
.51 .;_ 1 .c 1 1 Cree 11111 11.40. HideandSeelt1i5~ b h FPID‘A (' THJP‘VDAS 1 Criminal 1 12.-\1 1151111111. 2.1111. 4 20. 111 & S111 1110011111. 12 40. i 10. AreweThereYet?11’01 5.50. 11.20. 540. 535. 11 10 1‘0. S1111’t M1111 ch: 11.201101 & 1.40 The Door in the Floor 1 151 11501101. S011 1110 11 00.001001 S1101. 1 411. m 1110181111. 4.011. (1 211. 1140 2.411. 5.411. 11.211. 4.10. 11411 11:11 Boogeyman1l51 iiideandSeelt1i51 11.00.1111. 140 ilitch112.-\1 33110011' Sim-1.11111 2354141 11‘ 1118; S111: 1101111 11101 S1111. 2 15. 4 ‘0. 4.10. (1.40. 9.30. Sun S 11111 10 10.101. 11 20.101. 12 ‘10. 11001110); 0111 22S 4141 11.0 24110111 (145. 9.00 In Good Company1i’(11 105011111. 130. 210. 5.210. 4 411. 5 20. 010. 101010111110011111' 01‘11 22S 2500 1111 S110 1110: 110011. 2.30. 4.45. 71111. 9.15, 1.10. 3.50. (1.30. 9.10. 7 40. S .30. ‘1 10 15 50114 51111-1 11“- 11010101011111 Flight oi the Phoenix 1 12.-\1 The Life Aquatic with Steve lesou Hotel Rwanda 1 12.-\: 111110 1': 511 .\100 it'n‘cpi 11.1111 D1111}: 11551111111101 S1101. 2.45. 550. 1151 11.201101. 2.20. 5.20. 8.25. 1*r11& S111 11 00.1111. 2 00. 5 00. .S 00. 11111111.1_\\1.111tigkch £3 50 110111111‘ 11111x 11.20. Meet the FociterS112.-\1 11.201101. 11011. 1Suu 01.111111‘1‘ 1.111'111g1111 £4 501£i 50 ilarold 81 Kumar Get the Munchies 1 151 2.20. 5.30. 8.40. S110 1110: 11.10.1111. 220. 5 40. S 50 (01101 1)1\01101~ 101111111111' 101' 110 1%; S111: 11.501101 11101 S1111. 230. Million Dollar Baby 1 12.-\1 I 1.3011111. In Good Company 11’(i1 1'111'udx Budget (Lud 1101111-1x plmw 4.45. 7.00. 9.15. 5.30. D1111}: 10 1011111. 12 40. 5 10. ‘1 10 (11111.1(111111‘1'1 1’11'11xc 0011‘ 111: Sutuuu S1111 11111: 11301111111101 S0111. 2.15. Ocean’s Tinelve112A1 11.0011111. 2.10. 11101 111 & S1111. spin-1111155101 P.11k'111‘ (1011\1111111111‘11 4.30. (1.45. (1.00. 5.211. S50. .-\1\01‘r11& S111; 845. 11.11111'x111111 illdeandSeelt1151 Ray115111.20. Kinsey1i51 ' D1111}. 4.00. (1.10. ‘100 Shall We Dance? 1 12.-\1 11.401101. 1‘1‘1 & S111: 1 1111 1.1111. 2.00. 4 50. 7 45. '11K 71151 1.1.1, \. :\1\0 1111111111'1' 116111111»: 110111101. 1.30. 2.30. 5.30. 3.10. 10 45. ilitch112..\1 Sideways 1 151 10.501101. 1.50. 500. S011 11111: 11.30.1111. 2 30. 5.20. S20 Inheritance 1 151 1255 S00 11.- 11111: 1151111111. 12511. 2.45. 8.00. The Life Aquatic with Steve lesou 1 151 The Ufe Aquatic with Steve lesou1151 130. 5.15. (1.1111. 7.45. 11.. 11. Spanglish 02.41 11.0011111. 2.10. 01111}: 2.30. 5.211. 8.2511101 1-1'11\ 5.10 12.40. 1.35. 1115. 11111 Lemony Snicket’s a Series of 5.40. 11.511. :\1\11 150 & S111: S115. 11.1111 The Sea Inside 11’111 .\ 50 Unfortunate Events 111(11 The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie .-\1\0 1111111111-1- 11 11111110; 11.20.1111. Sideways 1 151 12.55. I 15. 1105. .\ 55 Mutiticc S111: 11.30.1111. 11'1 12.111. 2.111. 4.111. The Magic Roundabout 11'1 Vera Dralte112.-\1 12 511. 11211. The Magic Roundabout 11'1 The Woodsman 1 151 12.50. 3. 111. Matinee S111 & S1111: 1113111111. 12 25 Ailery Long Engagement 1 151 1.111 MutuiccS111& S1111: 103511111. 12.35. 5.30. 3.00. Meet the Foclters112.-\1 Meetthe Foclters112.-\1 1"ri & S111: 10.21111111. 1,10. 4.30. 7.40. 111111,:0,’ .; 11.11 112.51 1.01 «1‘. 01111}: 2.45. 5.45. 3.311. 1.'R|DAy./;_.1HURSDAY 10 111.411 .-\1\0 01111101‘1' 11 cckdup: 11551101. 