restoration. elitorix reduction l‘.’l and the eoneealment ol' sears trout “in \younds. (We all kilo“. loo. ltoyy lltose Rttttlztlts liked to get naked.) Sinee the adyent. though. ol’ the mo\ ing pieture moyies and 'l'\' lame itsell‘. the L‘lllpllztsis on phyxieal heauty. at all eosts. has been meteoric. in 50 years. the sometime \olc Preserye ol the rieh. lamoux and Hollywood lahulous. is no\\ ;t\ mainstream as l’ltilip'n'H‘t‘tt. goggle—ey ed at \ome 20—year-olth idiotic eall‘ implants on I'll/Ix .llornine'x \pttllg} eoueh: 'l‘m in constant pain. but it\ worth it?' Personally. I knoyy one l5—year—oltl. lrom l’erth. \yhose esealating delinquency (skipping \ehool. taking boom and drugs) \\a\ tniraeulouxly ‘eured’ when \he reeeiy ed a hooh-joh tor her loth birthday. Back itt .-\meriea. \\ e'\ e the \yorltl‘x dehut plastie surgery mag. .\'l'ii- “(UH/l ta quarterly. selling at 59.05). a guide to 'eosmetie enhaneement‘ and a guaranteed desperate houseyyiyex' hihle. The publishers. Sandoyy Media in lilorida. say they're responding to an 'insatiahle demand‘ l‘or reliahle intormation on how to ehoose your tloetor as \\ ell as e\pert
guidanee on eye-lil'tx. lipoxuetion. laser
treatments. teeth \yhitening. hreaxt enlargements. lahiaplaxty and more. (‘hina ix l'olloyying. its eoxmetie \ltl‘ge‘l'} llttilhll'} no\\ \\orllt $2.4hn a year. In Beijing. the \yorld‘x dehut beauty pageant l‘or surgieal deyoteex liaxjuxt taken plaee. \inteen
and the concept til-
; ,
’5 TV’s razor-fefiiockwise): Nip/Tuck, My Breasts Are Too Big, The Swan. Ten Years Younger, and Celebrity Big Brother’s Jackie Stallone
eontestants (aged l7 to (ill haye pirouetted on stage in a week-long eompetition ealled .\ll\\ .-\rtil‘ieial Beauty. ('andidates ltlllsl proyide a doetor’x eertilieate to proye they‘re \yinningly unnatural and auard categories inelude Biggest (’hange. Best Body and the houlingly irreleyant Best Personality.\ hope they \how it. \otttetinie. on Brayo 'lV.) (ilasgoyy noyy lltts an artilieial heauty emporium. opening mid- lThruary. 'l‘he irksomely—titled Sk2n tyyhieh stands l'or Skin Knoyy ledge \etyyork the \yagxl ‘l‘ee‘ialises in ‘laxer hair remoyal. l'aeial red \ein remoyal. hotox and eollagen replaeement injection therapy and tnieriidermahi'axiiin' (the latter \tllllltllllg like a Version ol' \eruhhing your law ol'l' \yith a l‘istl‘ul ol steel \yooll. Skin treatments begin at £40 \yhieh. goes the ollieial line. ‘makex truly heautilul skin a pnxsllilllly l‘or eyeryone‘. .lll\l in time. then. lor Valentines Day and the resulting \yeeps ol‘ gratitude. or a puneh in your oily eoupon.
Back in W77. Ingram Run “as a classic eult moyie. the one in \yhieh humans \\ ere only alloyyed to liye to the age ol 30. in our new \yorld. in lllis 'l‘V-led age ol’ ‘neyx beauty ‘. we're not allo\\ ed to li\ e — in any \uinliyyliile \yay —— it. \y e look o\ er Fl).
Nip/Tuck, series two, begins on Sky One, Sunday 6 February.
But are the people of Glasgow and Edinburgh planning to rush out for a spot of tummy tucking?
Gareth Abbott 26, Glasgow The whole concept
is vain unless it's for an actual medical reason. It's a symbol of capitalism — all these rich people getting their lips done when peeple need organ transplants.
Sally Derbyshire 19, Glasgow
I don't see the pouit. I guess some peeple don't like how they look and if it makes them more confident then that's lair enough. If it's tastefully done it's fine. but folk who get their skin stretched look bad.
Brooke Wood
23, Glasgow
I wasn't for it. but my opinion has changed since I know someone who's deCIded to get it. It's been a thing of hers all her life and if it makes her happy. great. I do have concerns about haying my body Chopped open and
haying strange things done. to me that mean don't g'on old the may l‘ni
SuDDOSOt‘. ii‘
Ben Simmons 20, Edinburgh It depends an the
(ZIlFtllllt§l<ill(fl’t§. ll 8t)llll?()ll(? has a problem that prevents them troni carrying out their ioh perhaps. but if it's lllSl a lace or a hoot) pol) then it's pointless. You should learn to be happy Wllll what you’ve got.
Dawn-Marie Brown 29, Edinburgh
I'm pretty against it but in Qt) years' time I might not be. Some people look good Willi it like Sharon Osbourne. but Sylvester Stallone's nitirn, that's not right. I might give Botox a go it I was really concerned.
Nazia Mohammed
20, Edinburgh The thing IS. these plastic people all look the same. You can't even tell what these people really look like, wrth all the airbrushtng.
" Lgp 922-? THE LIST 17