I Friday at Wigwam til \Vigtuitn llpiii itini tt5i. \Veekl}. JttlllL'\ (itii'dner [)lil} \ .‘i llll\ nl Rtkll and enintnereitil L'lil\\lt'\. uhile \nrnixki and lt'lh plti} lunk} hnuxe .‘ind dtxen heals. 3:5 Funhouse ill Hatrll}. llptii 5itlll {51 it 5i \Veekl}. .\ lllj_'lll nl eluedaup punk itlltl etithtiilie indie pnp nnnxenxe ll‘x pnjgtiu f_‘il»f,_'tl \tilh Rilllltl l\ Vie (itilltmgt). Mr Paul \eetlle\ illltl l)l .'\lph.'i .\litehell.

I Funk Room ill the :\l'L‘llL‘\.

llptn 5itlll. Ui tL'5i. 2| .lilll. \lnnlhl}. Special guext l\ Yngi li'nni the Snuthpni'l Weekender and DJ Maya/tile. RL‘\ltlL'lll\ Andre“ l)l\ tile and Stinnn Bight-tit? ill't‘ ill\ll in lull elleel.

I Goodfoot til lhe Rl\t‘l\ltlt‘ ('luh. Midnight Stun. L5 '7 Jun. \lttiilhl}. 'l‘he (itititlliitil l).l It‘lllll lill lllL‘ lltitil‘ \kllll Northern Soul. RtHl illltl lunk L‘l;l\\lL'\. (Me Hi the \er}. \ei‘} line \ni‘lhei'n Snul lllj._'lll\ Ill llll\ nld town.

I Kinky Afro Monkey Cum Sessions ill the Shh ( 'luh. Next tlillt' “it.

I LiveVEvil til (ilttxgtm Sehtinl til .-\l‘l. .\'e\l dttle 4 l'eh \\ till I) Bridge.

I Lite til the ('nt‘inlhiun. lllpin .itini. {the \Veekl}. 'l‘he (‘ni'inthtttn liteelil'l getx inln lull \\\lllfJ. \\llll the lite hat and eluh taking: met' the :telinn nn l'i‘idti} \. All the top His li‘tint (ilk nthei‘ \eiiue\ llllllxt' regular tippetti';itiee\.

I Miso til lilh \nle ('tile. .\'e\l date “it.

I Mixed Bizness tit the (ilil\:_'tl\\ SL‘lltitll til :\l'l. \L‘H tltllL‘ llk‘.

I Offset ill ('uhe. lll..i()ptn .itiin. £8 (£5 l. \Vt‘t‘lxl}. l);lllL‘L‘ L‘l;l\\lc\ zllltl lull

hnuxe lrnin lL'\ltlL'lll |)J\ .-\ \et'} [‘tlj‘llldl' \enue and eluh night.

I Outer Drive ill the Sub (‘ltih .\'e\t dale the

I Papacool .it [he \Vnntlxitle \ne i.il \L'\l tllllL' llk’

I Pressure .it the :\l'e‘llt'\. .\'e\t tl.ite EH Jan \\ illi luut‘enl (itii‘niet nn less.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

llpiii .5ttlll.L51L.5l.\\t'cltl}. .\l.i~\i\e next night hit the Tunnel. bringing together three nl (il;l\:._'tl\\ \ best knnu ti I)J\. Kris Keegttn. ltllll ‘Stintnx' 'l‘hnnixnn and :\J. li\peet hi; \ the\. em lltl\ llllL'.\ hL‘Cll littllcd ;t\ SL‘tllltllltl.\ illl\\\ er tn Hed Kandi.

I Pussy Galore ill the ('niiiithiaii ‘lpni Zuni. {the Weekly llugg} lll lll\ lll'\l e\ei‘ \Vexl L‘tlihl i‘exidene}. pl.t} tny alongside Jnn I);i llext lll llll\ great (ilil\:_'(l\\ \enue.

I Rockit ill llgttnhnn. lll..5llplll Run. U) 1L4 l. \VCL‘H}. ()HL' l'titilll lltlll\L'. Ullt‘ t'nnni will and l'unk and \tllllt' ehillnut in the Inunge. An lllllllL‘th‘l} pnpultii‘ night.

