Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.


I Quiz Night & Killer Kitty l)elnioniea\. ()3 Virginia Street. 552 4803. ()pm. liree, Regular qtii/ night tlor all you braimaexi. rioyy yyith party garnex and bingo (tor the intelleetually ehallengedi to kick oll your yyeekend.

I Pink Devotion ('lub l)eytilltttt. Ix lamaiea Street. S47 0820. llpiii 3am £3 (l‘ree passes available lrom the nearby HEBT eentrei. Ax pink ax they eome. eypeeially lor you. But I\ it pink em it‘s bluyhing. or pink eox it'x rayy. like a \aiixage'.’ Big pink luri. anyhoyy.

I Fresh The l’olo Lounge. 34 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. llpiii 3am. £5. .\liehel|e and Andy are in charge ol' the muxieal duties at tltlx delicious .\lerehant ('ity elub. Where else to start the yyeek‘end’.’ And il you get lucky. someone elxe yyill pay the cab hack to yours.

I Lush The l’olo Lounge. X4 Wilxon Street. 553 l22l. lt).3t)pni 3am. £5. lieaturirig Andy in the Trophy Room yy itli liin lroin the ()()\ to the 8th, yyhile Toni pt‘oy'ide\ an up-lront danee selection in the main room.

I Karaoke at Delmonica’s l)elmoniea's, ()8 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. l-‘ree. With your hoxtx John and Seott. (‘liehed karaoke jibes aside. you really can't beat giy'ing your ltlttgx \ttltlc eyereixe. so take a deep breath and belt out a Sinatra L‘lilSSlL‘ ltir old time',\ sake.

I Cabaret The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 l()()(). llpm 73am. £4 (£3i. .\'o connection to the lllllSlL‘tll. yye don't think so no Na/is singing in harmony or Joel (irey' gurnirig )tlxt another great place to dance your socks oil.

I Pink Devotion (‘lub Devotion. Ix Jamaiea Street. 847 ()820. l lpiii 3am. £3 (Free passz ay'ailable lrorn the nearby l.(iBT eentre t. See Thu.

I Passionality (‘ube. 34 Queen Street. 226 S‘th l |.3()pm 3am. £2 £3. Pleasing ehartixtry lroin l)J Shayyn Roberts. ‘Pleasing‘ ax iii he won't be playing ‘t ly This The Way To) Amarillo‘. We hope.


I CC Blooms (‘(‘ Blooms. 23 24 (ireenyide Place. 55b 03.3 l. l()..‘stlpin 3am. Free. Low it or loathe. either way you'll probably end up here l'or one last drink. (in early and have a yyee dance. too. It's what it‘s there lor.

I Blaze ligo. l4 Pieardy l’laee. 553 I371. llpiii 73am. 1.4-9.5 DJ Jamex Longyyorth ignites the gay weekend \y itli a ehart and lunk'y house soundtrack. Then you juxt tune to grit your teeth through Friday until the yyeekend proper.

I CC Blooms (‘(‘ Blooms. 23—24 (ireenside Plaee. 556 933i. lt).3()pm--3am. Free. See Thu.

I CC Blooms (‘C Blooms. 23—24

(ireenxide l’laee. 55’) W l :1 Tree See Tim

I Fever l1go. l4 l’Ieat‘dy l’laee. 55“ 1“] 30 Apr. llpiii 3am L12 (till ineinberw The lolk at 'laxte Iladniburgh'x original and lottgexl running yyeekly gay-triendly riighti run llll\ monthly yenture telebratiiig ll\ lirxt birthday. taking oy er a Saturday night lor thoxe yy ho really do hay e to yyork on Monday. Taxte inanixtayx l‘lSllL‘l tk l’riee and .\lartin Valentine are on the main tlooi joined by Paul lleroii lor llll\ lirxt birthday \liindig.

I Velvet ('oninipley. 4H (‘oininereial Street. l.eIth. 555 5(i22 5' \lay. lllpiii 2am Ui. \Voinen\ night lor gay girlie\ and their \peeially inyited boy ll'lt'lttl\ note that\ boy lTlL'lltlS. not boylriends .-\ \peeial l’ride Seotia ltllttll‘itlSL‘l'. hoxted by .\liehe|le iJoy. \‘y'igglei.

I Joy The Venue. l7 2| ('alton Road. 55' 3073, 7 May. llpiii 3am {S belore midnight; tlll alter. l'p lroiit. dirty houxe grooyex on the main lloor lroin Alan ik Maggie Joy and Brett King to yyol‘k you up into a lather on the main lloor l’lux Trendy Wendy and Sally l‘K eheeky llll\ ol \oul. lurik and ehart lit the tlti\\tt\l;tll\ \tlllt'.

I CC Blooms Karaoke (‘(‘ liltititth. 23 24 (ireenxide Place. 550 935 l.

(ipm 3am. liree. Sing your heart out. but keep your tea doyytt. :\lttl it you \llll hay e some energy alter doing your Shirley llaxsey turn. it\ a regular elub night lroiii l lpiii.

