in Scotland \ntlion} \liia; tll\c'll\\t'\ l1l\ nork ‘J-lllt'li rclatcx to lhc 'prcxcnt continuoux‘ tL-nxc. .i\ all allctlipl lii t'caclt .i phcnoiiicniilogical iathcr than intcllcctual nioincnt


Behind the Scenes - the Glasgow Collection \litchcll lilirai‘}. Itll North Slicct. 3h" SW)” 3 itlpin ()pportiinit} to lll\t'\llj._'.tlt' thc rich llll\ ol lllitlt‘\ hcld in thc laiuom (ilaxgou ('ollcction including: lll\ ncu \leX'H. mat“ and photographic iiiiajgcx

>l< Hip Hop Dance Classes ( '(V\. 3*” \auchichall Sti‘cct. ‘53 Woo lell. '5 lL-ll SCL' 'l llll (\ St't' lllllhl

Eml— Edinburgh

Activities & Events

Winter Observing Evenings Ro}al ()l\\t'l\;tltil'_\ \ixitoi' (‘cnti'c. Blackl'oi'd Hill. («is slut, H.45pni, (35¢) it‘lfitii; l.’tlllll_\ tickcl t"). l‘ind out hou to \pol Saturn. .liipitci. iiictcoi \houcn and coinctx in thc dark \\ iiitci' \k}. Hooking: cxxcntial.


Something to Draw On \chion link. National (iallct'). 'l‘lic Mound. (ill Mon. -l,3llpiii. U. .-\l'll\l liniil}'niont lcadx a practical “Ul‘kxlltlp on \llll lil'c.


Edinburgh Capitals v Hull Stingrays Mlll't'tiHlUld lt't‘ Rlllk. Rl\t‘l\tlillt' (.l'LNL‘t'lll. 337 (i033. (ipni. {llltUlL tainil) tickct £30. ll.\'l. Icaguc icc hockc} inatcli.

Monday 10

Activities & Events

Cafe Scientifique: MMR: Science and Fiction l‘ilinhotixc (‘atc liar. XX l,othian Road. 7.30pm. 'l'hc chancc to tll\t'll\\ |\\llL‘\ i‘clating to thc MMR iah.

u ith gucxt \pcakcr Richard llorton. liditoi' ol I‘lic' luni'i'l. l'iii' inoi'c illlti click on

u \\ \k.c‘;itc\cic11litqticoi'g.


Making Faces: Eduardo Paolozzi and Self Portraiture \chton link. National (iallci'). 'l‘hc Mound. (C4 (660. IIJS l._itlpiii. .\ lccturc h} Danicl llci'i'inann. curator ol‘ thc (itillt‘l') ot‘ Modcrn .-\l'l‘\ l’aolo/ll ('ollcction.

Activities & Events

Adult Workshop: Shadows of China l.;itll'l\lnn (‘a\tlc. 3a ('i‘aniond Road South. 330 letut). Itlani 4pm. £8. .\lakc _\otti' oun ('hincxc lillllt‘l'lh to cclchratc ('hincxc Nc“ \car as \xcll ax c\ploi'ing \\atcrcoloui'\. collagc. \titching and tapcxtr} in llllx t‘\lX‘l‘llllL‘llI;ll \xorkxhop. Hooking cxscntial.


The UN at 60 - the Hidden Story of Success Ro_\al .\lu\cuni l.ccturc 'l‘hcati‘c. 3 (‘lttlltll‘cl‘x SII'L‘CI. :47 ~13 l‘l. (3.30pm. {-1 (£3 l. Sir Richard Joll). (‘hairinan ol‘ thc l'K‘\ l'nitcd Ntillmh :\\\ociation. \ll\L'U\\C\ lttm lllL‘ l'.\' can l'L‘\ptilttl to thc challcngm of human rightx. cm ironincnt and global incqtialit) “lillt‘ i'ctaining thc support ol‘ thc uorld'x onl} \tipcrpoucr.


The Life Cycle of Stars Rtl);ll ()hxciwatol‘) Visitor (‘cntrc. Blackl'ord llill. (ms 840-1. 7.30 8.30pm. £3 (U i. Sti/ic Rainxa} takc\ )ou through tlic litc ot‘ a ~1ai'. t'roin itx hcginningx ax a tlll\l} dark cloud to its dcniixc as a \upci‘nm a.


