\Inn I‘ll ‘) “Min Q “Will. \it

Ilium Ipm

Mhairi McGregor l lllll 'lut- Ii \l.u NW. p.’llllllll;f\ nt \kt'IlL'\ ul 8;».th Ruth Brownlee I “III lttt' Ig \I.it \t'v. [lilllllllltk


*3 St .-\ll(Il't‘\\\ \lit't'l. ‘RI «1333

Mini I'll Until ‘pm. 8.” noun ipm David Gillanders - Besprizorniki l'nttl \Inn 33 XI.” Ilt'xpi‘i/nt‘niki illt‘.tll\ 'ltt'ylt't It'lI HIltW- .HHI \\;i\ lI\t'(I lit (It'tllht' \uit Hl'leitlh III Rll\\l;l. ll hm tut-till} IK‘CII t‘t'xmtt't'tt'tl ;l\ it it‘\llII nl lht~ yummy numht't nl hutm'lcxx \IIIIlIIt‘II Ill tht- IHIIIICI' Smncl l'mnn 'I III\ I\ .l \llI\\l;llIIl;lI nullt't'tinn ml *ll pimlx I.lI\k'II h} (iilluntlt'ix mm ."l Pt'IIHtI nl IHllI Manx IIHIII pnwn LHIHIIIL'\ lIl Kiln-tin In lllltIt'I'yI’HlllllI \\‘\M'l\ Ill ()(It'\\;l Ill l'kiuint-


I3 R()\t' Sll‘t't'l. “.3 KISS \IHH Sui mum IIIVIPIII.

Yesterday’s Papers l‘ntil In 2% MM. I'.\IHI\|IUII h} (ilnxytm tum-(I .lI'Il\l. I’ulilt'k (ilIIlt'\. Ht \iimll tit-t‘nitiltw. [(WH'I IIIM' \‘HIIIIjJt‘\


Slulinn RHIHI. \IIIII}.‘£I\I\'. TH XXII. Inc Sui Ilium Ipin & .7 ipm. Bearsden Art Club l'ntil I’ll IH Mutt

\ tttlu'tl \IIH'.‘. wt untvt'i. h". Tllg'lili‘t'f\ w? thc Hmtxtlt'tt \tt ('lttlx f.'.:ttttttt: I.tIIlI\\.l[K'\ \IIII lttt'.:t1tl tt-‘ttt.:t:'..' [‘.I|III|II‘_'\

I LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 3H“ Huh \tit-t-t. NI W32 [m- \u ‘kitn hpm

Michael Murray I lllll \\.-\l .‘l \I.tl \k'\\ tIt;'Il.i| llll.l‘.'\‘\ I‘It'lliIlll.' ‘I.lIIll‘t Imllt'llllt'\ .lIltI I‘k'k'\

I THE MODERN INSTITUTE a; RHI‘CIIMIII \Ilt't'l. \llllt' (L I INN! I. SIX VII 'ltit- III IIHHII <l‘lll Andrew Kerr l Hill I H I \[‘l \t-v.



§ 3! \I.it;:.nt-t\ I’LMg HR]: l,l|§ '1; Hill Sal l i[in]

c'are suel’henson O... l mil \..t I" \IIII. \g-u \\1I[k\|lnp.1pk-l \cc

Artist Spaces


IH Kin}: Slit-cl. “I 331”. Hill}

mum (mm.

Seek Ye Ur Questing Beast \u

l3 Sun Ill \I.tt '\ t'nll.ilmt.itt\t' \ nit-n. \t'ulpttii't' .intl pt'itniintint'c lxtxt-tl [mum h} Slt'pltt'n \Illll;t_\ ,ititl |.lII\\' ('nllim

an inwxliuullnn nl I;llll.‘l\lt‘\ \xithin IIIC


H1 ILL. \f'.. ' l \..'

Shrine; Raimi Gbadamosi l “1:1 \..'

I. \I‘II‘ \tt\‘-‘~ t\,‘.\‘7,f; "t. ...t t.

.. .t .l . a! .', k

\l;\t.‘II. Itllt\. ..Ll. .I'lk Jot-A. t..:


I tutti Ills 5.:lt‘ l"l\ll\ tt.‘ tm'tt 3‘.» It .gxt. .:\

\‘liz'fli.:lt*! t-t Itt.‘ ‘IIUJI It.tl\l\ V9.1; .1\t'Ill\I\‘Il‘}‘I\‘I\'\I.t'.'.t{I1\TK‘I‘l‘ltNHH'II“.

