Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I '2' at the Bul'l'('lub, ll).3()prn 3am. l'ree (£3 ). b Jan. Monthly. Stev ie and Day id rumrnage through their records to bring you all the good stull' and the odd live band. lixpect a least (it electronica. discolechnricarcy and a lot ol’ other stul'l'. West and Barbarosa settle into their new 'l'liursday night thing.
I Atomic at ('Iub Apollo. llpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. They invite you to throw shapes on the dalieelloor as their resident riitrsical jigsaw builder pieces together an eclectic mix ol past master's and enduring classics. spanning l'our decades. Dancerilic disco and electro punk. northern sort] and some golden greats.
I Bananas at MAS. l lprii 3am. £lbc. Weekly. (io. well. bananas at this laiiy clttb that used to be in Trash below the
«a. .5. 3.x r . ..
Gerald Short (aka Jazzman Gerald) is
god ol lire put paid to that particular has en ol iniquity. l)a\ e Young and Woody are in charge ol the music. I Club Living at ('lub l.|\ ing 9pm 3am. £thc. Weekly. [)1 Andy (Manager ol' 23rd Precinct records) plays a lled-ls'andt style lill\ ol the liriesl lunky house arottrid at this brand spanking new club. I Evil at Barlly. ll)..‘~l)pni 3am. £2. Weekly. (iotli. industrial. punk and metal meet at this black-clad happening. I Fluff on the Needle at \Vigwani. llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. (‘liris Brgu/li. Zeus. Normski. Marky Mark and Ian Whitelaw spin it up at this new 'l'liursday party at this Saucliiehall venue. I Freakmoves at (ilasgow School ot Art. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l‘ltra- line hip hop night lor the students. with l)Js l)eiiia arid Nice. I Handbag Holocaust at the Barlly. .\'ext date the. I Instant Access at Sub (‘Iuh Il),.i()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Residents nights through January. so that means Till Peaches and (ilenn (' in your lace with the music.
Loaded at Liquid Lounge. Illpni .iarn. £4 (£3). Weekly. Three live bands kick the night oll’. making way l'or Joe Kane on decks with some indie. mod and soul at latii. I Record Player: at (ilasgow School (it Art. 10.30pm 2.30am. £3 (l'ree £3).
renowned for his deliciously rare record collection. Not surprising seeing that he runs Jazzman Records who many believe to be the best soul, jazz and funk reissue label in the world. This fortnight he puts in sets on both coasts with two of our favourite
funky nights.
Modern Lovers. 7 Jan. Ego. Edinburgh, 70.30pm—3am, £5 before mien/grit.- 56 after; DIV/(79. 8 Jan, G/asgow Schoo/ ofArt. G/asgow. 77 phi—3am. £6 (‘35).
Weekly in the \Ile Bar the Record Player/ I)Js lit-l") Sean and litishpuppy play to a packed crow d ol' trashed lasliton _|tllllsle\ and lucked up l'oretgn disco lireaks. The club that l‘ran/ l'erdinand and Scissor Sisters appeared at. long below the hype took hold
I Skint at the ('atliouse. llprii 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. A night that rellects the resurgent alternative scene at the moment Rock. rridte and some tough chemical breaks and beats. w itli a crowd riiticli like the one you see outside (io.\l:\.
I Speakeasy at the l'niversal.
lllprn 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. il you l'eel like a lew drinks alter the ptib. btit don't want to go clubbing. Speakeasy ts lor you. The music ain't compromised. but the \ llie is chilled.
I Topform at the Bull. lllprn 3am. l5ree bel'ore llUllpm; £3 alter. Weekly. ‘Ari extravagan/a ol' music and twisted entertainment. think the Royal Variety Per'liorriianee hosted by your drunkest drunken uncle. Think end (it the pier. think end (it the world. think out ol your box?‘ Witli Radio ()ne's (iill Mills and the "very tall‘ Kevin McKay.
I Who Dropped the Funk? at the Liquid Lounge. Next date the.
Chart & Party
I Firewire at Bamboo. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (ir'aham lierguson spins RdLB and chart classics in room I. whilst I)J toast is in the red room playing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Robin B plays an eclectic mix ol disco. l'utik and soul.
I Phunky Monkey at llelo.
