Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Ticket inionnation

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 1/ r: Arm“: ‘st'wl. (ill/‘10:, “ll-11 1/17. “73‘, Tickets Scotland tw,’ Hrm- Stuart. l'llrllnirllll. lrl'll .91”) (field.

Ripping Records ’it Sleuth thump.

(Il'll 1/2“, Will;

Way Ahead (ll-'11 .lflfl ‘lJ-léifl


I Biffy Clyro, Hell is for Heroes and Ghostride ('tirllng :\L‘iltlL‘lll_\. III liglmlnn Sim-l, (NUS ()2ll 3000/0370 77 2000. 3pm. £12. Thu-xt- gun tirc \o popular lll llll\ arm. and thix l\ prool. 'Hlt'

II) ro drop homhx l'rom thc \tugc. \\ llh \uppol't ll'Ulll (ihoxtridc.

I Englebert Humperdink Rtl};li ('onccrt Hull. 2 Sullchichull Slrccl. 353 Htltlll. 7pm. BUSH/£27 'l’hix lillm-xclling lcggcild ol‘ the ltldtlxlt‘} pil_\'\ u long oxcrduc \ iin to thc concert hull.

I Arab Strap King 'l'ut'x \Vuh \Vlrh Hut. 372:1 St Vincent Slrccl. 331 527‘). 8.30pm. [I I. A kind ol houlccollling lor thcxc gll}\. lhc prow :lnd hcziutil'ull} crul'tcd muxic

llotil .iround )ou incr} bod} hid-x ti good \ltlr}

I Tsunami Fundraiser iilL' .-\r;hc\ Midland Slrcct UV” 244' “'55 lllpm L5 \lothcr and lhc .'\ddl\1\ plti} .it lhl~ ghtirll} cwnt. .ilongxldc\lll:..' Kdlll. l'nt‘lc John. \Vhltclock. l)th \ilclllc .ind DJ \llngo-(io I Gold Chains and Sue Cie, Shit Disco and Surface Emp Mono. 12 King\ (’ourt. King Strcct. 55“ Lilli hpul Llht. lilct‘lrohunk hip hop ultidncxx trom .\1r(‘h;un\ turd lll\ i.llL‘\l plirtncr in griml- Stir (in Scc pgincl.

I David Alison Tchgu ()Hld. ()ldgo ldllt' 53f» 3905 Split. L2 l);i\ id :\Hl\tlll illl\ ux mlh ilh loopcd and lint-ml guitar wund. \\ llh llw lllultr-tmt'kcd L'tllllptl\llltlll\ and tllllltl\pllL‘rlL' hurllloulc»

I Free Candy Collective|llltl Ship ((irctit \chlct'tl Rogidr. 5.30pm. L'lht~ 'th grcall llL'\\ lllllle‘ (luh uwd to cnllt‘c \UlllL' ol lhc llllL‘\l underground guitar .lCl\ lo plii} tit lhc Liquid [.oungc. but no“ the} ri- branching: ollt \xcxl to pct .i 'l’hurxdti} night pull on. Soulcund} and l-.\ol\t'r phi} ltllllghl. The} 'rc looking; lor hulldx lo Pitt} on luturc tltllL'\. too.

I Harriet and Amy Correia lircl. Axhton lunc. 3-12 4mm, lell. l’rcc. 'l‘xxo cntrrcl} drl'lcrcnt lcmgrlc \lngcr \ongurltcrx \hurc the hill tit Brcl. (ilnxgou -h;i\cd Harriet l\ \ultr} and ltlood} \ihrlc Allicrlcti'x Am} (‘orlcm our hc ;i hit luggcd Ill it Tom \Vuilx kind ol \Hl}.

I Madeleine Pritchard and her Band 'l'hc (ioul. I287 Arg} lc Strcct. Kchlngrow. Spill. l'rcc. l‘rmh hour the Bull ('luh and licnr} \ J;i// (‘cllluz thix _\oung lud} '\ \ongx huw rcccntly hccomc ptlrt ol lull .-\ndcr\on\ \olo rcpcrtolrc. Much i\ uh} \hc \\1l\ :l litttlllxl in the [K \ong writing contut.

I UK Deathcharge, Chargrilled Squirrels, ATP, Screemer, The Times, Way of the Exploding Fist :lnd Standy Burll}. 3m (‘lylc Strcct. (Ml) 007 out»). 7pm.

I The Glory Hole Studio ()nc.

(llt\\\cl‘.l‘l' Hotcl. (ilowcuor 'l‘crltitt‘ olt B}rc~ Rt‘dtl‘. IJl Mlo ‘Jplll l-lcc

I Will Hanson ’l'mtlcrlxox. 1W li}lt‘\ Rl‘dd. 1“) ill“ "l‘lll lit-c .\gou\tlt vet I Jam Session Mmucl [lou K. h" "l Mlhuluh‘ Rodd. «'2‘ tllll“ \ illpul i‘lL‘t' Hmlud h} lndcpcndclltc


I Fred Eaglesmith ()uccn‘x lltzll. ('lt-rk Strt‘ct. NW Illl" "pm {X ('.ill.idl.ui xlugcl \onguritcr (\‘lllt'xlldll did“ in; on mrl} L-r.i younlr} illltl root~ chucking ill the odd ollc Illicl hctuccll tightl} t'ltiltt'd lllllt‘\ I Born to Be Wide 'l’lit- Sim-l. 2 Fraud} l’ldpc. “ox”: "l‘lll ltull l-lct‘ \luxit' llltlthll'} \ot'ltil gluh thtit pltulx to him; lllll\tl\. It'lllll.tll\l\. prolrlott‘lx. lk'tl‘ltl \hop \xorkcrx turd lllll\lultlll\ togt'tlit-l \\ rlh d \giltcd \(‘Ulltllltluk llolll luduxtl} hodx Shall I\ Hi'( A/x'x \llllld} \h’Kt‘tul. uho llllll\ l)cg_'l'.i\\l\ Tom and \llt‘hdcl 1“ him lolloucd h) tlL‘lUI' (Mr) \ltt'orllldt'k .uid l’lt'lixh ’l‘mil‘x .lohnn} hutch l i .\l.u'l

