Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings

compiled by Katherine Haslett and Rachael Street.



I Simon Machabeli: The Divine Body The Arches. 253 .-\rgy le Street. 565 l023. Tree. 4 Nos. Machabeli. a theatre designer lrom (ieorgia. has produced this photographic L'\lllhllltlll ol modern males. l’uri n/ (i/mcuy.'


I 7:84 8. OurStory Scotland The Arches. 2.53 Argyle Street. 565 lll23. 7.30pm. L3 (L6), 4 Noy. Mining stories based on the testimonies of members oi tlte l.( iBT community. l’uri of (ilusng' I Deep Rimming In Poplar ('iti/ens’ Theatre. (iorbals. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £ l4 (£6). .\'oy 4. New comedy by Tint Fountain about an older gay man trying otit internet sex. l’uri oftilmeuy.’

I Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations Tron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. Split. L Ill (LS). 4 No\. New York perl'ormance artist Penny Arcade talks about what it means to be a bad girl and queer icon. l’ul‘l HI'U/uyeuy'.’

I Penny Arcade: Late Night Review Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. l0.30pm. £6. Par! 0/ (iluseuy/


I Quiz Night & Killer Kitty Delmonica's. 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. Free. Regular qui/ night. now with party games and biitgo to kick till your weekend in this popular gay mainstay.


I Hanky Panky Liquid Lounge. 94 “est Regent Street. 353 6333.

l lpm 3am. £5. New weekly residency. The Mirrorbaw and DJ (‘arole play deep pop/house. ('omplimentary cocktails on olilel‘ litll‘ the lattnch on 21 ()L'l.

I Club Devotion with DJ Annie. ('lub Devotion. TS Jamaica Street. S47 0820.

l lpm 3am. £3. (Free passes/llyers ayailahle from the nearby l.(iBT centre). Another chance this week to enjoy the delights of this new gay night.


I LGBT Centre Cafe Bar 1 l Dixon St. 2265050. 0pm l2. Free. Weekly. lt's karaoke night. and any wannabe star can take up the mic this evening or tomorrow.


I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 ll2l. l0pm -3am. £5 (£3). \Vc‘c‘ls'ly. The only place ill the heart ol' the city for a hot and sweaty experience. of chart and dance music.


I Lush The l’olo Lounge. S4 \Vilsott Street. 55.3 ll2l. 10pm 3am. £5 (£3). Saturday swings round again. and it‘s time l'or lovers of the lush life to come to the aid of the party.


I Angie ‘0’ Merchant Pride. 20 (‘andleriggs 564 l2S5. Free. Weekly. The camPest karaoke in Scotland'.’ With Angie ‘0' as mistress of ceremonies. I Karoake Night at Delmonica's. 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. Free. With your hosts John and Scott.

I Halloween Fancy Dress Party l)e|monica’s. 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. Free. 3| Oct. The theme is Heaven & Hell. with prizes for the best costumes.

68 THE LIST 21 Oct—.1 NO\ 200-1

FILM EVENT SEBASTIEN LIFSHITZ: WILD SIDE The director of Presque Rien launches his latest film, a tale of longing and belonging set, of course, in his native France.

‘l’m not a transsexual. And I’m not a prostitute,’ Sebastien Lifshitz tells me. ‘I’m a film director.’ He is referencing the lead characters of Wild Side, a transsexual, Stephanie, who returns to her native Normandy to tend to her dying mother, and the two men with whom she shares her life, a Russian deserter and a French Arab prostitute. Yet Lifshitz shies away from any suggestion that his film is about transsexualism, or even homosexualism. ‘There is nothing special about being a transsexual, or a homosexual,‘ he says. ‘lt’s the person as a whole that interests me. Otherwise you reduce that character to a physical aspect, or a sexual identity. I never set out to make a gay film - it’s just a film with gay characters.’

Wild Side has a recurring but subliminal theme of being seen, that to be seen is in some way a validation, to be seen legitimises something. ‘We do need to see representation of gay and transexual people,’ Lifshitz says. ‘But to make it solely about being gay, or transsexual, would be to make the film into a 200. It’s more interesting to make the sexual aspect banal, so that it is the characters and the story which is of interest. The story of Stephanie’s body is the story of her life.’ (Gareth Davies)

I Side By Side, prewewed at the FI/lil/TOUSC. Edinburgh, Fri 25) Oct. 8.30pm. {ti/lowed by a O and A With Sebastien Lifshitz and actress Stephan/e Michel/iii.


I Lucifer’s Lounge l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 l l2l. l0pin 3am. £5 023). 3| (let. The mother of all lancy dress parties. with Victorian dress as the theme.

I Decked The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 I000. l lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. :\ new night billed as gay/mixed hard house night. It marks the welcome return to the (ilasgow scene of DJ Sara.

I Pink Devotion (‘ltib Devotion. lls‘ Jamaica Street. 847 0820. l lpm -3am. £3 (tree with llyer/passi. Twice weekly. A queer night on Sundays and Thursdays with the diyine 1)] Annie.


