No one would ever deny that it‘s good to have a

natter, but that Michael McIntyre could talk the hind legs off a lumbering central defender or two. His propensity for audience banter is such that it appears at first glance this relatively posh lad has barely any material to hand at all. Yet, his is a cunning act, sneaking his killer set-ups onto a speedily compliant crowd. He got himself a Perrier Newcomer nomination in 2003, and more plaudits could be on his way soon. If he could only stop talking for five minutes to hear them.

J. ,‘llg/(PU/S, G/asgow. Thu (36a! :3 Mar,

Place. 553 7272. 9pm. £5 t£2.5ll Hi. Well-bred lunii} man Milex Jupp iritr‘odticex Jolin (iillit‘k ttx part ol liix month!) \lot l'oi' tip and coming talent.

Wednesday 23


The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe III Charity Appeal The Stand. 553 \Yoodlttndx Road. 037” (ile (ill55. 3.30pm. U) (£3 £5). The Bible- baxhirig Rev gathers his l'aithl'ul l'ollotterx together hit an tinhol} exerting ol' \piritual healing.


Comedy Quiz at the Street The Street. 2 l’it‘;tt'tl}' Place. 556 4272. 0pm. Free. l‘or'mer Perrier Bext Neucomer llar't‘} Ammoth t.-\K.-\ (iarth (‘rtiikxhanki competes at this \\L‘L‘l\l_\ quiz with plent) ol‘ pri/ex on oll'er.

The Stand lmpnov The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £4 (£2 £3). lixplor‘e the cra/_\ \xorld ol' itnpro\ L‘Ulttt‘tl} \\ ith the Stand l’la_\er\ ax the) climb hill arid dale in \earch ol' bigger and better laughs. \\ ith help lroni a text circuit regtilarx.


Jongleurs Comedy Club JongletIrS. l‘(i(‘ Building. Renl‘r'eu Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £7. ('reor'die Micke} llutton joins Ctllttt‘tl} l‘orcex with lrithan lair (‘oppingeiz childixh entertainer Rh} \ l)arb_\‘ and Rtidi Lickmtod. See prex ten for Darb}. The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 thxllands Road. 0870 (will) («55. 8.30pm. £6 (£3 £5). l’ormer magician (‘arey Marx. John (iillick and Derek Devine join a special guest compere lot tliiS pre-weekend coined} offering. The Midnight Hour (‘rr-rmenor. :\\hton Lane. 33‘) S444. midnight. t'll). Quentin Reynolds and .-\n\ il Sprirtgstein join Patnck Rolirik for more late night corned) titlerings.


The Three Tuna Comedy Night The Three Ttins Wine Vaults. 7 l l llanm er Street. 0790‘) 552345. 0pm. liree. l)a\ id Hell‘ron takes to the spotlight \\ ith comic support from Neil Melitrlane. Robert

Parker and Quentin Re_\ noldx.

The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S 7272. ‘lptn. to rt'.i [5r lop llUSl l'i‘ankie Ho} le introdtieex ;tSltlle comic :\|i\t;tir Barrie. aided and abetted b} (ir‘aeriie 'l‘lioriiax and Nigel Buckland. The Snatch Social 'llie lagtiid Rooiii. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 2504.

ll).3llpm 3am. L31 (£3.5lli. See 'l’hu l7. Reg Anderson’s Comedy Night @ Acanthus Acanthtrx. l7 \Vaxerle} Bridge. 55o 2,35S. 9pm. I’t'ce. (ier'r"\ (haul and (ilaxuegian l)e\ .\lcl .can join Sunderland’x Reg .-\nder\ori lot a night ol laughx.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltinglettr'x. l'(i(' Building. Renl'reu Street. llS7tl7 S7ll7ll7. Spin. £12. See Thu 24. The Stand lltt‘ Stand. .555 \YtititllantlS Road. (liS’7l) (illl) (i055. .S’._‘~llprn. [S if. i. (are) .\lar‘\ cour’t\ corned} contro\et'\_\ \\ ith help l'r‘oin .lohri (iillick. l)er'ek l)e\ine. \L‘\\ and tent} lioxt .Sttmtn .\loi'r't\on. The Midnight Hour ( il‘ti\\t‘ntit‘. :\\liltill lame. 53‘) S-l-l-l. Midnight. L'lll. (ilaxgrm \ur‘t‘ealN l)e\ .\lcl.eaii .ioin\ poxh bo} .\'eil Mcl-arlane l'or' \onie poxt midnight laugh»


