
Me and you and Everyone we Know (IS) 0... (Miranda July. l'S/l'K. 2005i John llavvkes. Miranda Jttly. Miles 'l‘hompson. ‘)lmin. An enjoyany vvhimsical tribute to love's transformative povvers. .llr' and You . . . intervv eav es a number of stories itt suburban I.:\. involving characters from across the generations all struggling to connect emotionally. (in/nut. lit/inlmrg/i.

Minoes tl'i 0.. (Vincent Bal. Netherlands. 200l l (‘arice van llouten. Theo Maasen. Sarah Bannier. 86min. Ms Minoes is a cat vv ho lives in a lady 's body. When she and a local journalist discover something about the boss of a local factory she has to Use lter feline. Simple adventure movie vvhich is great for kids. Part til. the Discovery lt‘sllyttl. (iluxgon' I’i/In 'I'lir'ulrr'. (;I(I\L’UH ; I’ilIn/ioirxc. Iii/inlmrgh.

Mr & Mrs Smith (15) 0.. tl)oug l.iman. IS. 3005) Brad Pitt. Angelina Jolie. lifren Ramirel. Angela Bassett. l l7min. lilulfy. likeable. slapdash but ov erlong marital comedy. ()(lt’rm. Edinburgh.

Must Love Dogs l 13m... ((iary David (ioldberg. 1S. 2005) Diane lane. John ('usack. Iili/abeth Perkins. ('hristopher Plumtner. 08min. l.ikeable forty -somcthing rotnantic cotttedy involv ittg borrovv ed dogs and first-time daters. Lane and ('usack steal the shovv vvith their avvkvvardly funny lead performances. Dominion. Iii/inlmrglt.

My Architect: A Son’s Journey l P( h 0.... (Nathaniel Kahn. [S 3004) ll()llllll. Nathaniel Kahti takes a tour of tltc projects designed by his famous lather. Louis Kahn. in order to feel closer to him and his tnemory. The lilm reaches its climax vv hen Kaltn confronts his mother and elicits a tragic sense

7 Check out the

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of loyalty. loneliness. and unvv av ering love. ('urnr’u. Iz'rlinlnufiu/i.

Night Watch (Nochnoy Dozor) t IS) .0. (Timur Bekmambetov. Russia. 2005) Konstantin Khabensky. Vladimir Mcnshov. Valcri Zolotukhin. ll~lmin. See interv ievv. page 40. and revievv. page 4 I. .Sr'lr’t‘n’r/ I‘r'lr'rlxr'.

1991: The Year Punk Broke l 15) C... (David Markey. l'S. l‘)‘)3l Mark Arm. l.ori Barbct'o. Kat Bjelland. .\'ic ('lose. Kurt Cobain. Joe ('ole. Don l‘leming. Kim (iordon. Dav id (irohl. (‘ourtney l.ovc. 00min. Markey 's brilliant documentary about life on the road vv ith Sonic Youth and Nirvana during their tour of liurope in late l‘)t)l is a key vvork of its era. Don't miss this chance to see it on the big screen. The lilm also features live performances by Dinosaur Jr. Babes In Toy land. the Ramones and (iumball. (‘mm'ia l-[rliitlnn'g/i.

Oliver Mist t P( it 0.. tRontan Polanski. Bi'itain/(‘lech Republic/l-‘rance/ Italy. 2005i Barney (‘larkg Bert Kingsley. Jamie l‘oreman. llarry liden. Leanne Rovv e. 130mm. Sec rev ievv. page 40 (ii'ncru/ I'('/('(l.\('.

On a Clear Day l 13A» 00. t(iaby Dellal. l'K. 2005) Peter Mullan. Brenda Blethyn. Billy Boyd. Jamie Sives. 08min. Scottish rip off of The I‘ll/i .Uultlv'. ('inr'u-ur/r/ Rr'njn'ii' .S'llt’t'l. (i/uxumv; (i/uvurm .' Dominion. Ifr/inlmrg/i.

One Night in Mongkok t 15) CO. (Yce 'l‘ung-shing. llong Kong. 200-1) ('ecilia (‘heung Daniel Wu. .-\lex liong. Anson l.eung. l I0min. .-\ police squad searches the Mongkok district of Kovv loot] for a hired killer vvhose latest assignment could ignite a horrendous Triad turf vvar. Meandering but periodically stunning cop drama. Part of Tiger Beer Tartan Asia lixtreme 2005. (‘ineu or/rl Iirliri/Huiuli. Iii/inlmrg/i.

