Visual Art
1‘ David Gillanders
A fag break from a military-style drill at juvenile prison colony in kaa, Siberia. Gillanders has travelled across the former Soviet Union documenting the stories of
children who have fallen through the system. ‘The colonies have a very harsh regime for the kids - many of whom are serving long sentences for petty crimes committed when homeless on the streets of Moscow and
other cities,’ he told The List. I DGP. Glasgow. uni/l Mon 28 Mar.
Stution Roud. Milngiuie. 578 8847. Tue Sut |0um lptii & 2 5pm. Bearsden Art Club Sui ll) l-‘eb l-‘ri lh’ Mur. A mixed show of Work by meinbers ol' the Beursden Art ('lub l‘euturing lundscupes. still lil'e uiid ligurutix'e puintings.
I LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 200 Built Street. .Ul 0722. Tue Sui Quin ()plil.
The Atom Fraternises with the Hurricane llntil Thu 24 l‘eb. New puintings by Sumunthu Murru)‘.
73 Robertson Street. Suite 0. Floor l. 248 37l l. 'l‘ue liri noon 5pm. Michael Wilkinson l'ntil liri IS lieb. New instullution work bused on l’ink l"|o_xd‘,s The Will. lASl CHANCE. i0 SEE.
5 St Murguret's l’luce. 07812 6057-15. 'l‘hu Sui l 5pm.
Clare Stephenson t'iitil Sui it) Mur. Ne“ works on puper b) this (ilusgow bused urtist.
Artist Spaces
18 King Street. 552 2540. l)ui|_\ noon opm.
Grid Ideas and Nylon Dreams Until Sui 2o l-‘eb. A series ol‘ urchitecturul purtiiions in light“ eight muteriuls by All} Wulluce und un exhibition of oil puintings und
106 THE LIST 17 Feb—3 Matt 2005
monoprints exploring the possibility ol imperfection und trunsl‘ormution ol' meuning through repetition by Doris Voetter. See picture. LAST CHANCE: TO SEE.
33-1 Duke Street.
Shrine - Raimi Gbadamosi Until Sui IZ Mur. Solo show exploring the me of Nigeriun musiciun und uctivist l‘elu Ktlii. originator ol‘ the ‘Alt‘o lieul' music style. From the lute l‘)()(ls he used his music us u vehicle to protest uguinst oppression by the Nigeriun gm'ernment. religious bodies und controlling sociul structures.
I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4Sl3. 'l‘ue Sui llum 5pm.
>i< Craig Mulholland 0.... liniil Sul 26 lieb. New solo shim by Mulhollund. distilling themes down to economics und computer \ iruses explored through \‘ltlL‘tt uiid sculpture. See t'c\ iew. LAST CHANCE; TO SEE. Doubtful Works and Copies t'niil Sui In Feb. l)ru\\'ings. sculpture utid instullution by June 'l‘opping. Rupert Norl'olk und .-\lusduir (iru).
3 Murkcl Street. 53‘) 3993. Mon Sui l0um 5pm.
Edward Grieg: Art and Identity l'ntil Sui It) Apr. li\hibition looking ut composer liduui‘d (lrieg‘s lile uiid inusic utid the relutionsliip between his urt und Nomegiun nuiionul identit}. l’urt ol Nomu} 2005. u celehi‘ution ol I00 )t‘iirs ol‘ Nomegiun independence. ShowCASe: Contemporary Art for the UK l'ntil Sui l2 Mur. Next ucquisitioiis ol the ('oiitemporur) Art Society brought together in the old} sliimiiig below the} get distributed to its I00 member regionul und nuiionul museum collections. Artists include Micliuel l.und). l’uul Noble. l)u\id Shrigle} und Richurd Wright.
Exposed l'ntil Sui to Apr. (‘omplementing Slio\x(’:\Se e\hibition. this tlispl;i_\s u runge ol contctttporur} Scottish urtists und crul'tspeoplc. including lo liurker. (‘ullum lnnes und Alun Johnston.
John Houston and Elizabeth Blackadder l’niil Sui to Apr. 'l‘he cit)"s holdings ol' this couple’s puintings. prints uiid druu ings go on shim together tor the lirst time.
Through the Letterbox: George Bruce and Elizabeth Blackadder l'ntil Sui lo Apr. lluikus \xritten b) the lute Scottiin Renuissunce poet (ieorge Bruce uiih illustrutions b} lili/ubeth Bluckuddcr.
3: ZS (‘ocklttil'tt Street. 3le lloll.
’l‘ue Sut noon 5pm.
Born under a Bad Sign 00.
l'ntil Sui l‘) l-eb. (irottp shots h} (iordon l)u|ton. llu/el McLeod und ('hi‘istopliei \Viilkei' using lo li muteriuls. sculpiuiul instullutions utid drumng. Video itoi'k hi 1’ (‘lii'ist) ('ole in the l’i‘oieet Room. See l‘t'\lt‘\\. [Nil (,‘l l/\N(,‘l H) St l
Ripples on You Sui 2i) l‘eb Sul 3 Apr ’l‘uo llt'“ \ ideo pieces including u spool llllL'H ieu \sllll 'l'eii'} Rile} uiid u series ol uull druu ings b) (ilusgou hused urtist Siuurt (iiirden Nl W St lUW
Thomas Aitchison Sui 3t) l'eb Sui 3 Apr. Project Room: Wull tliimiiigs ol the l’urthenon h} this ladinhurgli hused uriist
7‘ llcllord Roud. (iZ-l (i300. Nioti Wed 6: l‘ri Sun Ilium 5pm;'lliu lllum 7pm. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney
.0 Hull Sim 30 Jun. l'rce. A touring shim oi o\cr $0 \ioi'ks ol British 30th centur} lrom the Pier Arts (‘enire Ill ()rkne} while the islutid guller)’ undergM's u muior relurbisliment.
Thomas Whalen COO l'niil in 35 l'cb. l'ree. Works b} the l.eitli-born sculptor l'rom the (’it} ol lzdinburgh Art (‘ollcciiotL the Ro}ul Scottish Acuilein} und lrom Whulcn lumil) members. l/"d CHANCE l0 SH
33 [mini Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sui
lllum ()plll.
Kelly Stewart, John Heywood & Cat Outram l'ntil Sui 3t) Mur. A selection ol nev. work h) these three unists.
45 Murket Street. 225 3383. Mon Sui
l lum 6pm; Sun noon 5pm.
Simon Patterson Sul 26 Pub Sun l Mu}. l‘ree. lixhibition ol newly- c‘otntnissionctl und existing work h} London-based unist best knovin l'or his