I Jubello, Elmo, Nothing But Vengeance, The Contradictions, Acquitted, Them and Us, Juno Barll}. :(ill (lhlt' SllL'L'l. llN—ll ‘lll— (NW) Spin Ur lzrnergen/a put on llll\ night \\ ith the eoinpielieiNiel} brilliant line-up Nightx like tliexe make gigging great tun I Figure 5, Luxury Car and My Shotgun Sister l'ill} \lurr) \. ‘lh Maxuell Street 33l (\5ll S “0pm £5 i£4i. l’inup \iglitx Lt'llllllllL' \iitli another ol their great lllll\le eluh \llllltllj;\ \Hlll tliree eu'ellent ll\t' .iet\
I Pure Reason Evolution .\'iee'n'Slea/}. 43l Saueliiehall Street. 3 ii 0900 S itlpm £tlie The} non (rlttll'llltlfl \ingle ol the week. their album bothered the (Bath. and no“ the} ‘re gonna \hou ux \ih) the} 'i'e north the tum
I Eleven The Hall Bar. llill \Voodlanth Road. i53 ‘N‘Hi ‘lpm l’ree
I Open Mic Brunxxi iek (‘ellarx 3W Saueluehall Street. .i‘il l.\‘30. 4pm l-ree. \Vt‘k'hl} \e\\li>tl.
I Live Music Barll} tllp\l;lll\l. 300 ('l}de Street. 0870 007 00‘)”. lpm. £5. (her- l4x \lio\'.. lineup \llll to he eonlirmed tor tlux ('lnldeatelierx ('hureh ot NOISL' e\ent
I Ian McNabb, Kubichek and Dawn of the Replicants The Bongo (lulu. Mora} llotixe. ‘7 llol_\i'ood Road. 553 7004. (rillpiii. £l0_ See Thu l".
I Deadline, Wasted Nation, Guns on the Roof and United Front \Vliealxlieal. 307/30‘) Balgi‘een Road. i4o 080]. Tpni. £h. l‘etnale lronted l.ondon street pllllkx Deadline headline.
I Stephen Fretwell The Venue. I," 3| ('alton Road. 55" 3053. 7pm. £5. \lueh touted in the prev lug thing\ are e\peeted ol llll\ singer/Kong“riter in 3005.
I The Blood Arm atid Saint Jude’s Infirmary l'iil't‘Sl (Kile. .5 Bl'hlii l’ltlL'L‘. 33‘) 4553, Split. {5. l.:\ l'tiek ilt'l lllt' liliiml .'\l'lll pla_\ ()ptimo loltiot'l'ou \xliieli should gi\ e _\ou some idea ol their \ound.
I G-Plan, Luxury Car and Breschnev ('aledonian Baekpaeket'x 5 (‘lueenxlerri Street. 470 7334. 8.50pm. £4. lileeti'o pop l'rom Perth and lidinhurgh.
I The Dexateens, The Grease Monkeys, Denghis and Taylor Hollingsworth The .\lereat. 3.\‘ Wed Maitland Street. 335 .‘sShl. 0pm. £4. Southern roek lroni Alabama ho} \ the l)e\ateen\ \\ ho mash up intlueneex l’rom l._\n_\rd Sk)nrd to .-\(‘/l)('. \Vith punk support from the (ireaw Monke} \ and eountr) -roeker\ Denghix.
I KDH Douglas 8. Corps of Discovery The Tron. ‘) llunter Square. High Street. 330 0051. Upm. £3. ('ountr} hluex at uni roek night Beatxx ille.
I Left Bank Night The l.et't Batik. 37 (iuthrie Street. 335 0744. ‘lpm. ()pen forum for artixtx. lllll\iL‘i;tll\ and mind\. I Messenger, Korova, Corporation Blend and Carpe Diem Bannerman‘x. Nitldt'} Sll‘t‘t‘l. 55ft 5354. ‘lpm. £5. Roek. pop and lunk.
I The Belgranos, Paul Liddell, The Good and Mothersugar \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 (3 South Bridge. 557' 5| l4. tipm. Free lietore midnight; £5 alter. .-\eou\tie \olo lrom l.iddell plux indie from .-\u\tralian\ the (iood.
I Electric Six Barron land. 344 (ialloxxgate. 553 4o01. ".30pm. £13.50. The~e era/_\ gu) \ put the danger. danger into the East lind ot~ the en}. .»\x it it ttCL‘dL‘d il.
I The Blood Arm Suh (‘lulx Jamaiea Street. :43 4000. I lpm. U». l..-\\ the Blood .-\rm pla) at ()ptimo the eoolext club in (ilaxgtm. Big one for the eluh and for gigging in general.
I Status Guo Sl{(‘(‘. liinniexton. 348 5000. ppm. £3h.50. The Quo eome hack to pro\ e to U\ \\ h_\ their particular brand ot‘ hoar} roek still paeks ‘em in alter dl‘Ulll l3(l(l )L‘dh ill lllL‘ l‘lhlm‘“. (‘ldvic l.i\ e .-\id pertormanee. too.
