Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland - I

Tickets Scotland '. ¥-

Ripping Recoms .' ) f. 5:1, 1,)“

Way Ahead -.

Thursday 3


I The Saints .uul The Primevals Klllj.’ |ul\ \\.|II \\'.III IIul. 333u SI

\ nut-In Sim-I. 33l 533‘). h. 3llpin. U3 Ix’hulun'n'hlut'x \t'lcium \ummrlcd I1} (iith‘g'tnk \ nnc linu- pituilml Imnd.

I Laura Veirs, Gina Villalobos illItI The One Who Flew Iitll'li}. 3N) (Inlc Stu-cl. (IX-'l) ‘lll” (NW). 3pm, LN. I'ulk and i‘lllt'\ lmm llu' I’ut'n‘n‘ Nurllmcxl \t'u\' ullunn (in/mu (i/m It'l‘ \xux hulch ux UIIC nl qul )t';ll\ Ik‘\l.

I Coachwhips, Park Attack und Snowsuit \lt'c'n'Slt-ux}. 421 Suut'luchull Slit'cl. 333 HOW). ‘Ipin Ur I’Innul Sun I unit‘lxt'un gui'ugc rm'kci'x \uppmlml I\_\ I’ul'k Attack. .l \innlul'l} mucunx Immli.

I Sunshine Delay uiul Helen Reeves llu‘ I'ullcn .’\II“._'L'|\ ('luh. luuilflx Hui. 3-1I\'ing Sut‘t'l. 553 7133. Spin t5 \Iclmlu‘ t'unnll‘} inl‘luciicul mt‘k \uppmlctl I\_\ Im'ul

\inyci' wngui’ncr “Ilmc Inuxic t'lit‘nlllp;l\\t‘\ u \ul'it‘l} HI l'HHI\ \l_\ IL‘\.

I Tat und Kinkystone 'l'lu- I3lh \ulc (.ilit'. 51) (iii King: Sum-l. 553 1638. 0pm. L 3. iIItiIL' LIIIti t‘It‘t‘Il'H I'Ut'k.

I Germlin, Rutabega, Lunar Kebab quI Aether Flux 'l'hc I'niwrxul. 53 5‘) Iiulh i.ilIIk'. 333 880‘). “pm. I.;ipluplt'u_ nnprm und nuunnl jun ruck uI llu‘ Inuuguml I’I‘Ugl't'\\ Angclx Micmplmnv. u nth niqu lnr mpcrnncnlul llill\lt‘.

I Blackstone, Daylight and The Edith Casey Band Snundxcl. lIu‘ Suuntlhuux. I" Ilylc I’ui‘k Slrccl. 33| -lh5‘li 8.30pm. USU. Mcmhcrx and gumlx Shmxcuxc ul Im'ul hime

I Navajo .qu John Mitchell ‘l‘lu- I'l’t‘L‘ (Klmik SCwIUlh. IIIC Liquid Ship. l"| I35 (ircul \Vt'xlcrn Road. 33] Will Spin. I’I‘cc.

76 THE LIST 3~‘ k'ta' 333:5

They‘ve had more players through their ranks than the Scotland football squad of late, but the ‘Meanies are arguably a much tighter unit than anything Walter Smith could conjure up. Bouncing, ballistic ska is the objective and they make it look way too easy.

Smith should pop down

3, 0‘ (3. t \ _J r' I [3d .. z«1\~~.w...~>.:.

I Thomas Peter Davis 'l't-lml ()Hlu. -I3()lug_'n|.;n1c.357 453-1, Spin [3. i)\_\L'IIL‘tICIIC l'nlk \ingcw’wng“rncr.

I The Revelles 'l‘hc IIuIl Hui. lhl) \VumIIumk Rtlilti. .353 WWW». 5'an I'l'ct‘. I Invisible Jim ’I'indt‘i'lnu. IH‘) Hum leti. 33‘) .3IIIX. Will]. i'I'L'L't \t‘olhllc \L‘I.

I Jim Condie Sludm ( )nc. (ii‘mxcnm‘ Hnlcl. (il'(i\\L‘llUl' 'I'L‘I'l'uu‘ lull Iku't'x Rmull. 3-H (\5|(\t ‘Ipnl. I‘iu'.

I Phil’s Session l'ixgc HL‘ulIlu. 232 \Vmulluntlx Ruutl. 5(w-l 15W). B'an I“ \Vt‘ckl} jun].

I The Vagabonds Ilu‘ Swim. I I3 I I4 SIUL‘IMH‘II SII‘L'CI. 553 WWI. ‘Ipin. I’rcc. l’npulnr ant-ix.

I Jam Session Smnucl i)tl\\ \. (F TI \illmlulc Rmul. J33 lllll“. 8.3mm}. iii-CC. IiU\lL‘tI I3) IIIKIL‘pL‘IItIL‘llL‘L'.

