I Scottish Chamber Orchestra

l \lrer Hall. I ntlnari Rnail. I.“ l l55

a *‘lpn; lnlln'.*.rn;' lrnrri a rintal‘le ’u't‘llltrit'll et'llet'lltt \k'llt'\ l.t\l :u‘al. [italrlxl Stephen Kii‘..:t-‘.reli and .nruluelnr ,lnxeplr Snuenveri reunite tn perlntrn the turbulent tnurrie} that r\ ’ilalttth. I'll/Isl: (Hill 1 III! \t'l .llltl lltk'llltl‘d'll'S trllllrtpltarll Ilnit l; \Ju/r/run.


I Cutting Edge Hadyn RS \\ll ). qu Rentrev. Street. “2 5H5“ lprn UHL-lt \ rnlrrnxt \lnruta Huejgett. \nprann \lhani l .r\\ \nu. \k'lll\l .lmeph ('rnut h and lttllr'l‘l.rll|\l l)a\id ()\‘.t'll \nrrr\ perlnrni \KHIltS h} Haj.drt. irrtludrne I’lllrsu ///n '/m u/r'x I)” am.

I Chamber and Vocal Masterclass RS \\ll). lllll Reulrexx Street. “3 5ll5fi I illprn l'ree. trekeretl \\rtlt Snnnerre and \lharrr l .mxntt

I New Music Players Workshop l<S.\.\ll). llrll Renlrev. Street. H3 5H5" lprn lree. treketed \\ rtlt (inrdnn \l.iel’ller\nrt

I New Music Players lx’S.\.\ll ). lllll l\’elllle\\ Street. “3 5H5" ".itlprn trill lhe \ll‘lalll l.nndnrt l‘.l\L'tl euxerrtltle \(llllk' ln perlnrru \‘.tirk\ tneludrne tlte Sentlrxh prerureie nl (intdnn \lel’lterxnrt'x l.\/’/Ult )nit/u'l/

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra lx’n}al ('nneert Hall. I Sauelueltall Street. {it xlllltl. illpnr, L" {Ill See 'l lttr ltl.

l, (linburgh

Edinburgh Grand Opera: Aida l‘t'\ll\al ll llL'ilHL'. l i 3‘) \lettl\ttll Street. 53" Mill”. 7|5prn. L") LES. See \\ed ‘l. I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra and Chorus ( ire} trrarx Kirk. ( ire} lr rarx l’laee. llfi‘lllh “51 I: l. 5. illpnt, L'“ (H I. l'he nr'ehextr'al tapextr} that IS llartnk'x ('Illlt t'llt' It}! ()It/It'\llt1 l\ \‘ttllllllt‘lllk'lllk‘tl It} llr'uekner'x ltlll\|li“_' ll' “emu, enlltltlt’letl ll) Rll\\ell ('tm iexnn. I RSNO Pops - Spanish Nights l'xher Hall. l.nthian lx’nad. 333 ll55. ". itlpru. t l 3.5“ L3". ('nrtdtretnr .lnxe Ser'ehrrer‘ prexentx an exerting; nl inuxie l\_\ \nnie nl Spain'x linexl enrupnxerx \\ltH \\ ere rnxpued h) tlte \\ tld heaut_\ nl Spain.

Saturday 1 2


I Students’ Concert RSI-nil). ltlu lx’enl'reu Street. ‘32 5tl57. 4pm. l Hi. the laxt \tudentx‘ enneert nl the \L‘a\nrt ineludrng: a perlnr'rnanee h} tlte hieltl} aeelairned .lunrnr' .\eadern_\ \Vind ()rehextr'a.

I Opera School Workshops \le\ander (ill‘Sttlt ()pera Studrn. lx’S.\.\l|). Itltl Rertlr‘e“ Street. 332 5H5", 5.15pm. (S tL‘5i. llrreetnr .leuruter‘ Ilatntltnn\ rul'nrrnal prexentatinn h} \tudenh nl tlte nper'a enur'xe nl laxnurrte nperatre repertnire.

I Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble in Concert 'l‘i'aiiixxa}. 35 .\ll\ert l)rt\e. tlS.l5 33H 35tll. “.Rllpnt. {Ill (ES I. l’erlnrrnanee eelehratine the Jilth _\ear nl ereatn it} nt prngrexxn e rnuxreal artt\t \ler'edrtlt \lnnk. \xhn ix tarunu\ lnr her rnterdtxetplmar} per'lnr‘rnanee and e\tertded \neal teehnttrue. in! n/ \t'll li'rrirnm \.