80 THE LIST 7 ‘ Fob—3 My
There’s something about the Zutons’ music that's difficult not to like. Maybe it‘s the fact that
it's shamelessly upbeat, cunningly infectious and happily unshowy. Maybe it how they stand their ground in a field packed with hollow indie preeners in feathered mullets. Maybe it's just the damn fine tunes, but their skunked up ragtime blues is a winner.
\th A f‘ (l'() 'litltl‘tvs (l \ ‘l‘til’k'x? i\"((1\k " .5“: l’iti’vl p‘l ' (3') ~/‘()! )"w.
or; .5") for). by ,1 «I’lt'llltfe‘ to art .'.’t.‘l\z,’.'f€ anti moo? The (um: .’i.’ ."".‘£ :2\.‘x;.:;x\.w ::"o\.'. r:
I Fallout Boy ('aihouxe. l5 l'mon Street. 343 (iotlh, Spin. £7.50 The roekingext name in toun getx read} tor more In e aetion ax llll\ hit nexi hand pay a \ l\ll.
I A Bittersweet Moment, Resident Calling, Rafiki, Civilised and Synthetic The (Killioiixe. l5 l'nion Street. 34S (mun ".30pm. £4.50 iad\aneel. £5 idoori. ()xer- l4x \llim. limo punk line» up.
I Meredith’s Way, The Tracks and Danny Moran Stereo. Kehinhaugh Sllt‘t‘l. Silt SilltS. Spill. £4. :\L‘titl\llL‘ \uiger/wngn riterx‘ eiemng \\ itli eountr} and folk inlleetionx.
I The Nucleotides The l5lh Note (are. 50 (ill King Street. 553 INS. ‘lpni. £3. Modern \url lll\ll‘lllllL‘lll;tli\l\.
I The Good Life Siee‘ii‘Sle;i/}. 43| Saueliieliall Street. 553 0000, ()pm. £(i. The hand \\ hieli started as a \ide projeet for Tim Kaxher l'roni (’urm e ll;t\ heeome a line hand in itx min right. (Hitch). mood} pop roek that lluetuatex hetueen the all- age\ eluh and the \mok} eaharet sound. liier} \ong ha\ a plan. and )ou're ll\ll;lll_\ part ol it.
I Cold Night Song The (ioat. 1337 .'\rg.\le Street. 357' 7373. Split. l-ree. ('harlie and Neil lormei‘l} ol' :\\ll‘ltl are
joined h} Jenn} Ree\ e and Staee}
Sie\e\\right 0i lllL' Reindeer Seetion tor d ne\\ aeouxtie night \\llll glle‘xlx.
I Sugarman The llalt Bar. loo \Voodlandx Road. 353 Wllh. Spin. l'ree. I Joe Durso Roekerx. l4 Midland Street. 33l 0730. 8pm. Free.
I Acoustic Night The Vale. 5 l)unda\ Street. 533 0‘J4h. Spin. £5.
I Ernest The Seotia. III I I4 Stoekxi ell Street. 553 \‘(iSl 4pm. l-‘ree. (ilk-inxpired original\ and eo\er\.
I Pure Reason Sulma) (‘tmgaie (3‘) (‘ougate 335 (mm. "50pm. £4. See Sat 1‘).
I Whylie Mooks, Good Against Remotes and Corca Bannernian'x. .\'iddr_\ Street. 550 5354. 0pm. £4. l.ueid \trumming and \oealx t'roin Mookx \\ ho eountx .\'iek (‘a\ e. Joe Jackson and .-\le\ llar\e_\ amongst lilS intlueneex.
I David Allison The left Bank. 57 (iutlirie Sll‘t‘L‘l. 9-44. £4 it} i. SL‘L‘ Till] I".
I Connor McCarty, Prime Suspect and Nathanial Slade \thtlebinkiex. 4 o South Bridge. 55‘ 5| 14. (rpm. l-‘ree. .\'ight ot~ eo\er\.
I Paul Weller Sl:(‘(‘. l5inniexton. 343 5000. "Sllpiii. £3S.5ll. ()ld groueli} knieketx linall} pla'u llll\ \klllL‘ll \iax postponed lrom (i No» .\ great night in pt‘oxpeet.
I Embrace Barron land. 344 (ialloixgate. 553 4(i0l. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. Big eliortixexl' Cheek. lleartx on \lee\e\.’ Damn straight. Sold out gig',’ ()li _\eali.
I Mistake us for Friends liart'l}. 2m ('l_\de Street. 0870 007 000‘). Spin. £lhe. A great hand and mute line support aetion l'rom Sehool ol .-\\d\\lll\.