Jackson’s Way ’l‘raxerxe 'l‘lieatre. ('ambridge Street. 22S I-lllJ. Spin. {l I W450 t'o.5lli. 'l'he \trrprixe u inner ol the l’er‘rier .-\\\;tr‘d 2lllH takeS lllS parod) ol' sell-helpjargon and motnatioiial \peakerx on a national i'e-i‘tin. See leattii'e. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongletit‘S. ()intii ('entr'e. (il‘t‘t‘lISitlL‘ l’lacc. MSW." S7ll7ll7. .S'.l5pm. U2. Simon l-o\ l‘tltllltlS tip the corned} talent\ or 'l‘on} ‘l’alelace‘ llendrikx. Bobb} de .\'iro irnpi‘exai‘io (ieol'l‘ Bo_\ / and cheer} lrixhrnan lzddie Bannon. The Stand The Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S "2.72. ‘Ipni. (S rift. Intelligent \tarid-up .-\lt\l;tll' Barrie takex to the limelight n rtli corned) \upport trom (iraerne 'l'hortiax. \igel Buckland. \tand~olli\h lurirt} ltl‘tll Jon 'l'ot‘t'eth and ~upcr \harp compete lane .\lacka_\. The Bedlam lmproverts Bedlarn 'liltt‘dlrt‘. l ll‘ Bl'lSIU Place. 22.5 959.“. ll).3(lpm. {5.5” tL’3i. See r-r-r IS. Australian Kieran Butler and \‘r\ (iee.

{a i; w

Jongleurs Comedy Club lor‘..'..“..:\


\allqll“ \Itgvh ill

llrrIldtrig. Re'rfrex‘. Site " See ll"... Ha Ha Comedy lll.:et\ll‘..:f\. 1" hell Street. 55" 5r~2r~ \I‘II: Lo \l( [in

\lel can welcornex \.:l( hatrdn. poetexx

ledtl\ and nrore

\1\ (rec dark littltitiYISI

eouted} talent to the \tant. up stage

The lll‘t' \l.:lltl. :2: \\I‘\‘\ll.‘.llti\ Raul iix‘rr tutti ttti<< up“) girl .1» See

I ll 25. although .lane \lacka} take\ me: a\ lti‘Sl

Madcap Comedy Club llie State Bar. HS llollarid Street. 1‘2 tilt lrank lane} (rodley lake\ to the \potlrglit urth .orirr. \upport trorrr ..rrrrp\tei lee \k'\\ and \eil \lael atlarrc

The Midnight Hour l nova-nor. \Slllttt‘r lane, ii" Sill \lidttight L lH l’atrr.k Rolrtik llllli‘tlllet‘S \onie late night laughter .l\ll“ll lroiti top dog Raytnnrd \lt’alllS and (‘liatlie Rim

215" ‘1 itlptn :5


Jackson’s Way lta\et\e llieatre. ('antbirdge Street. 22S llll-l Spin 2. ll lb-l 5“ U‘ 5lli \t't' l ll 2; Jongleurs Comedy Club .loriglettrx. ()rnnr ('entte. ( iteerixide l’laee. l'VlV Sqlfll" Spin. (1‘ See ill 25 The Stand llic Stand. .5 York l’lace. 55-\ ~272 ‘lptti LllliLSi See ill 25. but \\llll hmt Stlmtll \loittwti


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service lllt' Sldlltl. :l;\\lltltlltllltl\ Rildtl. “\fill lillll (M55. .S illpni. Ll iLl tit. (itaerne lltillltdS and John Roxx torn lll\ltlll.lll \lreliael Redmond lot lll\ unliol} corned) \et\ tee


Whose Lunch is it Anyway 'I lie Siarrd. 5 York l’laee. 55S "2‘2 lptn l'rce See .Stin Ill.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'I lie Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S 2272, .S. illprn. Ll

ttl Ur. local ho} .lolin (iilliek ltllltS debottatr hoxt Bruce l)e\|rri tor a night ol latiglix and \orne tradi} t|llll action

Monday 28


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l he Stand. .555 \\(N)tll;ll]tl\ Rtunl ll.S~ll (illll (M55 S,3llpiii. H. See Mon 2!.


Red Raw 'llie Stand. 5 York I’lace. 55S ~2‘2. .S..‘llpiii. Ll. .lohn Rti\\ help a clutch ol beginiierK hone their bext coined} line\

Tuesday 1


Jackson’s Way 'I lie .\tclie\. 353 ;\t'g_\le Street. 5o5 lll2i 7. 3Hprri. {l2 it'llli. See in 25. Red Raw lltt' Stand. in \\l‘lltll.llltlS Rtmtl llS-‘ll lillll (\ll55. .S illpm L: Ir-rltl}

lllll'iltltlct'S Stilllt‘ llllllt' \lttl'S Hl lllL' lllltllc.


Four Poofs and a Piano 'l he Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S “2‘2. ‘lprn W, \lthlc'dl corned} tr'oin tlioxe lotir c.ttllp\tet\ \rlio r‘egtilat‘l} \pice tip .loiiathan Row \liov.

