Flatshare cont.
I Beautiful larger sized West land llzit. illl llliltl (mix. tlcxpcrgitcl} sci-Ling lléll lilitlt‘ iiir tliiuhlc “Hill 300 pcni + ("l' + hillN. 'lL-l: ‘ 953 (HS 385.
I Fully furnivt‘ ed roorn lll lzirgc. lréttlllltlliill :‘ ll. Stintlctl lli)tlf\ through (i " (i(‘ll. (ll\ll wiixhcr. washing i' iichiiicx. tllll- ing kitchcn. large '(itingc with ’l‘\'. DVD. \'('R (K hi-li. clmc ll) tiihc & rtiil \tntniii. Suit titl} prulcxsinnul or Hit “it \llltlL‘lil. it) share with liizilt' ii/\ pi'c— lcrrcd. Auiiliihlc llth March. Lilli) pcni + hills, '.'cl:l~1l 33-1 Will.
I Modern West End i'lui. uwrlnnking Kclxin. tliitihlc liL‘tlrtitiiii. tmn liiillirniitil. \L‘L‘tli'c our parking. lilL'} L'lt' luck up. hruiitlhuntl & ()“ll [‘llilllL‘ linc. \Ull niiittirc \llltlt‘lll or [limits- \ltlllill. \lllt)l\L‘f\ ()K. £350 pciii. lit) lilllx. 'lt'li 07360 (ile .Hl.
I Brand new, furnished flat in share in l)L‘lllil\ltlllll. tliitihlc l'tltllli with Cit-\Ullt'. L'ltixc iii L‘ll)’ L‘L‘tilt'c \\ illi CXL‘L‘l- Icnt trainxpnrt links & illliL‘lilllC\. muiluhlc cntl (ll March. [375 pcni + hillx. 'lt‘l: ()7.\’ll 9—13 366.
I Double room in Wm lintl. sharing with tmncr & (K'Cihlilllill can. looking for mcr 3| )‘l‘ Ultl ti/s. l-ric'iitll}. L‘tiiixitlt‘F titc pHilthlUliill. £35” pciii + ("l' = hills + tlcpmit. 'l‘cl: ()7775 UM) 372.
I Bruntsfield Student Flatshare. l-tirnixhctl rimin ('iininitiiizil \iltiiigi‘niviii/kitchen /h;ithrimin. L'ZISpt‘in + hillx. ’lL'l: H7765 ()7 Si) fill
I 2 rooms available in central llut. suitable for 3 \lllr (lL'lll\. 1.2605“ [Kill + tlt'pti\li. 'l'cl: ()772l 703 553 hr 0“"9 532 087.
I Edinburgh, Trinity Double Rimin iii \ci'} \tcll» L'qtlippt‘tl Slittl‘t‘tl l'ltii. £255pcni+hills (i('lll)(i excel lent \lL'\\\ til L‘ihllt’. gmitl triin» purl lllil\\ in (it) ('cnti'c. Stiit )iiung pl‘illL'\\iUllitl. iiiiii«\iiiiik» cr. lllllliL‘tlltllL' unti'). tlcpmil tk l‘L‘lCl‘L‘liL‘LN l'L‘qllll'L'tl ’l'cl: llTHSI (il(i 2‘):
I Meadowbank. Double room in lm cl}. Itii‘gc \Pil~ L'lilll\ Hill in \hzii‘c w ith (inc nthcr l‘ciiizilc. gimtl l'ni' trunx- purl. \hnpx. pmlL-sxinnul i'ciiiulc pi'cl'ci‘i'ctl. ll/\. (35” pciii + ("l‘ + lilllx + tlcpmil. ’l‘L'lI 07746 fill ()(lN (ii‘ (ll3l ()(ll 373‘).
I Lovely room in intuit-m.
\Vcll lilL"illL‘tl. guy l‘ricntlly t2 lictli‘tmiii) flat in share \\ ith (illL‘ tiilic‘i‘ pl'Ul-L'\\ltlllill llitilc with 'l.i\l)' interests. Suit li/\ lll‘tilt‘\\l(lliill Ul' inailui'c stu- dent. l’i‘i\;itc parking illitl mm \cpci'utc ll'l' llllL'. £250 pcni + ("l' + \hui‘c iii lilllx. 0| 3| (mi 3232.