I BootyLUSHous Medina. 45 4“ l.othiaii Street. 225 (i313. lllpni 5am. t2 belore midnight; t3 alter. .\lore ol a Sunday Soeial than a lull on glam allaii. easing you out ol the yyeekeiid gently. \o as not to \hoek your \y Slt‘lll. yyith l)_l l)ale l.u\h. Siininone lilaek and UCL’AISIttltttl guexty inixnig up Rtkli. hip hop. \ottl and lurik.

I Taste The liquid Room. ‘)e \‘ieioria Street. 225 2504. llpiii 3am. £5 belore ll.3()pni; {S alter (to ltlL'ltlltt‘l'Sl. 'l‘here‘x noyy here better to be on a Sunday night. apparently. I hay e that on good authority. Well. goodiyh. Timer tk l’riee \upply houxe and garage in the main room \y itli a little help lroin xpeeial guest Tanya yon l’ear ((ioing l’laeexl on I .\lay.

ill ‘Hpiii 3am

I CC Blooms (‘(‘ liltioltix. 25 24 (ireenyide Place. 556 U33l. ll).3llpin 3am. l‘ree. See Thu.

I Polysuper .‘ylood. ()iniii. (it'eettxide l’laee. 550 l(y4(l. lllpm 3am. £4 (9.2). A polyxewal. \traiglit~lt‘iendly-lriend|y elub yyith a cool. hassle-tree mood. With U] l’ete llimyyyorth. l)l .\'iniey and [)1 Mid). (Three DJs lor the priee ol one‘.’ liargainYi

I CC Blooms (I. Blootttx. :5 24 (ireenxide l’laee. 5509331. lll.3tlpm 3am. l‘ree. See Thu.

I Vibe ligo. l4 l’ieardy Place. 553 l37l. llpiii 3am. £3. (iay night yyith Jamey Longyyorth on the deekx. the l)aiieiiig Stud Mullinx. the Singing llairy Bloke and the Miming Nun. The perleet eure to Tuexday \. soon to he ayailable on the \llS.


I CC Blooms (‘(‘ Blooinx. 23 24 (ireenside l’laee. 556 0331. ltl.3tlpm 3am. l5ree. See Thu.

Outside the cities


I Denise Nolan: The Magic of the Judy Garland .-\dam Sriiitli Theatre. Beniioehy Road. lll5‘)2 412920. 2 May. 7.30pm. £12.50. .>\h. all you lTlL‘tttl\ ol Dorothy eari eome out lrom under your rock and yy ear your plaid and pigtaih \Hlll pride. Denise \ing\ a \y hole yyhirlyynid ol Judy 'x hits ineluding ‘()yer the Rainboyy '. ’The Trolley Song’. and 'San l5raiieixeo‘. Small dog\ by my ite only.





m‘ " {Jim Lam "mum" Him! {-‘1

""51 ‘1 tn Htlllut

“(it it LE5 WHICH IS THE BEST PARTY FOR GAY VOTERS? General Election, Thu 5 May

In its April issue, Attitude magazine interviewed Tony Blair, Michael Howard and Charles Kennedy with some telling results. We quote (with thanks) from the magazine below, and to add a better perspective for Scotland, we asked the Scottish National Party to answer similar questions:

Why should people vote for your party?

Labour (Tony Blair): ‘We’ve equalised the age of consent, we've repealed section 28, we’ve introduced civil partnerships for gay couples, and a lot more. But I also think that gay rights have become part of the accepted political culture now. . . At the moment, there are some ways you couldn‘t behave towards a person because of their race, but you can because of their sexuality or indeed their religion. We are introducing single equality legislation that will deal as a package with sexism. homophobia and racism, there are still some anomalies in the law, where gay people can be subject to lawful discrimination. Liberal Democrats (Charles Kennedy): ‘We are the most liberal of the three parties and the most progressive. We are for equality of all citizens in the eyes of the law. In our manifesto we have proposals ranging from a new equality act to legislation dealing with the problem of homophobic behaviour in the public services and the private sector.’

Conservative (Michael Howard): ‘I believe in doing anything you can to remedy discrimination. Most of the (gay) issues that have been on the agenda for a long time now have been settled. . . School discipline is one of the five key themes in our manifesto. The steps we advocate to deal with discipline would also tackle homophobic bullying.

Scottish National Party: Gay people should vote for the SNP for the same reason we are urging everyone in Scotland to - for Independence! Our ambition is to build a prosperous Scotland, with this prosperity used to create a fair, confident and outward-looking nation. A nation where all Scotland’s citizens can flourish. A nation that treats its citizens with dignity and respect. A nation that plays its part in securing a more just and peaceful world.

‘The Labour government has undoubtedly been more progressive than the previous Conservative governments, but that can hardly be regarded as much of a challenge! Rather than try to ‘out-bid' another political party in terms of a pro-gay agenda, the SNP is committed to working with other political parties, organisations and individuals to build on the achievements of the past few years. Whether it’s equal pension rights or combating prejudice, as a society, there is still much progress to be made.’

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'.‘ :1. .1 THE LIST 67