xitiger/songwriterx. l-‘olk. punk. funk . . . iuxt hring along your original \ongx and ixign tip to play at Sixh.
I Rosy Blue Band l’ott ()'l.eith. 58 ('onxtitution Street. 9am. l'ree. Upheat tour—piece hlues outlit perl‘otrning ax part of [ml/1 l't’slit‘u/ 2005.
I Alter Bridge and Logan Queen Margaret L'nion. 22 l7ni\et\ity (iardenx. 339 973-1. 7pm. U450. ()\t.‘l‘- Ms show. ('teed guitatixt Mark ’ltetnonti and haxx planer Brian Marxhall tale a more roek'n’toll approach with their new hand. nantetl alter a hr idge near where 'l'rernonti grew up in Detroit. Singer Mylex Kennedy was initiated into the grotrp \ ia a hand hungeejurnp.
I Roddy Frame, Trashcan Sinatras, Palamino and Roddy I'Iart Alit‘. 330 Sauehiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. L'H. A/tee (’anrera wunderkind-turned-elder statexrnan ol' intelligent. rnelodie. wixtl‘ul St‘titptrp pl;t_\\ the opening \\ et‘lrtetttl til. lllix new eity eentre name with the \woortittg \tttllltlS ol~ l’raxhean Sinatrax and loeal \itiger/songwriter Rodd)‘ llart in \trppot't. I Swellbellies, Alterbirth, Constant Fear, the Dangerfields artd Four Past Midnight Roekerx. l4 Midland Street. 22l 07%. 7pm. liree. l‘unk litre tip. I Turin Brakes Barrowland. 2-1-4 (iallowgale. 552 .lotll. 7.30pm. £l5. ()ter- 14.x \how. \Vinxorne gentle jangling hour the tltto who were nominated tor a Mereur) .\ltr\ie Him in 2l)()l and hate jttxt l'L‘lL‘ilSL‘tl their thoroughl} pleaxant third alhtrrn .Iut Hal/fut.
I Genesis in the Cage Renlrew it‘ll). .-\lltlL‘l\ltlll Qua). (Helm 2(r5 5l l. Spin. £l(l. (ienexis trihute hand.
I Nick Fells 8. Ensemble ('(‘.i\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 490“. Sprn. £8 (£6). ('ontetnpotar)‘ elaxxieal work ax L‘tllllpthet' l‘ellx [\tt‘\t‘tll\ hix recent work. ill/ot'ulrmr [Ir/mini} t. exploring ewhangex hetween per‘l'or‘rnetl and eornputer- transformed \ound.
I The Berriez, Kaster, Theoco antl Kung Fu l’trry Murry'x. ‘)(i .\la\we|l Street. 22] MI I. 8.30pm. £4. ineltrtling t‘tttt)‘ It) post-gig L‘ltlh. \Vet‘ltl)‘ show case til Ioeal indie hantlx.
I Duke Special, Close to the Ground and The Mandrakes King ltth Walt \Vah lltrt. 272a St theent Street. 22l 527‘). 3.30pm. £5. AKA l’eter “then from Bellaxt. who hax irripr‘t‘\\t‘tl the White Stripex and the “hex with llix gtarnophone hacked alter -hotn\
hallatleer ing.
I Perfect Remedy Satnuel Dow‘s.
()7 7| Nithxdale Road. 423 l)l()7. 8.30pm. l’r‘ee. Local toelt hand.
I The 45s The Hall Bar. Hill \Vtititllzttltlx Road. 352 9996. 9pm. l'iree. ('ountr'y and soul.
I Hi Heel Sneakers Saint Jtrtle‘x. l‘)() Bath Street. 352 SSW). 9pm. l’ree; £5 alter l lprn. Blue note gltitr\e\ and dant'e lloor tank.
I Lucerna l31h Note ('at'é. 50 (it) King Street. 553 1038. Uprn. £3. ('att'h)‘ rnelotlie indie power pop.
I Wake the President, Cortez and Endor Niee'n'Sleal). ~12l Satrehiehall Street. _1_Ht)l)l)().‘)ptn. £3. Melodie indie pop line up.
