‘piii licc. Itch-ch \ conchI lroiii Ihc \cadcrnx \ priinai} \chool. picxcntcd h}

('hrixtophcr licll


I St Giles at Six: Glenalmond College Chamber Choir \i (illL'\ (Lulu-dial. Ro}al \lilc 33“)»1‘13 (rpm l'icc (‘hoial Hllt'llllf_\ h} l’arr}. ('hilcoII and Bach


I Beith Arts Guild: The Lydian Ensemble Hcith (‘oiiiinunity (critic. lllSll.< Vlz‘ltix 3 ltlpiii L8 1U L<l

\ltixic ol Ihc .\uld \Iliaucc

Monday 24


I R3 Tenors llrimtoii 'l hcalrc. l.ad_\\icl| \Va}. \liixxclhuiggh. (m5 33-1”. Lll <Ii it‘li. R i 'Icnoix. on loan Irom Scottixh ()pcr'a. pci‘lorm a \t‘lt'clltlll ol \Hll}:\ h} Rohcrt Iiiiiiix. including: ll\ l.l'l( M [Mr ii lt’u/ /\'r‘r/ /\'rr\r' .Illtl .lr’ I‘M/III /\'I\\ .l\ \\ .l\ la\ourilc\ lioin \cidl\ It! ll'illlrllu’

I Tsunami Appeal Concert 'l'lic l’lcaxancc ('altai‘ct liar. (ill (Ihc l’lc.i\ancc. (WIN-1‘). " illpiii. £5. l).i\id l‘ci'i‘ai‘d. Sara I'x'aiiun. 'loin lainic. Kath) Stcuart. Mark liai’nclt. Solt Shoc Skilllc Hand. \loxca and l’iiatcx .\ho.ird all pcr'loi‘m to HIV" ltllltl\ lor Ihc i’clicl \rork acrom .r\\ltl,

Tuesday 25


I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden ‘l‘hcalr‘c Rinal. ZN: llopc Slt't'cl. 3 ‘3 «intro. 7.15pm. USU L‘SS. Scc Sat 32.


I Song of Robert Burns, Poet of Love, Republicanism and Revolution ()IIL‘CII\ llall. ('Icrk SII'CL'I. 003 lel‘). 3pm. {X [H (U) U3). 'lt‘llol' I’aul .'\}_'nc\\ and \oprano .\lhaii‘i l.a\\\on arc accompanicd h} haroquc \Iringx in thix \clcclion ol Ihc Scottixh hard'x \mi‘k

dcx ixcd and pr'oduccd h} Ian \lcl‘arlaiic.

Wednesday 26


I Falstaff .\'c\\ .'\Ihciiacum 'l'hcati‘c. RSAMI). Itll) chl’rcu Strcct. 332 505". 7.|5pm. I'll it‘ll. l-irxt lll\lallllL‘lll ol' U/Ir‘ril (” IU \L'axotl. III L‘L‘lcht'alion ol lliL‘ RS.-\.\l|)\ Icn _\car\ ol prcxtigioux opcra courxcx. hi'ingx \'ci'di\ opcratic _ic\\ cl to thc \Iagc iii (ilaxgrm and lidinhurgh.


I Music in the University: Haydn Trio Eisenstadt (llaxgtm t'nixcrxir} (‘oiiccrt Hall. l‘iincrxit) .'\\L‘llllL‘. 33” 4002. l.|(lpiu. l-‘i'cc. l’iano Iriox h} lla_\dri and ’l‘ihoi' Ncmcth l'rom Ihix cxtccmcd cnwmlilc.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}a| (‘onccrt Hall. I Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 353 thtltl. 7.30pm. Iii hix tirial \caxon ;I\ principal conductor .'\|c\andcr l,a/arc\ dircct\ a pcrl'orinancc ol' Rachmaninm '\ I’riino ('o/ii'r'rru .\'u .i' and lilgar'x poucrtul Soup/rum .\‘u /. \Vith pianixt John Li”.

I Spirit Aid Charity Concert. Si Mar} ‘\ (’athcdt'al. (il'L‘al \\'L‘\lt‘l‘ll Road. 7.30pm. to i£4 l. .\ pci't’ormancc h}

\ iolini\l Sandic Bixhop and pianixt (it|\/l;t\ l‘cmo ot' \onatax h} .\lo/art. l’i'okotim. Bcctlimcii and Brahmx in aid ol‘ Ihc Spirit .r\id Build an ()rphaiiagc 'l‘xunami :\ppcal.