I Stateside at Liquid Lounge.

I lptii Ruin. £5 tUi. \Veekl}. ('iet _\et‘ tu'xe Stillexide lnt‘ ti night «it lunk. \nul. lit/l. hip hnp and lil'tlltxt‘ll lk‘ilh \\ ith l'L'\ltlL‘lll\ .-\tit'nn l’ett‘ie and .\Iieh;iel Rilllt‘l‘l}.

I Utter Gutter :it the Rnerwde ('luh. Nev d;th lliL‘.

I What? ill the liquid lounge.

lllpni .5illll. £5. Weekly Residents .\l.'\Sll1llltl(‘lll‘l\ lllll‘l‘l\l'tlL‘l\llll\ llp\lill1\ hnite tiiilil the earl} morning: light \\ itli it \ei‘} \\ ell l'thL‘L‘lCtl lllll\lL'ill \L‘lCL‘lltill.

Glasgow Saturdays


I The Buff at the Hull \ptn ‘~.nn l-tee helnt'e Ill illpin. :5 .iltet \\eekl\ Kenn Stem-in .llltl \l.iik Ri'l‘l‘ ennk tip .i little neu \ehnnl i.i// l‘ll\lllL‘\\ .il (il.i\;_'n\\ \ next j.i//. \tllll .ind lunk elult

I Caledoniasoul \e\l tl.ite ll‘L

I Chinawhites .it ('htn.i\\ htlex

‘lptn Run. L' l 5 \Veekl} ltk .i xleep enxei eh.it‘;_'e. but then llll\ eluh l\ .utning .tl .i \t‘lt‘t'l glttllp \Vell llL‘L‘lctl pCt‘Plt' tll (ll.t\:_‘tl\\. turn up here in eeleh \ptil. quail the finest \\\.tlllL'\ and take in \nine nl the nieext funk} lllll\le

I Club Cuba! .it (‘tilxi \‘ni-te

‘lpni lint. till i L5i \\eekl} (iet in Inueh \\ illi _\nut l..ilin \pit'tt .il llll\ night nl el.i\\_\ dtineing Human and Shannnn \uppl} the linexl l..iltn hetitx .\l.ike \lllL' _\nu .n‘i'ixe earl} tn guarantee entt}.

I Club Noir .it the (Ruling; \eadetti} \L‘\l date the.

I Colours .it the .\lt‘llt‘\. \e\l tl.ite 5 l'eh lni their big: lllth hn'lhda} \\ ith .lnhn |)ig_'\\eed and mine.

I Death Disco .it the .'\lt'llt'\

llpiii .5illll. LN 33 .lilll. \lntillil). Ritnn and l'ill 'l‘i'uekei' present the (itieet Snttnds} \lL‘lll. Rilnn'x eleeu'n .ilhuni l\ garnering: pitnxe ll'tllll all «net the jninl. and tin“ il‘x time In eheek ll ntil lt\e. Resident \llllgtl-gt) l\ thinking: llllll nlt till night lnng.

I Disciples of Disco .it (‘tihe

Illpin .ititn. tihe. \Veekl}. (‘tihe l'i'id;i_\\ gn l)i\en. (iei‘t') l._\nn. |.il‘ Rieh. and Derek lln plti} the lunk} tune\ it” night ti—lnng.

. DiVine .ll (ll.l\:_'\‘\\ \t‘llt‘t‘l t‘l \ll itlnxxnxtanxl lllpni 5.llll in t (5 Ht.