Salsa Classes The l.lgllllltlll\t‘. 32 34 ’l‘hc Shorc. l.cith. 55-1 9405. “7 ~ 8pm. 5‘ 0pm & ‘l ltlpiu. £5 it-li. Icarn to Salxa and Mcrcnguc in thcxc tun claxxcs. 'l‘hc tirxt

clav l\ tor l\c;innci\. thc \ccond to: lcxcl:

hcgiiincrx and thc thud tor iniproxctx'

Wednesday 12

Activities & Events

Adult Workshop: Frosty Days l..tllll\liill ('axtlc. 3a (ianiond Road \oiith. “ti INN! ltlaiii inn Ll< \\.ilcicoliiui and mud nicdia \Millnltiip lcad h} l inda l'l.tlllL' Hooking t‘\\L'

Thursday 13


Lacrosse Open Day l'ctlcx ( hilt-cc. l‘t‘lltN (iallci). l'.;l\l l'L'llL‘\ ,\\ k'llllL'. ll-“ 1-1 illillfi‘) Nillpiii l'icc (‘apital l .tcli'\\L‘ ('luh throux opcn ll\ ll'.tllllllj_' \t'\\liill\ toi tuo L'\t'lllllj_'\ llcginncix .llll.tlt'lll\ and him arc iii\ ich to conic along and hpr kick \lall lllL' \L';t\iitl in lllL'\L' coaclicd opcn c'\clllll:_'\ l'uuipnicnt l\ pi‘oudcd. \o ll|\l him; along; a pair ot ll'.tlllL'l\ and fact \tuck in l'i‘l iiioic inloi'niation chcck otit uuu.ctcani/ciint/capital


Filmmaker’s Talk: Beverly Hood l-i'uitiiiai'kct (iallci‘). ~15 .\l.ii‘kct Sticct. 335 2333. (Lillpin. l'i'cc. lit-\ci'l} llood. .tl'll\l and l)(l\lj_‘l';ltlll;llt‘ (‘ooi‘duiatoL School ol \ixual ('oininunication at l:(‘,\ tlixctixwx llic lilni and animation pi‘iic‘c\\c\ in l2llcn (iallaghci's llllll\. Booking ad\i\ah|c


After Hours: Drop in and Draw National (iallct') ol .\lodci‘n .\l'l. "5 ltcltoi'd Road. (ill (illltl. 5.30 (MSpiii. li\pci'iincnl “llll ncu iiiai'k making: procch Ill lltl\ al'll\l lcd \xoi’k\llop llhpll't‘tl h} thc ncu collcctionx. .\'o draw in; upcncncc ncccxsar}.

Activities & Events Winter Observing Evenings Rinal

2 '75 3mg”-


(.L'llllk‘. lilac kfilftl

()l‘\t'l‘~.:li‘!\ \ mtw: l)(\\ \JtlJ \ .QSPHV‘ L:

tattttl} tickct 1" \‘c l r: Pc'lt cs Tranatlantic Seminar: Business and the War on Terrorism Room ( ill

\\ lll1.tll‘i lx’ohc‘ihoii liiiiktinc. l thnl‘uigh

l ni\ci\it_\. ( icoicc \tiuaic. ll‘lll \ndicu l‘ulton tioni thc \u'lll\ll \oith \iiiciican lluxincxx (‘ounc il lcad\ thc tll\cll\\li‘ll


From the Himalayas to Heidelberg: Images of travel by JMW Turner \\c~tou l ink. \ational ( iallci}. lhc \loiind. hit “in” l: ~15 l illpni \ lcctuic hx l).i\id llioun. cuiatoi ot thc lui‘nci (.l‘llk‘Killllll .tl lllL' yl.tlt‘


3D/ZD Craft 8- Design Fair \xxcml‘l} Rooms. 5~1(icoig_'c\'ticct. SIMS-1%

Itl itlam .l itlpm ‘lllpihllpi (‘ontciiipoiai'_\ cl.lll.tlt‘\lj_'l1.tlltl.tll\\iilk\ diicct tioiii thc\t'l\ lllt‘lll\t'l\t'\

Food <3 Drink

Edinburgh Farmer’s Market ( 'axtlc 'l'ci'i'acc. (\53 W41) ‘laiii 3pm. llu} gicat pioducc diicct tioiii Scottixh tainicix


Hearts v Dundee United 4l}ncca\llc Stadium. (ioiggic Road. lell "Jill. ipiii l)undcc l'iiitcd \l\ll l'.llllll‘lllj_'ll toi llll\ .\'|’l loothall iiialcli.

Edinburgh Capitals v Hull Stingrays \hirra}licld lcc Rink. Rncixdalc (‘rcxccnt 337‘ (NH. (it‘ll). till l Ci; taiiiil_\ tickct [In l'ollou up li.\'|. icc hockc} lll.llcll;tf1.'tlll\l thc Sllllgll';t)\.


African Dance Workshop ( )giioh i'l'ht- ()ld lioiigofltihi. (\ \cu Sum. 55" Xfil. 12,30 Jillpni & lit) Spin. L'ltliL'Xi pct

'0 b

Havana. Cuba Norte, Tiger Tiger & CCA, Glasgow; Dancebase, Edinburgh

Thousands of us around the country will stumble into the New Year resolving to work off those festive excesses and finally get into shape. Never quite seems to happen though, does it? However, as that contented Christmas feeling fades away and January rears its bleary head, for one solution that combines fitness and fun, just pull on your dancing shoes.

