SpanglishIl3\I I I0 liII. " I5. 1010

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie I I I

II “.00. .“i5. 110

Vera DrakeIl3\I IIIIIIuIII. 1.15. «135. '35. IiII5


Are We There Yet?Il’III

l).lll\ I310 300. 530. "50. lillll

II 55.00

\l\II luli' l II I\ Sui Boogeyman I I5I

l).I|l\ 1305, 330 505. ”30 0.10 \lvi luII' I II I\ Sui lIIIlllIIL'lll

Coach Cartervlj \.

l).lll\ 100 "05. 1005

Creep I IxI

Hull} “)5

\lw l.lli' I II I\ Sul I) :5.00 Flight of the Phoenix I I3 \.

llull} II [5.00. I50. -1 35. 5‘00. I) {i

\lw l.lli' l'II IK Sui l.‘. l0ulll Harold 8. Kumar Get the Munchies I l)ull\ ll 55.00. .7 l0. 130. 5 l5. 0 30'

\l\IIl.Ili'lIII\ \Jl lg

Hide and Seek i I 5.

0.00 If I0. 3‘ ‘5. 500. "35. (I55 \lvi lulI' l'lI IK Sui: l.3.|5ulll

Hotel Rwanda l I3.\I

|)uI|\ ll00ulII. I50. 1 55. a ‘0. I030

Laura’s StarIl I

Hull} |l.-10u01. I55.

The Magic Roundabout i l 'I Hull}. | 1-15.00. 3. l 5. -1. *0 Meet the Fockers i I: \I

Hull}: |l.§0um. 3 I0. 150. 710. I030.

Million Dollar Baby i I3.\I

l);ill}2 “.00. I000

Ocean’s Melve I | 3.\ I

Hull}: l|.|5um. 3.00. 1.15. 5.55. I035.

Racing Stripes l l 'I

l)ull_\: |l50um. 3.00. 31.30. 700. Ray l I5I

Hull}: “.Iil. I030.

Shall We Dance? i I3.-\I

l)ul|_\: Il 55uln. 3. 30. 5.00 “,30. I000.

.\|\0 lulc l'II Ik Sui: l3.-10um. Son of the Mask II’( II

I);lll}‘ |l.50uIII. 3.35. 155. Spanglish I I3.\I

Hull}: 11.15.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie i l' I

l)ull_\: ll.35um. 3.05. 110.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(illllin .\\cnuc. |’|lm'0i\ liuxincxx l’ui‘k. illll xx“ 00I I. IIIIII: (Nil 337 0030. ('(' lmulullgg; ill-1| .S'S‘ 00I l. |l)|. |li|. [5.35 0371.30 lk‘lilli‘ (lpllll. (‘llilIl/i ).~\|’: (-1.30; Sillilcnl: [-1. Inc ull llckch:

I3. 5.

llll JHSI MY

AreWeThereYet?II’(iI I3.-10 3.00. 5.30. ".50. I010. TheAviatorIl3.\I “.55. Coach CarterII3.\I 1.0 1005.

Creep l l.\'I 0.10 Hideand SeekIl5I I3.l0. 3.35. 5.00. “.35. 0.55.

In Good CompanyII’I‘II .I5. 0.50 Laura’s StarIl'I ll.»l(l;llll. 3.10. ~1.l5. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou i I5I iI.Il5.IIII. I55. 1-10. 735. I035. The Magic Roundabout II‘I ll.-15um. 3.I5. 1.45.

Meet the Fockers i I3.-\I ll.llll;llll. Il._:0.IIII. H0. 3.I0. 4.30. 4.50. “.I0. “.40. 0.50. I030. Dcean’sTwelveIl3.\I II.I5.IIII. 3.00. -145. “.00. “.30. 0.45. IOI5.

Racing Stripein'I lI.30;IIII. 3.00. 4.30. “.05.

Rayll5i 0.35.

Shall We Dance? i I3.-\I iI.55;Im. 3.30.

0_ 4.00_ 55.00,

5.00. “.30. I000

Son ofthe MaskII’IiI Il.50-.IIII. 3.35. 4.55. “.30

SpanglishII3.\I l.I0. 4.l0. ‘.I5. I0|0

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 0 I

ll 15.00. :05. 1 55

Are We There Yet? Il’( II

Hull} I310 300 5 30. 50. 1010 \Iw lulu til I\ Sui I: 55.00

The Aviator« I3 \I

I).Ill_\ i) 30

Boogeyman I I5I

l)ull_\ I305. 330. 450 "30. 0.10

.‘\l\ll luic l'l'l Ik Sui Coach Carter i l3.\I Hull}; Iilll.I1llll.qllll. 1005

Flight of the Phoenix i I3 \I

Dull} ll l5uln. I50. 135. "00.

0 is

\lxn lulc l'll IK Sui Illilulll.

Harold 8. Kumar Get the Munchies i I 5. Hull}. ||.55um. 3.l5. 1.15. ".15.

0 30.

.-\l\n lult‘ III I\ Sui: ll.-15

Hide and Seek i I5I


Hull}: |3.l0. 3.55. 5.00. 535. 9.55. .v\l\0 luic l'I'I Ik Sui l3.l5um.

Hotel Rwanda i I3.\I

l)ul|\: ll.00uIIl. 1.50. 1.55. ‘50. I030

Laura’s Starll'l

|)uil_\: llslilulll. 155.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou i I5I Hull}: ".35. 10.35.

The Magic Roundabout Il'I

l);lll_\i ll.-15um. l.|5. 1-10. Meet the Fockers I l3.\I

Dull}: H.30um. 3.10. .150. "2-10. I030

Million Dollar Baby I I3.-\I

Hull}: 7.00, I000.

