if John Renbourne and Robin Williamson (Iran \Iol. (ileat \\e\telll Road. ‘55 VIII" \l‘ltl LI: I’L'tll.ltlf,'IL"\ llllL'el pItI.lll' ‘._‘lllI.tl lll.tt'\IlH \‘.IIIl Il|\ old lIlkIt'tIII‘Ik' \tlllI-J Hand pal slome “III on \k'IIIk loll. I‘dltttlllt' I’alt ol (I/l/I (I‘ll/II 4 Hui/x

if? Last Night’s Fun lion lllealle.

Ilollt'ate. 55.? 130“ \plll LI‘l \IIIII.llltI\ lIaxed llllleallll plpel \lek Mott. \ltllxt'IIIIlJ pl.l_\el ('hll\ \helhtlln .llld \lll‘..'t'l I)L'IIII_\ Battle} make up the Ill\Il lllll\|\ tllol .t\I \ljght‘x Inn. here to I‘lllli' lit the I.I\I llli‘IlI ol ( l/Hl (III/Ill IIHII\

Mindy Smith I<o}al ('olleelt IIaII \tlatln I\de \lllte. \anehlehall \tleel. I54 \llltll hplll Ill \.l\Il\llIt'

\lll_'.'t‘l \olI;'\\lItel I’alt ol ( I/Ill

(rt/[Ill [/41le

iii The Last Night Party with Verity Sharp llle \lt'Ilt'\. Me} Ie \tleet. *5; X000 .\ illplll LI5 Ix’adlo %\ \ellt) \halp \\|II he I).|lil)_' at IItl\ I.l\l llljght pail} lol (I //It (III/III ( Hum YIN/5 lllk IlliIlllj.‘ |l\e lllll\l\‘ Hellonhead. llddlel .lohll \Ie( 'nxkel and Izdlnhlll'yh'x .lllo \xolld hand Ia Ilolllll.

I Deseo Flamenco ( '.lle (‘mxaehok I\’tl\\l.lll ( ‘lllllllal (‘elltlo King: Street.

‘5 i Mlllll ‘lplll L5 It'il .\n Iherlan t”\t‘lllll‘.' \\ lIIl (iI;l\j,.'lI\\ \ lop lIallIeneo olltllt

I (lllllltlrgll

I Anuna ()lleell‘x IIaII. (‘Iel‘It Street. 00.5 Illl‘). Spill. LII tlfiIII. With a dam e\p|olln;' 3000 Math ol (’eltle \oeal lllll\lt'. II\ the Ul'ljjllldl eholl ll'olll Ix’lxeldailee.

I Gifford Lind \\ee I'olk ('Itllt. Ro}.lI ()dix. Inlillnar} Street. 55‘ 3070

X i0pnl. I; 1. \etelail I'lle \lngger alld \onpxxlltel. and lonndel ol the Ne“ \l.lI\.ll\ Illl\l.


I Kent Duchaine lelih l-olk ('lllh. Ihe \ IIIitht‘. South I‘Ul'l Street.~178 7‘.\'l0. “. illpnl. L5. .\ night ol hard— dining: hlllex llolll the \teel guitar

I Delta Croft Revue .\‘el\lar. ('oxxeate. 555 3780, ‘lpln lnidniyht. I'lee. See Ille 35. I Folk and Friends \Vau‘l‘l} liar. St \Ial} \ Street. 550 3855. “pm. See Tue


Wednesday 2 I


I Rod Clements and the Ghosts of Electricity Izdinhnrgh I‘oIk (‘Inlx ('ahal'et Hal. 'I‘he I’Ieamnn‘e. (I50 334‘). .\'pnl. lead gilltarlxt and singer ol llle late Ianlented I.lndi\l.lrne \xith Ill\ hand.


I Adam McNaughton I)ilnlerlnline I‘oIk (‘lilh 'I'hlxtle 'I'a\el‘n. Iialdridgehnrn. 0| 383 “I‘HI‘S. .\'plll. [5 IN I. 'I'he lllan \xllo \xrote I/Il' .lt't /\

I’m l' Song and Hum/('1 \\ itll nlol'e l'roln the tradition and hix o\\ n pen.


