I The Clachies Hal 1“. iilleildllall Hotel. iilleililllall Street. 1‘: 53-1 5pm i‘lL'L' \Ce Still 11

I Dominic Kirwan l’a\ lllon lheatle. Relilield Street. W.” l.\~1(i 5 :“pm 1125” {[5 \L'e \al 1‘l


I The Sarod Dynasty of Ameen Ali Khan Huddha i leldx. :5 iii.iLi\ill.ll\ \lleel.ll.\-l5 IJS‘NIli 2 5pm L5 L Lilliliik'ill \ee i'll 3‘)



I Life Stories \i ('etilia‘x ll.ill. (impale L5 it it Inketx llolli 55h 955‘) \t ~lpni. Sheila l)ouj:|.ix ilxex alehl\ e letoldlnex to tell llle lite xlol} ot lla\ellel. plpel and \il‘l}lk'iit'l \\'lllle \latl’hee .\l liplli lL'5. Ur lla\el|el and \llljJL'l Sheila \teixall ix in eon\elxatlon with Bob Peggy and lalkx ol hei tallill}. llle lanioux ‘Stenal'lx ot Illall' l’.ilt ol lhe \i Nil/\ll lllli'lllrlllllllll/ \lol'ilr Nil/if /r \Illill.

I Fraser Anderson \\L'L‘ l olk (‘liili |{li};il ()ak. lllllllll.ll_\ Sheet. 555 SW50

3. Hip!” U l’ellhxhlle haxed \lllfJL'l xilllfgwlllel.

I Caroline’s Ceilidh Fundraiser Soulhxlde (‘ollllliunlh (t'llllt'. (liilxeuaixide. till" lHNl hpln Llll. (iet }oul' ('eihdli xhoex on ioln lhlx llg: ill .ild ot the Hi'ltlxh \dapllie Ski learn

East Kilbride

I Maurice Dickson icaxl Killiride .-\rlx ('enll'e. ()Id ('oaeh Road. lll 355 llilllllll.

3 “Will. LN lUtl, ’l’l'adltlonal lolk arid hluex llolli aeelalnied Northern ll'lxli xlngel‘r xonggnl'iler and guitar'le .\laul'lee |)iekxoll.


I Kilmarnock Folk Weekend The Hunting: lodge. (ileneall'n Square. ll! 50” ill llll. 'liniex \ar_\, See in 2‘),


I The One Ensemble of Daniel Padden Stereo. H Kehlnhaiigh Street. III 550‘). U. l'nilxtlal lolk enxenihle. \\ilh a eolnpelling and unpredictable pet‘lol'lnanee.


I Annie Grace Trio Stirling l-‘olk ('luh. llexl Hal .\'one. l'ppei' (‘ratgx (ll 35‘) 3|h’52l. 3pm. to. See Wed 37,

Edinburgh I Folk and Friends Waxed} liar. Si .\l;ll'_\ 'x Street. 55h 8855. ‘lpni. See Tue 20.

Wednesday 3


I Steve Tilston lidlnhtll‘gh l-olk ('luh. ('ahat'el Hat. The I’leaxaliee. 05“ :34". 8pm. to ll.'5l. High!) e\pei'leneed pel‘loi'liiei'. xingei; xoligut‘ilel' and hugel} talented guital'lxl.


I The Clutha |)tlnt'el‘liiline l‘olk ('ltlh. 'l‘hixtle idH‘l‘ll. Baldridgehllrn. lllfififi 53%“3. 8pm. in lL'5 lllL‘llli‘L‘l‘xl. .-\ hlaxl ll‘ltlll tlle paxt \\ lHl lliix perl‘ornianee h} one ot' the longest-laxtlng gl‘otlpx ol' (ilaxgoix 'x traditional lnuxieianx and xingel'x.


I Steve Tilston Si Andre“ ‘x in the Square. ot't~ Saltniarket. St Andre“ 'x Street. 548 (illlll. .\’pin. to iHl. See Wed 3.


I Musafir QllL‘L‘n'\ iidH. (5iL5i5h Street. (\(th JUN. { H) (LHL See Sun 5 l.

I Daytime Ceilidh Dance Si (‘oliii'x ('hureh. Hall} Road. 34," WM. 2 5.5“l‘lll. £3 1U l. .-\ti|d Spiee pla} l'or lliix intol'lnal Seotlixh danee.

