Flatshare cont.

I Haymarket. Large, double, etirriltirtahle. hr‘ight r'tmttt in \paeittth llat. \tttl | (it 2. Shared kiteheri/hathrtitiiit. all tritid L'tlll\. w :txltlllg ritaehirte. turithle drier. elme t0 all itlllL‘lllllC\. (i(‘|l. Ill) hills. £88 pw. 'Iel; 0|3I 007 0338.

I Bruntsfield. Double room iii \l) lixh. etiirtliirtahle tlat. Surin} Itiurtge. [Ittlhllt‘tl II()()r\. Iireplaee. share with 2 titlier‘ triertdl} [II'UILWNIUIIQIIM elme t0 hux rttlllL'\. \Ilt)[l\. eal'es. Suits an} lriertdl). relaxed. ll/\. etiuplex w eletirtte. £320 + ("I' + ltlllx. Tel: 07337 I52 403.

I Box room in ht‘ight. emit- Itir'tahle I‘lat. l0 lllllllllL‘\ Ir'tirit I’ttl‘llitlllL‘lll/I’I‘IIIL‘C\x Street. all ritiid L‘tlll\. ineliidiiig eahle 'I‘\' it eleetr'ie xhiiwer'. Iariiiliar‘it} with dtirttextie appliaiteex an ad\arttage. £l50 petii + £50 hills. 'l'el: 078l7 403 348.

I Large double room Ill heautil'ul West Iiiid llat. sharing with 0rte other. Wiiitld \tlll l'r‘ietidly pr‘nl'exxiiirtal. tl/\ I‘erttale. AVailahle I2th April. £300 pent + ("I + hills. Tel: 078” 024 027.

I The Shore, Timberbush, n/x pt'ttlexxiitn— al I‘ertiale t0 share eleart. attrae— live. iiitidet'rt I'lat witlt | tither'. £250 peiii. Tel: ()I 3| 4-13 2530. I Central Stockbridge, quiet, \[IilL‘Itllh dttuhle hed— r‘tmm irt ltwely gi'tiund lltmr Ilat. m'erliitik'ing garden. trim - ing in Ilt‘sl week 0| April In share with 2 Iriertdl} priitex- .\I(Hlill.\. lI/\ preferred. £3 l0 perti inelusiVe 0| rent & eahle. Tel: 07008 200 878.

I Spacious single room availahle irt Newingtiin I‘lat. \har‘e witlt I'r‘iendl} prtilexxiiiual etiuple. suit eax} guing. ll/\ I‘eritale 0r male. £240 perii + ("I + hills. 'l‘el: 0| 3| 007 0040.

I Large, bright, double mum in let in Ir'ieridl} Newirigttin tlat. sharing with 2 others. Available lst .\Iareh. suits stieiahle. happ) priit'ex- \IUIlilI. £233 perti + ("l’ + hills. 'l‘el: 0|3| 477 500-1.

I Double bedroom avail- able iri Mar'ehniiint to share witlt 0ne tither. Would suit ll/\ professional. .-\\'ailah|e rtitw. £270 + hills + ("11 Tel: 07077 228 050 tl’raneisett).

I Large double room availahle in 'l‘iillemxx. liriendl). spacious llat. all mud ennx. (i(‘ll. .-\\‘ailahle |.\l Mareh. £275. including ("II + ltlllx. Tel: 07700 443 047 0r 0| 3| 220 0372.

I Double room to rent in spilL‘lUlls Stitek‘hridge Ilat. share with 3 others. availahle iitiiiiedi- atel}. £250 pent + deposit. ineludes all hills. 07835 230 002. Between 0.30pm - 8.30pm. I Bright room available IIIIIIICLIIleL‘LV irt large Meadnwhank flat. separate kitchen & living mom. iriterriet aeeess. (K‘H & all mud eons. share with young Irish t‘eriiale. suit ri/s professional. £225 pent + ("l‘ + hills. Tel: 0773! 824 330,

I Stockbridge, large sunny I'Httlll tit quiet grtiiirid Ilimi Ilat. share with l tither. \llll ritature prtilexxinrial L 320 perii + l‘lll\ 'Iel 0| 3| 550

95h I.

