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{we}, I . 55"" ' _ But Tokyo Games In search ' has Ienty to scare of the to o fer you perfect Westerners wrtless sandwich PAGE 111 PAGE 115 PAGE 113

herixh tore\er what makes §oii mmpte. eti/ _\oii”ie

reall} a )aun it it goes.‘ \\ioie llette \lidlei in her

l‘HI‘a} ilttit L‘lllltll'L‘lli\ lietion. I/H \iieir it! Hit/vi /)/i [Hr Perhaps eod philmoph} isn't the hest \\a_\ toi lliill\t' ol 1 l.l\L't to htiild a let eentm'} huxmess plan. hm llte (ilaxgim eompan} would do \xell to think eareltill) ahom \lidletk sentiments noxx that it has taken met the \xoild‘x longest running independent \tore. .lemier» lloiixe ol l-iaxei\ acquisition ol~ lzdinhtirgh'x laxottrite oddhall department store eomex at a time \\ hen our high streets are heeoiiimg inereaxingl) homogenised and hland. 'l hankhill}. ;i\\a_\ hom the main shopping thoroughlarex. there is a llnxl ot \mallei independent stores. helping our eiliex to eling onto some ot their quirk} eharaeter.

Set at the haek ol (ilaxgou's \egan eale .\lono. \loiioiail I\ an inno\ati\e record store rim h} l)ep Do“ me. Stephen l’;i\tel and John \‘x'illiamxon. l)o\\me kiin\\\ what it‘s like \Mitklll‘.‘ tor higger organisations and

|o\e\ the l'reedom ol running ‘WE

an independent. ‘So man) ol’

the more L‘\t;tl3ll\lietl \lli)p\ ha\ e to stick to certain

distrihution eompaniex. htil

\\ e ean make tip our oun rules and search otit interexting \tutl that other plaeex \xotildn‘l toueh.‘ lt l\ this \xilliiigiic'\\ to take a risk that has htiilt up ' Monorail's |o};il customer hase T \t) mueh so that larger \[Ul‘L'x ha\e started to target this t_\pe ol'elieht. '.\l;m} hig plaeex no“ stock more \in}l. \xhereas ten wan ago the} couldn‘t get rid ol ll last enough] e\plain\ l)o\\nie. While this eotild detraet trom Monorail'x sales. there are other market changes that \xill (tithe them leuer pl‘nl‘lemx. ‘l)ii\\ltl()tttlinj_‘ ill-leek lliitlitl' \lttt‘e\ a liil more than it eoneems Us] \a'u l)o\\nie. 'll' an_\thing. dim nli iading is a posithe thing lor Monorail lX‘L‘dth‘ it gets people sharing and talking about dillerent types ot‘ Hitth it reall} ()[X‘lh )(Itll'L‘illX. It is this ahilit} to turn a gap in the market into an adxantage . . that makes lrene \Vadsuorth‘s lmpraelieal ('lothex so popular. 0' n I a O Based inst ol't' lidinhurgh'x Bread Street. it's not in a prime retail loeation hut \mrd-ol—motith reeiimmendations ha\ e kept

the L‘tl\[()l]tcl\ eoming. ‘Women shop here because the} knou

As high street shopping becomes more and more predictable, the} Mn go out mil} to rmti mint-um elxe \t tau-1n; moi; Rachae| Street explores what sets our independent the \leL‘ Htltlit: \Vadsutn'th eXplaim. \Vhile the boutique him establishments out from the crowd. also \tnc‘k\ \xork h} other local clothing and ieuellet'}

designers. it i\\\izttl\\\()l1lli\ indi\ idtlal tailoring that attl'aetx the lltnxt interest. ‘I nork \xith people to create \(Hllellllltg that u ill FACT HEADING HERE reall} \lllt their ligure and \it met-i}. People know rim the}‘ll

get the perteet lit.‘ .-\lthough independents can inlliet a higher

Monorall’s eclectic stock of vlnyl is legendary

Monorail, 12 Kings Court. King Street. Glasgow, 0141 552 9458 _ . . .

fl.--~_-.,__‘_-.,- -‘__-_--__,--s------ . . -7 -7 -- r. .......... V. tax on the purxe, “adxuonh eontendx that llll\ l\ll t al\\ii_\\ the

www.monoraflmusuccom; Impractucal Clothes, Shop, 5 East Fountainbridge, um: ',\l()\[ or \khat I sell isn‘t much more e\‘pen\i\ e than on

Edinburgh, 0131 221 1722 lhc hiehéfrccl- but PWPIC are Prciwcd I“ P“) n We hit WC heeatise it \ made to measure.