Visual Art

Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I A new magazine devoted to the visual arts in Scotland is launching in February. The Map will be a quarterly publication focusing on artists working in Scotland, as well as Scottish artists on the international scene. Profiles, features, reviews and news from the best arts writers here and abroad will be providing the critical edge that is much needed in the visual arts. Though a sister publication of The List, it is an independent magazine - edited, designed and produced separately. To get in touch contact editor, Alice Bain on editorGthemapmagazinecom Watch this space.

I Party. party. party. It's been a bit of a launching whirl the last couple of weeks. But special mention must go to Transmission's launch of Torsten Lauschmann. where music- making took over the general throng and got all involved including a baby on a recorder (pictured). Meanwhile on the other end of the M8. the much-vaunted poolside party for Ed Fluscba squelched like a soggy beach towel. Ed was safely back in LA, kicking back in the sun.

I The RSA is calling for proposals for its 2005 residencies at Hospitalfield House near Arbroath. Lasting between one and three months the stint includes accommodation and food plus a bit of cash. The results of last year’s are currently on show at the RSA where you can pick up more information. Or visit the website, www.myalscottish

I The Royal Museum of Scotland has a plan - a masterplan. in fact. Announcing the moves on Thursday 18 November, it is cooking up a brew of innovations to take the Victorian museum into a new era with new exhibitions and displays. a learning centre. cafe and shop. Let's hope they keep the fishes.

114 THE LIST 18 Nov—2 Dec 2004


le| North Street. 2S" 299‘). Mon ’l llll lll.3ll;irii (ifillpin; l-ri Sat

lll._5lltllll 4pm.

Nelson Mandela: Images from Apartheid to the Presidency l'nul Hi 7 Jan. Sotilh Al'riean photographer Dr Peter Magubane documents Mandela's hle hour the treason trial in the l‘)5(ls to his appointment as president ol the Republic ol Soutli Al'rica in I‘M-l.


2(i King Street. 553 3l5l. 'l‘ue Sat lllarn 5.30pm.

Peter Kennard - Decoration and Award 0. l'nlil Sat 27 Nov. Digital printing and oil paint collide lor tvvo ncvs sets ol political vsork made during the invasion and occupation ol' Iraq ll'tllll 2003 to the present Decoration and Avvard.


25 Albert Drive. 0845 33” 35M. 'l‘ue Sal noon 8pm; Sun noon ()plll.

Dupattas and Scarves: The Stories they Tell l-‘ri lo Nov Sun l3 |)ec. l’ree. A collection (it scarves, bandanas and dupattas traditionally \vorn by .‘vltisliin vvomen. along vvitli explanations about their designs and personal significance. NEW SHOW. KAIJA KIURU liri 26 Nov Sun l2 l)ec. liree. Sculptor Kaija Kiuru explores the cultural value ol' vvoinen through various shelters and spaces that address the idea ol l‘einales as homemakers. Nt‘W SHOW.


I ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 Bl)’lll\thtl(l Street. 332 4027. Mon l‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat

Illani lprn.

As it Happened l'ntil Tue 23 Nov. New exuberant paintings by ('hristine McArtliur.

Malcolm Lochead - New Constructions Until Tue 23 Nov. Delicate vvorks in textiles. embroidery and paper.

Zoe Whiteside Until 'l‘ue 23 Nov. A series ol‘ ceramic animals.


Nancy Larison


lJN \\C\l Rt'g‘t‘lll Sllt‘t‘l. :Il “NA

\lon Sal 0 Want 5 ‘Ilpin

The Winter Collection 2004 l nul Sat 3” Jan British paintings. dravv lugs and sculpture including pieces by Roger l‘l_\. lluncaii (iianl and JI) l'ergussou


:llll llttlll Sll't‘t'l. 5,5l It‘ll l-llt‘ Sat

‘lain (ipni

Peter Howson and Frank McFadden l'lllll \VL‘tl Z-l \ii\. A \L'l'lt‘s Hl nevv \sol'ls l'roin these tvvo popular Seottisli artists


73 Robertson Street. Stiite b. l‘llNll l. 31S 37H 'l‘ue l‘l'l noon 5pm

Chris Johanson l'ntil l'll lll l)ee l‘ll'\l l'ls' e\hibition lot this San lianeiseo artist vv hose eurbet‘anl viork ranges lroin small scale painted observations ol the lolk around him to larger abstract vvorks and installations.


