I lnge Mcllroy The (‘entral Bar. 7 9 Leith Walk. 554 4979 . 9pm. Free. Sitiger/songwriter. I’urt an/u' [with l-i's'lri‘u/ 2005.

I The Zealots, Annette and Tara Connolly Queen (‘harlotte Rooms. 56a Queen (‘harlotte Street. 555 6660. 9pm. £5. Three Leith—based acts performing original. acoustic based music. Part of the I.(’il/t I'i's’lii'u/ 2005.

I 2 Many DJs, The Kills, Pro Forma and Whomadewho ()cean Terminal. Leith. 555 8888. £l8. The shamhling garage punk of boy-girl band the Kills provide the centre-piece at this 2 Many Mttsicans mash up all over seen by 2 Many DJs (surely the main draw for most folk) as they marry their two loves of cut up DJ skills with live sets. Twitch of ()ptimo. Billy W'oods (()uter Drive) and (iareth Sornrnerville (t'ltragroov'e) provide the DJ back up spinning into the wee small hours. See (‘lubs preview. page 36.


I Pulse, Dirtbox, Nuground and Psyko Dalek The (iarage. 490 Saucliiehall Street. 332 l l2(). 7pm. £6 in advance (£7 on door). Local bands of various rock. pop and indie stripes.

I Roost Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 221 ()726. 7pm. Free. See Thu 9.

I Uncle Fitz, therisingson, Billy Bates and Rikki The Liquid Lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. 7pm. £4 (£3). Local sitiger/songwriters showcase.

I 2 Many DJs, the Kills, Whomadewho and Pro Forma ABC. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l8. AKA Belgian indie hand Soulwas spinning their eclectic record collections on top of each other. Bltres punk duo the Kills. Danish hand Whomadewho and local electronica outfit l’ro l-'orrna complete the bumper party hill. See (’luhs preview. page 36.

I My Latest Novel and Unkle Bob ()ran Mor. 73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 7.30pm. £5. Double hand hill. See preview. page 69. for My Latest Novel. Plus the melodic acoustic sounds ol l'nkle Hoh. I’rll'l ({f'I/It' ll'l's‘l Ifm/ I'i’slit'ul.

I Gene Loves Jezebel Barfly. 260 ('lydc Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £8. (ioth veterans from the 80s who always adopted more of an indie pop approach to their music than contemporaries such as liieltls of the Nephilim..

I John Beattie and friends Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. liree. Now. here's an intriguing one. Scottish rugby internationalist and sports commentator Beattie has assembled a bluesy bar hand with ex-‘Iiregurl star James Macl’herson. Playing alfresco as part of the West [ind Festival.

I Vertigo 101, Moses, Kinkystone and The Boneidols Renfrew l-‘erry. .»\nderston Quay. ()l698 265 5] l. 8pm. £5. l'nsigned hand showcase.

I Walking Concert King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. 8pm. £8. ()v'er— |4s show. New hand formed by cult l'S musician Walter Scltt‘cifels. es- of Rival Schools and Quicksand.

I Midlife Crisis Samuel Dow's. 67 7| Nithsdale Road. 423 ()l()7. 8.30pm. Free. I Foxface \Voodside Social ('lttli. 329 North \Vootlside Road. 337 l643. 9pm. £4. Live set at the Winchester (‘1th from this trio fronted by es-l’eeps into l‘airyland vocalist Michael. with a folk base to their hypnotic sound.

I Live Music l3th Note ('afe. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Three screamo/sludge hands from the promoters who claim ‘lt‘s All About the Riffs'.

I Lucky Luke, Das Contras and Chiascuro Nice‘n’Slea/y. 42l Sauchienall Street. 333 ()9()(). 9pm. £3. Acclaimed (ilasgow' folk-popsters Lucky Luke play tracks from their winsorne debut album I’ulrrr‘lv the Survivor:

76 THE LIST 0 21%.Jtir17001’)

A more reflective, gentle outfit than Chino Moreno’s day job in metal slush puppies Deftones,

Team Sleep’s eponymous debut album has - after several false starts - finally surfaced and is where his love for Mogwai and PJ Harvey comes to the fore. Well, that and some great nutso turntablism and burbling electronica. Refreshingly out of character.

Garage. Glasgow. Tue (4 Jon

I The \fiscounts Saint Jude's. I90 Bath Street. 352 8800. 9pm. l-"ree: £5 after

I lpm. Late night ja// funk sounds.

I Tons of Slobs MaeSorley-‘s. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 858|. 9.30pm. Free. l-‘ree/Bad (’ompany tribtrte.

I The Gift Mc(‘huills. 40 High Street. 552 2l35. l0pm. l‘ree. Mod and northern sottl sounds.


I The Rab Howat Band Bannerman’s. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 3pm. Free. Long standing and extremely popular covers hand.

I Are you Experienced The lixchange.

55 (irove Street. 443 0404. 7pm. £9.50. Tribute to the mighty Jirni Hendrix.

I Capital Concert Band St 'I‘homas's Junction Road (‘hurclr I23 (ireat Jtmction Street. Leith. 7.30pm. £4 (£2). l-‘eaturing young musicians frorn Leith and lidinbttrgh schools. I’url offal/i I'i'slrt‘u/ 2005.