I Turning Point RSI-\Ml). Inn chl'i'cxx Sti‘cct. 332 SM? 7.30pm. Ur iUI. .-\ ncu dallL‘L‘ piccc c‘I‘L‘alL‘d and produccd it} lndcpcn-dancc. Scot|and\ Icading intcgratcd dancc compan}. in partncrxhip \\ith Ihc RSAMI).

I Westside! RS.~\.\ll). lilo chlrcu Sll'L‘L‘l. 33: 5057. Taillpltl. lircc. llk'le‘lL‘tl. Ro_\a| Scottixh :\cadcm} Bra“ pi‘cxcnt a programmc ol' \torkx I'or Iargc lira“ cnxcmhlc \\ iIh an .-\mcrican liaxour including liric (‘rccx' clawic arrangcmcnt

ol licinxtciIIK iiiodcrn Roiiico arid .lrilict HI \i' \Ittlll \lrll.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llL'L'll.\ (.lt'l‘lx \llc‘t'l. “(W 3”"

.‘ll Lli .\uothcr cclchration ol \lo/ait and thoxc hc inllucnccd. llll\ Iiinc rctcrrmg Io I’oulciic. including: lll\ rghI hcaitcd Sin/unit rm l’l.tll|\l l’icirc laurcnt .\iin.iid l\ Ihc \rilrihl in \lo/aiI\ I’Iiirii: ('ulii ( III' III .\ A'J\\. and .t\ a par'tiici \\ IIh notahlc conductor 1 hicrr} l'l\L’llL‘l' lll|\ piomixcx Io hc .i \caviti highlight.

Friday 28


I Falstaff \cu \Ihcnacuiii 'l hcatrc. RSAMI). Itltl chlrcu Strcct. “3 SUV 7.|5piii. LIZ it‘li. Scc \Vcd I"

I BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert RSXNH). Illll RL'llllC“ Sticct. 3‘3 5H5”, lpm. Ur itlli Ihc la\l in .i \ci‘icx ol chamhci lllll\lc r’ccitalx Io cclchratc Ihc ccntcnar'} ol Ihc hirth ol Michacl 'l ippctt. \\ th \opiano (‘athcriiic Boil and pianixt l)a\ id ()ucn \oii‘ix.

I Turning Point RS.\,\II). ltlti Rt‘llllt‘“ Str‘cct. 3 i3 505". 3 illpm &

7. illpm. Ur iL' ii. Scc lllll 3"

" Hip”) 1‘


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra t'xlicr' llall. loiliian Road. 333 MS? ". illpm. U IS“ [2". Scc 'l hti

3:3 ECAT: Palimpsest \loiiiingxidc Baptixt (‘hurch. llol_\ ('orncr. Morningxidc Road. 53‘) as“, Tlfipin. L") IN i. .\'c\\ lllll\lL‘ toi' adwnturoux caix t\ pi‘cxcntcd in a collaboration hctuccn li('.-\’l' and thc Socict} loi‘ Ihc l’roiiiotion (ll NC“ .\ltl\lL'. lllc‘llldlllg Hun In llrl/u‘ [/H' lliilr'r Suimil It} l)cirdrc (irihhin and I’u/ini/mwr h} l’atil chnan. John Kcnn} conductx. \\ Illl \opl'allo .ltllic \lollal,

Saturday 29


I Score! (‘(’.-\. RSI) Sauchichall Strcct. 353 49””. 3 “PIN. f-l It...“ IIL‘I' \\tll'l\\lltlp. 'l‘hc Socict) lor Ihc l’i'omotiori ol .\'c\\ .\lu\ic and thc Scottixh lanxcmhlc prcxcnt a da) ol' “orkxhopx and iiixcxiigation. lcaIuring uoi'k h} cxtahlixhcd contcmporar} compoxcrx including: .\lac.\li||an and (irihhin. (‘omposing l’or \ti'ing duox 2pm 3pm; coiiipoxing \\ iIh clcctronicx 2pm .Vlfipm; tll\L‘ll\\ltlll c\p|oring llltlxIL‘ and lilm

3.30pm 4.30pm; compoxing l'or' \ll‘ing\ 5pm (rpm. 'l'hc \\tit'l\\lltlp\ culiuinatc in a pcrl'ormancc l‘roiu Ihc Scottixh linxcmhlc at 7pm (LN/Uri.

I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden 'l‘hcati‘c Royrl. 3V3 Hopc Surat-i. 3R: ‘ltltlll. 2.15pm. [3.50 [55. SL‘C Sat 32.