Out on a Limb t IS) .0 (Robert llcatlt. l'K. 3005) Henry (ioodnian. .\'eil Stukc. Julianne White. (’osta Milton 08min. SCL‘ t'L‘\ lL‘W. p;th ~12. (‘im'tirn'lr/ Rr'It/I‘r'ii .S'Irr'r'l. (i/rtvumi.

@ Gilmorehilthz


(Hue Velvet


Big Fish

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46 THE LIST 0 70 Oct .7005;

Marie Full rt! Grace The Wicker Man Amara: Perms

The Elephant Mun

lost Highway

Nightmare Belem Christmas

Tickets £4 ([3)

Brigmlaon [5 (iiii'lirdr‘ts' .s'lniil/m’r‘ul and Ir whisky) Nightmare Below Christmas f5

tine/mitts :i Itilllr‘r' pm .‘tlttl .I when. n/ mill/ml write)

14th October (33 7.309"! 21:: October ti"! 7.30m" 28th October (in 8pm 4th November ((79 7pm tlth November it"? 8pm filth November til 89m 25th November (at Rpm 2nd December (it Ipm 9th December 63 89m

16th December (’40 8pm

Giltnnrehlll 61?, 9 University Avenue. Glasgow

for further details


One of the more interesting films released this fortnight is this slowly revealing essay on faith

and family. When a young man from the South of France drives his father to Mecca for a pilgrimage, the stage is set for some weirdly surreal adventures as the two clash over their opposing beliefs and ideologies. lsmaél Ferroukhi’s thoughtful and beautiful film stays in the memory long

after viewing. Recommended.

I Cinewor/d Renfrew Street. Glasgow (from Fri 74 Oct).

The Phantom Carriage it'i (Victor Sjostrom. vaeden. I‘Dl l Victor Sjostrom. llilda Borgstrom. Tore Svennberg. Astrid llolm. USmin. After dying on the stroke of midnight on .\'evv Year's live David (S'iostromt finds he must take over the job of driving the chariot of the dead. l'i/Iit/mllxr’. Iii/inlmr'gli. Piglet’s Big Movie at tl'irancis (ilebas. l'S. 2003i 75min. (’artoon. The gang from llundred Acre Wood are back vv ith another enchanting tale of adventure. (il'Uxt'r’IlU/l (i/rtxqrm.

Pluk and his Tow Truck it'i (Ben Somhogaart. Pieter van Rijn. Netherlands. 2004) Janiek van de Polder. Sit/anne

/.uidervv iik. 95min. The story of a young boy and his tovv truck as they try to save a local park. Ages 4+ subtitles vvill be read out. Part of Discovery festival. l-i/m/iouxr. Edinburgh. The Precipice (Hyoheki) t 12A l 0000 (Yasu/o Masumura. Japan. l‘fib’i Kenji Sugavvara. l‘ujiko Yamamoto. llitomi Nome. Kei/o Kavvasaki. Ken l'ehara. l)7min. Tvvo mountaineers are in love vv ith the same vvoman. and vs hen one of them plunges to his death it leaves the other vv ith a lot of explaining to do. Another great melodrama from Masumura. vv ho vvas Japan's Douglas Sirk. Did he ever make a bad lilm'.’ We don't think so. Part of .‘vlasumura season. film/muse. Iz'rliiilmrult.

Pride and Prejudice it) 000 (Joe Wright. l'K. 2005) Keira Knightley. Matthevv Macl‘ady en. Brenda Blethyn. Donald Sutherland. 137mm. In this solid and likeable nevv version of Austen‘s timeless novel. director Wright and screenvvriter Deborah Moggach cut the source material dovvn to si/e allovving time for the secondary tales to develop \\ hile llL'\Cl' losing sight til. the till pervading romance betvveen Darcy and Elizabeth. like the novel. it makes for a tale full of plot tvv ists and emotional turbulence

\v ithout ever acquiring the mannered subtlety of .-\ng Lee's Senvr' (HUI Sr'nvi/n'lilv. liu' [Ll/in/nu'gli. Iii/in/mrgli.