I The Dave Drain Experience, Daybreak and the Gifted Subway (‘owgate. 69 (‘owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. Bill of upcoming local indie hands. including the melancholy guitar rock of Daybreak.

I Leith Literature Live! - Keep the Faith: The Yellow Cafe The Lighthotise. 32 34 The Shore. Leith. ()845 458 9709. 8pm. £5 (£4). The top performance poetry night returns to the Leith Festival for the third consecutive year. I’urt Ufl/tt' /.('f!/t I't'slrt'u/ 2005.

I Songstore and Saint Jude’s Infirmary ('aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queensferry Street. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £4. l’rench liuropoppers on a short t'K tottr. with literate lidinhurgh support.

I The Last Great Wilderness, The Joshua 4 and Stovepipe Bannerman's. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Local angst-rock gods the Last (ireat Wilderness.

I Alleschwindel and Paraffinaliens Queen ('harlotte Rooms. 56a Queen ('harlottc Street. 555 0000. 9pm. £5. Subversive underground 'punk cabaret' from :\llescl)\\ indel pltts outstanding vocals. songs and wild tales from the enigmatic l’araflinaliens. l’url o/ the I.(‘f.'/l Festival 2005.

I Barry Vista Social Club The Tass. High Street. 5566338. 9pm. liree.

Acoustic covers night. songs from Sinatra. the Beatles. Hank Williams. ('oldplay' and

I Frenzy Royal Highland ('entre. Ingliston. 08708 748 748. £26 (£l7 under l6s). A one day (‘hristian music festival featuring Delirious'.’. Third Day. David ('rowder Band and many more. All denominations welcome.


I Aberfeldy and Hobotalk (‘arnegie Hall. liast l’ort. (H383 314000. 7.30pm. £8. Touted lidinburgh band who have charmed many. including the great Rough Trade label. with their lo-ti acoustic folky sound and boy-girl harmonies.


I The Complete Stone Roses l‘alkirk Town Hall. West Bridge Street. (H.124 506850. 8pm. £l().5() (£9.50). See l-‘ri lt).


I BA Robertson Tolhooth. Jail Wynd. 01786 274000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50). One man performance with a distinctly comic edge.


I James Grant, Hazey Janes and Alex McEwan ;\B(‘2. 330 Sauehiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l2. The es-l.ove and Money frontman delivers more of the country and folk direction of his solo material with tracks from his latest album [In/v Lore. Support frorn Dundee’s

janglesome Haley Janes. featuring a

couple of Michael Marra's offspring in their line—up.

I Amongst the Arrows and Phunk The ('athouse. l5 l’nion Street. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4 in advance (£5 on door). ()ver- l4s show. limo and funky rock.

I Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and The Brian Jonestown Massacre Queen Margaret Union. 22 University (iardens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £l5.50. ('heerless San Franciscan trio ape the Mary ('hain for a new generation of bored indie kids. Support. on the other hand. comes for the messy but magnilicent BJTM. legends in their own

lunchtime whose sharnefaced 60s psyche jangle has hecorne the subject of a new movie Dig.’ The documentary follows the fortunes of BJTM and the Dandy Warhols from the early days until one made big and the other has to resort to supporting Black Rebel Motorcycle ('lub. I Elton John Sti(‘('. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £32.50. Dame lilton has been shrewdly aligning himself with hip artists such as liminem and ('ourtney Love in recent times. btit do his audience care'.’ No. they just want their camp old piano man back. See feature. page 27.

I Cold Night Song The (ioat. I287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. l-‘ree. (‘liarlie and Neil. formerly of Astrid. are joined by Stacey Sievewright of the Reindeer Section for this acoustic night with surprise guests.

I Green Door Clinic, Raspberry Badger and No Kings Stereo. 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £4. Melodic indie rock.

I Malcolm Middleton and Man with the Hat Mono. l2 Kings (‘ourt. King Street. 553 2400. 8pm. Free. Arab Strap guitarist Middleton w allows in his own miserable life for a change. at this launch for his new solo album IIIIU I/u' Wont/s.

I Moodyman Renfrew l-‘erry. Anderston Quay. ()l698 265 51 1. 8pm. £l5. Live performance frorn this Detroit techno doyen at this Trays event. See ('lttbs. page 37. for preview.

I Oxes, Oso and Some Young Pedro Barfly. 200 (‘lytle Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £7.50. ('otnplex tnath rock power trio from Baltimore. btrt not without humour.

I The Zincs, Brother JT and Greg Ashley Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. £5. ('hicago hand. fronted by English expat Jim lilkington. formerly of the band Sophia. Their new alhurn Dimmer. released by Thrill Jockey. contains the dr') wit of Leonard ('ohen with American and linglish folk influences and a hint of electronica. l’ur! oft/1c HE’S] [fill] l‘t’s‘lfl'tll.

I The Dead 60s and The Kooks King Tut's Wah Walt Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £7.50. Sports casual ska revivalists. much admired by (iraham (‘oxorr