3pm 3am. l’ree bel'ore l lpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Scott (irainger. \'ance and Richie Mc(‘olm are on spinning duties at this new club that looks like getting even bigger than Baba/a. Plenty ol drinks promos. l'uriky anthems and lloor lillers make it a winning l’orniula.
Glasgow Fridays
I Basura Blanca at the Brunswick llotel Basement. Spur-2am. £5. David ()kumo (guitar) and Tom Skinner (percussion) deliver a live improvised set over Jority Kenton‘s DJ skills. (ireat new cltib idea. watch this space lor more details.
I Bob’s Emporium at The Big Joint. Next date tbc.
I Burly at the Arches. Next date l2 l‘eb.
I Canvas at Arta. I lprii 3am. £tbc. Weekly. DJ Walter plays a plethora of l‘unk. soul and R&B at this heautil'ul Merchant ('ity bar.
I The Cathouse at the ('alliouse. l().3()pm -3arii. £1 before I lpm: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Riding high on the nu metal wave. this is one of the busiest nights in town. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash ol‘ breakheat across three lloors at (ilasgow's top venue for rockers and altertiateeris.
I Chinawhites at (‘hinawhites 9prii—3am. £12. Weekly. The (ilasgow version of the legendary London celebs club kicks off in style. Waitresses. proper doormen and discerning DJs make up the ‘whites experience.
I Club Living at Club Living. ‘)prii--3arii. Free before I lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Alan Mackenzie plays retro classics and Scott Mochar puts a twist into it with some line home also.
I Coded at Vault. llpm—3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. They're from a record store. so the tunes are going to be fresh and highly l‘unky. aren’t they? A rotating roster of DJs affiliated to 23rd Precinct supply the house-led grooves you can rely on. Steven McCreery is the main man. but the pool of talent includes Billy Kilkie. Billy Woods and Amanda Price. LI: Concept Theory at the Arches.
I lpm—3am. £tbc. l4 Jan. Monthly. Detroit Legend Mike Grant pays a rare visit to the Arches. playing at a club that is always interesting when it's in session.
I Emergency at Torn loin Basement Next date the
I Fluid at MAS llpm 3am £o (£4) \Veekly Beat lilti's l is.) l tttlewood. Scott Mackay and Raw B all play as residents at this raucous party up at the mad end ol' town l-unky house. urban pop and ltiatls (ill cheap boo/e ltldlxe It a winning proposition
I Fresh at the Polo l ounge
I lpm Rain £5 Weekly Michelle and Andy are in charge (it the musical duties at this delicious. gay mixed Merchant (‘ity club Most who eriler come out smiling.
I Friday Street at Ivory Blacks (()swald Street) Next date the
There's some killer stuff in the pipe line tor 2005. In terms of the big guns Pressure have got a live hour set from the French master Laurent Gamier at the end of this month at the Arches. while the end of next month they have Jeff Mills for his yearly vrsrt. Other names on the cards for 2005 include Sven Valli, Adam Beyer, Tiga. Swayzak and Felix da Housecat amongst others. Still in camp Some Alex Smoke has an album lncommun/cado out in February and Silicone Sow return with Staring Into Space in March.
Also at the Arches Colours are reaching their tenth birthday at the beginning of February) and as you can imagine it's a big ol' house party With John Digweed headlining a packed bill. And Colours have also confirmed another Colourstest (Our one and only club festival) for June, at Braehead Arena.
There are some big things a tool at the Liquid Rooms in Edinburgh, wrth DJ sets from everyone from Snow Patrol this month to Pete Tong in April. Progression has the likes of Ali Dublire and Tom Middleton on their guest roster. Jungle Magik is setting up as new home here with DJ Phantasy on hand for their opening show in February. Rumours of Chas ‘n' Dave at Snatch are still rumbling. but the big one has to be Fat Boy Slim. The date is still to be confirmed but its likely to be July or September. Also look out for new plans and new management at Cabaret Voltaire. more news as it ‘3 confirmed.
Finally if you want some Irve sounds March seems to be the month: Spektrum play STET at the Bengo Club. Edinburgh); the Streets play two dates at the Carling Academy Glasgow; with the Chemical Brothers hot on their heels at the same venue.
6—20 Jan 2005 THE LIST 39