I RSNO Pops: Spanish Nights Rn}al (‘nneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Sll’L‘Cl. .555 Xllllll. “alllpltl. lele L5H. SCL‘ in I 1.


I Cardinall’s Musick Sr (‘eeilia'x Hall. (\mgate, Nth Zill‘). “.5llpltt. l; l 3 H5, UH. liinal enneert nl tlte (ienrgian (‘nneert Sneiet) \ \ea\nn hringx a \peeial l.enten prngrantrne \\ rtlt l’alextrina\ \nrnhre .S/rem III ,l/umr \et \\ rtltin \eaxnnal (iregnrian ehaut and alnngflde tlte \alttL‘ e‘ttlttttt\\e‘t"\ runnumental Silt/nu Hitler and other ruuxie lnr dnuhle ehnir' h} l.a\\u\ and l’raetnriux.

I Edinburgh Bach Choir \2

( titlil‘ertkt liureli.5lntluar1l{nati.::\ \erl \laz‘.il; \"ll\lll\l\ llaelfl :il1\llll‘.t\\e‘\l ellt'lai rnaxlerpreee. ll]; \.' Unite. /’..

‘.‘- Edinburgh Grand Opera: Aida le'\ll\.rl llreatre. l‘ I" \renlxnn Street. <3‘l’tll‘lll N l<[‘lll L" f_:\ \t'e‘ \\\'\l" I The Lubeck Connection Sr (nleV ('.itlit‘tlr.il.l\’ir}.il \lrle,::5"11_‘ \prri :5 «15!. under lhx tree lhe Senttrxli ('haniher ('hnrr rx rnrrnne lnrtex with the Struan \lrle ( ‘nnxnrt nl \ lttl\ tn hurt: a \eleetrnn nl .lll\ rent and rnndern ( ierinan rnuxrt In an ldrnhureh audrenee. tn Hlkllltlk' \‘.Hll\\ h_\ llu\tehude and l).\tler I The New Edinburgh Orchestra \lkt'lV'H Square \lelltndrxt ('ltureli. Nth jtllr) trip”. uiitl L5l


Sltnxtaknxrelik e\pln\r\e \usrr': \\IH/t/IUII\ l\ enrnplententetl h} l\'nu\\e\rt\l\_\. lleat arid \le'lttlt'l\\ttllll. enndueted h} lrrrt l’a\tnn

I Lunchtime Concert \i (itleV (.illllt'tlldl. l\)tt}.tl \lllt' l tL'L' .tl tltttil l2.l5prn \ltl\l\‘l.tll\ lrnrn \nith (ienrera (‘nlleee and Statel rir\er\it_\ Sineeh nt (ientera. l'S \ perlnrui .i\ part nt a l K


I R3 Tenors ('uruhernatrld lheatre. Krldruutllllih"USS".“.15prn L" L” Senxannnal \rnern; lrnrn nperatre arla\ tn pnptrlar \hnu \nnp trnru Sentland\ l;r\tttlllle lllti Hl lL‘llHl\.


I Edinburgh Quartet: Manon Lescaut and Friends \laeRnhert. l'ru\er\rl_\ nl Stirling. lll"S(i -l(\(\ (\()(\. Spin, l; | 5.51) l [5.5” l; l 5 r. Rnrnantre quartet nller'rnex lr'nru \anl. (‘ltauxxnrr l’ueeuu artd l)\nr'al\ in the enritrntune larnrnent Vietnitanx \ertex.


I The Bruce Millar Prize 2005 RS.\.\ll). llltl Rertlien Street. “I 5H5", 2.30pm. LES. Sr\ erlted \rngen enrnpele lnr thix prextrginux annual prr/e.

I Scottish Opera: Andrea Chenier Rinal (‘nneer't Hall. I .Satrehrelrall Street. 35‘ Silllll. ". Vltlllt. .\ enneert l‘erl‘nrruanee nl~ l’rnhertn (iinr’daltn\ tale nl draruatie ln\ e n\ er‘enruirte ennl'ltet he!“ L‘Ull elawex :tl the llltle Hl the I'r'eneh Rexnlulinn. iii the t}preal grandeur nl Italian opera.