I With Strings Attached l'xher Hall. I othlan Road. 32* 1 I55. Spin. L'lh'. ('olln .\IeIllt)l'e l.\ltlII IIixtol‘leaI Soelet} I. .Itl\llll ('nrrie (I)el .\lnitl‘iI and Izddl Reader team up \\llIt lolkdonl'x Illa/Hr l‘ltItIIL‘\ tor a night ol’ lntlxieal Ill\l\\lt. \eu \otlg\. old mugs and a le\\ \nrpl‘lxex along: the \\a_\.

I Out of the Bedroom Waxed} Bar. St .\I.ir_\ '\ Street. 550 .\‘.\'55. 0pm. See Hill 30.


I Robin Laing Ialkll‘k I-olk ('Inh. 'l'he |’o|i\h ('Iilh. .-\rnot Street. (0324 (H.305. 8.30pm. £5. The \ongnriter and guitarlxt \\ ith a \eIeetion ot‘ Ill\ \ongx ahoilt Itt‘l'\t‘\. \\ hixk} and all

82 THE LIST .~ ‘rz‘

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 20

G asgow

I Tippett Centenary Celebration: The Cramb Symposium (il.l\:__‘t\\\ l'lllwlxlt} (‘oneelt IIalI. l'nl\ei\lt\ .-\\enlle. ii0-100; (I .\. illpin I'lee \eholall} tIl\t'ttlll\L' on one ol the pleatext lllnxleal lllllltI\ ol the 20th eelltnl} Ihe \}lnpo\lnln \\III he ehalred h} I’l’olexxol .Iohn Iintt l( iardlnel' than and head ol lllll\le at the l'nnelxlt} ol (iI;t\j_'0\\ I. \\ lth Sir Rlehald .\l'ltl\ll'ltll:_‘ llllll\l\‘ dlleetol‘. Seottlxh ()peraI attending. .llld \\III leatnre :\nton_\ \lt'IhIllaId. I’L‘let' Sm ItIfJL'. (itt'hloplk't' .\l;llI\. 'I‘oln Sehnttenhelln. Kenneth (iloagg. Izdlxard \‘enn and Dr I)a\ ld ('Iul‘IxL‘, In I'L‘\t‘t’\ L' llt'Ixt'h t'lttllttt‘l lllll\lt'(” elaaeilk


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Iixher IIaII. I.othtan Road. 323 I I55. 7.30pm. £750 £23. .lohll Stol'gardx eondltelx a eelehl'allon ol' .\lo/at‘l and Britten. inelilding .\lo/art'\ .S'inl/I/lmii Nu 5‘5: IIilN/It'l' and Horn ('oill'l'rlu .\'u .I' III 1'. Nu! \\ ith \oloixl Radoxan \'lalI\o\ ie. 'I'enol John Mark :\in\|e_\ joinx tor Iil‘lttell‘x haunting Serenade for ‘Ii'mn; Horn (Uli/ Sir/Hex. helore the ll't‘lllL‘lltItIlhI} el‘eati\ e and e\plo\i\ e pill'tltlltN ol genre that make up Britten'x \ilrlllllum on u 'I'lit'mi' of I‘l‘u/IA [fr/(lee.


I BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert I<S;\.\II). I00 Renll'eu Street. 332 5057. lplll. (HI. 'I'he l'oilrth in a \el'iex ol ehalnhel' lnilxie l‘eeital\ to eelehrate the eenlenar} ol' the birth ol' .\Iiehael 'I'lppetl. \Vith tenor James (iilehrixt and guitarist (‘raig ()gden.

I Masterclass RSAMI). ltItI Renlt‘exi Street. 332 5057. 3pm. I'ree. ticketed. With the internationall} renouned horn pla}el. Radman \‘Iatkovieh.

I A Masterclass for Voice RSAMI). I00 Renlreu Street. 333 5057. 3.30pm. I’ree. tieketed. \Vith tenor .IillllL‘\ (iilehrixt and pianixt Julia I._\neh.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: A Portrait of Jonathan Harvey 'I'ralnua}. 35 Albert I)ri\'e. 0845 330 350l. 7.30pm. Free. ticketed. IIan Volkox eondtletx a programme ol' lntlxie h} neu SSH ‘eolnpoxer in axxoeiation‘ .Ionalhan IIar\e_\. u ho eolnhinex eIeetro- aeonxtie \xriting \\ itll \pll‘lltltlI and

lit} \tieal allllxionx. and rexident eolnpoxer .-\nna Meredith. ’I‘ieketx axailahle l'roln the 'l'ranmay ho\ ol‘liee. lna\ilnuln txxo per applieation.

