Sllnitn. Jcnningx' onl} draina ahnoxt iiimitahl} rctaiiix a docuiiicntar) lccl rcal lircincn tacklc i‘cal lircx ainong thc \\;ii‘cliotixcx iii l.ondon'x docklandx It'x not action xpcctaclc thc dircctoi' ix altci. htit tlic epic \L'nxt' ol' lici'oixin that drt\cx thcxc incn lo lacc dangcr da_\ al'tcr da_\. :\ \xondcrlul trihutc to thc couragc ol' ordinar} pcoplc. l‘.t/ll1/’lll'L’/l I'i/m (iii/Ill. lat/Hilmruli.
Four Brothersi I5» .0 lJUllll Singlcton. l‘S. 2045i .\lark \Vahlhcrg. ~I"\rcxc (iihxon. :\ndrc Bcniainin. (iarrctt llcdlund. It).\‘iniii. chainpcd \crxion llcnr}
llatlia\\a_\ ix NOS \chtct'n I’ln‘ Sum ol Kiri/r l-[li/t'r into an urban xctting. (it'iicrii/ rr/i tlH'. * Four Seasons of a Traktor I tii t'l‘raktor. Sucdcii. 3005i :\ trihutc to 'l‘raktor. thc Scandina\ tan adxcrlixiiig collcctn c lorincd hct“ ccn xi\ collcgc lricndx in Sucdcni 'l'hix xclcction ol \ ixual “olk ix
dl\ ttlL‘d illltt litttll' ‘xc‘axtinx. ‘xc‘\.. '\ ltllL‘llk‘L‘.. ‘lcar‘ and ‘conl’uxion' and includcx \ idcox l’or l‘atho} Shin. thc l’rodig} and Baxcincnt Ja\\. ax \xcll ax xpotx lor .\'ikc and l)icxcl. l’at'l ol‘ chl'cxl. (‘( il. (i/tlwoii.
Giants and Toys (Kyojin to gangu) i15i tYaxu/o .\laxutnura. Japan. I‘lflSi lliroxhi Kauaguchi. llitonii .\'o/oc. K}u Sa/anka. 05min. \laxtiniui'a'x critiqiic ol Japan'x poxl-\\at' ccoiioiiiic inii'aclc. ax a )(itiiig munan ix c\ploitcd altcr xhc hcconicx thc ncu lacc ol a \\\L‘L'[ manulacturcr. l’art ol .\laxtitiiui'a xcaxoii. l‘l/HI/IUHV. l'fi/I'Iilmrg/i. Goal! i l2.-\ i O. tl)anii} (anon. l'S. ZtXl-li Kuno Bcckcr. :\ICxxandro _\'i\ola. .\larcc| lurcx..v\i1nal’ricl. llSinin. 'I‘liix lirxt film in a pt‘opoxcd loothalhiig trilog} xci‘xcx up a highl) xaniti/cd \ 1c“ ol top-lc\ cl xport. (it‘llr'l'rl/ I'r’lt‘rlu.
Good Old Corn it‘i tli\crctt Dodd. 118‘. [043i Kno\ Manning. .\lont_\ Bankx. ()h\cr Hard). l.arr_\ Scinon. .\lack S\\.iiii. l”inin. liarl) xhort docunicntar} cclchrating thc uork ol' lloll} \xood'x gt‘catcxt xilcnt coiiicdianx. SI lira/("x (it'llll‘t'. l'x/Ill/NU'L’JI.
Le Grand Voyage «PM» 0000 ll\lll;lL‘l l‘ci'roukhi. l'i'aiicc/‘Nloi‘iicco. Illllli .\'icolax (‘a/alc. Mohamcd Maid. Jack} \ct'ccxxian. lhiia ()giiiaiima ltlSniin. Bcautilul and
mm ing road tiio\ ic ahout a lathcr and xon‘x pilgriinagc lroni thc South ol l'rancc to .\lccca. 'l‘hc pi‘ohlcin ix thc Rcda I(‘a/alc. c\ccllcnti ix a noii»hclic\ci and hix old tathcr \\.‘tnl\ to gixc hiiii onc laxt chancc to dixcowr liix .\ltix|iin rootxi Haunting and \ci'} nicniorahlc thtx ix a dchghtlul Illin ic.