I Live Music Ru“. ()uccn \Iui'gui'cl l'niun. 33 l'niwrxil} (iunlt'nx. 33‘) 0‘34. Spin. Hut \Vcckl} \Iumcuxc nl' Im'ul hume

I Live Music .\Ic('Iun|I\. ~1ll High Slrccl. 553 3135. 9pm I'rcc. \cu lmntlx niglu. \\ uh linc-up In lw mnluinctl.

I Live Music .\I;it‘Stil‘IL‘}\. ~13 .Iuingncu Sut‘cl. 3-13 85M, 0pm. I'rcc. 'I‘Iu‘cc lucul i‘;IIILi\ In hc wnluincd.

n. ,J"; J‘


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and get some tips on team unity.

I Live Music Sturlwuckx. 252 25-1 Iku'cx Rmul. 35" 53lh’. 7pm ‘lpln i'IL‘L'.


I Edinburgh’s Schools Rock Ensemble ()uccn‘x IIuIl. (‘lt-rk Sin-cl. (ms 3lll‘). 7.3llpin IL~1I_ \urmux hulltk l'l'Ulll iiIL' (ll) '\ \L't‘iilltizll'} \L‘IIHHI\ plu} nul.

I Full Moon Music Club Bunncrinun'x. \itltlr} Slit-cl. 550 3354. 8pm. I‘iu‘. 'nm Innnlh‘x dulc lcuuu'cx Ixix. Mud Dug: \IurItu'lum' und (‘IIIUI’UIUI'III IIHUkL‘H. ll. _\Ull until I“ hunk u \Inl cull Hill on WWW» I—‘5 74‘).

I Born to Be Wide 'l‘hc Snot-l. 3 I’icurtl} I’lucc. 550 4373. “pm luni. I-i'cc. \ilhlt‘ indum‘} \m'iul clulw lhul plunx In bring; lllll\U\. iuul‘nulixlx. [‘I‘UIHUIL‘IN I'L‘L‘Hl‘tI \Ilnp \Mn'kCH und nluqciunx IllfJL'IIIL‘I. \Vnh u \ui'u‘tl \nlnulu‘uck lmin nulnxu} lmtl\ \th uclur (SM) \Id‘ni'niuck and I’It‘lhh 'I‘ruil‘x .lnhnn} I._\nch l 3 Hull IUIIU\\L‘ti h) I’cncc Rcun'tl'x Kcnn} lIx'ing: ('I‘cnxnlcl und [Iu‘ BBC Rudin Sunlluntl Il'llt' .\I'I\ Slum [Cgllll Iil‘ltlll. KI). \‘iclm'iu und \'i\ II- \Iurl,

I Open Mic Night ( Xilt'tlnnmn Iiut'kput‘kt'l'x 3(‘)uct‘n\lcli_\ \lit‘t'l.-1"h "334.0;3111. I‘I’t'c. \Vt'lt‘nnninj .III \l_\It'\ HI Inuxn‘ul llt‘.lI\. (mun .qu HII}‘|II.II nmlcriul.

I Out of the Bedroom \\.m-ll_\ Iiul'. SI \Iul'} \ Silk'k‘l. 55h HXRR Upnl ()pcn nnt' wva) lm lxtlnilnnph lmwtl \injgt'i/wny“int-ix Inlk. punk. lunk .iuxl hllllf: ulnnjg _\Ulll HIIlelLII \nll'.‘\ und \Ign up In plu} .u Hlxh

I The Red Eyes und The Zips \VIanIt-Innku-x. ‘l () Snulll iilltI},‘k‘. 55" 5| I-l, ‘lpin. I‘l't't' Unuhlc lull ml (iluxymx "3 \l}lt- punk Imk

I The Dyad llu- i.t'II Hunk. 3" (iullu'u' Sllu'l. 335 07H.

U. 3lll‘lll (I 3H.un. I In- |)_\;uI. \K \ ('Inix Rn“. Ht‘nmnnn St‘lluglci. I’uul Kt'cnt'. i);l\L‘ Rmx uml \IL' and Inn \Iluut' luw clu‘li'nnit‘x \klIIl Innmullw. Inxli‘unu'nlul gmth .1! \\ IIklt‘ Ilnuw'x LC“ Hunk Hui.

I The Ruffness, Kosmic Ken 8- the Banjo Bandit illlti Orkestra del Sol 'I In. Iiulljgu ( 'Iul». \Iuiu} IIHUW. .35 IIH|_\I'muI Rinul. 553' Willi “IPIII.LSIL‘1I.i.|\t'illpIllll‘illltitiilllkt' lwuh m lhc Rullnth Inukt' .i l't'Illlll ullcl' lIu'cc lllHllIIl\ \\ r111an ncu IlIIIL'\






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