I Die Mommie Die (ilasgow Film 'l'heatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 Sl2S’. 9pm. £5 (£4). (‘harles Btisch stars as Angela Arden. a washed tip Hollywood singer. in this catnp and colourful tale ol' rey enge. Part of (iluyeuyz'


I Passionality (‘ube. 34 Queen Street. 223 SWO. l l.30pm 3.30am. £3. Weekly. It the cheap drink and DJ Shaw n's sounds don't entice you otit. then the regular talent on display for girls and boys just might.



I Goldfish Memory (ilasgow Film Theatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 S'l2S’. 9pm. £5 i£4i. Rom-com about the dangers and delights of dating in Dublin during the noughties. Purl oitilmguya'


I Deep Rimming In Poplar (‘iti/ens' 'l‘heati‘e. (iorhals. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £14 (£6). .\'o\ 2. See Thu.


I FUN ('ube 34 Queen St. 223 8900. l l.30pm 3.00am. £3. Weekly. For those with the staying and spending power to enjoy another midweek dance- a—thon. ('ube presents a night ol' musical mayhem.



I 7:84 8- OurStory Scotland The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 565 I023. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). 3 Nos. See Thu.

I Deep Rimming In Poplar (‘iti/etis‘ Theatre. (iorbals. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £l4 (£6). .\'o\- 3. Sec Thu.

I Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations Tron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £l0 i£Si. 3 53m. See Thu.


I CDT The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road, 0870 600 6055 S.30pm. £7 (£6). 3 .\'o\. The gay-friendly stand-up night returns with Alan (‘arr proy iding the laughs for tonight. l’uri viii/mum}


I Allure The Tunnel. S4 Mitchell Street. 204 I000. ll.30pm 3am. £3. Weekly. ('heesy pop with DJ Darren.

Clubs I Filthee Disco ('ity: lidinburgh. la Market Street. 226 9560. l lpm- 3am.

£3 helote itiidnight. L4 altei \\eekl\ [than music lot the modern clulyhei

li'om Ill l‘ilthee and llisco lian


I Polysuper-Disco Club \ewtow n lial. 26h Dublin Sheet. 5 3S "55 lilpm 2.:ll‘t lice \\eekly \ l’olysupei selettion of camp anthems


I Blaze l g't‘, l)l\.ll\l_\ l’lds t‘, 22; l llpm 3am £4 lit 22 (kt t\ 5 \o\ Ill James l ongwoith ignites the gay weekend with a chart and tunky house soundtiat k



I Polysuper-Disco Club \ewiowii 0.”. \ewtowii Hat. 26hlluhl1n Street. 5 3\ ""5 lllpm 2am lice Weekly (lieesy disco pop loi boys and giils with Ills l’olysupei l’ete. \h and guests


I Joy, Luvely and Wiggle Drop the Anchor ( )t‘eaii leiitiinal. l eith. 555 SSSS |0pm 3am £l2 £l5 Sat 3lllltt ltdinhuigh‘s biggest and best gay gay lriendly clubs iom loit‘es toi an .tlllllj.'lll\ party ol house and lunky heats


I CC Blooms Karaoket‘t' Blooms. 2,5 24 (il'et‘llsltlt‘ l’ldct‘. 5.50 ‘i i 3i

6pm iam. l‘iee. Weekly Sing youi llt'.tll otit in this iewel Ill the ciown oi ladinhtii'gh's scene. with .i tllsco eyeiy night li'om llpm.

I BootyLUSHous Medina. ti 4" l.tlllll;lll Street. 225 63l3 lllpin 3am £2 belot‘e midnight; £3 .iltei Weekly \loie oi a Sunday Social than a lull on glam .tll.tll with 1” Dale lush. and Siiiiiiione Illat'k miymg tip Rtkll. hip hop and itink

I Taste The l.ltltlltl Room. ‘le \ ittoiia Street. 225 2564 llpm 3am £5 heloie 11.30pm; £S altei i£6 memheisi Weekly l‘isher tk l’rice supply house and gaiage lll the main room. while Martin Valentine plays lunky l'S house gems thiough the back. It's llallowe'eii. so cytia special party on 3| (let.


I Polysuper Mood. ()mni. (ii‘eensitle Place. 550 I640. lllpm 3am £4 i£2i Weekly. .-\ polyse\ual. straight liiendly club with a cool. hassle-lice mood wheie 'eyerythmg goes'. Willi l).l l’ete llimsworth. |)J .\'ime\ and DJ Midi


I Vibe ligo. l4 l’icai'dy Place. 553 l 3“! llpm 3am. £3. Weekly James l.ongwoith proy ides the sounds upstairs while Nathan Scantlehury plays an RMl llll\ downstaiis


I CDT The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 72-72. S30pm. £7 i£6i. Tue 2 Not. (lot there laughter session with mincei eytraordinaire Alan (art and hold lady /oc Lyons sharing the spotliglii.


I The Hub at [.(iliT (‘entrc lro Health tk Wellheing. ‘) Howe SI. .52; Hill). 4. ill- 7.30piti. l)rop in tor lriendly access to lesbian. gay. bisesual or transgender into. contacts and sery ices. .-\lso on Wed

il2.30 4.30pmi and Thu.



I Icebreakers 23 (ireenside Place. 556 933 . 7.30 ‘)_l5pm. l-ree. layery 2nd t’e 4th Wed. Long-running. l‘riendly and no strings group loi‘ new ly otit and new to