('ilit'u or/i/ li’utlri'ii .Sl/‘r'r‘l. (II/(HL'UHi
Green Street: txi O ll.C\l :\lc\andcr. l‘K. l 'S. ItHlSi liliiah \\ood. (‘harlic llunnani. ('lairc l"iii‘|;iiii. lllllniin. \Vcak ploltcd and gcograpliicall} inciunprchciixihlc glorilication ot loothall
\ iolcncc. ho\\c\cl Iiiuch thc dircctoi' iiia_\ think ol it ax a c.ititioiiai'_\ talc. \Vood p|a_\ x a xtudcnt \\ ho coincx to l.ondoii altcr hctng ktckcd out ol llanard and lcarnx lo hc a man through hooliganixtn. |)o\\ii xx ith thc inono clllllll'k‘i .Sr'll’i'lt’t/ I‘r’lr'ilu,
Guy X t IFI .00 ISaul .\lct/xtcin. ('anadwlccland/l 'K,'( icrnian}. .‘lltlii Jami] Biggx. \git;ixc‘li;i .\lcl:lhoiic. Jcrcni} \orthani. .\lichacl lronxidc llllinin. Scc prc\ic\\. pagc 3‘) and in icu. pagc 42. Si'lt ( ml I'(‘/('(l\¢. Herbie: Fully Loaded it» 00
i.»\ngcla Rohiiixon. l'S.v\. IlNl5i1.iiidxa}
|.o|iaii. \lichacl Kcatoii. Matt Dillon llllliiiiii. 'l-lilx \Ct'} htcral l.lltd\;t} loltttli \L‘lllclc \L'L‘\ dad .\lichacl Kcatoii gi\ c liix daughtcr a car on graduation. In thc traditionx ol tlic li'anchixc. thc Bcctlc hax a mind ol itx o\\l1. and l.ohan ix xoon Icarning lcxxonx in lilc and L‘lllL‘l'lllg' lhc l);t}litll;t 5”“. Sir/r ( lr'i/ I’r’lr'rlu'. * A History of Violence 1 l.\l 00”. i|)a\ id ('roncnlwrg. l‘S. IllllSi \tggo _\lortcnxcn. Maria Bcllo. William Hurt. lid llari‘ix 95min, 'l'hix adaptation ol John \\‘agncr and \incc l.ockc'x graphic iio\ cl ol thc xanic nainc ix (’roiicnhci'g'x Ill;l\lL‘l'\\Ul'l\. (iuii ml I'r‘lr’u'u‘,
How to Marry a Millionaire ll’(il
0.. iJcan \cgulcxco. l'S. 1953i l.aurcn Bacall. \l.ii'il}ii .\lonroc. Bctt} (irahlc lltiinin. \otahlc l'or hciiig thc lii‘xt (‘incniaxcopc conicd}. \ihich ixn't coinplclcl} xucccxxlttl. Btit \\ho carcx \xhcn )ou'\ c got Bacall. .\lonric and (it‘ahlc pla} ing thrcc lo\) ladicx \xho rcnl a \cu York apartincnt in ordct' to trap thcin xoiiic inillionaircx ’ Si ulmiiin Xi mum: lx’uuni. lat/iIi/iiii'g/i.
Howl’s Moving Castle il’( il 00. illa}.io .\li_\a/aki. Japan. lllllfii \tugr'x or (‘hrixtian Balc. laurcii Bacall. Bill} (’1') xtal_ ll‘liiiiii. \li};i/aki. thc dircctor ol .S/iirilul .lum rcttirnx \\ itli a \crxion ol l)iana \\_\niic Jotlcx' childrcn'x liook. (ir'lti'l'it/ I'i'Ir'ii'u‘.
l was Jonathan Pitt Ithci i Bcn l'cllo\\x. l'K. Illll5i "llinin. Scc Rough (‘utx. pagc J l. (ll/Illrtl'r’IIII/(r/j. (i/iiigivii.
Idle Running (V leru) r 15» lellk'l Biii'gcr. S|o\cnia. I‘N‘li Jan (‘i itko\ ic. .\'at.ixa Burgci'. Janc/ Rtix. .\lo|ca l‘atur. ‘lllinin. (‘harining ritcx ol paxxagc coiiiiicd} drama about a xlackcr xtudcntx \\ hoxc c} cx arc opcncd h} a ncu rooininatc. l’art ol Slownian xcaxoii I’i/niliuuu. l'a/lII/llu‘g/l.