I Micheal o suilleabhain, Niall Keegan, Sandra Joyce and Scottish Ensemble Quartet Royll ('oneert IIaII: Strathehde Suite. 2 Sanehiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. U150. Irixh. Seottixh. traditional and elaxxieal lllll\lt‘;tI heritagex eolne together in thlx eollahot‘alion between the Scottish Iinxelnhle and .\Iiehea| () Stiilleahhain. I’art ol' (iv/Ire ('lulilc’l'llom 2005.


I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden 'I‘heatre Ro}aI. 353 Hope Street. 353 9000. ".l5pln. £3.50 £55. I-‘or the \e\en ehal‘aeterx ol' I'llt' Kiln! (hm/ell. one xlnilIe da_\ \\ lll he tlle turning point ill their leex. ax anal} \t \Iangux e\p|ore\ alld hreakx do“ n the \\ eh ol relationxhlpx to lind the \ollree ol uneaxe. Ill a tale ol' dreanlx and eharadex. turmoil and remlutlon. Tippett



Tramway, Glasgow, Fri 21 Jan

Back in the 605 when he was a post-grad student at Glasgow University, Jonathan Harvey could, from time to time, be seen depping at the back of the BBC SSO’s cello section. It's unlikely the thought crossed his mind then that 40 years later he‘d return to Glasgow as the same orchestra‘s composer in association. Now forming part of what is possibly the strongest contemporary music team of any UK symphony orchestra, Harvey is the focus of a portrait concert which also features the music of resident composer, Anna Meredith, and is conducted by the third member of the team, the dynamic young conductor, llan Volkov.

Volkov is passionate about modern music and says: ‘I have admired Jonathan Harvey’s work for a long time, and his pre-eminence is unquestionable. I am proud to be working alongside such a distinguished composer and enormously excited about the new work that he will be producing for us.’ Harvey’s credentials include doctorates from Cambridge and Glasgow universities, and he is renowned as one of the most innovative composers working in Europe today. Although this is his first appointment to a UK orchestra, Harvey has been commissioned by leading international contemporary music groups including Ensembles Modern and Intercontemporain. Electronic experimentation has led to four commissions by IRCAM at the invitation of Boulez, a Parisian collaboration that will bear further fruit in Glasgow in 2007.

Harvey's music has been described as having a ‘transcendental’ quality, with clear, lucid orchestration and imagination working together to produce scores such as the orchestral work Wheel of Emptiness. Also in the programme is his Ricercare for trumpet and tape-delay system, which will be performed by principal trumpet Mark O’Keeffe. And best of all, on the occasion of this first Glasgow concert featuring his music, you can

hear it all for free. (Carol Main)

Ilttx “in en an lntrieate p\}ehodralna \xlth Shakexpeare'x 'I‘lle Ii'nl/n'xl ax a haekdrop. The score i\ a \eritahle lnoxale ol inuxieal intlueneex. from Jan alld \piritualx to Sehuhert and hes. l'sing danee llnager} and \truetural teehniquex of cinema and ltlll\IL‘ilI\. 'I'lppett'x third opera ix a model lor the aeeexxihilit) ol‘ lnodern opera.

I Craig Armstrong: Pianoworks Ro}al (‘oneert “all: Main .-\uditoriurn. Sauehiehall Street. 353 3000. 7.30pm. {In It‘l-lI. (‘olnpowr/arranger and lilrn wow \i riter pla) \ l'roln hix epon) lllttlh neu alhuln. Part of (Hill ('mlm't'llnnx.


I Opera on a Shoestring: A Viennese Whirl Brunton Theatre. Lad} ueII \Va}. Milxxelhurgh. (165 32-10. 7.30pm. i] l UNI. The lnnoxatix'e _\oung

eolnpan} that hringx opera to the masses prexentx a gala ot u ell Idiom] arias and enxelnhlex lroln operas and operettax premiered ill Vienna. Inelilding Itlgltllglth Iron} “11' .‘I/(U'I‘Iu‘m' of I'IV‘L’HI'U. Dre Her/ennui“. The Vault flute and much more.


I Gilbert Hudson Lomas Trio I.inlithgo\i I’rilnar} Sehool. Preston Road. 0l50(l 8442-17. 7.30pm. £6 ti: £5 I. 'I‘riox lor ohoe. bassoon and piano.

Glasgow I Pre-Junior Family Concert RSAMI). I00 Renl'rew Street. 332 5057.