1“ 5Il(i_\~ \ \llltlt‘llh \\eekl_\ lleep lunk. Mix and “its ginmex tni .i inn] etnutl .tl llll\ \et'} Inn; itiniiin; (il.i~;n\\ texttlents' night It's tint .i texitlenl'x night nit .\ .|.in. hn\\e\et. .l\ .l.t//ni.in (iet.iltl ltllll\ the pail} (iel the -15\nut lieu}

I ESkfima .ll (il.l\f_'tl\\ St'llt‘t‘l t‘l \ll llpiti ‘~.itn Cit-l UH \\eek|_\ (lime Saturda} nightei lintii Spudtl and the hnp \et_\ pnpul.ii indeed \\llll thnxe .ut \t'lltittl tllltltN

I Frealunenoovers .ii (ll.l\}jtl\\ Seltnnl nl \il lllpnt Run L" «Li UH

\\ llllL‘ l‘\'\l tlL‘tllt'Jlt‘tl lllj‘ lltlj‘ eluh lll the en}. lll the melting pnl nl the \tl Selinnl e\et§ Saluida}

I Freefall .it the (\lellLW llpiii ‘~.iiii

t; Ill 15 Jan \lnnthl} Rexitlentx lll_‘_‘lll lni llll\ ii‘iegulai h.ttd hnuxe and [mute night .it llll\ e|.i\\ie \enue

IGroovejet.it .\l.\.\ llpiii Kim t.\ IUH \\eekl_\ Kex tn \lel .ul.ine and Stephen l ee pl.i_\ hnuxe. \\llllt' lx’.i\\ ll dtnpx llll‘dll .ind pnp ()ne nl the nltl 'li‘axh llllell\ lltl\\ lll‘ll\k'tl lll llll\ dn\\ntn\\ ll \enue

I Homecookin’ .il lieln lllpni 5.1lll. l'tee helnie I lpiii. {5 .illei \\eekl} lllx Stewit't .\le( Lillutn .ind .lne Higgins keep the danee llnni jutnpingg' .ill llllell Inne. inning: RAH ll.lL‘l\\ \\ ttli the ndd t |.i\\te ni’ nld \ehnnl l.i\nutile \ ne\\ \enue enneepl. hut the mine .ttlilude ln ll.l\ Ill}: .i gnnd time. \n gel nn II

I Homegrown .it lluiiihnn.

|ll..illptii .5tllll t'.\' tUii. \\eek|_\. Stexe Middlelnn. |)nininie \ltii‘tin. illltl Sentl} ll like in ptit nn .i hit nl .t \htm int the


pre-club venues

I Air Organic

36 Kelvingrove Street, 564 5201

I Arches Cafe Bar 253 Argyle Street. 565 1023.

I Blackfriars

26 Bell Street, 552 5924 I Bar 10 10 Mitchell Lane. 572 1448

I Bar 91

91 Candleriggs. 552 5211

Brel 39 Ashton Lane. 342 4966

I Cuba Norte

17 John Street. 552 3505

I Cul De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 4749 I Elliot’s

203-205 Bath Street, 248 2060

a 54 Below

3 Kelvingrove Street. 357 5454

I The Gazelle

1038 Agle Street, 248 6881

I The Griffiny

266 Bath Street. 331 5171

I Havana

50 Hope Street. 248 4466

I The Living Room 5 Byres Road. 339 8511

I The Medicine Room

30—32 Cathedral Square. 552 3519

I Mondo

133 West George Street. 204 5211

I Nice’n’Sleazy

421 Sauchiehall Street, 333 9637

I Polo Lounge

84 Wilson Street. 553 1221

I Salty Dog Princes Square,

221 7800

I Soba

11 Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404

3 Spy Bar

153 Bath Street. 221 7711

E St Judes

190 Bath Street. 331 5171


42 Otago Lane. 357 4524

I Variety Bar 401Sauchiehall Street. 332 4449

I Archaos

25 Queen Street. 204 3189. Massive club playing the best hard house. R88 and party tunes over Friday. Saturday and Sunday. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Arches

Argyle Street. 565 1023. Colours. Pressure and Inside Out have dominated this huge venue for years. but are things changing? See listings for details.

I Bamboo

51 West Regent Street. 332 1067. A musical programme that takes in modern soul and funky house makes this a favourite venue. Homegrown on a Saturday is possibly the biggest night. but their Thursday is also a crazy night.

I Barfly

260 Clyde Street. 221 0414. A great club for those who like guitar music. The Evil night on a Thursday is always a good bet. See listings for selected highlights. I Belo

Royal Exchange Square.

