I Thee Moths 'ltltnl Ultra. l'i‘) Dunnxton llrrw. MW '2“ \pin LI l‘AM'lllldii} IiIL‘ \Utlix Hi HIIL‘ \h'\. “HITCH. ‘J-llil eoinpuriwnx to licllc & \L'i‘.t\ll.tll I Kong Sainth Dov. \. it“ "1 \ithxilnlcl<o.ul.»13illllt~ \ lHpni l'rcc i<ItL L

I Frank O’Hagan ’I ht- Senna.

i I i-l Slim hut” \llt‘t'l. 4;: \(t\i ‘tpni Itcc ('owh ol l)}l.in. the Hand. ('lt‘t'th'llu'

I Live Music Hutliln. 13 Shuttle \ttccl. Huxley 35“ KIN: hpni ti l'n\t ol .i llL'\‘- inonthl} llljJill \ilii\‘.t.t\lll_‘_' lohil .ind (ilttsgou httwtl Iuh'nl


I Prime Suspect, Mexico and Roguestar \\ ill\lit'itllli\lt'\. -I o South Iilltijgt'. 55‘ RI H (iltlll l'l'L'L' iTL'ltiIL' nuthnfght. L i .tilt'l Stathtnn \i/ctl rock Itoin Rogutwtni on .u nuthujght.

I Dillinger Escape Plan 'I he liquid Rooin. ‘h' \ntoriu Slit'ct. 33* lift-1, "pin. {Iii l’uunneioux \cu .lctw} htnth‘orc hand inlnntoux lor Ihcn \IllfJL'l"\ plopCIhll} to loh ill\ lucu's into Ihc .intht'nt'c.

I Breed 77 Studio II 34 2h (".ilton Road. 553 V58. q. illpin, L1. \lk'lili pnckml \\ nh t'inotionul \(K'iti\ unil ltlhlilllj: hooks Ironi l.onilon heht'ti (iilugiltnns Hrcul "7.

I Poor Old Ben Sulmn}. (it) ('ougutc. 335 (firm. ". Winn. L5, 'llnx )L‘nr's lth't'lllt‘ HHIIC) l‘illlti i’tmt' ( )iti BC” haw hut-n tlcst'rihctl ;l\ plti} inf: ‘Igu‘niyu’il Iltlll

I The Skatalites ’I‘hc Bongo (‘lulx \loru) littth'. 37 lltt|}r'iitiil Road. 555 ."otI-I. tipin .iutn. L'I‘). leggcnilur} \ixtt coinho \\ho rcl'orinctl in thc l‘ifills nntl haw hucn skunkingg cwr \incc. Joining; thc \lt‘xscngcr Sotintlx) \tcin lor n liw \hoxx thcn l).|\ through till Ruin.

Saturday 4


:11 The Beastie Boys S|-'.(‘('. i'llllllc\l0ll ()uzi}. IIXTII (HII JtItIII. 7.30pm. £25 (\ltllltliltgi/L32.5(I txcutcdi. Scc ttulurc tor the \ctcrun hip hop alchemist»

I Groove Armada (Ruling; Acuih‘tn}. III liglinton Stu-ct. (IUIIS (Ill) .ViUIl/IIX'TII 7'7I IIIIIII. Spin |;un. S()l.l) ()l'l. Sec Hi 3.

I Glenn Tilbrook 8. Band and John 8- Wayne King l'ut‘x \Vuh \Vgih Hut. 372.151 \llllk't‘lll SII'L‘L‘I. :3] 527‘). .\'.3lipiti. L13. l'.\-Si|ttcc/c \ocnlixt thc onc \\ ith thc high. quiwr} \oie‘c. not the Imritonc. that's (‘hrix Dillon! continum to ill\ \xu} around the \\or|t|. thxpcnxing inclotl} hlithcl} uhcrcwr hc gticx.

I Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison the Well and Ephel Duath 3:3. WI) Suuchichull Strcct. 353 H l I. “put. L'ltl. ()wr- l-Is \how Sec Hi 3.

I Ken ('UlllL‘l' liltilll'L‘. "3 "5 H) lltiittlltl Strcct. 330 5523. 7pm. to IL" l'or both nights). l‘irxt oI' u (“o—night lt‘xtiuil \houcaxing nu“ .unpliliml Ill\ll'lllllClll;Ii uorkx It} thrcc inoilcrn compose-rs cuch night. Tonight. \xorkx h} ('olin Broom. (iurcth \VlHltlllh Lllltl John Dc Sunonc uith \ ixuul .u‘tuork In Kntc Burton .uul Roh Kt‘llllk‘ti}.

I Breed 77 Thu (Ktthouxc. l5 l‘nion Strcct. 248 ooIIo. 7.30an (5. .\'o ngc I‘cxtriction on this \hou. Scc Hi 3.

I Dead Fly Buchowski and The Needles Hui-II}. Jon (lulu Strcct. os‘n “()7 (N00. Spin. [5. llltiiL‘ rock contenders.

I Yellotone, FAO Jesus and Dchruit .\Il\0. liIL‘ Lilli .\'otc (all-L". 5” (ti) Kill? Stt‘cct. 55.: “$33. “pm. 9;“. ('ontctnporur} clcctronicu I'rorn Ycllotonc uku Simon Harding. and ‘rundotn Pl‘t‘t‘hltm L‘lL‘t‘ll‘tttllt‘V ll‘oltt (ilztxgtm \ l-‘.-\() Jesus. The} arc ioincd h} Parisian producer Dchruit.

3:3 Jimmy Edgar. (iluxgou School oi .-\rt. to“ cht‘rc“ Stt‘cct. 332 Until. (the: 'lbchno nicctx hip hop in thc Iorrn oi liilgnr. phi} tug ;l\ part of club night lixkrnnu. Scc prm ic\\.


Music, news, views and gratis good stuff

.. The List’s quest to find Scotland’s best band, launched in our 50 Best Scottish Bands of All Time supplement, is hotting up. Six thousand votes have already been cast via text and email, with numerous bands’ websites seeking to mobilise their fans. The current frontrunners are Teenage Fanclub, ldlewild, Texas, Travis and Belle & Sebastian (picutred). But with over a month’s voting to go (until Tuesday 11 January), the result is still very much up in the air. Text ‘Vote’ and the name of your favourite band to 81800, or via www.list.co.uk. If you don't, someone else might. Award-winning alternative radio station Xfm supports its Current Glasgow campaign (you can catch it on 106.7FM until Tuesday 14 December) with an exclusive Dogs Die in Hot Cars session at the Garage in Glasgow on Monday 6 December. Support comes from up and coming teenage rockers Eastern Lane.

;...I After his storming performances at T on the Fringe and Perth and Paisley town halls earlier this year, Morrissey plays the SECC on Monday 13 December with support from PJ Harvey. Good- time Abba tribute act Bjorn Again, meanwhile, are playing the Carling Academy on Wednesday 15 December. To win a pair of tickets for either, just be the first to send an email to promotions@list.co.uk by 10 December and state which show you would like to go to. Tickets are non transferable and cannot be swapped for cash. Usual List rules apply. www.9igsinscotland.com

1;; It‘s Christmas time, when charitable urges fuse with greatest hits collections to produce a raft of prizes. We‘ve five COpies of Britney's My Perogative and Groove Armada's Best Of. To be in with a chance of winning one. email promotions@list.co.uk by Thursday 16 December. and. depending which prize you're after. let us know what Britney's first single was or what Iberian nation yOu might associate with an armada. Usual List rules apply.

MONDAY em ‘nrcmam ' fill}





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