In my Father’s Den I I5: 000 illrad .\lc( iaiili. \cu /ca|aiid l 'l\. 3‘" l-li \latthcu .\lacl’a.\dcii. (’olin .\lo_\. l'.lllll_\ Barcla). .\lir.'ii1da()tto. lliiiiiii. .\ dixilluxioncd “.ll’ photograpth rcluiiix hoiiic to rural \cu /.caland lor hix lalhcr'x luncral and un\\ittingl} opciix a can ol \xorinx. lllll‘l'L‘\\l\L‘. xlou htiilding drania lcatuiing killci pcrlorinanccx lroin .\lacl'ad_\cn and Barcla}. l'( ‘/ lat/iri/iiu'g/i. I'J/III/llll‘Q/l
Infamy: lFithoug l’rc}. l'S. lell5i lllliiiin. l)ocuiiicntar} lollouing thc Ii\cx ol xc\cn pcoplc iii\oI\cd iii thc \xorld ol xtrccl \L‘l'dlllll itcl'oxx [BC [-5. l’dl'l Ul chlcxl. ('( ll. (Namath.
Johnny English it’( il 0 tl’clc‘l' ll0\\lll. l’K. :lllHl Ri\\\;tll x\lklll\tlll. \atalic' linhruglia. John .\l.ilko\ ichi hfillllllc .\lr Bcan \l} Ic (\l‘lttllttg'c \lapxllck. (il‘ini ( Hui. (r/rlu'itti.
Just for Kicks I [5| llllll‘ttlll l)cl.ongc\illc. l.ixa Iconc. l‘S. IlNlSi I Illniiii. Docuriicntar} charting thc c\olution ol thc traincr through dcxign to iiiaikcting and itx cultural impact. in: o! n m \I. (‘( 'gl. (iliixgmi. Kes i M ii C... IKcn l,oach. l‘K. l‘lli‘li l).t\ til llt'adlc‘}. ll} llllL' l’t‘ll'lc‘. (it'll!) “it'lldlld. Brian (ilowr lll‘liiiin. ln thc run domi induxtrial north. a _\oung ho} lcarnx xoiiic haixh lcxxotix ahout lilc troni thc latc ol liix pct hiid. (‘laxxic piccc ol Britixh rcalixin uhicli \lltm L‘d lltitl lantcll'x lclt'\ letili “(ilk could tranxlcr to thc hig xciccn, .-\ \ci'} huinanc xcnxc ol huniotir lca\cnx a talc ol xoinc dCxolation. (.lllt’ll iil'li/ I’ii'l‘k/Ir'u'il, (lluWL‘l’H, (i/ihQrHi.
Kick’n’Rush t Iii i.v\agc Raix-\ordcntol'l. Dcninark. :lNHl Jacoh Krai'up. .\laric Bach llanxcn. (') ron Biorn .\lc|\ illc. 05min. 'l‘hc xtor) ol~ thrcc potcntial xchool dropoutx ax thc} xcarch lor cntcrtaininciit on thc xuhurhan cxtatc thc} '\ c cndcd up on. Part ol' l)ixco\ ci'_\ l'cxlt\al. l'l/Hl/lllllu’. I’.It/llllllll‘L'/I. Kicking and Screaming mm 0 thxxc 1)} Ian. l'S. Ziltlfii \Vill l-crrcll. Rohcrt l)ti\a|l. .\likc |)itka. Katc \Valxhi ‘l-liiiin. l)rcadl'ul. h_\ xtcrical laiiiil} xporting conic-d} \\ liicli ix clcarl} itixt a hland xpoilci' dcxigncd to lakc thc \\ ind ottt ol Richard l.iiikl;itc‘i“x loi'thcoining l’lir' li’iiil Xm \ "(WM rciiiakc. (Innt‘r'mu; (i/ingiiii.
King’s Game (Kongekabale) t 13m .0. (Nikolai .'\rcc|. l)cninark. lell-li .-\iidcrx \V Bcrthclxcn. Socrcn l’ilniark. \;ixti;i .-\rcc. Nicholax Bro. lll7iiiin. \thn }ourig anihitioux iotii'iialixt l‘lrik 'l‘orp chrthclxcnt ix axxigncd thc parliaiiicntar} hcat hc unco\ crx a c) nical plot lll\ttl\ ing thc countr} 'x priiiic ininixtcr. Solidi} \iatchahlc political thrillcr uhich ix rarcl} xtirprixing or particularl} original. I’I/IIl/IUHH'. lit/Ill/llll'L’ll. Kinky Boots 1 12m .0 iJulian Jai'rold. l'K. ZlJlJSJ (‘ltt\\ ClL‘l lilttilittt‘. .JUL'J lidgcrton. Nick l't'oxl. Sarah Janc l’ottx. lllhiiiiii. Scc rcx icu. pagc ~10. (iv/it'm/ I'r’It’tlu’.