I Large, sunny room ill \ldlt'llliliilll lltll. Llll\L' lii \llii[‘\ & ‘lillt‘ \lt'.itlti\\\. \lMl ing \\llll itillit'ix L23‘ 0 (‘l 'lt-l til i] jjii Hm“ t». ii".\|i» iii" all.
I Box room available Ill < hctl \h.iit- \\llll I llltilt‘\ t\ 3 units. glow in ( )tmn lt'lllllllul. lllll\l he gn} g.i_\ li'it'ntll} Llllil [k'lll + tlcpmit, lcl ill ;I 55 I ilk.
I Small room in % lit-ti ll.ll on l)lll\L' Street. \h.iit‘ \\ ith I \iit‘mlilt' git} tiit'ii. t'tililt‘ [V t\ hi‘imtlhiintl, U05 pt‘in *' Lilli ('l + tlt‘piHII. 'lc‘li ilq‘rl 3-13 all I Large room in t-t-niml lltll. llclgi'nw ('i‘t'xt'cnl. \lllltll‘lt' int n/\ lil'tllt'\\ltllliil. in share
w ith iinc uthci‘. no cutiplcx [llL‘£l\L‘. £330 + hill» ‘l't-l: (PM): 795 (ill).
I BOX room in li‘it'iitll} litilli“ L'll Sll't't‘l liltti lt) \litil't‘ with l girl. illl lllHtl guns. {I75 pcni + \tllllL‘ hill» 'l'cl: (WU—ll NW) 305 or ill 3| (ihl (Hill).
I Available immediate- ly, double l‘titllli in bright. iiiiitlci‘ii. Stuckhi‘itlgc llnt. mci' ltitiking \Vaitcr (ll l.cith. lil'tliltl hiintl. pmwi' \htmcr. pi'iuitc piii‘kiiig. \lill ll/\ pl'tilL'\\i(lllitl. Lil)” pc‘iii including ("ll ’lt-l: (l73ll lit) 333 iii (ll3l 330 2733.
I Bright double room ;i\';iil;ililc iii ll;l}lll‘.ll'l\L‘l lilill. cxcltixiw ll\L‘ til primit-
How to place a Flatshare ad
Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate and what's more it's free. you only have to cover the cost of calling our Flatshare Hotline to place your advert.
\\\llillllllij_' inml .\ \.iiiii.i. * lllllllllL‘\ In pit} \L'llllk'. .ill nintl guns. liit-ntll} il.ii nutcx .\ lupin lllll\'\ gii.ii.intt-ctl
L US ppm lt'l ill ‘I ‘1"
\ {fill
I Double room to lt'lll Ill zhctl lllt‘tlt'lll \t'\\lll}'lt‘ll. tn \lidlt‘ \\llll _‘ Hllit'l lt'llldlt' \llltlt‘lll\. llllllhllt‘tl itmiii \tilli l‘t'tl t\ “.lltlltll‘t'. \ltltlt‘lll l‘lk' lt'llk'tl. lll lllllllllt'\ Iii l’iintt-xx \‘ticci .\ \l.illi\ll {Jim [um , \lmt- ui l‘lll\ lt-l Willi: mm 3‘").
I Double room available in \iiiin} l’.itliwn \lit't't in \lltllk' \Hlll unc i‘lllL'l Siiit )tinng liltllt‘\\li‘ll.ll. n \ [‘lk‘l k'lL'tl. .l\.lll.ll‘lt‘ .i x .i [i Lillii pun. iiit‘liitling .ill l‘lll\ lt‘l
ill it .in (Ch:
I Room available
immediately in llllllll\llt'ltl. hi‘iglil. \llllll} gi'ntiiitl lltltll
\llll lil'illt‘\\lilll;il. .ill llliltl runs. l‘ilk'h guitlcn. \huit' \\ ill] 3 Ulllt'lN. £25” pan 4- liillx 'lt-l: H7730 tint) kits,
I Single room to lt'lll ill hi'ighl. nintlci‘ii iii lt‘llll. iicui' l‘t'i‘i'} Rimtl. lil lllllllllt'\ ll'tilll ()t'mn 'lt'i' L'Jtiil pcni. nu lllll\ Hi' ("If 'l‘t'l: ii“.\'l.\ ill): 7 it).
