
Round the Travelling WOFid in 8 beer hOme fOr shopping to drink Christmas days with food? In Style PAGE 121 PAGE 123

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clK hc huncxl. .'\llCl' lhc (‘hi'Nlnax inimc. lhc hlg lccd

and lhc L‘ll\llllll;ll') chal \xilh l‘nclc l-l‘ank almul him

llilllgx \\ L‘I'L‘ lk‘llcl' hack in lhc guild Hid ll;l_\ \. (‘ill'l\llll.l\ Ha} can drag. Sn lcl'x nul i'cach l'ul' Kci'plunkl again lhclc‘x a nc\\ \Hll'lll ul' galncx and [up will lhcl'c lhc lanll|_\ can indulgc ill.

\Vhilc gl‘an lna_\ complain lllal all lhc} nccdcd \\;l\ a lump nl cual and lhc_\ \xci‘c happ} l'ui' lililll‘\. lcl'x go hi lccll. \'idcn gaining ix a hil ill a \ulilal‘} pul‘xuil. hul nul il )liu hung in lhc Sun} li_\ c in) l'ul‘ inlcl‘acln c l'un. ll'x lhc nc\l \lcp up li'uln lhc dancc lnal lllal \\a\ all lhc iagc a l‘cu _\cal\ hack. I’Iug lhc canlci‘a inlu lhc lmnl ul _\nul' l’la) Slaliun 3 lhcn inlci'acl \\illl lhc nil—\cl‘ccn chai‘aclcl'x lhl'uugh )nln‘ lllU\L‘lilL‘lil\. l'mln dancc nlmcx and pla}ing lll;ll';lL‘;i\ in killing mnlhicx. Eye Toy Play and Sega Superstars (£30.00 appmu al'c lhc pick ul lhc hunch uul lhcl'c al lhc Inulncnl.

Huncwl'. il‘ _\nu \xanl \ulnclhing a hil inui'c li'ad _\uu cannac gu \\ rung \\ ilh a hoard galnc. lawn lhc uld claxxicx ai'c gclling U\L‘l'llillll\. ()l~ cuul‘xc. lhcl‘c\ lhc \al‘iiim nc\\ cdiliunx Hi Munupul} l‘i'unl lidinhln'gh in

i’é’égL‘ii’illl‘ilill"lic‘filllii‘il THERE'S A mark il\ Zillh :llllil\cl'\;ll‘_\ (£39.00) \iilh a \xhulc ncu \cl

ul qucxliunx haxcd appmpl'ialcl}

on UN l\\ll dL‘L‘ildc\ \lllL‘L‘ ll \\;l\ l‘il'xl \xhcclcd uul al dinnci‘ pill'licx. :\ l)\'l) inlcl'acli\c

\cl‘xinn ix alw ;l\;li|;lh|c. addillg lilll\lL‘ clipx. film and mum in

lhc nli\. lixcn good old (‘lucdn hax had a l'c\ainp \\ ilh a

:;::pf‘grthe pi'cq'ucl. (8) Cluedo SFX (£24.90) all inlcl'aclilc. hi«lcch budding \L‘l‘\l(lli ul lhc uld lawurllc “fill a lunch \cnxlln c galllc stmcgurm board and lalking hullcl‘ ln lnakc lhal lnul‘dci' ll] lhc di‘amng engineers i'uuni \xilh lhc candlulick a hil inui'c c\ciling. .‘\nd lui' 'l'\' addiclx lhcl'cK aluap lhc inuh haxcd (2) The Sopranos lU‘).‘)‘)l \xilh Milli) ll'i\ia qucxliunx ahnnl \Iccping \xid da

lixhcxi: or. on lhc nlhcr hand. (6) Sex in the City lL'I‘).‘)‘)i

O O r ha\c a \iinilai' galnc hul \\ ilh inurc \huc\ and |c\\ llllll’llL‘l'. I)\’l) ix alw a gl'cal incdiunl l‘ul' lihn quincx \uch ax lhc (3) ' - - , ~ - MGM Screentest l£|‘).‘)‘)l ini\ing in clipx \\llll lhc YOU re trapped Wlth the famlly’ turkey dlnner S fIDIShed’ qucxliunx [U lakc lllL‘ L'\pcl'icllcc ll) illL‘ nc\l lc'\ cl ;l\ _\Hll lll()\ L' now What? Henry Northmore (Wlth from Melame )Ulll’ chal'aclcl'x around lhc linal‘d. .'\nd lill' lhc kiddicx lhcl‘c\

looks at the best games and toys out this Christmas. lllc \imilar Nickelodeon Trivia Challenge WWW» which

lui\c\ in a l'cu cducalilmaI/uhxcnalinnal LlllL‘Nllth \xilh lllc

Iikcx ul' .S'lmnuclfu/l Sqlmn' I’lmlx.

l’cl'hapx lnui'c indicaliw nl lhc lnndcl'n [)\_\cllc lhan lhc

- . . culling cdgc in gaming hul lhcl‘c ix acluallx a lahluid—laxlic Eye Toy ava'Iab'e from Game (www'game'net) and “"0” other OUt'ets' Pr'ces ul‘licial (7)\Helloi! hoard gamc l c l «mm hillcd m mg l immu- listed are RRP, various deals/discounts available stockists include Toys R Us (‘clchrin ()ui/ (ianlc u ilh qucxlillllx l‘mm \\ licll //('//H.' launchcd lu lhc pl'cxcnl da_\. l’L'I'liLlpx \\ ilh nmrc mural \aluc al lcaxl ix (1) N-Tropy (£29.99) a ncu balancing galnc in lhc (WWW-iohnlewiS-Coml. Jenners (wwwiennerscom) and Frasers. \amc \cin ax Jcnga lhal pickcd up a cchch Hainlc} \ Tncll‘lh \ighl .-\\\al'd. Takc lumx ax _\uu huild lhc >


( Argos ( John Lewis