Around Town



* Torchllt Procession Celtic Connections launches with a fiery procession to stir your blood and get you ready for as much fiddling, piping and drumming as you can take. See music for details. George Square, Glasgow, Wed 72 Jan. * Martin Bell The man who took on Neil Hamilton, and won, is not afraid to stand by his principles. After covering warzones across the world, Bell believes war is not an acceptable political policy. He discusses his views in this annual Dallas Lecture. See interview. Glasgow City Chambers, Thu 73 Jan.

* l'llp hop dance classes Or any other kinds for that matter. Shake your ass like it's 2005. Oh it is. Well even better, there are many ways to do it. Get in there for the new term. See preview. CCA, Glasgow, Thursdays 8 Dancebase, Edinburgh, daily

(www. dancebase. co. uk)

* Picturing Posts Join Liz Lochhead, Janice Galloway and Jackie Kay for an evening of poetry and readings, hosted by Robyn Marsack, director of the Scottish Poetry Library. Weston Link, National Gallery, Edinburgh, Thu 20 Jan.


For Bell Tolls

Having survived journalism and politics, Martin Bell is on his way to Glasgow to impart his experiences. Allan Radcliffe catches up with the man in the white suit.

I is something of a rarity to encounter a highly

regarded public ligure whose (‘V is composed ol'

not one but two despised lines ol‘ work

journalsim and politics. Martin Bell. howeyer. is an

anomaly. IIe lirst rose to prominence as a respected l'oreign correspondent for the BBC. reporting l'rom many of the world‘s trouble spots. including the Middle liast. Rwanda and Bosnia where his trademark ‘lucky white suit‘ could not present him being badly wounded by shrapnel.

In I997. disgusted at the seeming relentlessness of

Tory slea/e. Bell lottng and convincingly won the sale

(‘onseryatiye seat of ’I‘atton against suspected ‘cash l‘or

questions' .\IP .\'eil Ilamilton. going on to become one of the mother ol' parliament‘s most iconoclastic representatiyes during his four years in till—ICC. Ilaying placed politics and journalism on the back burner. at least for the time being. the neyer idle Bell will be deliyering this year's Dallas lecture in which he will be imparting his yiews on the nature ol‘ war in the new century as well as some pessimistic musings on his two

preyious' careers. 'I haye some serious concerns for

both lieldsf he says. ‘People are always asking me how politics is going to start engaging with people again and I say it's yery simple politicians should start behaying themselyes. Iilected politicians should be more principled. more independent minded and less cowardly about yoting against their party. The yote that

took as into the Iraq war. ltn‘ example. was a lailure ol’ parliamentary democracy on a grand scale.'

Ile is similarly scornl‘ul ol‘ the current state (it broadcast journalism. "l'here‘s been a retreat l‘rom authenticity in teleyision journalism. partly lol‘ reasons (it placing style. and the quest l‘or ratings. oyer substance. although. in terms (it war reporting. also l'or reasons ol sal'cty. Reporters are now targets." Since unsuccessl'ully contesting the sale 'I‘ory seat ol' Brentwood in the Zillll (ieneral lilection. Bell has worked as a l'.\'l('lil" ambassador. He announced his retirement l'rom politics earlier this year l’ollowing his narrow failure to secure a seat in the liuropean Parliament. Despite this retreat l‘rom the l'rontline. Bell remains happy to throw his weight behind likeminded l'ree thinking candidates. and counts Scottish Independent parliamentarians such as retired doctor Jean 'I'urner among his l‘riends. lloweyer. as bel'its the man whose autobiography was entitled The .‘lr'r'n/r'nlul Politician. yery liew ol' the major opportunities that base arisen in Bell's later lil‘e haye come about by design. ‘Iiyerything in my life has happened to me by accident except journalism. Politics and working for L'NK'I'LI’ were delinitely accidents.‘ Bells principles howeyer are no accident. rather the lodestone of his yaried career.

Glasgow City Chambers, Thu 13 Jan

'2 1/, . ,::' 7’17. THE LIST 31