Kisses (Kuchizuke) l l3.'\l 00.0 tYaxu/o .\laxunitira. Japan. 105") lliroxhi Kanaguchi. llitoiiii No/oc. :\iko \liinaxu. lfiitaro ( )/a\\a. "4min. 'l‘hc catal} xt hchind Japan'x .\'c\\ \Vaw iiiowiiicnt ol thc (illx. .\laxuniura'x intilucncc o\ cr contcinporar) Japancxc cincina ix tinprcccdcntul. llcrc ix an opportunit} to xcc hix dchut l'calurc in all itx rmolutionar‘) glor}. l’art ol .\laxuinura xcaxoii. I’ll/Il/IHHH’. lat/Hi/uu'u/i.
Land of the Dead I IS: 0...
i(icot'gc .-\ Roiiicro. ('anada/l"rancc/l 'S. Illllii Stiiioii Bakcr. John Icgui/aiiio. l)ciinix lloppcr. x\\l;l .r\rgcnto. 03min.
Sc\ cral )L‘;tt'\ altct' thc dcatl ltl'xl I'ch l‘l'olli thcir gra\cx. xocict) ix adiuxting to thc ncu uorld ot inarauding Ionihicx and mor-
d\\ indling i‘cxoui'ccx. l)cxpitc itx WI 1 allcgor} icxpcciall} lloppcr'x 'uc don't ncgotiatc \\ itli tcrrorixtx' linci thix lihn rcckx Ul lllC Nllx \l) llxllcall} and in ilx \lL‘atllaxl rchancc ol hcautil'ull} craltcd incchanical cl'lcctx. .\ titling continuation ol thc lh'ml xaga. (lulu/"til I‘r'li’uu:
The Last Mitterand (Le Promeneur du Champ de Mars) l Mir .0. tRohcrt (iiicdiguian. l"rancc. lelJSi .\lichcl Bouquct. Jalil l.cxpcrt. l’hilippc l‘rctiin. .v\nnc ('aiitincaii. lloinin. .-\ iournahxt l'ollim x thc hclia\ iour ol' l’rcnch l’rcxidcnt in thc laxt tuo iiionthx ol liix lilc. altcr hc hax rcxigncd lroni ollicc and ix d} ing ll'tllll canccr. Baxcd on thc hook urittcn h} (icoi'gcx .\lark Bcnaniou. thix draina conccntratcx lar too much on thc hoting \\ ritcr. .'\llltllllL' il.cxpart i. and hix pi'ocraxtinationx and ax a l'c\llll dL‘aLlL‘tix intcrcxt in thc lar tnorc intcrcxting titlc charactcr. .-\ dixappointnicnt t'roiii thc ininiciixcl} talcntcd lihiiinakcr (iucdiguian. (11mm). I'a/IIl/tlll‘u/t.
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ill .0.” l .\lichac| l’oucll N liiiicric l’rcxxhurgcr. l'lx'. Ill-l ii Rogcr l.i\cxc_\. Dchorah lx'cri‘. .v\nton \Valhrook. ltfiinin. ()nc ol thc grcat Britixh liltiix. thix
i ll: :i it a . Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.
Any film, anytime, every Wednesday at cinemas nationwide. Orange customers text Conditions apply.
ix aii ccxtatic. upliltiiig cclchration and. pat‘ado\icall_\. critiquc of thc Cxxcncc ol' Britixhncxx. ()utnittcd through ‘chcating' in a I‘M: lloinc (iiiard cwrcixc. (icncral (Inc B} mic ('and} rcllcctx on hix lil'c. niilitar} cai‘ccr and lo\ c iii a xpccial \xoinan. concluding that liix gcntlcnianl) iiotioiix ol' ‘lair pla}' hai c hccoinc outiiiodcd. Magniliccnt. Part of Po“ cII Scaxoii. (i/rHL'HH' I‘ll/III ill/Ir'tlll‘l'. (i/rlxumi.
The Longest Yard t 13m 0.
tl’ctcr chal. l'S. 3(lll5i .'\tlltlll Saiidlcr. ('hrix Rock. Burt l{t‘_\tltlltl\. .\'cl|_\. ll3niin. Rc}nold'x allcgiaiich rcinain unchangcd in thix rcinakc ol Rohcrt Aldrich'x Nil coinic. prixon-lxixcd l'oothall draiiia. hut Sandlcr no“ takcx thc Icad rolc ax thc iniiiatcx and gttat‘dx go hcad lo hcad. (it'ltc'nl/ I‘r’lr'rlu'.
* Lord of Wari I5 l 0000 «Anal-m NIL‘L‘UI. l-S. :(llJSl \lc‘oltix (iilgC. llt'itlgcl .\lo}ii;ih;iii. Jarcd l.cto. Shakc 'l'ukhinan}aii. llliiiin. Scc l'caturc. pagc Ill. arid rc\ ic“. pagc 4U. .Sr'lr’r‘lr’r/ I'r’/(’rl\r'.
Maangamizi: The Ancient One t lb .0. t.\lartin .\lhando. 'l}iii/;iiii;i/l ‘S. jlltltli Barhara () .JUllL‘x. :\lll;tll\llll;t l.ihainha. Saiiialiaiii Kcicri. 1 12min. .-\ii :\incrican \wiiian doctor IJoncxi coincx to 'l'an/ania to “ink at a hoxpital l'or thc nicntall} dixturhcd. liitcrcxting iiictapli_\xical thrillcr. which ix \agucl} rciiiinixccnt ol' Jct'/_\ Skoliiiio“ xki‘x 'l‘lii' .Si'l‘r’uni. (i/uwuii I'll/ll 'I'lir'ulrc. (ilmgmi .' I‘ll/ii/iuuxr. lat/iIi/nu'g/i, Madagascar l l ‘i 0.. iliric I)arncll (kll~(llll.\1k‘(lrlllh.l-S.:(“JSJI‘CHSUHL‘L (’hrix Rock. l)a\ id Sch“ iniiiicr. Jada l’iiikctt Siiiith. Shinin. 'l‘horoughl} L'll_|tt_\;ll\lL‘. hlackl} coinic l)rcani\\'orkx animation lllllSlL‘dl. Sr'lr’r Ir'r/ I't'lr'llu‘.
Madame Brouette I I5: l.\lt)ll\\;l Scnc .-\hxa. ScncgaI/('anada/l‘rancc. lllllli Roklia}a Niang. Ahoucar Sadiin Ba. Kadiatou S}. llHiiiiii. Sct in a poor ncighhourhoml in Dakar. Scncgal. thc inurdcr in\ cxtigation ol a policciiian
pt'tn Idcx lliL‘ hackdrop to thc xlUl‘} ol- .\ladaiiic Bi‘oucttc. a xinglc niothcr dcdicating hcr lil'c to pro\ idiiig lor licr daughtcr. l’at‘t ol’ thc .\laina .-\l'rica xcaxon. l‘l/Ill/lllllu'. lir/iii/Hu‘g/i.
The Man who Stole my Mother’s Face l l5! I(‘atli} llcnkcl. South .'\l'rica. 2W”) Vinin. .\ cotiragcoiix xcarch lor iuxticc h} thc daughtcr iii a “unit!” \\ ho \\ ax xc\uall_\ axxatiltcd and hcatcn in hcr xuhurhan hoiiic l-l )carx ago and ix xtill xti‘ugghng to t'cco\ cr. 'l‘hc policc in\cxtigation hccoincx hoggcd do“ ii. xo llcnkcl xcckx otit and conl'roiitx thc iiian idcntilicd ax hcr inothcr'x attackcr. I‘ilmliouw. [cili'iilmrg/i.
A Matter of Life and Death mm 0.... l .\lichacl l’ou cll/liiiicric l’rcxxhurgcr. l'K. l‘l-lhi l)a\ id ,\'i\cii. Kiiii lluntcr. Rogci' l.i\cx_\. Ra} inond \llISSC}. ltlJrniii. \Voiidcrl'ul tilni that rtxcx ahox c itx hcginningx ax a piccc ol' \\;tl‘lllllC propaganda ahout good“ ill hctix ccii Britain and thc l'S.v\i \ixcn ix an RAI‘ pilot ulio lindx liiinxcll' lu‘lorc a hca\cnl_\ ti'ihunal
u licn lic halcx out of hix hurning plant: A
\\ ill} and xt} lixli laiitax} \\ itli a lair xharc ol on-targct xatirc. l’art ol l’oucll xcaxon. (i/rhgrm I‘ll/m [INVUIIX (Muslin .' l'l/Hl/IUHH’. lat/iii/im‘g/i.
vS 439°. .X‘flt‘ THE LIST 45