I Steriogram, Naked Apes and Shortcut to Newark King 'l‘ui'x \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St Vineent Street. 33l 537‘). S50piii. £7. Steriogram are a well liked indiepunk hand lroni .\'e\\ /.ealand “IIUSL‘ aritio)iiigl_\ eateh} \lllg'lt‘ ‘\\'alkie Talkie .\lan‘ ll;l\ been \tuek in our head\ tor months now
I The Vera Cruz, The Gems and Green Door Clinic Barll). 300 (‘l_\de Street. 0.\’"0 007 09W. Spin. £5. The headlinerx are a huneh ol' llllL'th' roekeiN u ho just might go on and xell a million eopie\ ol \ometliing xoineda).
I Brendan Benson The Venue. l~ ('alton Road. 55'7 3073 ".30pm. £5. Detroit indie \lllgk'l‘/\till:._'\\l'llL‘l' in the Badl} l)ra\\n Bin/lilliot Smith mould. hut \iitli added energ} and lug llldlC\ \\ ith the “hue Stripes. See pre\ 10“.
I Taylor Made Mondays The Bongo (‘llllt Mora} House. 5‘ llol)t‘00tl Road. 558 “mu. 8pm. £3 il‘reei. Ta}lorMadeMuue l’roinotiom lio\l\ an allordable Monda} Night Band Shoueaxe. leaturing an .-\eou\tie ()pen .\lie in the (are. It _\ou're interested in performing at llllS e\ ent. hatidx eontael:
ta} lormademuxie(a blue}ondereouk; lot' open tine eontael:
hongoniienitew llUllli;tll.eHlll.
I 2 Minutes of Hate, Yahoo Serious and Debaser Bannerman‘x. .\'iddr_\ Street. 550 5354. 9pm. £4. Roek. metal and indie. I Open Mic \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 (i South Bridge. 55" 5| l4. 9pm. Free. ltixt turn up and pertorm.
Glasgow 311 REM and Now It’s Overhead Sli(‘(‘. l-‘inniexton. 34.\ 3000. ".30pm. £55. Rapid
.2 Jr‘i .3 \«l)~)'). .~ UL'. ' u.‘i" .‘i‘w'
ir‘ :xhl.»
eie mmement are illlllt' a popular three pieee heal eomho. apparentl_\ Tliix \old out in appio\itnatel_\ three llilllilSCK'UlltlS. \(l llleleN ill“ Iothl} \llll .t maxxoe amount ol good leeluig loi them.
I Paul Weller Sli('(‘. l'llllllt'xltill. 348 3000. "50pm. £3S50. See Mon 3|.
I Embrace Bal'lou land. 344 (iallougate. 553 400]. 3pm. Sold out The anthemie Maenamara lit'otliet'x do their \eeond (il;t\go\\ \Vli} the} lime heeome \o popular again remainx like the ereation ol the p_\raniid\ Ill lig_\pt a eoinplete lll}\lL‘l'_\ to t'\L'l"\Ullt'. I KT Tunstall King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St \ineent Street. 33l 537‘). Sfillpni. £(i. ('laxxie \mger \onguriting talent l'rom .\li\\ Tunxtall. Slie\ getting niuelio airpla} on Radio I right rum. and this IS ali‘ead} \old out. No doubt \he‘ll be liaek at a bigger \enue won.
I The Ronelles and Joe Owlsley Sunshine Barll). 3(i0 (‘|_\de Street. llS7ll Oil? 000‘). llpm. £4. ()\L'l‘ lS\ otil}. llot Soutlixide hand the Ronelles pla} onee again. The} ‘re tipped to ;tL‘lilL‘\L‘ great llitttgx. St) ll'\ \xell \Mil'lll eheekmg them out now
I Maximo Park. The Fallout Trust and Villa Nova Barll}. 360 ('l}de Street. 0870 007 000‘). Spin. £(i. ()ier le ottl}. Triple hill ol neix indie talent at llllS great \enue headlined h} Warp Reeordx' neu \lg'lllllg. a eoek} huneh ol' angular indie kidx \ihieh onl} addx to the litlk‘lV .tlt'etttl} eeleetie l'tlSlt'l'.
I Doves (‘orn lixehange. l I New Market Road. 477 3500. 7.30pm. £l7. A great new single from these gu_\\ means that llllS gig will be men more highl} anticipated than their tixual. l)o\es rock. and the} \H'lle gt'etil \(lllgS. too. See
pre\ ieu.
I Stratus, Wall Street Ammunition Hero and Acrnym Subua} ('ougate. (i‘) ('imggile, 33.5 (i7()(). 7.30pm. £5. ‘lixperiniental \paH-out ia/l-out prog metal' apparently
I Merznacht The left Batik. 37 (itithrie Street. 335 9744. ()pm. ()uter limit hip hop. alternatii e tau and eleetro.
I Open Mic \k'ltistlehinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5l l4. ()pm. Free. Jltxl turn up and perform.
I Band Showcase \Vhislle‘hitik’its.
4 (3 South Bridge. 557 5l l4. 9pm. l‘ree. ('all in adxanee tor a gig.