I Leith Colony single t‘ttttlll. hright rixpeet. gtmd I‘ll\L'\_ (i(‘l|. ptiw er \htiw er. garden. £220 perit irtelttdirtg hills & ("I ik £l00 deptixtt 'lel 0t3| 555 3030.

I Well furnished double mum in flat elme t0 \hiir'e. l.eitlt. share with ea\_\ gtiiiig riiale. \llll rrtale 0| \iriiilar tll\ ptwilitirt. £350 pertt |ul|_\ irielii \|\L'. l tittirith tlt'pthll. ’lel.

||7H| 2 I34 033.

I Single room in met- .\IL‘;ttlttwltttllI\ Il;tl. (line [it l’ar‘liatiterit. Share with HIIL' tither quiet. ll/\ Il‘lL‘lltll} III'HIL”\ \itirtal. £250 perti + ("I + l‘lll\. ‘I‘eI: 0| 3| 020 0002.

I Room for rent I” eeritr‘al New 'ltiwii Ilat. hr'ighl & \pa eitiux. \uit ||/\ [II'UIL‘\\IHII;II. £330 perti. 'IeI: 0| 3| 55" MIN. I Large double room lll ettm er'ted warehtiuxe Ilat ttear' \httre. l.eith. ('tirtxtder'ate. itiirt \tttttkittg [it‘ttle\\itttt;tl \iirt. \Var‘rtirtg - like iii) e0ektailx tk entertaining. e\peet t0 he iiieluded. £450 peiti lllelll\|\t‘. 'l'el: 07073 000 307.

I Large light room in \pa- L'Itlll\ Ilat. liaxt ('larertitirtt Street. Nuit-siittikirtg [Il'tllk‘5 \ltlllill. £325 perit itieludiitg ("I it hill» Tel: 07007 003 000.

I Spacious double bed- room atailahle within ltwel}. rtew I} tlL‘Cttl‘alL‘tl (K t'L‘tttt\;t|etl Ilat irt I’tilwarth. a\ai|ah|e riiiw. £200 petit + hills & deptwit. 'l'el: 07703 0l0 5|.\' 0r 0| 3| 220 I3l2.

I Morningside, Maxwell Street, ll/\ [ll'tllt‘\\ltlll;|l l'erttale t0 \hat'e eleaii. attr‘aeti\ e. well iiitider'nixed Hat with l tither. l'r'tirii H .\Iareh. £270 petii. Tel: 07005 038 035,

I 2 rooms for rent Ill I’iilwarth/liiiuntain Bridge area. 5 lllll Il‘tllll ltieal ttlllelttllt‘\. t0 share with I other. ('ahle 'I'V & ltllL‘l'llL‘l art ttpllttll. {220/225 peiii + hills. Tel: 07702 072 I53. I New Town. Large tltlll hle i'00iii a\ai|ah|e Ill eerttral Hat with modern kiteheri. (i('ll. a\ailah|e irttiitediatel}. £250 peiii + hills. "lelz 07003-155 327. I Marchmont. double room iii 3-hedr'00iii t'lat. axail- ahle till Jul). Large |i\irig r‘tiiirti . spare hm r'iitirit. kitehert with mud ennx. hrtiadhaud. iitter'iiet. £300 pent + ("I + hills. depiwit required. Tel: 0| 3| 050 7833. I Large, bright double room In let in Irieitdl} .\'ewitigt0ri llat. a\ailahle | .\Iar‘eh. \uit \tieiahle. h}giertie pi‘nt'exxitirtal 0it|_\. share with 2 others. £233 perti + ("I + hills. Tel: 07704 7-12 080.

I Large room in t‘i-ieiiitI} .\larehrii0nt tlat. hig kiteliert. lituiige. 2 hathrtmritx. II/\ \tu- dent. pr‘et‘erahl} mature 0|” pmt graduate 10 share with 4 others. a\ai|ah|e mid \Iar‘eh. £230 perit + hills. 'l‘el: 0l3| 22| 00|7 0r 070-17 25‘) 80,3.