I An Easter Recital St .Inliii'x (‘hurelL l’rineex Street. (tn-S Jill‘). ".Rtlpnt. L'S tUn. :\ perlnrruanee nl l’el'gnlexr'x .Sru/ulr .lltrrt'r \\ ith nr‘atnr'rn duelx arid \nln\ tn r‘ar\e ninne} lnr Sa\ e tlte Children. \\ rth \npt'ann Sirunue Sa|i_\nuni. altn .\lnr‘a§_' (‘arnphell arid nrgaruxt Steplten l)ntl§_'lll_\.

Monday 14


I Glasgow Music Festival Royil ('nrleer’t Hall. 3 .Saueltrehall Street. 555 Still“. Illaru. 3pm & (t..5ll[‘lll. L'l U». .\n annual t'e\tr\al teatur'ing 'lllltl amateur rwrlnrnterx. Hand\. nrelttwtr'ax. ertxeruhlex. ehnrrx and \nlnt\t\ perlnrrn and are appr'ahed It} a learn nl leading; pr'nlexxrnnal adrudieatnrx.


I Edinburgh Quartet: Manon Lescaut and Friends Sinekhntlge l’ar'ixh (‘hurelL Sa\e ('nlrurg Street. lift-S :lll‘l. SCL‘ ~\ittl

Save Money 5

see paqeé for details

Tuesday 15


I Glasgow Music Festival l\’ir_\al ('nrttert Hall. .‘ Sauelueltall Street. ‘5‘ “Hill lllatll. 3pm .\ tr lHpnt Ll Ur \k'k' \lr‘lt l 1

I The Bronte String Quartet l\’.rttt\ll-‘llt llreatre. “S Ingram Street.

2 US” l l5 Ier L? lheaxxard

u intuit: quartet perlnrrn the In Uri: ant." flit Uri/i1} r: {Jinn}: I l‘} \xllllhk'll and l’trrtell'\ lint: liniitrxiax


" Alfred Perl ()ueen'x Hall. (ilerlt Street. fin-S Jill" .Sprn L I” i L5» \ \er\rn;_' nt \ln/art and ('hnprn trnrn the leading t‘lallhl. rneludtue the pnpular lit/nutriu Iii/rtnxrt

I Curlew River St \lar} \ l [‘ISeHl‘dl (‘liurelr l’.ilrlter\tnli l'laee. HMS Jill‘l \pm L Ill 1 L5: \lahneau} ()peta pre\ent\ a lughl} aeenrnplhhed perlnrruanee nl llrrrteu'x tun\ lllf._' eliureh parahle. ("m/t u Ix’lit I lnxpned h_\ the anerent .lapane\e \nh play. tlte tlltt\let.lll\ nl llte rnnnaxter) retell tlte \lnr} nl a dernenled rnnther rrt \eareh nt her |n\t \nn llux ne\\ prnduettnn l\ lul|_\ \taeed \xrlh \et. emturuex and llletllllf.‘ dexrened \peerlieall} lnr the drxtruetn e eathedral \ur’rnundruex

I Yeomen of the Guard lx'iii;_'\ llteatre. l.e\en Street. 53*) hunt).

illptn L’ll L’ 1—1 Hreh drarua and rnruauee \et III the Inner nl l nndnn ltl HHS ( irlltert and Sullnan nperelta \xhrelt uax enrixrdered h} ll\ authnr'\ in he the hex! rexult nl' their \Mtl’lx tngether.

Wednesday 16


I Norma Greig French Song Prize I<S.'\.\ll). Inn Renlr'e\\ Street. 553 5(57. Illarn. l‘l'L‘L‘. llt'le‘lL‘tl. 'l lllltl arid lnurtlt _\ear \tudentx perlnrrnrngg ’l prnggrarunte nl l'reneh .‘It'lt‘t/It'\.

I An Easter Recital St .-\ln_\\iu\‘ (‘ItureIL 35 Rme Street. (iar'nethill. “(MS Illl‘). 7.3llprn. LES tUir. See Sun It

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra l{S.-\\ll). llltl Rt‘llll‘c“ Street. 553 505“. 7.30pm. LES IUH. .lmeph Suertxen ltlle‘S a break lr‘nrn the S(‘() tn ennduel the .v\eaderu_\ \tuderttx irt \ln/art'x

'Ilrr.‘ ' Sump/rum. llnltexrnIK ('nrrt‘t'lln .\'u _‘ lnr dnuhle ham and Srhelrux‘ f_‘ltH'lnth Stunt/ruin NH 2.


