The Fannies are still the rfect assimilation Teena e Fanclub have become masters at makin Some stats for ou: three great songwriters, of West Coast craft and o d-school indie guile. life-a irmin records. Man-Made is a rare case 0 four son 5 eac . five years to write them in. Long may they flourish fami iarity breeding contentment On Man- ade it's an equation that equals class

“0’0 ....

Uncut ”“ Observer Music Monthly

9th May 2005

CD and LP

1 artl'lallfilfia‘flfifill

* IIIIIII IS I: - [Ell Sun 1stMay- NEOPHILIA - . '

The very best in house/electro from K T.RED+ J THOOKER 9-3am (free) Thu

Liverpool's finest. dorng a rare small venue tour called

Mon 2ndMay- UP+COMING 5 night stands 93am (£6) Irve sets from Glas ow bands such as Flying Matchstick Men. G-Plan. De-Fault

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the finest In funk+dusco coutesy of Giddy + Kevin McShane

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LAUNCH NIGHT New Labe Launch feat Vancouver Deluxe Colvrlle Trouble in Frankfurt DNA sat

and more 9-3am (free) Irvejazz from mickey deans+fnends 5~8pm (free)

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Swedens "molla falls" lek off their European tour. 9-3am (£3) . . SESSION - wnth featured artists

Featuring rare sets from Deckard Beef Musm and more + open mrc for all performers hosted by Craig Grant 9 3am (free;

BAR BLOC : 117 Bath Street. Glasgow, G2 282 Tel: 0141 574 6066
