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erious thought for food

Comprehensive, informative and completely rewritten for 2005

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Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin ripped up and rewrote the textbook on electronic music with their seminal album Mus/c Has the R/ght to Children. As they prepare for the launch of another LP. the reclusive Scots duo give us a rare interview.

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Ever since his first tape installation at Glasgow's Transmission in 1998. curators across the world have been clarnouring to have one of Jim Lambie's psychedelic wonders in their own gallery. Now. he's shortlisted for the Turner Prize. and Lambie’s out to prove that he's much more than just a pretty floor.

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He has just given 81 m for hurricane relief. but Nic Cage’s latest film Lord of War looks at international calamities of a different. and equally topical kind. We ask Cage what he found when he entered the shady world of the international arms trade.


2005/6 . DRINKING

I Hitlists of the best restaurants

I 100 new places to eat out

I Reliable and easy to use

YOU'VE GOT 15 DAYS TO LIVE “"si‘li’u‘r'é°c'ifi'&”""““

6 THE LIST 7;) 330;) ‘l ()(:l Pilllt'.