R-Pointi lfit O. (Kong Su-chang. South Korea. 2004i Woo-seong Kain. Byung- ho Sort. Tac-ky ting ()h. 100mm. :\ group of soldiers are sent to find others vv ho disappeared from a supposed no-comlxtt Ione. On arrival tltey find a curse etched into the rock. l'tterly predictable. [H'tk‘ihlllltlllllg chiller vv hiclt does hovvev cr look beautiful and boasts one or tvvo nice set pieces. Part of Tiger Beer Tartan Asia lixtreme 3005. (‘irmmrlrl Iii/Inlnrruli. l‘.t/fll/’lll'L’/l.

Rag Tale t 1M 0000 (Mary Mc(iuckiatt. l'K. 2005i Rupert (iravcs. Malcolm McDovv ell. Jennifer Jason l.eigh. Bill Paterson. llimin. See revievv. page ~12.

('iiu'u urlil Iii/in/inrglt. Ifrlirt/nu‘gli. The Railway Children il'i COO tl.ionel Jeffries. l'K. l‘)70) Dinah Sheridan.

William Mervyn. Jenny Agutter. 108mm. A trio of youngsters' involvement vi. ith the railvvay that runs past their garden leads them into adventure. Pleasing family lilm vvith an old-fashioned. comfortably British feel that sets it apart from contemporary kids movies. (iluxigmv I’ilm 'Iiltr'um'. (iluvgou’. Random Harvest (lit 0.. tMervy'n l.eRoy. l'S. l‘HZi Ronald (‘olman. (ireer (iarson. Philip Dom. Stisan Peters. Henry Travers. 125mm. .~\ once vvealthy World War I veteran marries and settles into a humble life until an accident brings back some bad memories. Clever. enjoy-able if overlong vvartime melodrama. SI Bride's ('enrre. Edinburgh. Red Beard (PG) 0000 (Akira Kurosavva. Japan. l‘)(i5 l Toshiro Mifune. Yum Kayama. Yosio Tsuchiy'a. l85min. Nth century Japan. and ageing doctor .‘vlifune instils into his young and ambitious nevv intern Kayama the revvards of vvorking in the poorer sections of the community. Kurosavva's overlong and discursive medical drama sometimes lapses into sentimentality. but the period recreation and Mifune‘s tovvering central performance impress nevertheless. Part of Medical Movies season introduced by the good Dr Miles liielder. lli'xton Link. Edinburgh. Red Eye 1 12A) 0.. (“es (‘rav-en. t'S. 2005i Rachel Mc:\dams. (‘illian Murphy. Brian (‘ox. Tina Anderson. S-hnin. llotel manager Lisa (.\lc:\tlattts) is blackmailed to join a plot to assassinate a government official all vvhile cruising at 30.000 feet. ('raven's taut direction generates more stispense. character involvement and excitement in its first 20 minutes than most summer blockbtisters manage in tvvo hours. .Sr'lr'r‘lr'r/ I'('l(’(l.\('. A Red Ribbon Around my House l Ili tPortia Rankoane. South Africa. 2001) 26min. Documentary about a mother and daughter vv ho have very different attitudes to HIV/AIDS. l'i/iii/irHMi'. Edinburgh. Revolveri 15) OO t(iuy Ritchie. l'K. 2005) Jason Statham. Ray l.iotta. Andre Benjamin. \'incent Pastore. l Minin. Disappointing nevv Ritchie film. (iwu’ml I‘r’lt'ufil’. SKAMMARAMA ttbct (Variotis. Scotland. 3005) VariousSKAMM (Scottish Kids .»\re Making .\loviesi introduce screenings of the three films they have made recently. (iluxgou l-i/m 'I‘lu’um’. (i/uxgmi: Salaam Namaste tP(il tSiddharth .-\lt;tlttl. India. 2005) Saif.-\li Khan. Preity '/.inta. 158mm. Big budget Indian retnake of Nine .lIunr/iv about a young couple vvho embark on a journey together vvhich includes pregnancy and responsibility. .\'ot very original but very vvatchable. ()(lr'mt :‘ll The Quay. (i/rtx‘grm: (i/rtxguu: