Helen Mirren takes on EHzabethl
Ross Sinclair’s epic Real Life project gets a new incarnation at Radiance
Glasgow's enlightenment
Merchant City to host bold new festival of light. Words: Allan Radcliffe
ith thc strccts harcly coolcd following this ycar\
.\lcrchant (‘ity l‘cstiyal. (ilasgow‘s ‘cultural
quartct" is to play host to anothcr ambitious ncw arts cclchration this autumn. Radiancc. (ilasgow l'cstiyal of light. is part ol thc ('ity Council’s £5.2m lighting stratcgy. which has sccn many of thc city's architcctural gcms spcctacularly illuminatcd during thc past six ycars.
'l‘hosc who spcnd thcir timc scarching hopcl‘ully l’or
hcauty in (ilasgowk huildings hayc always hccn adyiscd to ‘look up‘. .\'ow. thc imaginatiyc partncrship ol~ Angus l-‘arquhar‘s NV'A and (icoll' lillis’ l)l‘ (‘onccrts is to takc thc city's commitmcnt to illuminating thc hcautil’ul. hut ol'tcn hiddcn. architcctural trcasurcs to ncw hcights with a long wcckcnd ol' l‘cstiyitics that will transform thc Mcrchant (‘ity cach night from 25—27 Noycmhcr.
.»\ scrics ol‘ commissions hy lcading intcrnational ztl'llsls arc to hc complcmcntcd hy architcctural lighting dcsigns. outdoor lilm projcctions and a scrics ol~ gigs in and around .\lcrchant Squarc. chow ncd \‘isual artist David Batchclor‘s charactcristic inulticolourcd sculpturcs among thcm ‘candclaln'as' crcatcd l'roin hctwccn 5i) and
l5() plastic hottlcs ol' yarious si/cs will adorn sitcs around thc Mcrchant ('ity. Mcanwhilc. local talcnt Ross Sinclair will bring his typically proyocatiyc tcxt—hascd installation work to hcar on thc grandcur of thc (‘ity ('hamhcrs building on .lohn Strcct. llomc-grown talcnt will also hc showcascd through collaborations with organisations such as 'l‘ransmission (iallcry.
chowncd lighting dcsigncrs l)a\'c Bryant and Simon (‘ordcr arc also sct to transform scycral sitcs around thc city. most promincntly Mcrchant Squarc. which will hc pumpcd into Inc by thc lh’o Human (icncrator (a rcl'crcncc to thc spccd ol‘ light. lh’ollllll milcs pcr sccond). Locatcd at thc \cry hcart of thc l'cstiyal. this swcat-inducing installation will hc powcrcd hy mcmhcrs of community organisations and sporting clubs through motion such as cycling. walking. running. rowing and dancc.
'l‘hc l'cstiyal coincidcs with (ilasgow‘s hosting thc :\(i.\1 ol l.l'(‘l. thc Lighting l'rhan (‘ommunity lntcrnational Association. which promotcs crcatiyc urhan lighting.
I Aberfeldy, King Creosote and Nicola Black are among the acts at this year’s Burnsong — Live! Festival, which takes place in Dumfries from Friday 25 to Wednesday 30 November 2005. The festival celebrates Rabbie Burns through the notion that ‘there is a song inside everyone’. To this end, the festival features a programme of gigs, masterclasses and songwriting workshops known as ‘sangschools’. A highlight of the festivities will be performances by winners of The Gathering, a songwriting competition launched on Burns’ Day 2005. The 15 winners are to have their work nurtured by tutors in a residential course during the festival, leading up to the Big Gig! on St Andrew’s Night. It is hoped this will result in a song - like Auld Lang Syne or A Man’s A Man — that’s sung throughout the land. (AR)
I Sir Sean Connery is to receive the European Film Academy Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s European Film Awards. The prize is being bestowed in recognition of Connery’s career, which has seen the actor working under Hitchcock, Brian de Palma and Gus van Sant as well as bringing 007 to the silver screen.
I One of Glasgow's iconic music venues has been relaunched following its relocation to the north side of the Clyde. The Ferry, now anchored at the Broomielaw, has been treated to an interior makeover that features redesigned bars, a plush daytime restaurant and VIP areas. Some of the world's biggest acts have graced The Ferry's stage over the last 20 years.
I The world-class Ratho Adventure Centre is finally set to achieve its potential following the City of Edinburgh Council’s decision to buy the facility for £3.5m. The state-of- the-art climbing and recreational centre went into receivership in March 2004. In April this year The List reported on the council’s aspirations to buy the centre, subject to a detailed viability study.
I The List is about to celebrate its 20th birthday. We'll be having a party on Saturday 15 October and we'd like to invite all current and former staff. We‘ve been trying hard to track everyone down but there are some people we have not been able to reach. 80 if you have worked for The List and you have not yet been invited. please send an email with your contact details to katie@list.co.uk.
8M» ii ()t‘l Qllllf‘ THE LIST 7