Bill Murray’s new film THE LIFE AQUATIC with Steve Zissou will be one of the GLASGOW WORLD FILM FESTIVAL’s flagship movies. Here Paul Dale, Nick Barley and Mark Robertson look at the star, director and cast of this new film from The Royal Tenenbaums’ writer/director Wes Anderson.

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This is the watery tale of washed-up oceanographer Steye '/.issou (Bill Murray ) who is on a mission to ay'enge the death -- at the hands of a jaguar shark w of his former associate. Zisstitt. a renowned documentary lilmmakcr hearing more than a passing resemblance to the real-life Jacques Cousteau. sets out on his hoat. the Belal'onte. to find the murderous shark. He brings with him an impressiye crew that includes wile lileanor t:\njelica Huston). a mysteriously pregnant journalist ((‘ate Blanchett) and a man named Ned Plimpton (Owen Wilson) who claims that he may or may not - he '/.issou’s .son. The team‘s voyage takes them into a surreal underwater world populated by mythical creatures. Along the way. Zissou and his team encounter pirates. strange islands and. eyentually. the jaguar shark.

‘What‘s so funny about loye. peace and understanding." Well eyerything. and nothing.

It's the question that hangdog ttloyic star Boh Harris puts to a room of whisky —addlcd Japanese patty kids in Sofia (‘oppola‘s I.ml in 'Ii‘rmx/uliun. Almost 3t) years in the moyie husiness and Bill Murray finally got to ask the question that his fans always wanted to ask him: ‘Is it hetter to he a curmudgeon or a loy‘eahle goon."

"Melancholy and loyeahlc'.’ That‘s the trick. isn't it‘.’ How you do il'.’ Well. you hayc to he ahle to show you really hayc these feelings. You can haye hoth at the same time. .‘ylelancholy ‘s sweet sometimes. I think. It's not a negatiy'e thing. not a mean thing. it happens in life. like autumn.‘ Sitting in a New York hotel suite. in a hlack Blues HI‘Ul/Il’l'y 'li-shirt drinking strong hlack col'l‘ee. Murray is giying a rare interyiew to promote his new film The Life Aqua/[r nil/i Stew Ziswu. It's his third lilm with .»\nderson. the geeky. gil‘ted Texan hoy behind two genuine gems of recent ['8 cinema Rus/mmn' and The Royal 'Ik'nen/uuum. (irey'. halding and still hearing the scars of an adolescence spent at the mercy of what writer ('harles Bukowski called ‘a gnarled expanse of hills and Valleys and craters. plastered over with acne and pustules". Murray seems as perplexed by his good fortune as an ageing character actor as anyone: 'I take jobs that are interesting to me. where I work with people who are good and I do what I want to do. I enjoy working like that. I don‘t like the pressure of having to he the biggest star in the world. I don't want to get stuck and I don‘t want to feel desperate or end up as "the guy in a bar