204 0101. Bump and grind your weekend away at this massively popular. subterranean R88 club.

m Blanket

520 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755. Biggest R88 club in the city? We think so. Busy every Friday. Saturday and Sunday

E23 Budda

142 St Vincent Street. 221 5660. The decadent Jet Set Go-Go Lounge happens every Saturday, and other weekend nights attract an up-for-it party crowd. See listings for details. The Butt Club

142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. A number of fine nights take place at this upstairs-downstairs venue with the jazz and funk remit. See listings for details.

I Carling Academy 121 Eglinton Street, 08700 771 2000. Host to big one off parties from Club Noir to Pressure. See listings for details.

a Carnival Arts Centre

2nd Floor, 34 Albion Street, 946 6193. Occasional club nights with ethnic themes at this Merchant City haunt

I The Cathouse

15 Union Street, 248 6606. The most popular nu-metal and goth club in the city just check out those queues to get in over the weekend.


350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Art space that throws the occasional one off special club event. See

listings for details. Club Living

69 Nelson Mandela Place. 248 7333. New venue with a full complement of rockin’ late evening to early morning weekend sessions.

I Club 69

40 New Sneddon Street.

552 5791. It‘s experimental and funky techno all the way at this great venue. The guys from Rub-a-Dub are in charge musically. See listings for details. Corinthian

Ingram Street. 552 1101. Upper-crust clubbing for those who like to spend. spend. spend. Smart clothes are a prerequisite over the weekend.

I Cuba Norte

John Street. 552 3505. Home to Mish Mash. this is a beautiful. cavernous venue in the Merchant City. See listings for selected highlights.

I Cube

34 Queen Street. 226 8990. Clubs hardly come more popular than this. A massive clientele and a funky soundtrack characterises the Cube weekend presentation. I Fury Murry’s

96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. No pretensions just pure partying at this classic venue down near the Clyde.

I The Garage

490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. Classic student venue playing perhaps the most obvious party tunes. See listings for selected highlights.

E Glasgow School

of Art

167 Renfrew Street. 332 0691. Eskrima on Saturdays and LiveVevil every month make this student venue a winner. See listings for details. I Liquid Lounge West Regent Street, 353 6333. Upstart. Together and Hi-Karate make up a fine line-up at this loft style venue. See listings for details.

I Oran Mor

Byres Road, 0870 0132 652. Huge Gaelic-style venue in the West End that plays host to the funk and jazz celebration that is the N00 Groove. See listings for details.

I Polo Lounge

Wilson Street. 553 1221.

The gay community of Glasgow votes with its feet every weekend. making this the most popular club of its kind in the city.

I Queen Margaret Union

University Gardens. 339 9784. Various club and club-orientated gigs occur at this student debauchery emporium. See listings for details. I Reds

Sauchiehall Street, 331 1635. One of the oldest Glasgow venues, with a full complement of party tunes on the big three nights.

I Renfrew Ferry Clyde Place. 553 0606. This floating venue on the Clyde plays host to various one-off nights. and the genius monthly that is VEGAS! See listings for details.

I Riverside Club Fox Street, 569 7287.

Home to the monthly style test that is Saltlick. this small sootal club is an epicentre of cool. See listings for details. I Soundhaus Hydepark Street. 221 4659. House. techno and live venue With Chakra. Shoogakube and Monox every month. See listings for details.

I Sub Club

Jamaica Street. 248 4600. The best club in Glasgow? Optimo Sundays and Subculture Saturdays seem to corroborate the claim. See listings for details. I The Tunnel

84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. A venue famous for its well-dressed crowd and popularity. Dance tunes dominate the weekend. of c0urse. See listings for selected highlights.

I Universal

157 Sauchiehall Lane. 332 8899. This smart venue hosts drum 8 bass and laid back club nights. making it a varied space in which to relax. See listings for details.

I Vault 25 Queen Street. 204 3189. DJs from the record stores of the city come together to spin up a storm under this. one of the biggest party streets in the City. See listings for details.

I Woodside Social 329 North WOOdSlde Road. 337 1643. A selection of indie and mod clubs make up the monthly programme at this charming west end institution. See listings for details.

40 THE LIST ti—Ct‘ Jat‘ 3005