1 S011 1110: 11.201101. 2.20. 5.210. S40. The Blue Room 111114 Racing Stripes 11'1 Are We There Yet? 11’( 11 Million Dollar Baby 1 i2.-\1 Mun- 11.311 311111111'1' S111 1k S1111: 11.55100. 1511 1% S111: 10.001101. 12.30. 3.00. 1’1‘1 & S111: 1.20. 2.20. 5.55. Donnie Darito: The Director’s Cut 1 151 Shall we Dance? 1 12.-\1 5.411. 8. 111. M00 Wcti: 111.110.1111. 12.411. 3.40. 1.1111- 1'11 1\ S111: 11 :11. 1111. S111 1% M00 \Vcd: 11.501101. 3.20. S1111 11111: 1 1.0011111 11101 Sun). 1.30. (1.40. Kinsey 1 151 5.50. 3.20. 4.00. (1.40. 9.10. Ocean’s Melve 1 12.r\1 111111}: 12.40. 1.25. 11.20 11101 \10111. Sonoithe Maslt1i’(i1 The Aviator112..\1 11.111}; 5.211. 8.30. 11.1111, .‘111111111'1'S1111k S1111: 11.051101. 1.20. 1511. S111 6’; M00 Wed: 12.30. 7.40. .-\1\00111110cc S111: 2.10. .-\1\0 1111c 10 1\ S111. 11 45. The SpongeDob Squarepants Movie 11'1 Boogeyman 1 151 Racing Stripes 11‘1 Koktebel 1 151 M111111ccS111& S1111: 10.401110. 12.40. 1)1111}‘: 11.401101. 2.30. 5.30. S. 10. M11110ccS111& S1111: 100011111. 1220. 1'11. S111 & M011 1110: 1 05. Aim 1111c 1511 & S111: 10.511. Ray 1 151 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 1 151 flenflew Sheet, GIaSQOW Casshem1i51 151:1.S111& M00 \Vcd: 5.40. 1)1111_\: 12.55. 1.151001 S1011. (1.15. 1.111c i-‘ri & 8111: 1 1.00. Shall We Dance? 1 12.-\1 x55, 7 Rt‘liii't‘“ Sti'cct. 1010111111 ('(' 1100111032: The Chorus 1 12:\1 D1111}: 2.30. 5.301% 8.1011101'1‘111'1. :\1\01111c 111 S S111: 1150. 0871 200 2000. .-\111111 £5.35 (£4.75 \Vcd: 3.30. :\1s0 1111111111'1' \wckd11}\: 11.401101. Sideways 1 151 M00 111111. (111111: £3.25.S10dc01\ £3.50. Closer 1 I51 Sideways 1 15) 1)1111_\: 9.10. (‘011ccssi0t1x: £3.00. 111111111} tickct £3.25 1’11 1% S111: 11.40. 11.10. D1111}: 5.00. 3.110. Vera Drake 1 12..\1 pct pcrwu. 1&111'1) Bird zit1liii\.\itili.\ 111‘1'01‘1' M011 ch: 9.40. .-\1.\0 1111itii1cc \wckduy: 105011111. 111 S1111: 3,45. 1211111: £3.25. l'uliuiitcd ('111'11: £0.09 pcr Coach Carter1 12A) 1.50. M011 1110: (1.35. 111011111. i-‘ri & 8111: 1112011111. 1.30. 4.411. Somersault 1 151 AVery Long Engagement 1 151 7.45. 10.45. 1511 1% S111: 10.301101. 1.40. 4.45. 7.50. 111 S110: (1.20. '[HURSDAY 3 Sun 1110: 11.001101. 2.10. 5.15. 8.30. 10.30. M011 1110: 3.40. ' Flight of the Phoenix 112A1 S110 1110: 11.001101. 2.111. 5.211. H.311. Dead Man 1 131 + Coffee and Cigarettes Are WeThere Yet? 11’(11 1 1.001101. 1.30. 1511 S1111 1%; 11111: 11.501101. 2.41). 5.40. Son of the Mask 11’(i) 1151 4.00. (1.40. 11.10. 8.20. M11110ccS111& S1111: 1.11). 1.30. Sun: 1311. Assault on Precinct 13 1 151 2.30. 8.50. Aim 1111c 1:11 1% 8111: 111.55. Spanglish 112..\1 TheAvlator112A1 12.311. 4.110. 7.411. Hamid 8. Kumar Get the Munchies 1-‘ri. S111 & Mun Wcti: 4.311. [m Dasshem1i51 11111111111. 2.10. 5.211. 1151 The SpongeBob Squarepants Movle11'1 3.30. 1:11 & S111: 10.401101. 1.00. 3.30. S111 1% S110: 11.001110. 1.15. 3.20. 18 Ncu 11111111' '1‘1'1'1'111'1'. 01 i1 447 4771. Closer1151 2.1111. 4.311. 7.1111. «1.411. 5.511. 11.20. 11.011. The Woodsman 1 151 11110: 0131 447 3111111111111 447 11451111‘ Coach Carter 1 l2.-\1 11.0011111. 2.10. Sun & T1111: 11.201101. 2.00. 4.30. D1111}: 12.50. 3.10. 5.31). 8.00. 1101111111321: 0131 447 4771ch111111'1101. 5.15. 8.30. (1.50. 0.20. .-\1.\01"r1 & S111 11110: 10.20. 1110'. 11)1.x\1111112 S11uid1u‘d £5.20.