I White Label and Information Control Stereo. l-l Kel\ inhaugh Street. 570 5lllX. 9pm. {-1 (£3).
I Heather Macleod and Danny Moran 'l'ron 'l heatte. ()3 'l tongate. 552 4207. 9.3(lptn. £8. :\eou\tie Altair appearance ltorn this Stornowayhorn \inger/xongwriter whoxe llltlSlL‘ hax drawn eornparixonx to (ioltllrapp. l’ortixheatl and Annie |.ennox.
I The Godfearing Atheists .\1t('huil|\. -1() High Street. 552 2l35. lllpni. l‘tee. .\|t.t'ountr_\' \oundx.
I Gerry Mooney lhe ('enttal liar. 7 ‘) l.t‘tlh \Vallt. 554 497‘). (rpm. lilt‘L‘. Stilt) \oullul aeuotNit' guitar. I‘m! u] the It'll/l I(’\llt(I/ 21””.
Not content with supplying the
g weild Willi (:old. loamy. lagery
i beverages to truall at gigs. those damn line people at Carling have Shown their benevolence and given us; live pairs; of ll(;l<(?lf§ to see \i’Jee/er at Carling At:a<lern,c Glasgow on 1/ June and we want to pass; them on to you. lo van a pair. simply email utz Wllll you name. address; and daytime phone number to proniotloriis'ti>|is;t.t;t).trk or send a
; postcard to ‘Wee/er (Jarltnt; (Ionip'. Hit) 1 rat. M High Street. I dinhurtrii, l lll lll. Usual 1 lat ruler; apply. \nsnt \ht‘JWterltnglr.‘t3.t,oni tor more on lite
llltlSlC Ill Scotland and see page (58
for our treaiew on \‘Jee/er.
I The Complete Stone Roses 1 he Liquid Room. ()e Victoria Street. 225 256-1. 7prn. L'll). Rt)\t‘\ trihute act.
I Paul DiAnno and Maiden Scotland 'l’he li\ehange. 55 (irme Street. 443 (MU-l. 7pm. £l2.5(). Iron Maiden 25th annixerxar‘y totrr leaturing original lead singer l’aul l)i/\llno and the KKK prerrtiere trihute hand.
I Battle of the Bands Nohlex Hat. 4-1a('on\tittttion Street. l.eith. 553 3873. Sprn. l’tee. See ‘I htr l).
I David Jack and Nasty P (‘aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 ()l 7(i. Xptn. £6. .\1a\\i\ e Kl'M alhtrrn launeh part)‘ ax well ax the releattneh ol' eluh night Sotrl llixeuitx. Se\en hourx ol‘ lixe ttltl\le l'ronr l)a\id Jztek. launehing hix alhtrrn Iron ()ul Sun I'mntist o and Naxt)’ l’ launehing hix tlehttt alhttrn When Sum/w (‘letut (hoth ol which are texiew ed in this isxue. page 72) plux l)J skillx l‘rorn l’rol‘txee. llahex and (lino. I [pollen] New Kitltgate Shopping ('entre. l.eith. Spin. An exerting ol experimental art. Inttxie and twrlor'rnanee hoxted in a tli\t1\t‘tl \ltop in the New Kirkgate Shopping ('entre lulNairx). Muxie eornex l'rorn Wounded
Knee. listrr'per. (‘K Dexter HHVL‘II. l-Rl '.
pre-. Shareholder. liinal Braxx Rahi. ('atherine Street. ‘l'irne liaee)’ and more. I Monica Queen, Pinkie Maclure 8: John Wills and Candythief ('aledonian llaekpaekerx. 3 ()ueenxlerry Street-1767221.8.30pm. Ll. ()ne ol the l'rrrext eorttetttpot'ar) \ingerx in Seotland returns promoting new alhrrrn Rem/Ir o] I/H' Stir/ml llt'tul. \Vith support l'rorn l‘enee all—rliated tlt‘tltl\ltl lolkiex.
I The Set Up, Brady Cole, The Unkown and The Sway llannetrnan'x.Nitltlry Street. 5503251. 3.45pm. lfil. Indie and melt litre up.
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Alth THE LIST 75