
I Neil lnnes: Monty Python’s Singing Minstrel \ltllellllll 'l lit-airy. ll.iiliiitll\lilt‘. lllZ‘N ll illlll 1llpm

i. Ill \ii cwninj; ol \lHlHL'llllij.‘ .llltl mu: lioiii \L'll lllllL'\, lllk' lwhiutl lhc l<lillt'\ .ilitl llu' lliili/H “in; Him l).ill lliiliil


I Ian Morrison 8. the Sleepy Cafe Band .llltl Yvonne Lyon lllL' liltl l.ihi.ii_\. ‘l llllel llai'holiii. lll *lli “Ho 070 LA \ilill|\lill [illillltllt'\ lll\ .ilhuiii. [III/ll". Hi i I Hull/i \ A l/ii I’r‘ti! lii'i .Xiiiiili. \‘.llll \uppoll lliiill \iiijgt‘iwoiigv.rilt'i Mon.


I Athlete .‘llltl lain Archer (Zn-ling.- .'\L'.l(lt'lll\. III l‘.j_‘lllllltll Stu-cl. lllltl.‘ lllll iiiliii/iis'fli “I Zliiiri. “pin Stillitil‘l‘. tlwr lalx \hou ()llL' ol lllt' llltllt' \uucxxlul outlilx \lll'llllj.‘ tlic pmt ('oltlplgi} \\.'l\L'. ’li_\ to \l;l_\ ;l\\.ll\\' .ii the l‘dx'lix.

I The Wedding Present illlll Dios Malo ()uci'ii Margaret l'iiioii. 33 l'riiwixil} (lllltlt‘lh. H‘l ‘Vhil. " illpiii.

St )I I) til "i. Scc pm icxx loi‘ thc pcrt'nuiall} popular ;iit'lict_\p;il Kllx iiitlit- hruul.

I Aereogramme .llltl My Latest Novel llu' (Luau: l‘lll Suut'hichall Slit't'l. “I ll)”. “pin. {h (‘.\.\'(‘l'.l.l.l'.l). Sgull} llil\ oiic'x hut-u knocked on tho haul tlllt' to ill health. \\c'll kt'cp _\ou pmtctl on All} lL'\llt‘tllllt'll tl;ilt'\.

I Carol Laula and Adam Beattie .-\t‘ou\lic :\ll.'lll'. li'oii 'lilicrili'c. 'li'ougnlc. 552~13(i“.‘l.§ll[iiii. £8. l.;iul;i pr'm icux iii.iicii;il li'oiii lici‘ iicu album.

I Straylight Run, The Junior Varsity and The Spill Canvas King 'liii‘x \Vgih \Vah llut. 273a St Vincent Sli‘ct'l. Ill 53“). .\'piii. £7.50. ()xcr- le \hou. \cu l'S :illcr'iigii'ockcrx loi‘iiicil h) c\ iiiciuhci'x ol Taking Buck Suntla} \\ll(l\t‘ \oiig liilc ‘li\i\icnti;ili\in on Prom Night is i‘cuxou enough to chcck out thix \llll\\.

I Defender, Laker, Serpico and The Contraband 'l'Iit- lit-ii}. 42 ('htlc l’lnu‘. lllh‘lh' :05 5| l. Hpiii. £5. l'iixignctl liaiitlx \lio\\ misc.

I The Hugh Trousers Band, Catherine O’Halloran Band, Mogul, The Shells, Whisky Bandits, Ernest iiiitl Still Life llarl‘l}. Jill) (lulu Sir'ccl, (l.\'7l) Ullqi (NW), 8pm. (-1. ;\cou\tit‘ cwuing.

I The Arctic Monkeys l-‘unliouxc. Hut”). 2‘)” ('l_\ilt‘ Sll’ct‘l. ll.\'7(l ‘lll-i (WW), I lpiii. £5 itll l. Slit‘lllt‘ltl-l‘lht‘tl lccn punk i‘m'kch~

I D-Karts, The Fridays urul The Friday Night Motel l’iiiup l-‘liglilx. R.\l’.-\. ~12 .\\hlc} Sli'ccl. .\'piii. £3. l’inup \ighlx \pinol'l hcudlincd h} luiik rockers l)r K;il‘l\.

I Panda, The Jaks and Waytooblue 'l'hc l.‘~tli \olc ('iitc. 50 (ill King Street. 553 loih‘. ‘lpiii. £3. \lclodic rock ti‘iplc bill.

I The Goldenhour iintl The Fast Camels \icc'ri'Slcu/}. 43l Sguichichall Sli‘cct. 333 (Mill. ‘lpru. [3. More lllL‘ltKllL‘ intlic rock \Ulllltl\. ’l'hc (ioltlcuhour arc poixctl lo i'clcuxc lhcu' llL'\l ulhuiii .‘l/ll(1\\ r'ii l/H' Min;

I The Safe Rave Gang, Wake the President and The Plimptons Slcrco. Kch inhaugh Sti‘cct. 5‘0 Sillh'. Spin. lndic linc-up.

I My Shotgun Sister, The Pop Ups, Girl Said No and Audiophile l5ui‘_\ .\lui‘i‘_\\. ‘lti .\l;i\\\c|l Strccl. III (6| l. 8.30pm. {-1. including criti'} lo poxl—gig cluh. Local indie hill.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Slrccl. lllh' (iciil'gt‘ Sll‘L‘Cl. 553 (ll-1 l. 7pm. l'TL‘C hcl'oi‘c lllpni; £5 allcr it' I 550 \\ uh dinncri.

I Riff Raff MucSoi'IC} \. 43 Jamaica Sti'cct. 248 858]. ‘lpni. l-icc.

I Twa Bob Rocket Samuel Do“ \. 6‘ TI \illistlulc Rtmtl. 4:3 lllllf. 8.30pm. Free.


A festival of . . . erm, festivals

Triptych has been announced and it‘s got something for everyone, we can assure you. See page 7 for more details if you remain unconvinced.

T in the Park, meanwhile. is all sold out but adding some new intriguing names to the list nonetheless. Queens ot the Stone Age. James Brown and New Order have been bandied about. thoth the latter is still unconfirmed.

Fence Records is holding another weekender shindig round various venues in the East Neuk on 2-3 April. The line-up of international talent includes Adem, Bitmap and Hot Chip as well as the regular raft of Fence reprobates like UNPOC, King Creosote and Pip Dylan. A new copy of their Fencezine is available now. Visit for more info.

Teenage Fanclub and members of Belle 8. Sebastian were among the acts appearing at a specral free event to raise awareness about mental health in Scotland. The show at Mono was to launch One in Feiir, the booklet and CD compiled to help raise awareness aDOut mental health in Scotland. The its-track CD contains tracks from Snow Patrol. Eugene Kelly and the Delgados. 100.000 copies of the CD and accompanying booklet are being distributed to young people at gigs and other events across Scotland. To find Out more about the CD and mental health issues visrt wvmsamhorguk

Want to win one of five DVDs of the new Charlotte Hatherley single, the video for which includes appearances from Simon Pegg, Alice Lowe, Julia Davis, Lucy Davies and Lauren Laverne, and is directed by Edgar Wright of Shaun of the Dead fame? To win a copy send you name and address to promotions

@ Closing date is Thursday 17 March.

By .umnqvnwnl with PRIMARY TALE Ni

‘- the lililCllUll hi'riihrii";

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Friday 15th April


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KETS: '5' 24llRS: 0870 169 0100 & wwwgigsinscotlandcom erson: «tGLASGOW Tickets Scotland, Virgin Megastore,

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‘, THE LIST 77