Wednesday 2


Jackson‘s Way llie .\lclle\. 253 .-\r'g}le Street. 505 ND; 7. 3“put :12 it'llli. See lo 25. Four Poofs and a Piano llie Stand. 333 “oodlantk Road oS"o (Yilll (this ()er u) .SL‘L' lth l.


Comedy Quiz at the Street 'l'lre Street. 2 l’rc'at'd} l’laee. 55o 42—2 ‘lptn. l‘t'ee. See Wed 33.

Melting POT lllc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. .553

72—2. “pm. :5 i225” Ht. (‘axt }otrr \ote

Rhys Darby l~w.\.~r.-. 't-agr“ rw f' f'» arm. '. Ir‘ 9». D‘\~ l: f 3;“. 9 ll. { 0 to i" .' lit v' will: inertia

:t ' r"l.'v*xllr‘» oI o. 0, {, ‘tilj,

,, (v, ,. I, I;

(.2 - ' 7" .'

Jackson’s Way r“ /-\‘lrl."l‘r lttl‘ l. Citr‘ lr trr " ~;rrrt’r'm»-.:""“wl'.tu"“r l‘aml‘i‘ (lltl ill“. "I“ l. .'.’llt"‘.llt‘flrkii‘li'alxt‘ll out." l)r,‘l'lt" ti r.'.r‘ 3.1T." .: “mos; .'.’llll,li

tf‘.t'.". lro- xlzrrrt". it l.".i\ ; .it'twt tirlter

tlit- .rr'il rt:tl.r a? " n~r'it:tl.' lllllt‘. lit: (it‘filllllrir ft ll.l‘.‘i' llll' lzit;t lzitial‘. '.‘.’lilf hr. r'i.>tr‘.:itrr in ii “dill loatrirt-

[rare l/roafrw, it], ifxr'gh. / r/

rir:lt)r:rt:atiori ESM: ( ’3',» ("i fift.’ .' )l f (I (5’ r] A” I’ll “.‘r. (Misfit rig; [(10 l {-2 We Val. r'vlr’i/ Michael McIntyre A rm 1: Ltd ~.‘.’llll (t fine lll ll‘ in {Si ittrf'lr ‘.'./llll (t ’llt).‘./(l lvrr orrt: far along fit-t.-

ztrnrartf‘, {tllil gr rérgri

(It'll )tron ./t )fltjlt Pt 1/3. (ir’gifajtir‘ri

l/rlr.) off.) r./tl'

in the ultimate corned} relerendurii ax .Stotland\ bright )otrrig llllll;.'\ lllltm their \lrort theatre pieeex into the riieltrng pot

Thursday 3


Jongleurs Comedy Club ,long‘letllx. l (i(' Building. Renlren Street. liSflll” Sqllqll" Spin Lqitii \lotitln \cotixer Brendan Rile} \lialt'S a \lage \‘.llll l’orniin .lolinxon. \litliael \lt lnt_\re and l)tibliner .lolirirn (".rtidoii See caption lot \lelrit}i't' The Thursday Show llie Stand. 333 \\ot>tll;intl\ Rtmtl. llSqll (illll lill55 S illptn to i L5» lop dog Ra} irioiid \learrix rtitrodueeS corned} \lldl'll \lrooter l‘ldllklt’ Brnle. local hard inari liar} l.itt|e. John \cht'rde arid l‘.\‘..ill .loliii


The Thursday Show 'l he Stand. 5 York l’laec. 55S ~272 S. illprri Ur 1:5» (‘anadian loin Slade tornx coritro‘.cr\ial tokertiiakel loin ('ai'ter and John Roxx.

Big Word Performance Poetry ’l he lr'ori. ‘) lluiiter Square. High Street. 22“ Will ‘) llpiii Li 'L2r. (irritar man .-\\h l)iekirr\orr lcalliS tip with (ilaxgou \larri \klltllL'l' Robin (‘arrrix :\ll\tl;tll l'irttlla} and l:l\peth .\lur‘r‘a} lot more litlllelS lr'orn \et'xex .\l( \ Jerri Roll\ and Jenn} l.llitl\;t} keep the l‘lt}lltL‘\ llottirig.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night ‘l'lre

’l lit'ee 'lun\ \\ rne YdtlllS. 7 ll llarirner Street. WWW) 552 H5 Uprn l'r‘ee. Regular pr'e-neekerid corned} \lot leattiririg gag lllL'lSIClS Richard 'I lllHllStill. l,atrra .\le('rurn and Sand} l‘.;tSlUll

The Snatch Social 'l'lic lattttld Ronni. ()c Victoria Street. 225 256-4 Ill.3llprn 3am. £4 ‘L5..<lli, See 'lilltl l“.

- '.'r:' x ,’ THE LIST 45