Reader Offers

The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE or The List, CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD or

The List has teznned up with. Suruchi and Suruchi Too in Edinburgh to r readers two-icir~onc meals at reiii'iu‘i‘ oi their {Wizard—winhing rostaiimi‘its.

By simply t;‘il«;ii‘ig this voucher. you can have i‘u'Jl'f'i-iOi’-O!i’r3 on your iimzils and

iioy 'ti‘ic- very host of iridium cooking, Your tZlS'ii‘?-5.3Ll‘7lf3 will be introduce-d tr; culinary '=‘merii3n(:r- they Will H 43'". . when you savour ti" subtletier oi hrs-r and spice: x \x-iliic’i‘i Suruchi g'iwuid- winning Crieff

mixed into their


_ . cannot be used in conjunction l 70 ngh Street with any other offer. There is no Edin bu rgh cash alternative. Offer valid until 21 September 2005. Usual EH1 1 08 List rules apply.



The List and Waxy V " " 0 O‘Connor‘sin _ ,. .. o. Glasgow have _I I _ : ~ : r . . - _ 1' estival teamed up to offer all ' M i List readers a great reader offer of three- for-two on all meals. Until 21 September. just take this voucher to Waxy O‘Connor‘s and you will receive one free meal when ~ -: ’2 n --

two are purchased. v 5 I: ' M " :l

Waxy O'Connor‘s ~ ‘, U Glasgow has six j; H " . J“ 1"”

unique bars covering “"R- 4 2': . ,1 three levels and is y -‘ I ' H \ " "a ' ' "a H well known for the I, " ' I “3"”?- ' a I 9i I H quality of food ' \“ ~

served throughout 1 I. If ' - a

the day. We use the d I finest local produce, and dishes range from crocks of mussels to traditional haggis. neeps and tatties.

way 0 00"”0’ 5 TERMS & co~omo~s " . I u 9

44 West George Street om.» .5 valid Sunday to ' Thursday The least = ""

G|asgow expensive meal Will be tree ; . ‘-

02 10H Offer vuth until 21 September I" Lyt‘rliv Ilium “my” U""' L” “'0‘ "my EVENTS WIDE

8—22 Sop 2005) THE LIST 13