I Edinburgh University Wind Band Reid ('nneert Hall. l'tlirthtrryh l’uixerxit}. Ht'lxltt Square. 050 3-7133. "7.3”an [5 it; it. .\lnr\en Hell enuduetx a rui\ed prnerarnrue lnr \\ ind hand. I Scottish Opera: Andrea Chenier l'\ltel' lltlll. latllllLItl Rtliltl. 22S l I55. "fillprrt. See Sun ll.

I Yeomen of the Guard Kiiiek ‘l'ltL‘alt‘L‘. l.k'\L'H Sll'L‘L'l. 53‘) NW”. Tillprn {ll Ll-l. See 'l‘ue l5.

Thursday 1 7


I Music in the University: Andrew Somerville, Ailsa Reid and Claire Haslin (ilihgjtlu l'nnerxil} (‘nrteert Hall. l'ttr\er'\rt} .\\ertue. 330-1002. l.|ll 2pm. l-ree. .\ perlnriuanee tn rnelude lhertK (it'lll’t'l'lllll' l/(I (ti/Hem and l‘ullnnix St “HM/I Sit/It:

I Ensemble Playing Masterclass RS.-\,\ll). ltll) Renl’reu Street. 333 5H5". It‘ll]. l'l‘CL'. llL‘le‘lCtl. \Villl l'lttL‘ _\r‘t\ Bra“.

I City of London Sinfonia: Mendelssohn in Scotland l<tt>£tl (’nneert Hall. 2 Sauehrehall Street. 35“ Siltlt). 7.30pm. £15 £25. Spend an e\enrn:_' iii the enrupan} nt ()ueen \tetnria thrnugh thrx drarnatie ruuxieal e\plnratinn nt \lendelxxnhn'x St'tlllhll tnurne} nl l-SZ‘). rneludrng the lie/trill: \ ()lt‘l'llll't' artd St ntlrx/r Stunt/tum. enndueted h} [)nuglax

“0} ti.

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Volkov conducts Shostakovich In what is bound to be an emotionally charged pertormance. the BBC 880 and its chief conductor llan Volkov present Shostakovrch‘s great Symphony No 8. Feelings ranging from triumph to despair run high in this deeply moving masterpiece of the 20th Century. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Wed 9 Mar.

Edinburgh Grand Opera: Aida Now in its 43rd year. the company brings Verdi to vibrant lite in this all-time favourite tale of jealousy. rivalry and love set in Ancient Egypt. Highly regarded for its high standards. the Grand promises stirring choruses and spectacular scenes. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh. Wed 9-8at 72 Mar.

Alfred Perl The final concert in the BBC Radio 3 series Discovering Mozart brings the renowned Chilean pianist (pictured) to Edinburgh. Showcasing Mozart‘s piano music as part of a year-long celebration on the station, the recital places him beside Chopin. the genius of romantic piano repertoire. who was apparently one of Mozart‘s greatest fans. Queen ’3 Ha//, Edinburgh, Tue 75 Mar.


I Piano Recital Reid ('nneer't Hall. Izdrnhureh l'nnerxrt}. Hrhtn Square. 05“ 2433. l.|llpru. l‘r’ee. (‘aptixalrnu _\nun;_' pranrxt Andrew .lnltthtnlt perlnrrnx twirl-xx h} ('hnpin and Rtixel. I Scottish Opera: Semele l‘extnal ilvllL'llll'L'. l 5 2‘) \lettlvttl Street. 52‘) MN)”, (r..5llprtt. SL’C l'l't 4.

I Curlew River St Mar} '\ laprxenpal (‘hureh. l’alnterxtnn l’laee. ()(iS Zill‘). Spin. U0 1 L5 t. See Tue 15.

I Yeomen of the Guard King’x 'liltL'nll'L‘. l.L'\L‘tl SII'L'L'I. 52‘) NH)”. 7.30pm L'll L'l-l. See 'l'ue I5.

I Grieg or Greig? (it) .-\rt ('entre. Market Street. l'ree at door. l3.3llprrt. Jack \Vehxter. \kr‘iter'. hr'nadeaxter artd inurualixt. gnex in \eareh oi the Nnr'uegian enrnpnxer‘x Senttish (UllllCL'lHHlS ax purl (ll Norma} 2005 L'L'lc'hl'allttlh.

' 3.7m THE LIST 91