0 I Saw You tit-aided lit .a l’ititt ('lirh. lhii l“ 2. hr: .IPIIIIIL'IC\ lwa\ tlte driirikeri girl whit arirttwed ttiii all night arid l tltrrik exert tried tit get tuti t0 [‘la} (ilerirt \liller arid \lllt'\ l)a\ ie\ (Mid |||||\|\. l‘rti \lllt' _\t|l|.ll agree. hut priihahh riut hext hit a \Illl‘ \gatri \tt||_\. lllt' l\‘.a\ tight altiitrt titre tlttitg

\Hll reallx are a great lll'

t‘ <tt» t '

0 I Saw You Ill. \pttkt- In _\<iit ttt lapa tirte \atitrda} hut tint \h} In ask tnr tutti name | the e\ |l ltI.t||\ itittipatt} wurker whu aetiia||\ lllxt'\ the llllt " ["510 3 '

V I Saw YOU .tl‘thtltl lllt' eltitkwiirk titartge trtirii

Ke|\ irihridge tit lltteltatiari \treet ('aptt\ated lw _\ttl|| heaut} l |lt'|\ttll\l} pretended 10 read ()ur e_\e\ tiiet twree tlteri thrtee and iii_\ [‘||l\t' hegart tit r'aee I ltad 10 d0 \titttethtrig 0r Ittlt‘\L'l lme rii_\ ehaiiee ('tiriipelled. l ltttlh it. arid trhlead all I lttxt wa\ a part til glmex. whreh la} (III the tithe a\ It‘\llllltt|l} Ill _\0ur Iteattl} arid the re\er'te it iitdtteed Ill rite \ \ \ IVS I (t/3

O I Saw You (‘ai'l.i. I \pttke t0 _\0tr III the llaek Rimrit. llalltieh 00/02/2005, \iiu were \tiiritttrtg tit tttr'ttutirxe. l wiiie hlaek \Illl'l and lean» \Miiild Itt\ L' ltt t‘llitl \ttlllL' lltttlt‘. li/SIII/I

V I Saw You lll l'rider'wtirld, l.utiehtirtte. 'lhiirxda} “MIL | wax the girl iii the green piiln \ltll'l arid tlL‘|l||l|\. _\0u were wearing a hur'gurtd} ‘l-xliirt. l thiiuglit )tiii eheeked riie Ulll. l)td >007 l/SIWS

9 I Saw You UH tlie elm-k w0rk orange. \Vedrtexda} 0th l‘eh tin wa} litirite lr‘iiitt _\iiur' wiir'k. I was ;t\l\lllj_' all the qllL‘\l|tlll\ ‘predtiriiirtartth' htit )iiii diiii't kittiw att_\tltiiig ahttiit tllL‘. I75 I 0/!)

V I Saw You (ierttitta I’ age\ agii lll (ilaxgtiw. Ytiu were at the art etillege arid I wanna we win agairt. rit_\ giiaeariiiile ehurii' l’leaxe get tit ttitteh. l llll\\ _\Hl| arid ltaxe lmt )tiur itiiiithei ltt|\ til line .-\ll} K. li/S Ill/7

V I Saw YOU .lew t\|l elttalk r'iitirti hit} at the \r'ehex. We met at llitrl_\. )titt ga\e rite a wink. l'arie} taking riiiir'e than rit_\ tieket'.’ \ lA/Sllth

V I Saw You wa\ tug at the “NIH the steps h} the l\'e|\ iri l3/2/tt5 as l was running past. You had hl0itde hair. a hat arid It)tll\\ that made |l|_\ head turn. I wa\ ed haek hiit. \tiipidl). kept on running. It we eart itieet tip \ttlllk‘lllllk‘. l [Il'ttllll\L' Hill in run awa) again? [7510/0

V I Saw You ettte girl with gla\\e\ ltitikirig Itir Illaekhiir'rt'x 'Iillllllx. I think I like )iiu. think ahtiitt ll. arid eiiiite haek and see rite \UlltL' tirite‘ l’ 5|0' l0

V I Saw You well. | alrittixt saw )iiii. Stir'r'} l llll\\L'tl all _\iiu super \e\} 'hax—hearis' nit 'Ihur |7'02. the plagtte tittik met" \IL‘L‘I lllL‘ lq/II.5 Ill :\t'l Seltttttl it\ a date. (ittlllk' gr'irtd with rite? l' 5|0 ||

Classified Personal


V I Saw You \etiii ltmk alike It‘lltillllt' the thrldrer: «it

t 110 l l.:\e‘|\ \\.irirta take me: the wrirld with Ill.‘ \tiriiettriie. kt‘ll \e\\ extl gettiiix' II 5|!» l.‘