Ill \Vesl (it‘tirgt‘ Sll't'cl. 343 97.5.5

Mon l'l'l lllain 5pm.

Sir David Young Cameron l'nul Sal 2o .\'ov. l’aintings. vsatereolours and etchings.


3n Washington Street. Ill 3l23. Mon l-ri 0am 5pm.

Stuart McKenzie COO. l'niil Hi In Nov. Ne“ landscapes by artist arid painting lecturer at (ilasgovv School ol Art. lASl CHANCE ll) Sll


(i llurnlield Road. (illllltlc‘lv. (v38 llllll. Mon liri llam (ipin; Sat lllaiii 5.30pm: Sun noon 5.30pm.

Group Exhibition l'niil Thu 25 Nov. Nevv paintings by artists including Sarah ('arrington. l.esle_v Anne l)L‘l'l\s and Patricia Rorie.

Christmas Group Exhibition l‘ri 3n Nov Hi 3] Dec. One hundred llL‘\\ allordable paintings and dravviiigs by selected gallery artists.

I SKYPARK X lilliot l’lace. ZZI 6363. Hail) lllani 4pm.

Nancy Larison l'ntil l'ue 1o \m .\'e\\ abstract \sateieoloui paintings tioin American artist. \aiicy l .lllsiill See picture caption


(ilasgovv Road. Paisley SS" ~ll~1l .\lon l'l'l ‘lain 5pm

Group Show 1 lllll l‘ll illec.

‘lani 5pm l‘ree (iioup shit“ .is part ol a ne\\ proieet curated by Soielia I) ot all her represented artists including llenry (‘ooinbex .\le\ l’lilsl. Sophie Mel’herson .md ('iaig \lullioll.iiid

I TRACEY MCNEE FINE ARTS .17 l’arnie Street. 552 5b.“ lue Sat llain 5pm.

Gerard M Burns Hm 3 Dec Jan. Solo shovv ol nevv vvoik by (ilasgovv based artist

Artist Spaces


lb' King Street. 552 I5~lll l).ii|y

noon (iprn.

A Measure of Detachment l'ntil Hi 3 Dec. A nevv sliovs presented by (ilasgovs based ttl'll\l\- collective vvitli an artists' talk Sat Ill .\'ov. ipin

lllll (i


332 «Q 334 Duke Street. l)eniiistoun. 55o 737p. 'l'ue Sat noon (ipiii. Kingdom l'ntil Sat ll l)ee Seventeen artists are pulled together tor a beauty that is ‘liereely aggressive' and an '(il‘g) (ll. tlk'k'iltlk'llk'k'.. St't‘ plt'ltllt' caption.


ZS King Street. 553 JSI l, 'ltie Sat llain 5pm.

=11 Torsten Lauschmann l'niil Sal -l l)c'c‘. A solo sllovv ol recent \vot‘ls l\_\ 'l'orsten l.auscliinann taking in er both lloors ol 'l'ransniissioii (iallery tor a presentation ol lilni. video and perl'orniance vvorlvs. laser} l-riday at 7pm and Saturday at -lprn III the basement lounge 'l'orsten presents a series ol experienintal liliii and v ideo works by artists. musicians. lilniniakers and media activists.

Over from the US, Larison’s watercolours were inspired by the recent discovery that her ancestors were cotton loom weavers from Glasgow. Aw shucks. I Skypark. Glasgow. until Tue 30 Nov