I Christain Blackshaw ()uccrn Hall. (‘Icrk Sti'cct. (r03 Ztll‘). .\‘pin. LII) US). The Brithh pianixt run\ though a pcrl'ormancc ol .\lo/art\ Swim/ii III /- IIIII/rll' A'.‘.".\'.~‘/J‘)4 and ('hopiii‘x 34 I’I'i'liu/I'x Up.“ in axxociation \Kllll HIK‘ Radio 3.

I Flame of Ireland Old St l’aul'x (’hurch. (i3 Jcl'li'c_\ Strcct. (303 ltll‘). 7.3llpm. L“) (I: (£0.51) (SSH). (‘aiiI_\. Ihc lcrnalc \oiccx ol ('ztmk‘lla .\'o\a. pcrl‘orin a |)rical tapc\tr_\ ol' mcdimal Irixh plainchant. c\p|oring Ihc lcgcndx and lllll'ttc'lcx ot SI Brigit ol Kildarc. \Villiam 'l'a} lor pla_\\ Ihc mcdicxal \\ ircr \trting clarxach. \\ hrlc lull L‘letllllt‘ and ric“ picttircx and Iapc~lric\ trom Ihc gallcr) l)().\l \\ ill add atmoxphcr‘c and intriguc.


I Flame of Ireland Kch Iltxidc‘ llillhcad Church. ()hxcrwator} Road. 353 .\‘tl(l(l. "7.3(lpin. L") (I: i£(i.5ll L'XSIII. SL‘L‘ Sat 3‘).


I St Giles at Six: Graham Ferris \: (iiic'\ (alltcdtai. l\’ri_\.il \liit‘. 3:; "-14: “pm Ircc l lc‘llcli and \pannh cth iiiti~ic pcilornicd on .i pciiod Ill\llttlilc'lll h} Ihc icriouiicd :._‘Illl.tll\l (irahain lt'llh I Scottish Sinfonia (il'c"\lllal\ l\ill\, (irc_\tiiai\ I’lacc. NH Illl" it: tar ('ouductoi \cil \lant‘a' and Ihc lllll \llilltf; \iiitoiiia cinhark on anothci hold orchcxtral \«i_\.i;_'c. including I’ioLolic\\ \in/il: ( writ ( li'i' \w / \\llll \Hltlhl llariicl Hcll. and Hiahnn' ciripiiatu \i/Ii/riium \t' /


I Frank Spedding Lieder Competition R\.\\ll). loo l\,\‘llllc‘\\ Sll't't‘l. “.3 allgq llldlll l l\'\'. llc ixt‘lt‘tl Studcritx \tll‘lllll a progianinic ol Inc wing to iiicludc \\Illl\\ h} \hiihcit. Schumann. lirahrii» \\olI .iiid Richard \Ii.iii~\

I The Peter Lindsay Miller Competition (Piano Duo) R\ \\II I. ltlll lx’cliltcu Strcct. 113va “pm licc. Iickctcd (‘oinpctitoix arc ictiuiicd to includc cithci l<.i\cl\ t'llt'll.lllllllf_' \Ii;

.l/r [r /'()\i or \lilllatid\ |.i//}


I Tippett Centenary Celebration: Scottish Opera Hutc l|.il|.l iii\ci\it_\ ol (i|a\§_'o\\. l'nixcmt} \wnuc. iill-1H”: ".‘tlpm {In it;: I'M Sir Richard .\rm\tion;_' conduch .i pciloiriiancc oI \omc ol 'I ippcII\ lcxxcr knoxxri \\illl\\. highlighting: lll\ cap.rcit_\ lot a \\idc rangc ol \I}|c\. lioiii Ihc \lllll‘lt‘ \cciiic |lll.lf,‘t'l} ol Ihc \irilr' lir/ I/ri li’irI/ii/iii or /’iiriii ("liar/m. to thc in_\Iho|o;_'ic.il .tlill\ltlll\ ol /\’iliiii/ Hum m and .Xmmriix liom ll|\ opcr'a l/lt lIIr/HHHHII’I \Iiiiriiigi Ihc t'rlllL'L‘l'l UHIL'ltldtN \\ Illl llt‘t'lllin k'll.\ Soup/ruin \‘u .\'. \Vith inc/m \opiaiio .l.iiic lruin,


311 Lindsay Quartet ()ticcn'x Hall. (“lurk Strcct. (r08 Stilt). ".45piii. L") Li". Ihc outgoing l.llld\tt_\\ hid a llltl\lc';tl larcucll Io lidinhurgh m an all H.i_\dn piogiainmc.