V I Saw You I iar_\. llt'ltllll‘.‘ «it: all the riteri \nii theexeeake \e\ gtid It I '-‘-.i\.1||1.tltkittt'tl get rt' l lI‘llt \«iiii \ndka \la:'

t <10 11

0 I Saw You \It'|1.‘ltttt (ill‘\ttl| \t \nti \ard the \ltt‘w wax heaiitiltil l'rri \tl||_\ lwa\ iii a wtirld 0| |||\ tiwri .\ Iti‘l ritnte \l|.i||_\ \I.i§|tt' arttitliei tiriie l 5|ti II

V I Saw You | tit re I’ll\\3. lighting tip exert itmrii kittl walk trttti Keep \ltakirr that hut .|\\.|ll\|1‘\‘l3t‘l legs iiitt Ill the hth lartt\ a Illxlx \ \

l 5|0 l5 '

V I Saw You \ttlllk'lllllt'5l wtirider .tl‘tllll the dtilpliim III the \ea. arid l wtiiidei dti _\titi e\er tliirik 0| riie’ |0ii_\ lleeri a dti/eri _\eat\ ttl tittire l 5|0 l0 V I Saw You ttri \attirda_\ tittirritrtg \tiri} I had in |ea\e. \rthex wax eallittg llapp_\ \.tl\‘llll|lL‘\ \litehm line .|\

I 5I0 I"

V I Saw You he_\ iii)\teriuii\ dark haired. rm ked tip preee 0| .t\\. \eratelt _\0itr hell} \ttltlt' riitire [iii the hehtitd the hat at (il-l lilll etirttittg [0 get _\Hll. Ill hite}01trhe||}"l 5l0’lh

V I Saw You \wartlw htw. pttrxiitg tutti lipx at the tit \Itt\I\||tt .\L't' )tttt llL'\l

\\ed I r5l0' l0

V I Saw You I rxa. eter} d.i_\ llt‘dll) .ietiiall} w ltereK art ‘I Saw You ItlI )iiit' l't’5I0/20 U I Saw You \Il' Sex}.

\eduetn e .\Iiehae| trairtirtg tn he

a I;t|ll;t\lle teaelter. \\ ixhirtg _\0ti a helated \itlt'llllllt‘ l\|\\ and hug. I.U\L' Ilttlll llalweake arid 'lw irtkle. l't5l0 2|

V I Saw You Initihhti \trtittirtg _\iitrr \lllII «iii the darieellmir with )titit l\l\l\ am wlttte \tlel’x5 triu g0 girl' LIQUID:

V I Saw You .lttllll .l riiakitig ||\ er'_\ with laughter e‘.er_\ da_\ with )iiiii Iltt|l\t'l|\t' .tllllL'\ and now itiii‘re guirig awa_\ aw w' \\e will |||l\\ )titt” lit5lti’23


U I Saw You at the (inritriiiirtwealtlt pittil with twin L'lllL‘ It‘tl \Ilttl‘l\ ;t||t| ‘L'UIJL'IL'N Ytiii Ulll_\ did eight lengths hut )tiii‘re tit ertuugh ttir me. I wiriked at _\0ii. l'/5l0”2-I

V I Saw You ltitiktrig eirte arid _‘_'td“_‘L‘tH|\ .\l' irt Ill} .’t||ll\ llaw luek} atti l See )00 wiirt lttit'rt'xe\_\ 0rte l.l|\ _\0ii Inadx. l. \.\\.\\l ’5|0"25

V I Saw You (IIIIIIHIML' ||P\l;tl|'\ l2'2. Ytiit were hltirtde tit pirik eiiat darteirig mer' iii tii_\ direetiurt twtee, .\Ie \rtttrtg iirt iiitirtittir lirxt ttrtte. tltert leatirig t0 eeriwl p “ed 00 rttate

duw |t\l;tl|\ \eeiirid tittte laiiikittg IHI third ehariee t0 llllpl'L‘\\ l'r5l0/20

V I Saw You \’|||t\ll iii the Ilillllli‘tht' \\ww. luri;~ tiriie an we I.t||| the lllt‘l‘k wee :‘irl \itii ttxe‘d tn |i\c with' tie! ttt tnittel‘."'\ \l 5|“ 2‘