Ocean’s Melve I l2.v\l

Hull}: |l.l5uln. 3.00. 1-15. 7.30. I0l5.

Racing Stripes II'I

l)ull_\: ll.30um. 3.00. 130. 7.05. Ray i I5I

Hull}: 9.45.

Shall We Dance? I l3:\l

I);III_\: 4.30. 7.l0. I000

.-\l\0 luic l‘l'l & Sui: llJilum.

Son of the Mask il’(ll

Dull}: ll.50um. 3.35. 4.55. 7.l5. The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie Il'I

Hull}: Il..15um. 2.05. 4.30.

The Evolution of the Horror Movie

fii r ft" 7F‘


I a u 5.3

“CI Clydebank

(‘lxilc Rculnnul (l'llllk‘. (‘lnlcbunk II\"I>II 103030 [DI 153503.135 l‘clnfk' 5pml (‘llllil L100 i)\l’ L i 00. SluIlcnh {-155IL‘1"5..\100 lllil. l‘I'I lwlnlc 5pm:

AreWeThereYet?Il’I;I 3—15. i5. S315

The Aviator I l3.\I .\ 30

Coach CarterIl3v\I 3.10. 5 50. 000 HldeandSeekII5I .130. ‘00 0 30 In Good CompanyII’(‘.I 0 30

The Magic RoundaboutIl‘I 3 I5. 5 30 Meet the FockersII3.\I 3I0. 000. S315.

Dcean’slwelveII3.v\I n30. 0 [5 Racing StripesIl'I .100 ShaMI|3.-\l S00

Shall We Dance?Il3.-\I 3.l5. 3.30.

Son ofthe MaskII’I‘II l.|5. “00 SpanglishIl3.-\I 3.30. II.I5. 0.00, The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie i l I

.5. 5”. (rls.



l)uil_\: .5315. 0150101 Sunik llllll.

.v\l\0 muilncc Sui Ik Sun: l.|5. Boogeyman I I5I

Hull}: 5.00, 7.30, 0.4.5.

.I\l\0 Sui Ik Sun: l2.20. 2.40.

Christmas with the Kranks il’( 0 \luilncc Sui Ik Sun: |l.00um.

Coach Carter i l2.'\l

Hull}: 0.00. 0.00.

Flight of the Phoenix i I 3.-\ I

Hull}: (H5. ‘H5.

Harold 8. Kumar Get the Munchies I I5I Hull}: 31.30. 0.50. 0,30. Hide and Seek I I5I Hull}: 31.01. 040. ‘).|5. :\|\0 IllilllllL‘L‘ Sui Ik Sun: Hitch i l3:\l

Sun & 'l'hu: I.l5 lIIUl llllll. 4.00. (l.|5. 0.45. 0.00, 0.30.

Hotel Rwanda I I3.-\I Hull}: 3. H). (3.00. S45. .'\l\0 muilncc Sui & Sun:



Liar 00/3,: 32 72-4..


Look at Me (Comme une Image) I 13 \~ S00 .1 00

Inc 00

The Magic Roundabout Ii I

Hi. Sui t\ \100 \\'\'\l -1 l5

\lw Sui i\ Sun ll Mum. :00 Meetthe Fockers I 13 \I

llull} -10il_ 0.15 0 30

.-\l\0 muilncc Sui I\ Sun I l5

Million Dollar Baby I 13 \.

l'li. Sui I\ \100 “ml 0 00

Ocean’s Melve I I.‘. \I

ll'l \Vg'tl ii iii lnIIi Sunl. ll Ill Racing Stripes II I

\luilm'c Sui I\ Sun I I l5uln. l -15 Shall WeDance? I I3 \I

l'Il I\ Sui. \lIIn lllll ‘l5. -\l\0 mullncc Sui l.‘ ‘0 Son of the Mask II’( ;I l).ill} .i 00

.‘\lSl‘ muilncc Sui .\ Sun 0000. Z 00

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie Ii I

(\llll_ .\ :0

|)ull_\ .1 i0 .-\l\0 mulmcc Sui A Sun I I 10.00. 3 I0.

ich Parkhead, Glasgow

I'llc l'lll'fJC. l’ul‘khcuil. 0S"! 300 3000 lllll) .illll ((5 lilmklllg ilS55ill 55.5 I50 .‘\illlll NS lL-l 5‘ l‘L'lillL' 5li|n MINI 'lllu. (‘lillIl/Siililcnl/i ).\l’ L 5 50 (U lwlulc 5pm Mon l'lllll l'ulllll} ilt‘lu'l (I 5.-10 .-\ll ilt'lu‘lx lwinlc 0000 L3.


AreWe There Yet? mm 4.00. 030. 3.40.

Hide and Seek I i5I I I 55IIIII. 000. 3.30.

In Good Company II’(;I .\ 30. Meet the Fockers I l3x\l ll.55um.

3.15. 5315. 3.30 Dcean’sTwelveIl3.-\I xl5.

Shall we Dance? i I3.-\I I l50;IIII. 3.30.

ll 30.00. |.-10.

: a0.

5.50 3.30.

Son of the MaskII’IiI llII5IIIII. I30. 3.35. 5.10

Spanglish I I3.-\I ll.llll;llll. 1.50 5.00. 3.00.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie i i ' I ll.00um. I50. 3,-15. (I00.

This four week course examining the evolution of the horror movie from German Expressionism to the Japanese New Wave (which riffs decidedly old wave literary sources) begins this fortnight. Go on, get yourself some learning. Film writer Andy Dougan will lead the classes with the help of some great film clips.

’1—‘7' MA? 27/: THE LIST 63