I Out of the Bedroom Waxed} Bar. Si Mar) 'x Street. 550 8855. 0pm midnight. See 'l‘hu 2|.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 21


I Music in the University ( i|.ixj_'lt\\ l'nl\elxlt_\ ('olltelt Hall. l’nixeixlt} \xenue. Hll till”: I Ill :plll l-lee \ llil\ed ehalllhel illuxie ploelaillnle liolii xa\opholllxl ('al'ole Sutherland. Kate ()penxhau on the lllal'illiha alid plaliixl Seotl \lllehell. ineludlng \\ill|\\ h} .lolnei‘. \'il}.llli;l. Ihel't and (iolkox xk}

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}a| ('olleel'l Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 35 i Mlllll 5. “Will

{I i {23. (5ill’l\ll;lll (ianxeh pl'exldex oxel pel'l'ol‘lnaneex ol .\lo/al'l\ ()lt Illllr /)uli (rlrlllllllll. H;i}t|li\ (t'l/t' (‘ullr i‘Ilii III (' mil/or. Heelhm Cll5\ ()ii'l'llm. I’l‘unlr‘l/li'lri and \Io/at'lK .\\nl/i/lurl\ \‘u ~1/.'./ll/’llr‘l.;iHi\_\ lhe gitith‘ll gill“ Hi (zilliiiellgill.


I Scottish Opera - Duke Bluebeard’s Castle and Erwartung i‘L‘\ll\;li Theatre. '5 3‘) \leitixilll Street. 52‘) (illllll. 5.15pm. £12 (55 it") L52l. '|'\\o lelh eenlul‘} lli;lxtel'\\orkx ll‘oln Seollixh ()[k‘l'ii ill li/llr'lli'rll'r/'\ (inl/r'. iiillt‘ik‘lll'ti hriligx lilx llL‘\\ \\ lie to the eaxlle hilt her lnxixtenee in learning: hix hidden xeerelx \\ ill ha\e tlnnel'\ in}; eonxedueneex. Selioenhergg'x [mu/lime ix an e\tended al‘loxo tor a single ehal'aeler ili lotll' xeenex. all haxed on a dream like \etlllellu‘ lillti liHL‘d \\ ilil itith‘\\iitll. longing: and eriel.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xhei‘ Hall. |.ol|ii;lli Road. 333 l I55. 7.30pm. Uhe. Sil‘('|ial'|ex Maekel‘rax eontinuex his long and il'llllilli axxoeialion \\ itlt the ol‘ehextl'a and ehol‘tix iii hill/ill'l5\ Man in ('mlllm' and ii;l}\ill5\ .S'mr/i/lmli .\'u NH.

North Berwick

I Simon Thacker Si Andie“ Hlaekaddei‘ (‘illll'L'iL High Sll'L‘L‘l. H102” 305 233. 7.30pm. £7 lL‘5l. lidinhurgh horn 'l5haelxet‘ ix eonxidei'ed h} man} to he one ol' lh'itain'x linext )oung elaxxieal guitarixlx; he [k‘l'ltll'llh xoine ol~ the \ioi'ld'x gl‘ealext guitar “orkx. “Hill the Spaniin Romantleixnl ol' l‘raneiseo 'l‘al'l'ega to the \\ ild outpouringx ol' .-\l‘g_'etilina'x Alherlo (iinaxlel‘a.


I Gala Fundraising Concert RS;\.\H). lllll RL‘I]HL‘\\ Street. 333 5057. 5.30pm. [5” lol' tlle eoneel't onl}. {55 lol the eoneel't. pll‘m‘fllkl‘l'l hullet arid eahal'el ill the L‘Ulllpdll} ot' lk‘l‘litl‘llllllg artixtx. Soprano l’atrieia .\1ae.\lahon nial'kx her retirement t'l'oni puhlie pei'l'orlnanee \\ itli thix concert to endow a poxt-gl'adilale \oeal xeholal'xhip ill her name. l’al ix iolned h} otie other hexl knou n pupilx. \Upl‘dlli) l.lxa Milne. and three gianlx ol the lnuxieal \Mll‘iti. hal‘llone Sir 'l'holliax .-\l|en. pianixl .\la|eo|ni Martineau arid trumpeter John \Vallaee.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ro}a| ('olieel'l Hall. I Sauehiehall Street. 353 Xlltlll. "'.3l)pm. See Thu 2 I.