V I Saw You it: the

( |||l\l|||.i\ 0in \‘l‘. the lx‘twal \ltle linikittz' \er\ li‘\||\\" \uii lia\e lti\e|_\ itiltittrx iii \ttlll hair'l 5|“ .35

V I Saw You |\:ppei with the .mil tat ket at | rlidli'x part\ iiti \atiirda\ l.‘tli | eh lx'eallx eritiwed l.t||.|ll‘.' [0 Min larit \ riteettrtx' ’l 510 .“l

0 I Saw You \imtit-tt l|

\ttt kirtg iip Ileadw'xe detei l|\ e .ard\ ttt | tlll‘tl‘tllf.'l| \\hat i ll tip 2 \\ lint it 'I liiiiked at the atid we shared a iiitirrierit \re tl Ilt'dl ’l ‘llt 3|!

V I Saw You iii (‘t \ \aletttirtek :iight lwax w.i\ tim dttirik Ittl iii} tiwri grind lltitl liked \t'll \rtd tiild _\0ti

lllt‘lt' thari \‘ll\\" l.||l\_\ a drittk wiiietiriie 'l 5|0 3|

V I Saw You huth till the tlttttl .it \I.iiliig\. tie the kittit alread\ lmu' ltix |)e\ttri\' \ti\ii l 5103‘

V I Saw You at tlte I t'll Ildlllk. l irda_\ lltlt \\e met at \wiiiiiiiet (me at Ilt‘.tt|\[t|ll irt lii|_\ ('iittld we make it lexx tltari \it. lllltllllh iiiitil tlte tie\t time ’l "l0 33

0 I Saw You I<lt'll3. .tlw.i_\\ Imikrrig atria/trig I like ewrt tlttrig almtrt \tlll I‘ll \ \

t 510 <t '

V I Saw You I) l .‘h lari It} the em .tl.t|ttl III I )riirit tetttte. Hll plititie lme wild hair and stunning e}e\ lim slit t0 \a} hellu. til“ we he Illt'lltl\ l atl_\ Ill lx’eil l “5|(i’3‘

V I Saw You Hear \Ialiiiaiwii tit that green hat I want l)ll\ h the hluiide arid g0 hit a \titiriger riitidel \

l ,RHtiIi

V I Saw You )ttlt '.‘-ttl|. iii ('rtii\e arid lllue \Iimti l\aw \titt iri (‘riirxe \titt were thirtktttg .ll‘tllll tutti da_\ 00 l’erhap\ l unrld iii.i\\.i~.'e thme \lllk' It't'l l)||l|tt‘t \tllllk'lllllk"

[ ti|(,t:"

V I Saw You irtl iii \llk'lll. \L'wlllg'lttll lx'eep \eeirig )titi here arid there I\ it [llxl iii) tritagtriatititi Hi I\ there alwa} \ \ttlltt‘ mug in the air ‘(lieriitxtrt Imt 'l /§I()’3.\

V I Saw YOU I).t\t'. l.|\l lllltt' pitihahl} twii tea“ agti wiirkirtg .|.\I(' har iii l’tilltitk llallx 0 ll r \Illl ttlll tltere get iii lttlltll. IV'5I0/ 3‘)

V I Saw You antlirig like a lmt puptw at ,\.l|\lt'|il.t|l| att ptirt “.0th t i we _\.0ii \lllllt' Ytiti grit \lltel. III the hu\ (ltltll at ludirthiirgh l \Ilttllltl I|;t\t' leH‘ll )tiu lll_\ itiirriher' l /5l0/-10

V I Saw You ll.t|ltl\tt|l|L‘. tall \ltatlgel I keep \eerrig _\titi with )tttll lirertd laxl ttrtte 00 I5 I'eh ttl|l\|tIL' the harik 00 St _\rtdrew\ \qtiate \\ heri will we riieet agairi :\rtd talk

V I Saw YOU IJttll} a\ )titt eiit iii tr'tirit til the girl I was darteirig wttlt at Vaudeulle. (iteat \lL‘itl. great darterrtg. then )tiii drxappear‘ed :\ drtrtk. aritttlter dartee l'/5|0/42

' ".‘r:' 232‘, THE LIST 123