Yltt' \t;'t't:.itt jgt~‘..'ttttt.t-ttl


II.!I1\\I|‘\\II\'( tt'\.'ttl.'l”"_ Amazing Grace - The Braes, a Document \Iutt Unit 1 \I.:t l’ltut«»§,'t.tpltx ml I.III\'I \\ tlwttk tintl'x IIHHM‘ with It llH\\ ltcx cmptt lltc R‘M‘II. (Ik'tl|\ \KllIt lltt' tlt‘t.:tlx ml .i \tu't ttt. \IIIIKHMHHI titt'ittut} .itttl tltt' It‘llllll In :t .:\ .lIl .ttlttll \ppntnttttt‘ttt ultl‘.

Check out the


on page 13

MM ‘Monkey’ is the name of this digital assemblage. Within the dentist‘s surgery, highly co|oured

images of architec

. JL?!LFIV‘QJ Cjti/ku'o. Gt3>\4‘\\I.I. \A' o I’C‘ki‘ I: . of,

ture and signs covered in graffiti, scrawls and damage hang tight.

Wsual Art


GOSSIp, Chat and rumour from the gal/en floor

I Glasgow International is shaping up to be an exciting inaugural festival for April. Highlights from the recently announced programme include Tramway's hosting of a specially curated show from one of the world‘s premier collections of contemporary art, Mexico's Jumex Collection; newly commissioned work by Glasgow based and Smith/Stewart at 64 Osborne Street; Neil Mulholland’s specially curated Campbell's Soup exhibition at Glasgow School of Art and iconic feminist American artist Barbara Kruger‘s new installation at Gallery of Modern Art along with her specially commissioned billboard work at Glasgow‘s Central Station. Curator Francis McKee is looking toward to having his life back in May, but the generous loan looks set to be worth it.

I HUI; l ltt't, r)? l mt / i a" lll‘fl,’ it 't'tf. lit,“ 'ttt-ltri‘fitr'i lil?) “::T"t.:’»e Hat‘t'nl‘ Rtfl'li‘l" I". {l tum '. l;, (Eto‘rgp' tJ'xtz'ttxtvt'w; JI‘II‘,” 'l t,- narvztt tn; (,1 H‘HIIV‘L WIM’, WI. z", A ‘9 "'.~ t)’ u’ t .‘t‘. t'ttzt' (tut «'1 Abmt 4n: IUH‘ fit'wct VOW/1' .‘.’.’.'.'.’,'Yl if,“it",rt;i‘t-t‘, (I, 15‘ mt,- {,tiz't'lifi ,x' Ell/,5 at": t't-p- ‘l/z'. a; ’tI‘ If. ttrrg‘. (Il'lil t'tf‘;t-“",’.IH; alum) :r t'u; H: In“. It, the ;'t'.;,.;r w 1! (wall: than? O't‘: (:“Ttt’; 'Itnxtttxo'r: t"ts: .jti’tt"‘.t’,' ‘EIVN‘.’ 't fl‘w; t; w is, 'i"',./.:K,. 'lI’YI/A, 31',I‘Q'H’III'I{J‘tfllllfj‘j/Ht'l’lIt'll/['93 I'l’fllCfl lw: f.f)_l’I '1?!‘.":Ii‘:‘:l returnt‘r; in film (ax'wtm’ur't. rixx't‘tcl; fiat/ll?)

I Meanwhile, in Edinburgh, things were getting quite out of hand for the opening of doggerfisher's new show, Liquid Soft Lightening Touch. Perhaps influenced by the heady gin and cucumbers atmosphere, one little girl got all excited and raced around, skimming the delicate works on paper with breathless joy, until one circuit whisked too close to the edge and pulled a carefully placed thread right off the wall (pictured). Needless to say, it all ended in tears. So it's just one gin for her next time, then.

I Corigrafnlattm s, to Eugttanr' Mac‘C/itl. who has gist wan to S.‘ 1,00”; RSA Salt/05m Art Scholarsnn. He plans to use II to t'avcl to the stores of the Atlantic. to Cape Breton l't Nova Santa. Canada and to Iceland 8m voyage.

' 2'. THE LIST 105