In Glasgow, those fired up with Latino passion will find Salsa classes happening most days of the week at Havana, Cuba Norte or Tiger Tiger. Alternatively, Thursday evenings from Thu 13 Jan to Thu 3 Feb feature Hip Hop dance classes at the CCA, as ‘Shelltoe’ Mel invites you to, ‘Freak out with your floor work, get rawcus with your routines and get in a fankle with

your freezes'.

Meanwhile, in Edinburgh, Dancebase ( offers moves for all tastes from belly dancing, ballet and jive to samba, tango and tap. Marketing Manager, Jennie Gardner, explains the benefits. ‘All physical activity releases endorphins, and dance has the added element of fun and creativity, offering participants a great feeling of emotional as well as physical well being,’ she says, and expects that feel-good factor to lead to a rush of New Year bookings. ‘We aim to make those good intentions easy to keep, by offering fun classes in a great variety of dance styles.’ Get in there quick to snap up the last places and start bustin’ your best moves.

(Chris Bradley)

Around Town

‘mizkstil‘l‘ “11?: lichc l lixaii tzotn thc l\o:\


~\C'.“. COS 3t t".:"‘i8

Signed Tour of Modern Women \.:tioii.:l l‘o:ti.«.it (Lillciy l (‘ltzccn \ticct. ‘31 “Still ll.‘.l'.l noon lot: in \l.:i\ l\lll‘.‘.lll\ k. intcipzctctt toi pcoplg xxiio .iic tlcal hx ll.i\id \llllllllt'l\j_'lll

Tuesday 18

Talks Probing the Dark Energy Roxal

t ll‘\t'l\.tliil§ \1\lli'l (‘cntic lilackloitt lllll. NW \lll-l " illt‘ni 1: till ll.i\itl Halon

talkx .ihoiit thc iii}\lt‘iiiiii\ cncifgt \xhk h

\t't‘llh to tic .aiixinc thc iinncixc to \'\l‘ttll\l at an c\ticnicl_\ \pccdt i.itc Gaudier-Brzeska: An Absolute Case of Genius \\c\toii l ink_ \ ( iallcix. lhc \loiinil til-l (Nut l.‘ l; l illtiiii \ lk'kllllt' ti} l’aul ( l‘lxcctc. .iit lll\l|lll.tll. pcitoinici and author

Worksht it )3;

Salsa Classes Ilic l lz'lllltiill\t‘. €.‘ *1 lhc \hoic. l citti. “l ‘l-lo‘ hi‘lll. \ ‘lpni .\ ‘l lllpni 95 it it \cc luc ll

Wednesday 19


Modern Women \aiioiial l’ouiaii (iallcit. l ()uccn \tich. o.‘ 1 (Con _‘ 3*

l lipiii, l ccluic h} .tlll\l _|o_\cc ( illllll (Linux and poct and toundci oi thc Mottixh l)tK'll'_\ I dun). lcxxa lx’audoid

Food 8. Drink

Discovering the Tastes of Shiraz ('ockhuink \\ inc \lt'lcllallh. ih.‘ .\loinin§_'\idc Road. l.“ lhhll ‘piii Ll.‘ \n intciactnc \milduidc t.i\tinj.' toui ot tlic Shii'a/ giapc


Power in Europe lll\llltll l l.tll\'.ll\ d'lzcoxxc. “Randolph ( 'icxtcnt. 33‘! UV" “, ill ‘lpni. l'icc lliian 'l.i_\loi lttllh tlic luuiopcan .\lo\ciiiciit lzdinhuiyh l)|\\ll\\l|lll (ii'oup. l’lacc\ lllll\l hc lt'\t'l\t'(l iii .l\l\.tllt c


Lacrosse Open Day l't‘llt'\ ( 'ollcj:c. l'L'llt'\ (iallt'l'). l‘.t\l l't'llt'\ :\\ t'llllt'. “3 33M. N. itlpin l'icc \cc 'lhii Ii


* After Hours: Picturing Poets - an Evening with Liz Lochhead, Janice Galloway and Jackie Kay \\L'\ltill 1 wk. National (i.illci'_\. 'l‘lic .\loiind. (ill (Still "mill H. itlpni. L5 lL‘ll Rohtii \ltllmlt k. dii'cctoi ol llic Scullhll l’octr} lihiai}. lio\t\ llll\ \pccial c\cnin;_' ot pocti} and lt';ttllllj._'\ \kllll thicc ot Scotland'x hcxt knoun \Hllt‘l\ l.Iinilcd pl.icc\ a\ailal\lc. tall ‘) ltlain Honda} l‘l‘ltlit} to hook Scc [llLllllt' and llllll\l.

(.1 l .’\S( l( )V»,


Glasgow Ski Club Open Night

THURSDAY |3TH JANUARY 2005 FROM 8-30PM ONWARDS at the Bon Accord, North Street

For details visit website at