I The Dyad Thu 1 clt “link. i" (illlilllt' Strcct. 325 9744 ‘lplu \cu night lol “11km Hollxc'x llL‘\\ ;l\;illl gill‘dc It'll Hunk but ;l\ lht' I)}.ld. .-\K ‘\ (.lll'h RH\\. Ht'llldllull Sghogglcr. l’.iul Kt't'llt'. |)d\t‘ Row and \lt' tilld 'l'lm .\loolc luw t'lcctloulo urth llllltl\;lll\L‘ llhll'tllllt‘llldl groom-x

I Out of the Bedroom \ng-rl) “til. Sr .\l;ir_\ '\ Stl’cct. 55!» 8855 ‘lplll ()pcll nut \t‘\\ltlll l'or lzdulhurghhawd \illgcr/xonguritcrx. l’olk. punk. lullk

luxt brill}: :ilollg )otll' original \ongx ttlltl \Ign up to pin) zit H-hll.

I Rieser :md Amplifico llt-riol-Wull l'luwrxit} l'nlon. Rlccurton. 451 5333. 0pm. l'rcc. l)ouhlc hill ol~ llltllt‘ lxludcnlx and Hit” gucxlx old} I.

I Sugardaddy, Clayface and Spiral TV Billlucrlllzul‘x. \ltldl‘} Strcct. 550 3254. 9pm. £1. litix} llltilc/rtk‘h.

I Dresden Dolls and Giin 'l‘hc \‘cnuc. l7 3] (‘tiltoll Rtltltl. 557 3H7}. 7.3llplu.

L' It). Btlxltlll duo pl;i}iug_' till ulllikcl} hlcnd ol' tiltcrnuliw pop-rock. not grrrl and

(it‘fllldll gunucl

I Cobra Grade. Dieselbone and Hejira \\ hhtlt'l‘lllklcx. -1 o V‘tlllt Hildgc. “" <l 1—2 "l‘lll live “at “MN. gulltux

tolloxwd h} tullk llolll Ht‘lllu.


I Ian McNabb lhc Will. to \t.ltlcm\ \tlcct. Hi I in 4-11 1"] \plll 11H \lt \zhl‘ \ltllit‘tl out ill I l\t'lpudlltlll pxlt’hcdcht pop lurid lht' Itltlc \\olk\ l‘ctol; lolfgur: .i \olo t'tilccl \xhlt'h htix lutludt'd hour; ixltld'd l‘\ \t'll \oullg'x lugt'llddl} h.uld (ll/l Hi‘l\'

Friday 18


I The Bravery ( ll.l\‘_'l‘\\ \t‘llmll ol \ll lm RUNNER \‘uct-l *3 WM L" u *4»

I hid ullld hip \t-xx \olk pullkxtt‘lx pl.i_\ .it the cplt't'llllt' ol the llt‘“ (il.i\;_‘o\\ tool \Vhdt llli‘lt‘ do _\oll \\.illt. ll loll'lt‘ uudt'l ,‘ll _\t'.tl\ ill .tht" I Ed Harcourt .md Stephen Fretwell Klllj; lut'x \Mh \\.ih Hut 3‘34 .\t \ rutt'ut \tlt't'l. Ill ‘3‘" h illplll tl.‘ ill (it'llllh \ollgxxlllt'l “MUM”\t'\ .iliotht'l .lpptxudutt' lll (ll.l\}1\\\\. llll\ lllllt' \uppoltt'd h) \lt'pht'll l'lt'lm'll \ hot gr: llolu tuo \lll_‘_'t'l\

I Shooglenifty H.illo\\l.illd. .‘l-l (l.l||ll\\:__',l[\" QT: Milli ltlpm Uh lhl\ lolk .ud night lk'.lllllt'\ the \t‘l_\ illlt' "tutti. uho how .i gnarl tollomu; .uld .il\\.l\\ \plmd il.ll‘[‘lllt'\\ lll ti tt‘ltlt’ \lilt' \xht'u lht-t PM

I Hood, Simplestorm .mtl Kasule Stcrt‘o. Kt‘luuhduuh Sllt'ct. Vt) *lllh 1th Spin ()uulttht'ntldll} llljjlhil iotk lurid llltikc .i \l\ll to thc lllo\t qulutt'xxculmlh (il;l\\\t‘f_'l.tll \llltlt‘lll \L‘llllt' oil lht-u l K tour. Tht'} 'rt' \onut'ldltu'x. .uld lhc} Lip into their ltml\ through lilt‘ll' luuxlt‘

I The Acoustic Affair .ll l'ht- lion M 'I'rollgutc. \lt'rt‘hullt (ll). “2 42h” Spill {the lily \t'r} lint' Ruth .\1;ulrn .ippt'.il\ \Hlil Sturxk} at lill\ ilk'l‘lhllk' t'luh on \lggill Sll'L‘L'l.

The new album

Includes the forthcoming single ‘The Widow’

78 THE LIST 17 Feb-3 Mar 2005

Produced By: Omar A Rodriguez-Lopez Mixed By: Rich Costey