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Rio Grand

On a visit to Brazil, Colin Hutchison discovers that the ‘Marvellous City’ is not quite the pure paradise he expected

Getting there: Edinburgh to Rio (via Paris) with Air France: From £341 excl. taxes / Tel: 0141 353 2224

Visa: Not required by UK nationals

Weather: 23-270 mean annual temperature. Oct-Mar is rainy season

Currency: Real (R$). 21: approx 5 RS

Immunisation: Check with your doctor for latest health advice

Favela Tour: www.fave|

Insight to Rio:

n lilll. the Portuguese explorer (iaspar de l.emos sailed into the sweeping Baia de (inanabara and named his ’discoy ery' Rio de .laneiro. 'l’he athenturer could hardly haye imagined that less than Sllll years later. the sell—proclaimed ‘('idade Meraxilhosa' l.\lar\ellons (‘ityl would prove to be the inspiration lor the song "lhe (iirl l‘rom lpanema‘ and prmide a sun-kissed. sub tropical paradise l'or throngs ol~ al'lluent lira/ilians. inclttding the body beautil‘ul. bikini-clad. ‘garota‘. llnlike dc l.emos. it took tne only l2 hours to lily l'roin Scotland to Bra/il‘s second—largest city. llaying paid U50 for a Real translier bus. within the hour I had the choice of either relaxing on the warm sands ol' Rio's \ast coastal strip or reyelling in the sights and sounds ol' the former Bra/than capital. Alter all. this is a city liercely proud of its cultural heritage. world lamous samba schools and as the spiritual hoine ol' Hi'a/ilian lootball.

Almost ()5 million. l’ortuguese-speaking Rio inhabitants (‘carioca'l liye in the sprawling north. central and southern lones. Many \'lSll()I'S. mysell‘ included. opt

to stay in the south /one. A within walking distance ol‘ 360 the famous beaches ol‘

(‘opacabana and lpanema. | chose not to llollow the path

ol' royalty and splash ottt oyer

£200 per night for an ocean

View room at the l‘iye-star ('opacabana Palace Hotel. instead. opting for tnore tnodest (£7) accommodation. However. I still awoke to the delicious aroma ol' lreshly brewed Brazilian coll'ee and a least ol' tropical lruits at breakfast.

From my base in lpanema. l negotiated lares with taxis and used the el'licient metro tl'rom (‘opacalmnal to explore Rio's many impressiye sights. l-‘irst on the list was the 38m high Statue of (‘hrist ((‘orcoyadol that lamously dominates the city skyline. Towering 704m behind ('opacalmna. the largest art deco sculpture in the world provides a stunning 360 degree panorama ol' Rio. Another delight awaited just 15 tninutes away by taxi. ln 'l‘iiuca. the world's largest national urban park. its cheeky capuchin monkeys tried their utmost to snatch a delicioust sweet banana l'rom my grasp. In the end. one succeeded. Sugar l.oal‘ Mountain (Pao de Acucar) is equally impressiye. Alter a £7 cable car— ride to the top. you can almost see the surl‘ers and beach volleyball players on Rio‘s beaches. ()n descending. you can quench your thirst and contemplate your next moye in one ol~ Rio‘s many laid-back cal‘e bars by drinking a very alcoholic. sugar-cane-based caipirinha cocktail.

Rio offers the tourist almost limitless attractions to explore. I could choose to relax among the winding streets of picturesque Santa Teresa. least for less than to on >

.::' THE LIST 95