Stipct'im‘ £5.‘111.(‘10c0111 V4 £5.00 1(‘10c0111 .1 1111111} £5,001. 111'101'1- (111111. .\1011 1'11: S11uid111‘d £4.00. Supt-1101' £4.00. ('1111'0111 3/4 £4011. (.(iliCCSSIUHS/Ciiiltil'L'li. Siutidui'd £71.80. Stipcri0r £4.90. ('1111‘11111 3/4 £4.00. 1’1111111110x; :\i'1cru0011 £5.90. 1211111011 £9.91). S11111\/RL‘L‘1111L‘1‘\2 :\11L‘1‘iititiiii £0.90. 12111111152 £1 1‘10. ('101-0111 2 S0110: .-\11c1:110011£11.00. 1211-1110:: £7.00. Sitidcuix 1Stui 111111 £3.99 includcx 11 drink. 1110111} lik‘hClS 110111 £1.40 per PL‘i‘MHi.


The Merchant of Venice mm 2.00. 4.511.

Million Dollar Baby 1 12.11 5.45. Dcean's‘Meive112.-\1 11.10.

Shall We Dance? 1 12.41 1.10. 3.35. 11.45.

Sideways1151 (1,00. Spanglish112.-\1 12.30. 3.10. 11.30. Vera Drake112.»\1 7.50.

AVery Long Engagement1151 2.45.

5.311. t ER'DAY 5:1.HUBSQ/V .1 (J . . Flight of the Phoenix 1 12.41 Q, D1111}: 1.20. (1.15. 8.40. ‘1 iiltch112A1

Sun at 11111: 2.10. 5.10. 8.10.

To Live Long before Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou made Hero and House of Flying Daggers he directed “om Rwanda ( I , M

this huge familial epic which follows one family’s mixed fortunes from the mid-19405 to the present Dam. “m. 7.36: day. Part of the short Zhang Yimou: The Gong Li Years season highlighting the work of this fantastic actress. the magic Roundabout 11;, I FI/lii/iOL/SG. Ed/nburgn (Wed 76 and Thu 77 Mar on/yi. Mutincc S111: 120.

64 THE LIST 3—1 7 Mar 2005