Tuesday 1


I Get Organised! l'xlici Hall. luiliiari Road. 338 IISS. l.|tl lfillpm £3 lnlormal lunchtimc organ rccital lroui ladiiihurgh ('it} ()rgaiiixt. John Kitchcn. I The Gondoliers (‘Iiurcli lllll 'l llcall't'. .\lorning_'\idc. 328 IISS. 7. itlpm. £3 5“ it'Si. (iilhci't and Sullixan in lull mm}; in Ihi\ coincd} ol cr'rorx. pcrtorincd h} Ihc lidirihurgli l'nncrxit} Sam} ()pci‘a (iroup

Wednesday 2


I Music in the University: GU Contemporary Music Ensemble (ilaxgrm l‘nncixil} (‘oiiccrt Hall. l'nncrxit} .\\cnuc. {WNW} l Ill 3pm l'rcc. .-\ programmc ol impio\ I\L‘tl clcciro acouxtic muxic.

I Masterclass RS.\.\II). Iriii chircxi Strcct. 5'33 5H5? (rpm. l'rcc. tickctcd 'I'hc Raxchcr Samphoiic lziixcmhlc picxcnt llll\ llltl\lt‘l'c'l.t\\.


I Falstaff King'x 'l’hcatrc. 3 l.c\cii Sum. 52‘) (itlllll. TISpm. L'IZ LIX. RS.-\.\ll) pcrlorm (ilthPPC \crdi\ Iiiial and momcntoux l_\ric colncd}. I‘ll/HUN. lo cclchratc ll) )c‘arx ol Ihcir poxtgraduatc opcra courxc.

I The Gondoliers (‘hur'cli Hill 'I lIL‘alI'L'. Morningxidc. 335' |155.7.3ilpm. £35” IL; I. SL‘L‘ lth l.


zIlpiii L"


ECAT - Palimpsest the 25th season of new inusir‘ presented by t, dinhiirgli Contemporary Arts trust features the world premiere oi this Iascinating work for soprano and instruinei ital ensemble. Its composer. l’aul Keenan. was the recipient of many awards. but never heard a public I-)(-értorrnaii(,;e ()l this DIGCL as he died three years ago. aged «trttr‘oin an incurable cancer. Men in lngIdO B. ipt/st Church. Edi! ibi/rgh. f— H 98 Jan.

Lindsay Quartet the Edinburgh farewell concert for these Iear ling l-ladyn interpreters is approix'iately enough an all Haydn programme. in celebration of his extraordinary achievement in taking the string quartet from birth to full maturity in a single con iposu‘ig career. Queer i L: Hall, Edinburgh, Mon 3 7 Jan.

'3 Essential Scottish Opera AS part of a If) venue tour the length and breadth of Scotland. Scottish Opera's minimal touring company presents a selection of operatic highlights from popular favourites. the cast are brand new to E80 and comprise tour singers and a piano. Bra/iron Theatre. Musse/burgh. I ha (3 Feb.

Thursday 3


I Masterclass l<.\.\\ll). Iiiri Kmart-y. Sticct. “I “57 3pm licc. Iicltcicd ch h} Ihc tllNllllthlhllL'tl hawmiiia Martin (iall

I Swingin’ and Singin’ l<\ \\l|). llltl chlrcu Strcct. “3 4H4” " itlpni Ur it‘ll. Hi}an .\l|cn tlllk'tl\ lllt'lllllt'l\ ol Ihc Rhs\.\l|) lor air c\cu'ii:' ol \hov. \lrlpplllfJ lllllllllt'h lroin Ilic worldx ol hi3: hand and lllll\lL;Il Ihca'ic


21’- Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden l't‘\ll\.ll ‘l llt'ttllL‘. lK 3‘) \lt'ttl\til15llct'l. R:VNWU F7 l§lll|l \t't' Sat 33.

I Essential Scottish Opera lirunton 'l hcatrc. lad} \rcll \\.i}. \liixxclhurgh. («)5 Il-ltl 7, illpiii LII it‘ll .-\ popular concci't ol opcia c\ccrpt\ pcrloiincd h} iiicinhcix ol Sc'iillhll ()pct'a.

I Falstaff King‘x lhcatic. 3 |.c\cn Sll'L'L'l. 52‘) (Mill). L l 2 L1H. \L'L‘ “I'd 2 I The Gondoliers (‘liuicli lllll 'l'hcatrc. Morniiigxidc. 323 IISS.

7. itipiii. {H.Stl iL'Si. Scc 'luc l.

./ m' 1: / , x) THE LIST 83