I New Town. Very Lugc
tliitihlt' mum in Mill} llll'llhllt‘tl.
\llllli} llliltlt‘l'llht‘tl llui. .i\;iil;ihlc
nim~ \icu iiig i't'uiiiiint‘nilt'tl. Uni) + ("I’ + hulk, 'l't-I: trim All) Kilt).
Phone the Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610
You will be asked for:
1 Your name. address and daytime phone number including dialling code
I Mature studentls) wanted, it \. int thin-i timid.- ii‘i‘lll. \k'llllJl. .i\\lt' ntm llniiiniin \tit'ct \ll.llt‘ \\llll unt‘ «illit'i l’ii\.ilt‘ ;'.iitlt'n_ i‘iimtt‘ ixiikiiig. .lll llli‘tl tnnx t.‘ ‘H l‘\ill ‘ l‘lll\ lcl HI {l i H iii ii‘iilii _‘ii‘ 1::
I Large double room in lii\t‘l§ .‘ lit'tl liiitixt' \\ itli l‘ll\.llt‘ g.iitlt'n\. .‘ lllilllllt'\ \\.lll\ linin l\lll_‘,'\ liiiiltlinjflx. \\ \l_ liitl;'t'. llk't'/k'l. \llll l‘lill\'\\li‘ll.ll n \ lt‘lll.llt' 1:3” lklll ' tlt‘l‘i\\ll, ('l .\ l‘lll\ lL'l ii‘xaiiiiiii tits I Double room in llliltlt'lll lt'llll ll.ll. \ll.llt' \Kllll _‘ Hlllt‘l\. \illl [‘ll‘lt'\\lilll.ll Hi lli.lllllt‘ \lll \lt'lll. n \. ]‘.lll\|ll}‘. l.llf_‘t‘ ll\|ll‘.' .iit'.i tj.‘.\§ [Kill 0 (‘l o l‘ill\ - tlk'l‘inl lt'l HI {I *\§ ‘VVH I Study bedroom in l.llill l_\ liuiiit'. \llll n \ \tiitlt'nt innit-x \ lt‘lll.llk'. nu l‘lll\. .ill l.l\ ll itit'\ L.‘titi ptni lk'l ill ;I ll"
I Double room available ninth-thatch in \tiinniiig. t'nn lt'inliiiini} l'.l\lt‘l Rihltl .ip.iit lllt'lll. \h.iiiii§.' \xith .‘ illllt'l\ L‘Nll [it'iii lt'l ill ‘I obi .‘hil ill ll"th (iI-l ‘Hq
I Large double room iii ii ll'lt'lltll_\ \liiiigi} llt‘ltl litill\L‘. ll/\ liltllt‘\\ltlllill \\illllk‘tl in \liuit- “till .7 nth t'i'x. Alll iiititl t‘iiiix lllt'llltllll;' \k}. gui’tlt'ii. t.‘.‘ll;t;.'t‘ t\‘ pit \gitt- pnikiiig. L {7* pt‘iii iiit'liitliiig ("l. & lllll\. lt'l 0780] -i‘)*) 7.73.
2 Up to 30 words description about the tiatshare including the room, rent, number of other occupants and type of person sought '
3 A contact number for would-be flatmates to ring
Your advert will he published in the next available issue
The List is published fortnightly on Thursda s and weekly during the Edinbur rsday 1 week date. All adverts placed after
12pm Thu
prior to our publicat
if you have any queries or would like to confirm when your advert will appear please call our free
Terms 8 Conditions
Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes. Calls from non-8T and mobile phones may cost more. ‘Ii you are unable to get through please ensure that your phonellne is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. in the barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone. ‘Advertisers must supply lull name and address (NOT for publication). ‘Please note the Flatshare Hotline is tor people seeking a llatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication, any adverts advertising whole rental properties will be removed. 'The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
h Festival. The deadline for placing your flatshare advert is his deadline will appear in the following issue.
We advise that you do not give out personal details when receiving enquiries about your flat and always ensure you
have someone with you when showing people your property
122 THE LIST 3—1 7 Mar 2005