol the gi'ungc rock ol \ii‘\aii.i.

Wednesday 19


I Michael Bolton and Vonda Sheppard Si .( ’( ’. l'llilllC\lUll (‘lll.l_\. “Nail iizii WIN) 5. 3‘lplii 9.35.5” 'llic lioi'i'oi'. llic lioiioi

I Turin Brakes .\H(‘. 331) Saiicliicliall Sin-cl. 33: 33 33. 3Hpni. Ll5. ()xcr l»l\ \lli"\\. \\'in\oinc gcnllc iangling li'oin lllL‘ duo \ilio liaw |ll\l i'i‘lcawd llicir lhii‘d .ilhiini .lm .k/‘I Him.

I Nine Black Alps and Giant Drag

'l he ( iaiagc. inn Saut‘liicliall Sli'ccl. 333 ll.“l "pin. 9.". (Mgr l-lx \llim. Scc 'l‘uc


I Hatfield and The North chl'i'c“ l-i-ii}. \iidcixloli Qua}. llic lli'ooiniclau. MINA W5 5|] 3Hpni L'Il. li\pcriinciilal :m'k \cii'ianx Iioiii llk‘ "Hx. naincd anti .1 road \ign. I 65 Days of Static, Youth Movie Soundtrack Strategies and El Dog Haul}. Ion (lulc Slim-l. “Vii UH" ()‘N‘l. \piii. L5. \lii‘llicld pml iot‘k coinho “how alhuin liii Ilia" o/ liar/i di‘a\\ \ cquall} on Kialhwik and \log\\.ii. I Darden Smith lii’i'l. 3‘) l3 .\\lll\ili lanc. 3-1.3-1*)(i(i.i\piii. U). .\ll\l|li iioiihadoui'. \.\lio ll.i\ hu‘n dcu‘rihcd ax a ‘lc\.in \an \lori‘ixoii‘. pi‘oiiioicx lll\ lcnlli .ilhuiii lipid or ( 'mi: \ I Michael Simons l't‘liai ()\ na. l(i‘) lli‘dlhliill l)i'i\c. illll oh) “.358. .\piii. [3 \k‘t' \\\‘il l_‘ I The Real Mackenzies .\B('3. 3 in \aui‘hicliall Sin-cl. 33: I: 32. Spin. L” ()M‘l l-l\ \lIH\\. ‘St'oiiixli' punk hand li'oiii \ani'ouwi’ and dcxt'rihcd ax ‘llic Sm l)l\li'l\ inccix lx’ahhic liurnx'. I Regular Joe, Stem, Fragile and In Earnest llaill} lll[‘\l.lll\). loll (lulu Slii‘cl. HY!) UH” WW), .\‘pin. Ll. l'.lllU and ponci‘ pop li'oin lx’cgulai' .loc. I Afrirampo and Trout Sicrco. H

Ki'h inliaugli Sli'ccl. 57x 5lll.\'. .\'.3()pin. LN. Scc l'uc l.\.