I Andrew Dean and Simon Leach Reid ('oneel't Hall. lidinhurgh l'ni\el‘xit_\. Bt'ixto Square. (ioh’ lel‘). |.lllpni. Free. ()l‘gan xolox and duelx h} Bruhnx. 'ittlllkllh. i'lL‘u‘Ui‘uidl. SS \Vexle}. Sehuhel't. Mo/al‘t and Bach.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlier Hall. Lolliian Road. 228 ll55. "fillpm. {I l.5ll £25. See 'l‘hu



Ben Kearsley linger; Push (her li. x’ezeriix\\.i\.lll 1x1 \leN.‘ 1‘: traditional \el'iihil. liillllL'llu‘. tango llilloll:.:. Hla/lllan and Hlueeiaxx lloili lhlx l dlnhuleh holll elaxxltal etlltallxt


5 “1pm 1‘

Haddington I Simon Thacker Hol_\ llliiit} ('liilitli. lil(\:‘i \::5:\ 51ll‘iiii L\i1f\l \e'k' Hm

I l


I Irvine and Dreghorn Brass in Concert \i.lf_‘lllllll Illealle. Haihoulxlde. MIN ‘| {Hill 5 ‘llplll Ll \nnual tonteil llolll the loeal lop i‘l.t\\


I Scottish Opera Double Bill: Duke Bluebeard’s Castle/Erwartung i'L'\ll\.li 'l healle. l; N \luilxon Sileel. 53" Mill” 5 15pm LII £55i1‘l L55 \ee i hu 3].

I Simon Thacker ( '.iiioiig_'.iie lx'iik. I“ (anoneale. (M5 5550. 5, illpin. L5 i L5l See 'I litl 3|


I Glasgow Orchestral Society Heill} \Vood Hall. 5 i ('lal’enloilt Street. :55 55|l 5. Hilllll. [5 lL-l l. ()l‘ehexllal e\eel‘ptx lol llle opeialleall} lnlnded. lroin Ill/el'x (tHiHl'H.\\V{l¥ilt‘l5'\l)l('.‘It‘l\l('l\ll1L’('/5. Straile I)” li’mr'llLirlrl/li'l and l’tleellil'x Uri/lull l,('\i (ml.

I Edinburgh Quartet St .-\ndie\\ x ill the Square. 55‘) 5‘)”: ~1plli L") l [3 UH :\lllltl'llll\ alleellonx in quartet tol'ni h_\ .\lellde|x\ohlt and Hindi. lolloxx ed |\_\ Illellaikm \ix} 5x .VIIIIL’ ,Xr‘tlrl Wit/ii (Ill! i/r l'll'll’l“ r" \\ illl \ lollliixt (her)! ("loekelt and eelllxl .'\||xitll lauranee.


I Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir Rollin Hallx. Kingdom (‘enlre. lll5‘L‘ (il | WI. 5.30pm. U3 (U5 Hill. lll llx 5|xt _\e.il‘ one oi .\'orth \Valex‘ |;ll‘j_‘t'\l male ehoil'x. \killeil reeordx lretiuentl} lol' the HIK‘. nlakex a welcome Seotllxli appeai'anee. \\'il|i gilexl harplxl l)) lan ('ern} \k,

Edinburgh I Edinburgh Quartet Sloekliridee l’arixh ('hul'eh. 332 Xlilll. Tillltni. U)

lL'Z L'lil.SeeStil124.

.‘ Fine Arts Brass Ensemble (‘liieern Hall. (‘Iel‘k Street. (thh' Jill‘). 5.45pm, U) lt-l; xehool ehlldren lreel. ladllihul‘gh (‘onleniporan .'\l‘l\ il'lhl heglnx the :\llllllllll xeaxon lll lhell' tlxtlal hold xi} le pl‘exentlng: '.\luxle lol" the .\d\enluroux‘. ineluding lidtlihilrelihaxed eonipoxel l’elei \L‘l\(ll]5\ .\ HIM/l (If (i/IIHM.


I Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir l’alxle) ‘l'oixn Hall. .v\hlie} ('loxe. HST Illlll. 5.5lell. till I Ur. See Sun 34.

Tuesday 26


I Valentin Schiedermair Riiiiixlioiii 'lheatre. W Ingram Street. 553 NH“).

l.l5 3pm. U, The \xol'k tlial heralded the xtal't ot \ il'liloxo eullure. Beethoien'x Hil/r/Hl’lll .Xri/lillil. ix laekled h_\ planlxl Valentin Seliiedel‘lnail'. itillllf_'\ltiL‘ \iol'kx h} Seal‘latll and Sel'lahln,

I Rush Hour Concert RSAMI). Illll Renlreu Street. 333 5055. 5..‘\llpln. £3. iiaxe lhe ll'alixllion hem eeli da} and melting \\ till the RS.-\.\ll) S} lllphon} ()l'L‘ilL‘fll'il. Ill i)\lll'ili\.\ ,\I('l'. iiill'll/ Silli/l/lulli under eollduelltl' l.ul/ Kohlel‘.


I Chisinau National Opera - Verdi’s Aida Pia} hillle‘. '3 33 (ireenxlde l’laee. ns‘ll (insult. 5.5lell. £l-l.5ll £33.50. (‘hixinau National Opera pel'torni tlte

Fine Arts Brass Their acronym is FAB and that is exactly the reputation this lirass quintet has gained over the past 20 plus years. Continuing [CAI 's Musrc for the Adventurous (see also below) they give the Scottish premiere of Edward McGiiire's Auriga: The Five Stars. inspired by the constellation known as the Charioteer. Queen '3 Hall. Edinburgh, Mon 25 Oct.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra - When the Earth Sings This brand new piece of musrc and drama from Swedish composer Karin Rehnquist marks the launch of the SCO's new Young Adventurer series. Older adventurers are welcome too and everyone can look forward to an illuminating and inspirational evening in which the orchestra is centre stage in this retelling of the Greek myth in which Daphne turns into a laurel tree. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Wed 3 Nov; Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 4 Nov.

\\ol'|d pl‘ellllele ol .i lie“ I} \(llllllll\\lllllt'ii production. t‘iHlli‘llllll}! traditional \|.l‘.'|llL'. xpeelal elleetx. .inelent l'.p}pti.ill hallel and a llle xl/ed elephant (5Uiiii|\ lloilx ol

lailltl} illkilii} \elxllx lolllalllle lolli'lllj: i.l\ e the heroine :\lii.l .lx lhe lzlhloplan .iilli} pl‘epalex lol hallle acalnxl Instill lll \t'lle trlulnph.

Wednesday 27


I Chisinau National Opera - Verdi’s i’i.t}illlll\L'. '5 (ilt't‘llxllit' i’idi L'. H55” (lii(l5~i:-i 5 illpm {H 5H {851) See 'I lie Ili

Thursday 28


I Music in the University: Lunchtime Recital (iidxflilu. l‘iiixt-rxili ('oneel'l Hall. l'nlielxit} .»\\enue. Hll lll‘ll illl 3pm I'lee (ilaxggou \liixlt l'exllial prl/eu llinel‘x planixl Iona Haiti and \ lohnixl ('hrlxtlna Kno\ pl‘exenl lllll\lL lol \iolln and piano. lneludin}: \torkx h} Ha}dn. Sehulllann. Heelhoien. Hl'ahllix .ilid l)ehuxx} “Hi1Plilllhlillilili.)llLil


I Angela Hewitt l 'xher Hall. l.othlall Road. 333 ll55 5pm. LIN 50 L23 5‘! l'alned lol‘ her intellectual approach and xenxlll\ it} ol phraxe alid tone. the eollipletlon ot ('anadian planlxl Angela He“ lll5\ Haeh kefltoald \'.Hl'i\\ e)e|e lx a landmark ill the eiil\\lL;ti retold llltillxll'} latiuall} eolnlortahle ill repertoire Hi all periodx. xhe v. I” tonight xhlne lll l’iaeli. \leridelxxohn. l'aul'e altd Raw] '1 here v. lH he a pl'e-eoneerl talk at (i illpln

' ’, ' .1 j/ THE LIST 91